100,000 expected at Trump's Tulsa Rally--many have already arrived

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Funny how you are so worried about a Trump rally yet not a single word about how bad it was that protesters, rioters and looters were standing side by side without masks. Funny that you are not as worried about those in CHAZ or CHOP or whatever it is called now.
But you were oh so worried about those that were protesting when they wanted to go back to work.
I am starting to wonder that you know that Biden is in trouble.
I keep hearing this argument over and over, so I'll reply to it here, to all that have raised it:
There is one BIG difference, which all of you are insisting to ignore:
The President of the United States INVITED this. He purposely organized, planned and mailed tickets to it with no cap on the # that might show up, and knowing full well that there would be counter protests --in light of what's ha ppened the past three weeks, are you kidding that he is setting up a situation that could easily explode?

If he wasn't aware of the Covid #'s in Oklahoma, I'm sure someone told him.

I know you'd all like to keep mum on this point because you all know damned well how irresponsible it is. It's a whole lot better to deflect to the evil protesters again. But Trump has made a big public health blunder here. This rally is arranged so there will be any number of unmasked, unmonitored folks outside the facility, in droves.
Disease. Violence. What a genius plan!!!

And governors endorsed the rioting in the states. We have mayors letting their cities be taken over by protesters. No bitching by the left, no bitching about protesters and counter protesters, no worry about a damn virus. how is this different? Violence and the virus, nothing has changed other than the side putting on the event. I'm at the point of who gives a crap? I have come to loathe both parties and those ignorant humans that vote for them. We need real change and real leadership, the GOP gives us Trump and the Democrats give us Biden. I see no leadership for at least four years.
I think that we have at least more with Trump then with Biden.
Anyone that can't remember that he is running for president this early in the game won't even remember his namer by December.
Oh, the night crew is here, to pile on Old Lady. I'm pretty upset about it, I gotta tell ya.

Your President sucks canal water. He is pond scum holding a big rally in an area already experiencing a Covid spike. And calling me names isn't going to change that. Trump is slowly losing his marbles making such a poor decision and showing his hand of not giving a single shit about any of you.
I'm not seeing any difference in this rally and the thousands of protests that have occurred in the US over the last several weeks
You're not seeing the difference between a bunch of people packed into an arena without masks...and the outdoor protests, with plenty of masks?

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As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Donald J. Trump

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
10:08 AM - Jun 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

Its Oklahoma. There is literally nothing else to do.

When the circus is in town, people go.
As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Donald J. Trump

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
10:08 AM - Jun 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

If Trump really cared about his people, he would not be doing this rally, at least not in this way. What Trump does not realize or maybe he just doesn't care, is that he is setting an example for other to follow. Just like the poor ignorant fools that ingested bleach or refuse to wear a mask, others will follow him and pay the price. He has made it clear that rallies are good for his campaign and whatever is good for him is good for the country, a belief held by every tyrant and dictator since Genghis Khan.
I'm not seeing any difference in this rally and the thousands of protests that have occurred in the US over the last several weeks
You're not seeing the difference between a bunch of people packed onto an arena without masks...and the outdoor protests, with plenty of masks?


You bring up masks....

It makes one wonder why the blob would issue the tweet (knowing he has this rally coming up) about masks being worn to protest him. Does he really want to shame his supporters into not protecting themselves?

Its almost a Mr. Burns like super-villain type of thought processes going on. I get that he wants to start campaigning again because all he cares about is the applause of people who support his blobness but to first put the waiver in place and then say "your mask is a sign of disapproval" is warped.
It makes one wonder why the blob would issue the tweet (knowing he has this rally coming up) about masks being worn to protest him. Does he really want to shame his supporters into not protecting themselves?
Trump is far too shallow and stupid to have arrived at that thought. That would require 2 or 3 coherent thoughts in a row that are cumulative. I'm not joking.
As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Donald J. Trump

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
10:08 AM - Jun 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

Wow, GREAT news! There ARE some America loving patriots in our country. This is just wonderful to see! Go, President Trump, you ARE THE Man.
I'm not seeing any difference in this rally and the thousands of protests that have occurred in the US over the last several weeks
You're not seeing the difference between a bunch of people packed into an arena without masks...and the outdoor protests, with plenty of masks?


Three months of sitting at home, not being able to go anywhere, observing social distancing. In an industry that died March 16th and may or may not comeback in the fall and a bunch of ignorant assholes protesting and another bunch of assholes going to rally, while the numbers are spiking two weeks after the protests began. The masks didn’t work very well did they?

I predicted this crap would happen two weeks ago and all you assholes were defending the the protests. So I really don’t feel like hearing all your masks and no masks stupidity. The fact is a lot of places are seeing spikes and more will die and more will get sick and this whole fucking ordeal will last longer. All because people are selfish.
It makes one wonder why the blob would issue the tweet (knowing he has this rally coming up) about masks being worn to protest him. Does he really want to shame his supporters into not protecting themselves?
Trump is far too shallow and stupid to have arrived at that thought. That would require 2 or 3 coherent thoughts in a row that are cumulative. I'm not joking.

I’m not seeing depth on either side. You have dumbass governors and mayors endorsing riots.
Oh, the night crew is here, to pile on Old Lady. I'm pretty upset about it, I gotta tell ya.

Your President sucks canal water. He is pond scum holding a big rally in an area already experiencing a Covid spike. And calling me names isn't going to change that. Trump is slowly losing his marbles making such a poor decision and showing his hand of not giving a single shit about any of you.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see that fat SOB lose all 50 states come November.

The bastard is THAT bad.
Three months of sitting at home, not being able to go anywhere, observing social distancing. In an industry that died March 16th and may or may not comeback in the fall and a bunch of ignorant assholes protesting and another bunch of assholes going to rally, while the numbers are spiking two weeks after the protests began. The masks didn’t work very well did they?
That's not evidence the masks don't work well. My state was only in its second week of phase 1 of the reopening, when the protests started. Same for most states, on memorial day, i believe. The spike we are seeing is from the reopening. Very predictable. Clearly, if there was actually a connection between specific protests and outbreaks, we would know. Just as we catch other outbreaks from events or at facilities. That arizona spike...what protest?

All the evidence shows the masks make a difference. No, your gut feelings aren't compelling. Mone, either.

You have no evidence that the protests caused a spike. Now, put them inside an arena without masks...and we all know what is going to happen.
I'm not seeing any difference in this rally and the thousands of protests that have occurred in the US over the last several weeks
You're not seeing the difference between a bunch of people packed into an arena without masks...and the outdoor protests, with plenty of masks?

I'm not seeing any difference in this rally and the thousands of protests that have occurred in the US over the last several weeks
You're not seeing the difference between a bunch of people packed into an arena without masks...and the outdoor protests, with plenty of masks?

Difference being they probably wont burn the building down after the rally . And i doubt there will be looting in Oklahoma. Who knows though. Democrats might see Americans having a great time and rooting for America and the attack force will come in full force . Although that will be ok from coronavirus. Spreading. Because if trump is for it it must be destroyed at all costs...
The COVID narrative is over. It was dead when you and your ilk celebrated thousands of people in the streets looting and burning everything in sight.
Sorry to tell you, but looting and burning didn't eradicate the Germ. It's still infecting and killing people, INCLUDING IN TULSA.

It's so good to see your avid concern for the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, who were rioting, looting, burning, murdering, and infecting each other, during this highly infectious epidemic.


I'm not seeing any difference in this rally and the thousands of protests that have occurred in the US over the last several weeks
You're not seeing the difference between a bunch of people packed into an arena without masks...and the outdoor protests, with plenty of masks?


Three months of sitting at home, not being able to go anywhere, observing social distancing. In an industry that died March 16th and may or may not comeback in the fall and a bunch of ignorant assholes protesting and another bunch of assholes going to rally, while the numbers are spiking two weeks after the protests began. The masks didn’t work very well did they?

I predicted this crap would happen two weeks ago and all you assholes were defending the the protests. So I really don’t feel like hearing all your masks and no masks stupidity. The fact is a lot of places are seeing spikes and more will die and more will get sick and this whole fucking ordeal will last longer. All because people are selfish.

Actually that has not happened in my area. We've been having the protests here for weeks. Here in the Seattle area we have stayed about the same in cases.

I couldn't get the whole thing in one screen shot so I took two shots.

The color yellow means numbers are staying the same. As you can see the Seattle area is yellow. The orange to red areas are out in the rural areas. With the worst area being Yakima County.

Look at New York City They've been having protests just as long as we have. They're in blue with cases falling.

Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 9.56.45 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 9.57.00 PM.png
As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Donald J. Trump

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
10:08 AM - Jun 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

They get it. This is America's last stand. The mob now has power and if Biden gets in, the mob will RULE.
The most interesting part of this will be the percentage of attendees wearing masks.
Why....... ?
I'm told this little virus thing is overblown, and I've seen it mocked quite a bit.

So I assume no one will wimp out and believe the lame stream media deep state fake news and wear a mask.

The virus is overblown if you aren't a senior citizen with underlying conditions......but everyone I know is wearing a mask in public out of respect for others.....

Hmmm....and you were here on USmessage hoping the democrats burning,looting and killing in democrat party cities were wearing masks? Please.....let us know where we can find those posts.....
You asked, I answered. The Trumpsters have been the ones complaining.
Stop your dang Fear Mongering BS..............It is overblown........and the left is Hypocritical as Hell. Encouraged protests with the RACE CARD game they have been playing like always. The SO CALLED EXPERTS WEREN'T EVEN CLOSE to the real numbers on this virus.

I Don't give a Damn that it's more dangerous than the Flu..........It wasn't high enough to shut down the country. 40 Million laid off...........we are still down 90% of our employees.......for probably most of this is not all of this year.

Take your Fear Mongering and Destroying this country and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. You only talk this dang way because it doesn't affect you. It sure as hell has affected those that used to work here.

You gonna pay their bills when the money runs dry.......money created out of thin air by the Reserve..............NO THE HELL YOU WILL NOT........Typical Socialist Moron..........Yeah that is you and you and your kind are a destructive force of Nature to BE IGNORED.
I'm not seeing any difference in this rally and the thousands of protests that have occurred in the US over the last several weeks
You're not seeing the difference between a bunch of people packed into an arena without masks...and the outdoor protests, with plenty of masks?


Three months of sitting at home, not being able to go anywhere, observing social distancing. In an industry that died March 16th and may or may not comeback in the fall and a bunch of ignorant assholes protesting and another bunch of assholes going to rally, while the numbers are spiking two weeks after the protests began. The masks didn’t work very well did they?

I predicted this crap would happen two weeks ago and all you assholes were defending the the protests. So I really don’t feel like hearing all your masks and no masks stupidity. The fact is a lot of places are seeing spikes and more will die and more will get sick and this whole fucking ordeal will last longer. All because people are selfish.

Actually that has not happened in my area. We've been having the protests here for weeks. Here in the Seattle area we have stayed about the same in cases.

I couldn't get the whole thing in one screen shot so I took two shots.

The color yellow means numbers are staying the same. As you can see the Seattle area is yellow. The orange to red areas are out in the rural areas. With the worst area being Yakima County.

Look at New York City They've been having protests just as long as we have. They're in blue with cases falling.

View attachment 352482View attachment 352483
New York Slimes..............Pravda central.........even if those maps are real I really don't care.......the death Rate is 0.2%...........NOT THE 2% by Fauci who should be fired......and the WHO at 3 to 4%...........On their word we destroyed the Economy..........

Incompetent people should be fired.
I put up a thread about it a few days ago.
Sorry Dana, I hunted but I didn't find another thread on this.

It was about how the virus was increasing in Texas.

It wasn't about trump's rally.

It was basically saying Texas opened up too early, isn't following social distancing and masks and their cases are now rising.

I made comments that I didn't want people to be harmed or die because of it. Or something like that.

The responses from the right wing on this board were much like the responses in this thread. They don't care. They don't believe that they will be affected by it and basically said that since it was ok for people to protest outside, it's ok to open up early and people get sick.

No matter what facts are presented these people are going to do what they want to do. Nothing is going to stop them.

Unfortunately some will get sick and die. Unfortunately they will continue to spread the virus to innocent people who will die.

I don't know what can be done about it.
More knife in the back of our country FEAR MONGERING. If you are afraid of the chung king flu .....then hide under your bed and cry about it. We'll let you know when you can come out...........

NOW OBEY US and get BACK UNDER YOUR BED.............OBEY..........OBEY..

What you and the left are peddling unless it's RACISM with the MSM pouring gas on the fire. What you gonna do when we DON'T OBEY YOU.............HUH.............YOU GONNA CRY.

DNC are like LOCUSTS.........and this stinking BS virus has done more damage than a standing army could have done to this country.
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