100,000 expected at Trump's Tulsa Rally--many have already arrived

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Don't worry, there has been single party control of government only 12 out of the last 50 years. The rest of the time the two parties just fight and call each other names. Thankfully, we have dedicated career government employees that actually run the government, otherwise we really would be in deep shit.

trump has been firing a lot of those dedicated career government employees the last nearly four years.

So any president can do that from now on. Which shouldn't be allowed. No matter what party is in control.

I hope I'm wrong but people can take just so much. We see it now. The last several weeks people have been in the streets. People are upset. Which can lead to hastily choices that sometimes don't work out the way they were intended.

We will have to wait to see how this all works out.
Don't worry, there has been single party control of government only 12 out of the last 50 years. The rest of the time the two parties just fight and call each other names. Thankfully, we have dedicated career government employees that actually run the government, otherwise we really would be in deep shit.
Yes! Exactly. And the moment any of them finds that duty in conflict with Trump's fleeting thoughts, they are pushed out.
“He is ruining the Republican Party.”

I would submit that the GOP was ruined well before Trump – see, e.g., the Southern Strategy, the social right, Christian fundamentalists.

Trump is merely the product of that ruin.

That's true.
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The principle should be accepted or rejected as an Indivisible whole. Can't accept and reject them piece-meal. Not if one expects to legitimately benefit from its fruits. With the silent and gradual erosion of virtue in society, however, fewer and fewer in the electorate or society in general consider the responsibility aspect of the principle. This erosion of virtue in society is, to be clear, the greatest threat to the concept of Individual liberty.

Deeper discussion on the topic would demand an agreement of the primary foundation for moral code (the responsibility side of the principle).

But yeah usually only hear that kinda spew from stupid libertarians. I should put you back in the hole, smartass. I just let you out a couple days ago and you're already shaking your big dick around. lol.

Welcome to the pessimist association.
As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

On top of the dismal calculations, Trump lied to us about the Coronavirus.

A whole bunch of dummies IMO.
Borderline retarded! Who, with a functioning brain would show up to a rally to support a criminal, while simultaneously putting your own family at risk for contracting covid? A retard is the only person.
Covid can not even slow the heartbeat of America...........................

You can leave anytime
It slowed down six of Trumps staffers, and Tik Tok slowed the crowd size. That heartbeat is suffering heart disease.
Also the new infections that do end up in the hospital are not as bad because the disease is getting less dangerous as it mutates
Who do we believe? The graph that shows more deaths right now, or your non-existent graph showing how it is mutating and is less dangerous?
It slowed down six of Trumps staffers, and Tik Tok slowed the crowd size. That heartbeat is suffering heart disease.
Those humpers hope nobody was spreading covid at the rally and took it home.
Damn you’re stupid as well as a hypocrite. So Trump does not have first amendment rights? Fuck you you communist asshole. Protests? Try RIOTS and yes, blue state “leaders” are instructing tracers they many not ask if people have been at a protest. Can’t have those spikes attributed to the proper thing now can we? And it’s YOU and the rest of the lefties here that suck sewer water. Get it right.
Did the woman who showed up for the Trump rally with an "I can't breathe" T-shirt have first amendment rights?
Its called Liberty, Vern.

If you feel you are at risk then don't go. If you go then you are accepting responsibility for your own actions.

Concern of the virus sure as hell is not stopping the filthy ass anti Trump protesters that are congregating outside the venue, is it?
Are they taking responsibility for the safety of others and their families? Fuck no!

Why should I be subjected to their irresponsible behavior? These people are no different than a drunk who is driving.
Okay, folks. I realize there is a Covid related issue in this thread, but it is not primarily a thread on whether we should have shut down or how effective masks are. There have been plenty of threads on this.

The point here is the President's decision to hold this rally where he did, when he did, and some of the related decisions -- such as handing out masks but saying they're "optional," such as getting the mayor of Tulsa to cancel the curfew -- that in a few hours we will see the fruit of.

It's all up to the people of Oklahoma now to show their quality. Let's hope for the best. If things go smoothly and there isn't a super hot spot in OK in 2-3 weeks, we won't have the President to thank for it.
By the way, someone tell me the difference between these folks in an enclosed place with no masks, and how they are any different than a drunk driving a vehicle?
Did the woman who showed up for the Trump rally with an "I can't breathe" T-shirt have first amendment rights?
And guess who want's to end the 1st Amendment. Mr. Autocrat himself.
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Were there any violence, riots or anything like it? I haven’t turned on the news this weekend, but old lady had a real dire prediction, just wanted to know how right she I was.
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