100,000 expected at Trump's Tulsa Rally--many have already arrived

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It's against the law to Riot.......Loot.........Declare a new country.........

hmmm..........but a Rally isn't accepted because well IT'S TRUMP

Ok then..................it is no longer a RALLY......it's a PROTEST THEN...........There fixed all the outrage over it.

Your Welcome
Who's outraged over it? Pack 'em in ... shoulder to shoulder ... no masks.

Just make sure there's ample supplies of bleach-filled syringes.
Oh back to the lie........LOL

Even the CDC finally put the death rate out at 0.26%............we destroyed the economy for it...........

BS............So take your new OBEY LAWS and shove them.

Free country......to hell with those who want to hide from it.

What lie??
bleach...........was BS..........

Debunked and yet you still use it.


[indent]"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning"


... so no, no lie. He really said it.
The blue light is a disinfectant ...........and I still have the exact words bookmarked......later in it they continued to discuss it.

Taken out of context as usual..............and your side said TRUMP SAID DRINK BLEACH.

You Dumbfuck. In fact the use of a single ray of blue light can disinfect and has been studied for a while now......

Dumbfuck .... look again at the "best practices" list of "disinfectants"....


You 5th Avenuers are a riot.

Yawn.........not playing that game again. about drinking bleach............Your side sucks and Lies alot.....take it out of context it's a LIE......

And now you are suddenly concerned about a Rally........when the so called protests were righteous.

Cry wolf too much no one cares anymore bro.

It's not out of context. I even showed you the backdrop they printed up ....

Commonly available disinfectants (Bleach & Isopropyl Alcohol) work to kill the virus.

Impeached Trump: "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning"

It is out of context and you completely hid the guy who actually used bleach and injections as a question...and it wasn't Trump....you twit.

FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’

“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”

Bryan added, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”

Immediately following these remarks, Trump said:

So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

Oh noooo's .... An extreme rightarded website defends Impeached Trump again.


Oh noooos, are dumb shit gets shown the exact quote from an ABC reporter who actually asked the question about bleach and alcohol being injected......Jon Karl........and now you have to bob and weave to hide that you lied about what Trump said......

Dumbfuck ... the reporter wouldn't have even had injecting bleach and/or isopropyl alcohol on his mind had Impeached Trump not suggested "injecting" a "disinfectant" after displaying a slide stating the most commonly available "disinfectants" are "bleach and isopropyl alcohol."

So what about his rally in Tulsa? Will you be attending?

Moron....it is a direct quote from the actual reporter....you moron.....

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

Exactly how retarded are you??

The reporter would never had even have thought of such a question had Impeached Trump not suggested it. That reporter actually affirms Impeached Trump really did say it.

Now then ... again ... can Impeached Trump count on you to attend any of his rallies?

The reporter asked the exact question shit stains like you are attributing to Trump.....I showed you the exact quote....it shows you are completely wrong, and now you have no where to go with it.......you are an idiot.......

So you don't forget....

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”
And again, for the hard of learning ... the reporter only asked that question because Impeached Trump really did make that moronic statement.

So which city's rally will you be attending?

Wrong....you asshat....you have now been shown that you are lying.......that Trump didn't say anything close to what you say he said....and I gave you the actual reporter who said it..........now you are bobbing, weaving and ducking trying to get out of the hole you made for yourself....

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”
Again, what made that reporter think there could be a "scenario where that could be injected into a person?"

You can't answer that because your brain is malformed.

And why won't you answer the question ... will you be attending any of Impeached Trump's rallies?

You are following the rules of Dodge Ball and left wing posting....

“Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge.”

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has made it's decision on the rally: The attendees are not required to wear masks or maintain social distancing at the rally. The Court said it was recommended, not required, in the state's reopening plan. However, the state's health director points out that the recent spike in new cases includes many from large indoor events since the reopening.

All systems go!

I agree with you. I put up a thread about it a few days ago.

The trump people don't care. I don't know why but they don't. They see it as a political thing. trump and his people will do what they want and it doesn't matter who tells them honest scientific facts.

I don't want people to get sick and die either. My aunt died of the virus in April. It's horrible. On top of that, they die alone. None of the family can be there. We still haven't had a memorial for my aunt yet. She's in her urn but no one has had a chance to formally say goodbye yet. Because of the virus.

You can't fix stupid. In fact the more you try to warn them the more they will to the exact opposite. It's just a shame innocent people will be harmed and possibly die because of it.

There won't be 100 thousand people. No matter what trump says. He's lying. That venue only seats 19 thousand. That is a huge crowd and it will be one big super virus spreader fest.

People have a right to go to a political rally to see politicians they support. They shouldn't have to die because of it.

And democrat party mayors allowed 10s of thousands of democrats to burn, loot and kill in their cities without regard to social distancing rules......

Again, didn't notice any of your concern about the Chinese Flu spreading when the democrats were burning, looting and killing in those democrat party controlled cities........
I have no problem with a bunch of older conservatives risking COVID-19 to be at an Impeached Trump rally. Thin out the herd.

Personally, I hope this event is BURSTING with Republican voters.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has made it's decision on the rally: The attendees are not required to wear masks or maintain social distancing at the rally. The Court said it was recommended, not required, in the state's reopening plan. However, the state's health director points out that the recent spike in new cases includes many from large indoor events since the reopening.

All systems go!

I agree with you. I put up a thread about it a few days ago.

The trump people don't care. I don't know why but they don't. They see it as a political thing. trump and his people will do what they want and it doesn't matter who tells them honest scientific facts.

I don't want people to get sick and die either. My aunt died of the virus in April. It's horrible. On top of that, they die alone. None of the family can be there. We still haven't had a memorial for my aunt yet. She's in her urn but no one has had a chance to formally say goodbye yet. Because of the virus.

You can't fix stupid. In fact the more you try to warn them the more they will to the exact opposite. It's just a shame innocent people will be harmed and possibly die because of it.

There won't be 100 thousand people. No matter what trump says. He's lying. That venue only seats 19 thousand. That is a huge crowd and it will be one big super virus spreader fest.

People have a right to go to a political rally to see politicians they support. They shouldn't have to die because of it.

And democrat party mayors allowed 10s of thousands of democrats to burn, loot and kill in their cities without regard to social distancing rules......

Again, didn't notice any of your concern about the Chinese Flu spreading when the democrats were burning, looting and killing in those democrat party controlled cities........

Exactly, because for the DemonRats it's like..... do as I say not as I do. In other words they are hypocrites to the max!

As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Donald J. Trump

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
10:08 AM - Jun 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

If that's true, that 100 thousand people will be there, that is extremely irresponsible for trump.

That venue only holds 19 thousand people. Which means that 81 thousand people won't get inside. All those who book events at a venue, only release tickets to the number of seats in the venue. They don't over book by tens of thousands.

Personally, with all the lies we've gotten from trump and his people for the last 5 years, I don't believe a word they say. I don't believe 100 thousand people will show up. They don't have the parking or space for that many people inside the venue or outside.

It's also a violation of health and fire codes.

I mean if you sit down and actually think about what is being claimed you would see how ridiculous those lies about how many will be there are.

You could be right. I hope so. All political rally organizers hand out more tickets than there are seats, because a certain # of any crowd won't attend. Doctors' offices overbook for the same reason. But Trump's campaign let them keep on registering until they had a million (campaign organizer crowed about it being a "data haul"). So yeah, it might be a typical Trump exaggeration, or it might be that they did keep sending out half a million tickets just to get these folks names and addresses and emails so they can flood them with donation requests. And any number of those half million people may show up. There is nothing stopping them. Trump even made sure the curfew got lifted for his fan's enjoyment, those who have already been there camping for days to get the best seats.

Yes over booking is common.

Not by 81 thousand tickets. That's over 4 times as many seats in the venue. It's not allowed.

Nor is 81 thousand people allowed to loiter outside a venue. It's a fire hazard. Not to mention, where are all those cars going park? That venue has room for maybe 15 thousand cars. Where are all the cars going to park?

Yes this was a way for the trump people to expand their data base and email list. All politicians do that.

So yes there will be people outside during the rally but not 81 thousand. Maybe a thousand or so but even that will cause a lot of traffic and parking problems.

No matter what the size of the crowd will be, it will be a super spreader fest for the virus. It's just too bad innocent people will be harmed and some of them will die.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has made it's decision on the rally: The attendees are not required to wear masks or maintain social distancing at the rally. The Court said it was recommended, not required, in the state's reopening plan. However, the state's health director points out that the recent spike in new cases includes many from large indoor events since the reopening.

All systems go!

I agree with you. I put up a thread about it a few days ago.

The trump people don't care. I don't know why but they don't. They see it as a political thing. trump and his people will do what they want and it doesn't matter who tells them honest scientific facts.

I don't want people to get sick and die either. My aunt died of the virus in April. It's horrible. On top of that, they die alone. None of the family can be there. We still haven't had a memorial for my aunt yet. She's in her urn but no one has had a chance to formally say goodbye yet. Because of the virus.

You can't fix stupid. In fact the more you try to warn them the more they will to the exact opposite. It's just a shame innocent people will be harmed and possibly die because of it.

There won't be 100 thousand people. No matter what trump says. He's lying. That venue only seats 19 thousand. That is a huge crowd and it will be one big super virus spreader fest.

People have a right to go to a political rally to see politicians they support. They shouldn't have to die because of it.
How do you think Jim Jones got his followers to swallow poison?

Do you understand that Jim Jones was a communist? Do you understand that he was a left wing nut job? Just like the antifa and black lives matter thugs?

He also became frustrated with the persecution of open and accused communists in the United States, especially during the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.[18] Jones said he asked himself, "How can I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was, infiltrate the church."[16][17]

Jones was surprised when a Methodist district superintendent helped him get a start in the church, even though he knew Jones to be a communist.[18]

Jones was known to regularly study Adolf Hitler and Father Divine to learn how to manipulate members of the cult. Divine told Jones personally to "find an enemy" and "to make sure they know who the enemy is" as it will unify those in the group and make them subservient to him.[19]

He also was critical of U.S. opposition to communist leader Kim Il-Sung's 1950 invasion of South Korea, calling it the "war of liberation" and stating that South Korea "is a living example of all that socialism in the north has overcome."[29]

I don't care what Jones was. Impeached Trump acolytes are just as blind and stupid as Jones' followers were. Ideology is not a factor.

And as far as studying Hitler, so did Impeached Trump who kept a book of speeches by Hitler near his bed.
It's against the law to Riot.......Loot.........Declare a new country.........

hmmm..........but a Rally isn't accepted because well IT'S TRUMP

Ok then..................it is no longer a RALLY......it's a PROTEST THEN...........There fixed all the outrage over it.

Your Welcome
Who's outraged over it? Pack 'em in ... shoulder to shoulder ... no masks.

Just make sure there's ample supplies of bleach-filled syringes.
Oh back to the lie........LOL

Even the CDC finally put the death rate out at 0.26%............we destroyed the economy for it...........

BS............So take your new OBEY LAWS and shove them.

Free country......to hell with those who want to hide from it.

What lie??
bleach...........was BS..........

Debunked and yet you still use it.


[indent]"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning"


... so no, no lie. He really said it.
The blue light is a disinfectant ...........and I still have the exact words bookmarked......later in it they continued to discuss it.

Taken out of context as usual..............and your side said TRUMP SAID DRINK BLEACH.

You Dumbfuck. In fact the use of a single ray of blue light can disinfect and has been studied for a while now......

Dumbfuck .... look again at the "best practices" list of "disinfectants"....


You 5th Avenuers are a riot.

Yawn.........not playing that game again. about drinking bleach............Your side sucks and Lies alot.....take it out of context it's a LIE......

And now you are suddenly concerned about a Rally........when the so called protests were righteous.

Cry wolf too much no one cares anymore bro.

It's not out of context. I even showed you the backdrop they printed up ....

Commonly available disinfectants (Bleach & Isopropyl Alcohol) work to kill the virus.

Impeached Trump: "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning"

It is out of context and you completely hid the guy who actually used bleach and injections as a question...and it wasn't Trump....you twit.

FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’

“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”

Bryan added, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”

Immediately following these remarks, Trump said:

So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

Oh noooo's .... An extreme rightarded website defends Impeached Trump again.


Oh noooos, are dumb shit gets shown the exact quote from an ABC reporter who actually asked the question about bleach and alcohol being injected......Jon Karl........and now you have to bob and weave to hide that you lied about what Trump said......

Dumbfuck ... the reporter wouldn't have even had injecting bleach and/or isopropyl alcohol on his mind had Impeached Trump not suggested "injecting" a "disinfectant" after displaying a slide stating the most commonly available "disinfectants" are "bleach and isopropyl alcohol."

So what about his rally in Tulsa? Will you be attending?

Moron....it is a direct quote from the actual reporter....you moron.....

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

Exactly how retarded are you??

The reporter would never had even have thought of such a question had Impeached Trump not suggested it. That reporter actually affirms Impeached Trump really did say it.

Now then ... again ... can Impeached Trump count on you to attend any of his rallies?

The reporter asked the exact question shit stains like you are attributing to Trump.....I showed you the exact quote....it shows you are completely wrong, and now you have no where to go with it.......you are an idiot.......

So you don't forget....

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”
And again, for the hard of learning ... the reporter only asked that question because Impeached Trump really did make that moronic statement.

So which city's rally will you be attending?

Wrong....you asshat....you have now been shown that you are lying.......that Trump didn't say anything close to what you say he said....and I gave you the actual reporter who said it..........now you are bobbing, weaving and ducking trying to get out of the hole you made for yourself....

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”
Again, what made that reporter think there could be a "scenario where that could be injected into a person?"

You can't answer that because your brain is malformed.

And why won't you answer the question ... will you be attending any of Impeached Trump's rallies?

You are following the rules of Dodge Ball and left wing posting....

“Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge.”

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

No worries, loser, your refusal to answer actually answers for you. :mm:
As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Donald J. Trump

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
10:08 AM - Jun 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

Tennessee is at 515 dead of Covid-19. Oklahoma is at 367 dead of Covid-19. Suspect a major change in Oklahoma in 3 weeks.

Yea, lefties have been so so accurate.

Can't speak for Oklahoma's numbers, but I'm in TN. It don't get and redder than TN. Grow up. Kind of doubt Oklahome being a dreaded blue state and both numbers came from the state websites within 5 min of posting. You got better numbers, contact those Governors. Ours is kind of tied up celebrating his fetal abortions bill passing today, so he may not get back to you very soon, but if you got better numbers, feel free to post them and run him down on the internet. Certain he will give you all the respect you deserve.
I put up a thread about it a few days ago.
Sorry Dana, I hunted but I didn't find another thread on this.

It was about how the virus was increasing in Texas.

It wasn't about trump's rally.

It was basically saying Texas opened up too early, isn't following social distancing and masks and their cases are now rising.

I made comments that I didn't want people to be harmed or die because of it. Or something like that.

The responses from the right wing on this board were much like the responses in this thread. They don't care. They don't believe that they will be affected by it and basically said that since it was ok for people to protest outside, it's ok to open up early and people get sick.

No matter what facts are presented these people are going to do what they want to do. Nothing is going to stop them.

Unfortunately some will get sick and die. Unfortunately they will continue to spread the virus to innocent people who will die.

I don't know what can be done about it.
As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Donald J. Trump

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
10:08 AM - Jun 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

Not enough! We need all trumpanzees in Tulsa, mingling, hugging and kissing and rubbing up close together showing their defiance for masks and social distancing. The more the better.

NO! And no to them going home and spreading it to all and sundry, either. Of course, they're going to, no matter what anyone says, because they WANT this whole Covid mess to be over. We all want that. But it isn't over yet and people are going to get sick. Again.

Trump is like the Pied Piper luring all the rats out of town in order to drown them in the river. It's unbelievable.

Just STFU you hypocritical moron. Crying about this, but claiming that protesters and rioters are fine. Why are these blue state assholes telling tracers they can NOT ask if people have been to a protest? Your utter ignorance may be exceeded only by your hypocrisy.

This is not a protest. It is a political rally. Entertainment. It is not protected by the 1st Amendment the way protests are. The President of the United States INVITED tens of thousands of people to congregate in an area with a Covid spike.

Yes they do have a constitutional right to have a rally.

The first Amendment allows free speech and free assembly.

The First Amendment.jpg
I put up a thread about it a few days ago.
Sorry Dana, I hunted but I didn't find another thread on this.

It was about how the virus was increasing in Texas.

It wasn't about trump's rally.

It was basically saying Texas opened up too early, isn't following social distancing and masks and their cases are now rising.

I made comments that I didn't want people to be harmed or die because of it. Or something like that.

The responses from the right wing on this board were much like the responses in this thread. They don't care. They don't believe that they will be affected by it and basically said that since it was ok for people to protest outside, it's ok to open up early and people get sick.

No matter what facts are presented these people are going to do what they want to do. Nothing is going to stop them.

Unfortunately some will get sick and die. Unfortunately they will continue to spread the virus to innocent people who will die.

I don't know what can be done about it.
facts? What have you
Lefties been right about in the past 4 years? Anything?
I put up a thread about it a few days ago.
Sorry Dana, I hunted but I didn't find another thread on this.

It was about how the virus was increasing in Texas.

It wasn't about trump's rally.

It was basically saying Texas opened up too early, isn't following social distancing and masks and their cases are now rising.

I made comments that I didn't want people to be harmed or die because of it. Or something like that.

The responses from the right wing on this board were much like the responses in this thread. They don't care. They don't believe that they will be affected by it and basically said that since it was ok for people to protest outside, it's ok to open up early and people get sick.

No matter what facts are presented these people are going to do what they want to do. Nothing is going to stop them.

Unfortunately some will get sick and die. Unfortunately they will continue to spread the virus to innocent people who will die.

I don't know what can be done about it.
I'm sure nothing we say will change anyone's mind, you're right. But sometimes I just get so fed up with the President, especially lately. Every time he is allowed to get away with some outrageous bullshit (like Ukraine) he escalates and does something even more outrageous.
This is cold, hard evidence that President Trump cares for no one but himself. He knows about the virus, whether he wants to admit it or not. He doesn't care who it hurts as long as he can feed his deep need for adulation. He is losing a lot of ground lately; things aren't going his way. Courts are giving him a hard time, he's getting lousy poll numbers. It is all about him.
As I predicted, the Tulsa rally has turned into a circus already, with 100,000 expected to arrive, between fans hoping for a seat and Trump protesters converging on Tulsa. 80,000 of them are going to be outside during the worst Covid spike Oklahoma has seen. People were already camping outside the arena on Thursday in order to get a good spot. The mayor has imposed a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning last night in a 36 block area around the BOK Center. The campers outside are being moved out as well. The mayor said he has received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally."

Of course, Trump is loving it: “Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Donald J. Trump

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
10:08 AM - Jun 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week.

Let's keep in mind, this largest gathering in Tulsa history is happening in the middle of the worst Covid outbreak Oklahoma has had so far.: 450 new positive cases reported since Wednesday. This is the largest increase since the state's first positive case was reported on March 6. The Trump campaign is not requiring masks. Someone took them to court to make them at least enforce that, but the decision is not made yet, apparently. The campaign at least has no wish to require the masks they are going to hand out be worn. From the pics I've seen of the folks waiting outside, most are not. And I'm guessing they're not having their temps taken or getting hand sanitizer from the campaign out there, either.

Maybe the police, with their headsup and no doubt with lots of help from the Secret Service, can keep this thing under control as far as violence, but none of them can do anything about the Germ. This is a super breeding ground of the Virus and it is dangerous to the people who attend and those they have contact with afterward. I cannot recall a President making a more irresponsible and ill thought out decision. This is clear mismanagement of Covid, and I hope I'm totally wrong about all of this, but it's not looking good.

Funny how you are so worried about a Trump rally yet not a single word about how bad it was that protesters, rioters and looters were standing side by side without masks. Funny that you are not as worried about those in CHAZ or CHOP or whatever it is called now.
But you were oh so worried about those that were protesting when they wanted to go back to work.
I am starting to wonder that you know that Biden is in trouble.

Two faced is her mark
I'm sure nothing we say will change anyone's mind, you're right. But sometimes I just get so fed up with the President, especially lately. Every time he is allowed to get away with some outrageous bullshit (like Ukraine) he escalates and does something even more outrageous.
This is cold, hard evidence that President Trump cares for no one but himself. He knows about the virus, whether he wants to admit it or not. He doesn't care who it hurts as long as he can feed his deep need for adulation. He is losing a lot of ground lately; things aren't going his way. Courts are giving him a hard time, he's getting lousy poll numbers. It is all about him
Why do you think you have that authority? Aliens give you power?
I put up a thread about it a few days ago.
Sorry Dana, I hunted but I didn't find another thread on this.

It was about how the virus was increasing in Texas.

It wasn't about trump's rally.

It was basically saying Texas opened up too early, isn't following social distancing and masks and their cases are now rising.

I made comments that I didn't want people to be harmed or die because of it. Or something like that.

The responses from the right wing on this board were much like the responses in this thread. They don't care. They don't believe that they will be affected by it and basically said that since it was ok for people to protest outside, it's ok to open up early and people get sick.

No matter what facts are presented these people are going to do what they want to do. Nothing is going to stop them.

Unfortunately some will get sick and die. Unfortunately they will continue to spread the virus to innocent people who will die.

I don't know what can be done about it.
I'm sure nothing we say will change anyone's mind, you're right. But sometimes I just get so fed up with the President, especially lately. Every time he is allowed to get away with some outrageous bullshit (like Ukraine) he escalates and does something even more outrageous.
This is cold, hard evidence that President Trump cares for no one but himself. He knows about the virus, whether he wants to admit it or not. He doesn't care who it hurts as long as he can feed his deep need for adulation. He is losing a lot of ground lately; things aren't going his way. Courts are giving him a hard time, he's getting lousy poll numbers. It is all about him.
TDS much do ya?
He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

What is tough guy Trump proposing?
Is he going to pull out his tear gas and Bible again?

I'm sure nothing we say will change anyone's mind, you're right. But sometimes I just get so fed up with the President, especially lately. Every time he is allowed to get away with some outrageous bullshit (like Ukraine) he escalates and does something even more outrageous.
This is cold, hard evidence that President Trump cares for no one but himself. He knows about the virus, whether he wants to admit it or not. He doesn't care who it hurts as long as he can feed his deep need for adulation. He is losing a lot of ground lately; things aren't going his way. Courts are giving him a hard time, he's getting lousy poll numbers. It is all about him
Why do you think you have that authority? Aliens give you power?
Are you hearing things again?
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