100,000 expected at Trump's Tulsa Rally--many have already arrived

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If I posted a link that claimed to prove bigfoot, would that make bigfoot real?

Dude only morons think the internet is real

I had covid, but I can not prove this with a link, does this prove that I did not have it in your delusional mind
I certainly hope this decision hurts Trump's reelection chances. But I can't support it because it is fellow Americans who are going to get sick, possibly fellow Americans who will be hurt in violence. He never should have held it where he has, when he has.
Their choice.
I already said that.........moisture...........it is NOT GOOD FOR YOU to work wearing a rag around your mouth.......and in regards to the spread..........it doesn't stop the very small particles.....only stops moisture as you stated and I'd already said.

Working outside in the sun.............it is USELESS..............and is HARMFUL......blocks your exhale and causes you to get carbon monoxide back..........that IS STUPID...........

We were all kinds of respirators at work from time to time........but they are professional masks or Fresh air systems to protect you from nasty stuff that can in some cases kill you with one smell of it......Most are just health hazards though.
The droplets of moisture are the most common method of transfer. We know that most of the moisture droplets that carry the virus are much larger than .2 microns and are easily stopped by regular masks and bandannas. Although very small droplets may be expelled into the air, most will travel only short distances and the virus concentration level will likely be very low. What this all means is that if you are carrying the virus, it's very unlikely that you will spread it if you wear a mask and you come into casual contact with people.

You don't need to wear a mask outdoors if you maintain social distancing.

Generally speaking, people wearing cloth or surgical masks are in little to no danger of breathing in unhealthy amounts of carbon dioxide. You get plenty of oxygen with masks. It may be uncomfortable but not dangerous. Only people with preexisting respiratory conditions might have problems wearing a mask for long periods.
The droplets of moisture are the most common method of transfer. We know that most of the moisture droplets that carry the virus are much larger than .2 microns and are easily stopped by regular masks and bandannas. Although very small droplets may be expelled into the air, most will travel only short distances and the virus concentration level will likely be very low. What this all means is that if you are carrying the virus, it's very unlikely that you will spread it if you wear a mask and you come into casual contact with people.

You don't need to wear a mask outdoors if you maintain social distancing.

Generally speaking, people wearing cloth or surgical masks are in little to no danger of breathing in unhealthy amounts of carbon dioxide. You get plenty of oxygen with masks. It may be uncomfortable but not dangerous. Only people with preexisting respiratory conditions might have problems wearing a mask for long periods.
I understand the theory.......and I understand you keep pushing Fear Mongering which shut our country down is causing MASSIVE ECONOMIC PROBLEMS...........for a rate that was very low.....

Your other post inflated the possible deaths as well.

You need to peddle that snake oil somewhere else........Americans are tired of it.........and that is why the politicians needed the riots to deflect..............because people were turning on the politicians and you know it.
Damn you’re stupid as well as a hypocrite. So Trump does not have first amendment rights? Fuck you you communist asshole. Protests? Try RIOTS and yes, blue state “leaders” are instructing tracers they many not ask if people have been at a protest. Can’t have those spikes attributed to the proper thing now can we? And it’s YOU and the rest of the lefties here that suck sewer water. Get it right.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.


You want to talk circus, dummy?
Fake News and their bots already at the start trying to spin this. Great turnout despite the Wuhan Virus trying to derail things.
Concern of the virus sure as hell is not stopping the filthy ass anti Trump protesters that are congregating outside the venue, is it?
They wouldn't be there if Trump weren't holding a rally tonight. No, I wouldn't go to a protest right now OR a rally. And Trump supporters have been congregating outside the venue since Monday in order to get the best seats.
Trump is putting every one of them and everyone they will later come in contact with at risk.
A lot of empty seats at the Trump rally. Not as many going as Trump thought. Even Trumpers getting tired of listening to the bloviating idiot.
I wear a mask to protect you and you wear a mask to protect me. Trump folks don't like this idea. It sounds like communism.
Them Trumphumpers don't give a shit about this country, let alone each other. Just like Trump.
I watched some of the humpers on TV. Those that were interviewed act just like the rest of them. Real dumbasses. I feal sorry for their kids.
As I predicted, CNN is offering 24/7 coverage, hoping for a disaster.
This clip is the supporters' take on Covid. Less than one minute. I don't see how they can be so completely blind unless they're living in a total news bubble. Maybe they are.

It now turns out that 100 thousand number was a HUGE lie.

I'm seeing reports of this with shots of inside the venue. There are empty seats. Full sections that are empty or have just a couple people in it.

There are no people outside for the pre rally which trump was supposed to speak at but that's been canceled,. No one showed up.

The trump people are saying that the reason why there is no over flow is because the trump people were scared off by protesters. LOL.

There is no social distancing and very few wearing masks.
And full of irony, as well.

I fully support Trump's rally--i think it is an incredible political mistake that may well put the nail in his political coffin..if not his literal one! So many ways it can go wrong.....huge riots....optics we haven't seen since 1968--all to gather a bunch of people who are going to vote for him anyway?

To the Democrats...slow down on the criticism..it is an axiom that one should never interrupt their enemy when he is making a mistake!

I'm not a democrat, I don't see my fellow Americans as anyone's enemy.

The reason I'm concerned is because I care about people. I don't give a damn who they are. What they believe, or who they support. They have a right to their beliefs and to vote for who they choose.

I care that people will die. Innocent people who were just there for a rally. No one should die because they went to a rally to support a politician.

I totally support their right to rally. I just wish that they could do it safely.
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