100,000 expected at Trump's Tulsa Rally--many have already arrived

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Trump is really going after the protesters--he is being 100% negative.
I think these reports of low attendance are true. We may never hear the real number, but I am watching live and the camera just panned the top half--many sections are empty and others part empty.
Trump is really going after the protesters--he is being 100% negative.
He's at it again. The statue pullers. Seattle. He'd "love to go in there. It'll take an hour and you can have your city back."
Trump is really showing his hand. He'd fit right in here. That's not good, folks.
In the world of Trump, that's illegal just like every conservation he has is highly classified.:cuckoo:

I guess so. She was interviewed a while ago on TV.

She is a 62 year old school teacher. She lives in Tulsa. She had a ticket to get in. They separated her and didn't let her go in. She sat down and started to pray. They ended up carrying her away and arresting her for impeding a cop or something like that.

No dissent is allowed in trump world.
I think these reports of low attendance are true. We may never hear the real number, but I am watching live and the camera just panned the top half--many sections are empty and others part empty.

Yes I wasn't lying. I have been watching reports of it all day. There are sections empty or with just a couple people. The floor has a large empty space and it's not full. The used sections in the venue have empty seats. There was no over flow. In fact they weren't even able to fill the venue.

Which is why trump spent so much time lying about the size of the crowd. He is ruining the Republican Party. People aren't going to believe one word from republicans anymore. Sure there will be that small base but the majority of the people in this nation will not believe or trust the Republican Party. Which will leave us with one dominant party. I don't know about other people but I don't want that. A democratic republic can't exist with only one dominant party.
I think these reports of low attendance are true. We may never hear the real number, but I am watching live and the camera just panned the top half--many sections are empty and others part empty.
Yes I wasn't lying. I have been watching reports of it all day. There are sections empty or with just a couple people. The floor has a large empty space and it's not full. The used sections in the venue have empty seats. There was no over flow. In fact they weren't even able to fill the venue.

Which is why trump spent so much time lying about the size of the crowd. He is ruining the Republican Party. People aren't going to believe one word from republicans anymore. Sure there will be that small base but the majority of the people in this nation will not believe or trust the Republican Party. Which will leave us with one dominant party. I don't know about other people but I don't want that. A democratic republic can't exist with only one dominant party.
Dana, I wasn't implying you were lying.
I think the reason for the low attendance though is Covid, not Trump's popularity. I wish he was that unpopular, but I don't think that's it.
Yes I wasn't lying. I have been watching reports of it all day. There are sections empty or with just a couple people. The floor has a large empty space and it's not full. The used sections in the venue have empty seats. There was no over flow. In fact they weren't even able to fill the venue.

Which is why trump spent so much time lying about the size of the crowd. He is ruining the Republican Party. People aren't going to believe one word from republicans anymore. Sure there will be that small base but the majority of the people in this nation will not believe or trust the Republican Party. Which will leave us with one dominant party. I don't know about other people but I don't want that. A democratic republic can't exist with only one dominant party.
Don't worry, there has been single party control of government only 12 out of the last 50 years. The rest of the time the two parties just fight and call each other names. Thankfully, we have dedicated career government employees that actually run the government, otherwise we really would be in deep shit.
That is a discussion I would be very interested in hearing. @ me when you do.
I learned that, too--with rights come responsibilities. You don't hear much about that these days. Just the "rights."

The principle should be accepted or rejected as an Indivisible whole. Can't accept and reject them piece-meal. Not if one expects to legitimately benefit from its fruits. With the silent and gradual erosion of virtue in society, however, fewer and fewer in the electorate or society in general consider the responsibility aspect of the principle. This erosion of virtue in society is, to be clear, the greatest threat to the concept of Individual liberty.

Deeper discussion on the topic would demand an agreement of the primary foundation for moral code (the responsibility side of the principle).

But yeah usually only hear that kinda spew from stupid libertarians. I should put you back in the hole, smartass. I just let you out a couple days ago and you're already shaking your big dick around. lol.
The principle should be accepted or rejected as an Indivisible whole. Can't accept and reject them piece-meal. Not if one expects to legitimately benefit from its fruits. With the silent and gradual erosion of virtue in society, however, fewer and fewer in the electorate or society in general consider the responsibility aspect of the principle. This erosion of virtue in society is, to be clear, the greatest threat to the concept of Individual liberty.

Deeper discussion on the topic would demand an agreement of the primary foundation for moral code (the responsibility side of the principle).

But yeah usually only hear that kinda spew from stupid libertarians. I should put you back in the hole, smartass. I just let you out a couple days ago and you're already shaking your big dick around. lol.
? Maybe you're too sensitive to talk to. I was being 100% serious that I was interested. But forget it if you're going to cry that I called the rally goers stupid for making such a reckless decision. By all means put me back on ignore if all you can do is sniffle.
? Maybe you're too sensitive to talk to. I was being 100% serious that I was interested. But forget it if you're going to cry that I called the rally goers stupid for making such a reckless decision. By all means put me back on ignore if all you can do is sniffle.

I think these reports of low attendance are true. We may never hear the real number, but I am watching live and the camera just panned the top half--many sections are empty and others part empty.
The place had a lot of empty seats as Impeached Trump came out. Maybe, there are about 12,000...


Yes I wasn't lying. I have been watching reports of it all day. There are sections empty or with just a couple people. The floor has a large empty space and it's not full. The used sections in the venue have empty seats. There was no over flow. In fact they weren't even able to fill the venue.

Which is why trump spent so much time lying about the size of the crowd. He is ruining the Republican Party. People aren't going to believe one word from republicans anymore. Sure there will be that small base but the majority of the people in this nation will not believe or trust the Republican Party. Which will leave us with one dominant party. I don't know about other people but I don't want that. A democratic republic can't exist with only one dominant party.
“He is ruining the Republican Party.”

I would submit that the GOP was ruined well before Trump – see, e.g., the Southern Strategy, the social right, Christian fundamentalists.

Trump is merely the product of that ruin.
She wasn't trouble. She had a ticket. As she went through the line to go into the rally they separated her from the crowd and didn't let her go in. So she sat down and wouldn't leave. She had a right to be there. She had a ticket.

The reason why they separated her, she was wearing a shirt that said I can't breathe.

She wasn't doing anything illegal.
Such is the authoritarian right.
Well, I did say his hero sucks canal water. lol
Hey asshole, where did I say Trump is my hero? Point it put or admit you’re a liar. You total idiocy on all matters here is just appalling. Putin approves of your message.
Dana, I wasn't implying you were lying.
I think the reason for the low attendance though is Covid, not Trump's popularity. I wish he was that unpopular, but I don't think that's it.

I don't know what it was. I do know that the numbers that trump and his people were quoting the last week or so were a bunch of garbage.

It could have been the virus. It could have been people just don't want to see him anymore.

I hope that there won't be a lot of suffering and death from this. People have a right to go to a rally without putting their life in jeopardy.

I'm sorry that I thought you were saying I was lying. I get accused of that so much on this board I sometimes jump to the wrong conclusion. Sorry about that.
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