100,000 expected at Trump's Tulsa Rally--many have already arrived

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Oh, the night crew is here, to pile on Old Lady. I'm pretty upset about it, I gotta tell ya.

Your President sucks canal water. He is pond scum holding a big rally in an area already experiencing a Covid spike. And calling me names isn't going to change that. Trump is slowly losing his marbles making such a poor decision and showing his hand of not giving a single shit about any of you.
Opinions are like assholes........and everyone has one. This is a Free country unless the Far Left takes over.......Power hungry Pravda agents.

Nobody really cares about this stinking virus anymore...........Everyone I know is completely over the dang nonsense and what damage it has caused.
Good luck to you and everyone you know.
Thank you............I've been at work for a while no problems...........but most of the jobs are lost for the rest of the year............That is the REAL DEAL...........And we are only one smaller company.......

This country should have NEVER SHUT DOWN.
Shutdown was inevitable whether by government or the people. As the deaths and number of cases rose and hospitals started closing their doors to new cases, people would stay home and businesses would close their doors to protect their employees and customers. The difference being a lot more people would die.
As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Donald J. Trump

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
10:08 AM - Jun 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

A whole bunch of dummies IMO.

Your worst nightmare, scumbag.
Oh, the night crew is here, to pile on Old Lady. I'm pretty upset about it, I gotta tell ya.

Your President sucks canal water. He is pond scum holding a big rally in an area already experiencing a Covid spike. And calling me names isn't going to change that. Trump is slowly losing his marbles making such a poor decision and showing his hand of not giving a single shit about any of you.
Opinions are like assholes........and everyone has one. This is a Free country unless the Far Left takes over.......Power hungry Pravda agents.

Nobody really cares about this stinking virus anymore...........Everyone I know is completely over the dang nonsense and what damage it has caused.
Good luck to you and everyone you know.
Thank you............I've been at work for a while no problems...........but most of the jobs are lost for the rest of the year............That is the REAL DEAL...........And we are only one smaller company.......

This country should have NEVER SHUT DOWN.
Shutdown was inevitable whether by government or the people. As the deaths and number of cases rose and hospitals started closing their doors to new cases, people would stay home and businesses would close their doors to protect their employees and customers. The difference being a lot more people would die.
0.26% is the rate from the CDC now............initially 2% and the WHO 3 to 4%.........They weren't even close.

You don't destroy the economy for this........and you can't stop it from coming back.....it will run it's course the same as the Common Cold and Flu do every single year...........All you have done is postponed the match...........

Countries like Sweden will be better off come the Fall.........the U.S..............not so much.
Three months of sitting at home, not being able to go anywhere, observing social distancing. In an industry that died March 16th and may or may not comeback in the fall and a bunch of ignorant assholes protesting and another bunch of assholes going to rally, while the numbers are spiking two weeks after the protests began. The masks didn’t work very well did they?
That's not evidence the masks don't work well. My state was only in its second week of phase 1 of the reopening, when the protests started. Same for most states, on memorial day, i believe. The spike we are seeing is from the reopening. Very predictable. Clearly, if there was actually a connection between specific protests and outbreaks, we would know. Just as we catch other outbreaks from events or at facilities. That arizona spike...what protest?

All the evidence shows the masks make a difference. No, your gut feelings aren't compelling. Mone, either.

You have no evidence that the protests caused a spike. Now, put them inside an arena without masks...and we all know what is going to happen.

So as long as we all wear masks the disease won’t spread at all? I say you are spewing BS. Then why did we lockdown at all.
Unless you have a N95 mask the mask don't mean jack squat.........most are wearing cloth masks......hell at work neck chaffs or whatever are being provided.............they don't stop jack squat.......2 microns is very very small..........they aren't designed to stop that.

Now they do one thing real good........Hold in Sweat real good.........so it's like waterboarding yourself with your own Sweat.............the people who make the rules don't have to do it.......they set rules then go back to their office with no mask and drink coffee.......pat themselves on their back and say what a good job they do.............LOL

Everyone in the field thinks they are idiots..........and we only wear them when their little spies are out.................We Call them Mask Nazi's............True story.
I wear a mask to protect you and you wear a mask to protect me. Trump folks don't like this idea. It sounds like communism.
Oh, the night crew is here, to pile on Old Lady. I'm pretty upset about it, I gotta tell ya.

Your President sucks canal water. He is pond scum holding a big rally in an area already experiencing a Covid spike. And calling me names isn't going to change that. Trump is slowly losing his marbles making such a poor decision and showing his hand of not giving a single shit about any of you.
Opinions are like assholes........and everyone has one. This is a Free country unless the Far Left takes over.......Power hungry Pravda agents.

Nobody really cares about this stinking virus anymore...........Everyone I know is completely over the dang nonsense and what damage it has caused.
Good luck to you and everyone you know.
Thank you............I've been at work for a while no problems...........but most of the jobs are lost for the rest of the year............That is the REAL DEAL...........And we are only one smaller company.......

This country should have NEVER SHUT DOWN.
Shutdown was inevitable whether by government or the people. As the deaths and number of cases rose and hospitals started closing their doors to new cases, people would stay home and businesses would close their doors to protect their employees and customers. The difference being a lot more people would die.
Same thing happened in Sweden. The people themselves made the decision to avoid public gathering spaces. Theaters and restaurant business was down 70% at one point. Many had closed because they couldn't afford to stay open without customers. It happened in our little town--even before restaurants were ordered closed, the ones that had hung on and remained open were having so few customers that they were about to close their doors anyway.
A lot of essential businesses had difficulty operating at times because so many employees were refusing to come to work.
I'm sure the official decrees made it worse, but the brunt of it would have happened, anyway, I think.
Three months of sitting at home, not being able to go anywhere, observing social distancing. In an industry that died March 16th and may or may not comeback in the fall and a bunch of ignorant assholes protesting and another bunch of assholes going to rally, while the numbers are spiking two weeks after the protests began. The masks didn’t work very well did they?
That's not evidence the masks don't work well. My state was only in its second week of phase 1 of the reopening, when the protests started. Same for most states, on memorial day, i believe. The spike we are seeing is from the reopening. Very predictable. Clearly, if there was actually a connection between specific protests and outbreaks, we would know. Just as we catch other outbreaks from events or at facilities. That arizona spike...what protest?

All the evidence shows the masks make a difference. No, your gut feelings aren't compelling. Mone, either.

You have no evidence that the protests caused a spike. Now, put them inside an arena without masks...and we all know what is going to happen.

So as long as we all wear masks the disease won’t spread at all? I say you are spewing BS. Then why did we lockdown at all.
Unless you have a N95 mask the mask don't mean jack squat.........most are wearing cloth masks......hell at work neck chaffs or whatever are being provided.............they don't stop jack squat.......2 microns is very very small..........they aren't designed to stop that.

Now they do one thing real good........Hold in Sweat real good.........so it's like waterboarding yourself with your own Sweat.............the people who make the rules don't have to do it.......they set rules then go back to their office with no mask and drink coffee.......pat themselves on their back and say what a good job they do.............LOL

Everyone in the field thinks they are idiots..........and we only wear them when their little spies are out.................We Call them Mask Nazi's............True story.
I wear a mask to protect you and you wear a mask to protect me. Trump folks don't like this idea. It sounds like communism.
That is your choice.......and not necessarily mine...........and at .2 microns you need a better mask .....or it is useless........it only stops the moisture and nothing more........

This virus will run it's course no matter what we do.........They always do and history doesn't lie.
Oh, the night crew is here, to pile on Old Lady. I'm pretty upset about it, I gotta tell ya.

Your President sucks canal water. He is pond scum holding a big rally in an area already experiencing a Covid spike. And calling me names isn't going to change that. Trump is slowly losing his marbles making such a poor decision and showing his hand of not giving a single shit about any of you.
Opinions are like assholes........and everyone has one. This is a Free country unless the Far Left takes over.......Power hungry Pravda agents.

Nobody really cares about this stinking virus anymore...........Everyone I know is completely over the dang nonsense and what damage it has caused.
Good luck to you and everyone you know.
Thank you............I've been at work for a while no problems...........but most of the jobs are lost for the rest of the year............That is the REAL DEAL...........And we are only one smaller company.......

This country should have NEVER SHUT DOWN.
Shutdown was inevitable whether by government or the people. As the deaths and number of cases rose and hospitals started closing their doors to new cases, people would stay home and businesses would close their doors to protect their employees and customers. The difference being a lot more people would die.
Same thing happened in Sweden. The people themselves made the decision to avoid public gathering spaces. Theaters and restaurant business was down 70% at one point. Many had closed because they couldn't afford to stay open without customers. It happened in our little town--even before restaurants were ordered closed, the ones that had hung on and remained open were having so few customers that they were about to close their doors anyway.
A lot of essential businesses had difficulty operating at times because so many employees were refusing to come to work.
I'm sure the official decrees made it worse, but the brunt of it would have happened, anyway, I think.
1957 and 1968 that didn't happen........and we lost 100,000 and more both times.

The country didn't shut down either time..............but then again we didn't have the net and manipulation of the social media then....................

Oh, the night crew is here, to pile on Old Lady. I'm pretty upset about it, I gotta tell ya.

Your President sucks canal water. He is pond scum holding a big rally in an area already experiencing a Covid spike. And calling me names isn't going to change that. Trump is slowly losing his marbles making such a poor decision and showing his hand of not giving a single shit about any of you.
Opinions are like assholes........and everyone has one. This is a Free country unless the Far Left takes over.......Power hungry Pravda agents.

Nobody really cares about this stinking virus anymore...........Everyone I know is completely over the dang nonsense and what damage it has caused.
Good luck to you and everyone you know.
Thank you............I've been at work for a while no problems...........but most of the jobs are lost for the rest of the year............That is the REAL DEAL...........And we are only one smaller company.......

This country should have NEVER SHUT DOWN.
Shutdown was inevitable whether by government or the people. As the deaths and number of cases rose and hospitals started closing their doors to new cases, people would stay home and businesses would close their doors to protect their employees and customers. The difference being a lot more people would die.
0.26% is the rate from the CDC now............initially 2% and the WHO 3 to 4%.........They weren't even close.

You don't destroy the economy for this........and you can't stop it from coming back.....it will run it's course the same as the Common Cold and Flu do every single year...........All you have done is postponed the match...........

Countries like Sweden will be better off come the Fall.........the U.S..............not so much.
Epidemics always run their course. All we can do is lessen the spread and number that will die during the process. The country would shutdown no matter what the government did and the only difference would be number sick and dying. All the methods used to slow the spread of virus has had only one goal and that's to reduce the deaths and illness till vaccines and treatments are developed.
So as long as we all wear masks the disease won’t spread at al
Nobody said or implied that. What an intellectual sissy you are.

Implied that there is no spike in the virus from the protests. They all wore mask and if there were no spikes, what conclusion do you draw?

The fact you called me a name kind of points to the fact “intellectual sissy” isn’t me.
Oh, the night crew is here, to pile on Old Lady. I'm pretty upset about it, I gotta tell ya.

Your President sucks canal water. He is pond scum holding a big rally in an area already experiencing a Covid spike. And calling me names isn't going to change that. Trump is slowly losing his marbles making such a poor decision and showing his hand of not giving a single shit about any of you.
Opinions are like assholes........and everyone has one. This is a Free country unless the Far Left takes over.......Power hungry Pravda agents.

Nobody really cares about this stinking virus anymore...........Everyone I know is completely over the dang nonsense and what damage it has caused.
Good luck to you and everyone you know.
Thank you............I've been at work for a while no problems...........but most of the jobs are lost for the rest of the year............That is the REAL DEAL...........And we are only one smaller company.......

This country should have NEVER SHUT DOWN.
Shutdown was inevitable whether by government or the people. As the deaths and number of cases rose and hospitals started closing their doors to new cases, people would stay home and businesses would close their doors to protect their employees and customers. The difference being a lot more people would die.
0.26% is the rate from the CDC now............initially 2% and the WHO 3 to 4%.........They weren't even close.

You don't destroy the economy for this........and you can't stop it from coming back.....it will run it's course the same as the Common Cold and Flu do every single year...........All you have done is postponed the match...........

Countries like Sweden will be better off come the Fall.........the U.S..............not so much.
Epidemics always run their course. All we can do is lessen the spread and number that will die during the process. The country would shutdown no matter what the government did and the only difference would be number sick and dying. All the methods used to slow the spread of virus has had only one goal and that's to reduce the deaths and illness till vaccines and treatments are developed.
The lower the curve was to give the medical community time to prepare.........get resources........it was NEVER ABOUT STOPPING THE VIRUS.....

That is impossible................to run it's course a whole lot of people end up getting it..........That is REALITY.......to the younger people in this country......hell below 50..........the virus has hardly a rate at all.
Oh, the night crew is here, to pile on Old Lady. I'm pretty upset about it, I gotta tell ya.

Your President sucks canal water. He is pond scum holding a big rally in an area already experiencing a Covid spike. And calling me names isn't going to change that. Trump is slowly losing his marbles making such a poor decision and showing his hand of not giving a single shit about any of you.
Opinions are like assholes........and everyone has one. This is a Free country unless the Far Left takes over.......Power hungry Pravda agents.

Nobody really cares about this stinking virus anymore...........Everyone I know is completely over the dang nonsense and what damage it has caused.
Good luck to you and everyone you know.
Thank you............I've been at work for a while no problems...........but most of the jobs are lost for the rest of the year............That is the REAL DEAL...........And we are only one smaller company.......

This country should have NEVER SHUT DOWN.
Shutdown was inevitable whether by government or the people. As the deaths and number of cases rose and hospitals started closing their doors to new cases, people would stay home and businesses would close their doors to protect their employees and customers. The difference being a lot more people would die.
0.26% is the rate from the CDC now............initially 2% and the WHO 3 to 4%.........They weren't even close.

You don't destroy the economy for this........and you can't stop it from coming back.....it will run it's course the same as the Common Cold and Flu do every single year...........All you have done is postponed the match...........

Countries like Sweden will be better off come the Fall.........the U.S..............not so much.
Epidemics always run their course. All we can do is lessen the spread and number that will die during the process. The country would shutdown no matter what the government did and the only difference would be number sick and dying. All the methods used to slow the spread of virus has had only one goal and that's to reduce the deaths and illness till vaccines and treatments are developed.

The last couple weeks has shown that most people aren’t willing to slow the virus.
Last edited:
1957 and 1968 that didn't happen........and we lost 100,000 and more both times.

The country didn't shut down either time..............but then again we didn't have the net and manipulation of the social media then....................

I don't know about '57, but 1968 was actually a year and a half of flu that killed 100,000 over the course of 16 months. We had lost that many in three to Covid. THAT is why the docs were imagining overflowing ER's and ICU's. Imagine what it would have been like if we hadn't forced people to stay home for a month or more? It has been bad enough.
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