100,000 people shot in the US per year! Good guy saving lives?

so i see that you weren't in the Military :afro:. So YOU survived whatever attack you have dreamed up , too bad you didn't have a gun , some ammo and a good number of norma; capacity magazines of your choice Kiss .
Yes I do wish I was armed at the time. There would have been some dead attackers, maybe not all shot in the front. LOL

So you obviously survived these attacks, and yet you wish you could have killed someone? Why?
Because attackers don't warn you so you can pull your gun like in movies. You never see the attacker coming . Your only chance is disarm, distract them, escape or some else to shoot them.
so i see that you weren't in the Military :afro:. So YOU survived whatever attack you have dreamed up , too bad you didn't have a gun , some ammo and a good number of norma; capacity magazines of your choice Kiss .
Yes I do wish I was armed at the time. There would have been some dead attackers, maybe not all shot in the front. LOL

So you obviously survived these attacks, and yet you wish you could have killed someone? Why?
Because attackers don't warn you so you can pull your gun like in movies. You never see the attacker coming . Your only chance is disarm, distract them, escape or some else to shoot them.
never seen the average garage door stop a bullet either.
America is a great place partly because we are armed. We have the ability to defend ourselves against attackers. And with over 100 million armed Americans, don't look for any gun bans anytime soon. The Supreme Court is on our side--not yours.

You know nothing about the subject! You have never had to fight of armed attackers!
----------------------------------------- stop saying silly and emotional things , YOU have no way of knowing Rays experience Kiss !!
LOL - I do know he knows nothing about the diarrhea he spews. I have survived 8 armed attackers in 6 real attacks. There are only a few USMB posters that have ever had any real experience.. 2 weeks ago my next door neighbor lost his sister & her entire family to her armed depressed husband.
------------------------------------- its pretty amazing seeing all the DRAMA you people have in your lives . Even if true story the story or DREAM has nothing to do with anyone that lives in Cleveland or North Dakota Kiss !!
Yes It does.
so i see that you weren't in the Military :afro:. So YOU survived whatever attack you have dreamed up , too bad you didn't have a gun , some ammo and a good number of norma; capacity magazines of your choice Kiss .
Yes I do wish I was armed at the time. There would have been some dead attackers, maybe not all shot in the front. LOL

So you obviously survived these attacks, and yet you wish you could have killed someone? Why?
Because attackers don't warn you so you can pull your gun like in movies. You never see the attacker coming . Your only chance is disarm, distract them, escape or some else to shoot them.

That is not what I asked. My point is, you obviously survived and yet you want the person who attacked you to die. Why?

I have had a few fights where I was blindsided. Usually after I was a smartass, but not always. I never wanted to kill them.

But then, I have been a gun buff my entire life. I'm well aware of what guns can do, how to use them, and when to use them.
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders the AR itself is used in even less than 2% of all murders

If the AR is , as you say, the weapon of choice for murderers then many more than less than 2% of all murders would be committed with the AR
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

I don't really care about whatever "Cult" you think made the AR their weapon of choice. If you are talking about those "mall ninjas" that insist on walking around with over-dressed rifles slung on their shoulder just because they can, I think those people are morons. I happen to own a semi-auto rifle that, in my opinion, is far more benign looking and more deadly at most things you want a battle rifle for. But it is long, heavy, and expensive.

Just when was it that the AR was regulated like an automatic weapon? As far as I know, the AR-15 has always been regulated like any other semi-auto rifle.

Now, as for my choice in building a varmint rifle on an AR platform, it was mainly because someone I knew was having financial problems and needed to sell his AR cheap. It was not one of those short, stubby things with a collapsible stock. It had a 24" chromed barrel and was very accurate out to 500+ yards. I added a few touches to make it more efficient at what I wanted it to do, and viola' a hunting AR.
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders the AR itself is used in even less than 2% of all murders

If the AR is , as you say, the weapon of choice for murderers then many more than less than 2% of all murders would be committed with the AR

You are skirting the fact that the AR is used for the Mass Shootings alone. It's the weapon of choice. A Student can't really have much of a Mass School Shooting with a handgun of any kind. Besides, the body count will not be high enough. He will be going for the record. And right now, that record is 58 dead. Some people see how many hoops they can shoot. Some see how many hamburgers they can eat. These sick puppies see how many people they can kill in the least amount of time. Unlike the other two, this is a one "Shot" thing so they plan to do it right the first time. So they pick the most capable weapon they can find and that is the AR and for the same reasons that it was adopted in the US Military. It's light, easy to handle, reliable, has just enough power to do the job, the ammo is light and you can carry a lot of it. Oh, and they think it looks cool. So they go for the record. Murdering 58 in a matter of minutes takes an almost genius to do it and these people think they are geniuses. Luckily, most are bagged before they can get into place. But it takes just a couple to get into place for them to go for the record. So we do what we can to minimize body counts. That's about all we can do before the fact.
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders the AR itself is used in even less than 2% of all murders

If the AR is , as you say, the weapon of choice for murderers then many more than less than 2% of all murders would be committed with the AR

Thank you. Rifles in general are rarely used to murder anyone. That the AR is seen as a significant problem speaks more to the hysteria and media hype than to any actual danger from a specific type of gun.
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

I don't really care about whatever "Cult" you think made the AR their weapon of choice. If you are talking about those "mall ninjas" that insist on walking around with over-dressed rifles slung on their shoulder just because they can, I think those people are morons. I happen to own a semi-auto rifle that, in my opinion, is far more benign looking and more deadly at most things you want a battle rifle for. But it is long, heavy, and expensive.

Just when was it that the AR was regulated like an automatic weapon? As far as I know, the AR-15 has always been regulated like any other semi-auto rifle.

Now, as for my choice in building a varmint rifle on an AR platform, it was mainly because someone I knew was having financial problems and needed to sell his AR cheap. It was not one of those short, stubby things with a collapsible stock. It had a 24" chromed barrel and was very accurate out to 500+ yards. I added a few touches to make it more efficient at what I wanted it to do, and viola' a hunting AR.

I would love to own an AR-10 style. Long barreled 308 chambered, great gun. They are heavy but can also be had with a tripod. In this state, you can't have the tripod. But you don't need it. 20 or a 24 in barrel. Not something you can hide under a ski jacket. Unlike the AR that can be had for a song, the AR-10 starts out at about 1800 bucks and goes up. But you get what you pay for. Cults may not apply.
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders the AR itself is used in even less than 2% of all murders

If the AR is , as you say, the weapon of choice for murderers then many more than less than 2% of all murders would be committed with the AR

You are skirting the fact that the AR is used for the Mass Shootings alone. It's the weapon of choice. A Student can't really have much of a Mass School Shooting with a handgun of any kind. Besides, the body count will not be high enough. He will be going for the record. And right now, that record is 58 dead. Some people see how many hoops they can shoot. Some see how many hamburgers they can eat. These sick puppies see how many people they can kill in the least amount of time. Unlike the other two, this is a one "Shot" thing so they plan to do it right the first time. So they pick the most capable weapon they can find and that is the AR and for the same reasons that it was adopted in the US Military. It's light, easy to handle, reliable, has just enough power to do the job, the ammo is light and you can carry a lot of it. Oh, and they think it looks cool. So they go for the record. Murdering 58 in a matter of minutes takes an almost genius to do it and these people think they are geniuses. Luckily, most are bagged before they can get into place. But it takes just a couple to get into place for them to go for the record. So we do what we can to minimize body counts. That's about all we can do before the fact.

"You are skirting the fact that the AR is used for the Mass Shootings alone. It's the weapon of choice. A Student can't really have much of a Mass School Shooting with a handgun of any kind"?? This shows you are a victim of the hysteria and media manipulation.

Just to clarify, the single deadliest school shooting we have had was accomplished by a man with 2 handguns. The man, with no training at all, murdered 32 people in 2 locations with a pair of handguns. The idea that the AR is somehow the "perfect killing machine" is nonsense. The VaTech shooter never would have been able to pull of the high body count with an AR. The concealability of handguns makes them far more useful to such a shooter than an AR.

As for them being a genius, that is nonsense. The Las Vegas shooter managed such a high body count, mainly, because of a bumpstock which allowed him to mimic a fully automatic weapon. The accuracy is crap. But when firing into crowds, accuracy is not an issue. Charles Whitman managed to kill 16 people, mostly with a bolt action rifle. One of the things that kept the body count from being much higher is that civilians started shooting back at Whitman before the police arrived.

In the last decade or so, there have been half a dozen mass or school shootings where an AR was used. There are an estimated 5 to 8 million of them owned by private citizens in the US. The rifle is not the problem.
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

I don't really care about whatever "Cult" you think made the AR their weapon of choice. If you are talking about those "mall ninjas" that insist on walking around with over-dressed rifles slung on their shoulder just because they can, I think those people are morons. I happen to own a semi-auto rifle that, in my opinion, is far more benign looking and more deadly at most things you want a battle rifle for. But it is long, heavy, and expensive.

Just when was it that the AR was regulated like an automatic weapon? As far as I know, the AR-15 has always been regulated like any other semi-auto rifle.

Now, as for my choice in building a varmint rifle on an AR platform, it was mainly because someone I knew was having financial problems and needed to sell his AR cheap. It was not one of those short, stubby things with a collapsible stock. It had a 24" chromed barrel and was very accurate out to 500+ yards. I added a few touches to make it more efficient at what I wanted it to do, and viola' a hunting AR.

I would love to own an AR-10 style. Long barreled 308 chambered, great gun. They are heavy but can also be had with a tripod. In this state, you can't have the tripod. But you don't need it. 20 or a 24 in barrel. Not something you can hide under a ski jacket. Unlike the AR that can be had for a song, the AR-10 starts out at about 1800 bucks and goes up. But you get what you pay for. Cults may not apply.

I own a Springfield M1A. It is a long, heavy rifle. But it is as accurate as any rifle I have ever owned and, in my opinion, far more dangerous than an AR. Marines routinely tear up targets out to 800m, and do so without optical sights.

As for buying an AR for a song, a handgun can be had for less money, is far more concealable, and is just as deadly (if not more so).
America is a great place partly because we are armed. We have the ability to defend ourselves against attackers. And with over 100 million armed Americans, don't look for any gun bans anytime soon. The Supreme Court is on our side--not yours.

You know nothing about the subject! You have never had to fight of armed attackers!
----------------------------------------- stop saying silly and emotional things , YOU have no way of knowing Rays experience Kiss !!
LOL - I do know he knows nothing about the diarrhea he spews. I have survived 8 armed attackers in 6 real attacks. There are only a few USMB posters that have ever had any real experience.. 2 weeks ago my next door neighbor lost his sister & her entire family to her armed depressed husband.

What prescription medications was the depressed man on?
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders the AR itself is used in even less than 2% of all murders

If the AR is , as you say, the weapon of choice for murderers then many more than less than 2% of all murders would be committed with the AR

You are skirting the fact that the AR is used for the Mass Shootings alone. It's the weapon of choice. A Student can't really have much of a Mass School Shooting with a handgun of any kind. Besides, the body count will not be high enough. He will be going for the record. And right now, that record is 58 dead. Some people see how many hoops they can shoot. Some see how many hamburgers they can eat. These sick puppies see how many people they can kill in the least amount of time. Unlike the other two, this is a one "Shot" thing so they plan to do it right the first time. So they pick the most capable weapon they can find and that is the AR and for the same reasons that it was adopted in the US Military. It's light, easy to handle, reliable, has just enough power to do the job, the ammo is light and you can carry a lot of it. Oh, and they think it looks cool. So they go for the record. Murdering 58 in a matter of minutes takes an almost genius to do it and these people think they are geniuses. Luckily, most are bagged before they can get into place. But it takes just a couple to get into place for them to go for the record. So we do what we can to minimize body counts. That's about all we can do before the fact.

"You are skirting the fact that the AR is used for the Mass Shootings alone."
I wanted to come back to this claim you made. It is utter nonsense. 5 to 8 million of these rifles are in civilian hands. It looks to me like the overwhelming majority of ARs are used for something besides mass shootings.
America is a great place partly because we are armed. We have the ability to defend ourselves against attackers. And with over 100 million armed Americans, don't look for any gun bans anytime soon. The Supreme Court is on our side--not yours.

You know nothing about the subject! You have never had to fight of armed attackers!
----------------------------------------- stop saying silly and emotional things , YOU have no way of knowing Rays experience Kiss !!
LOL - I do know he knows nothing about the diarrhea he spews. I have survived 8 armed attackers in 6 real attacks. There are only a few USMB posters that have ever had any real experience.. 2 weeks ago my next door neighbor lost his sister & her entire family to her armed depressed husband.

What prescription medications was the depressed man on?

Oh no! You can't blame the Big Pharm! Those drugs are good for you! (said sarcastically)
America is a great place partly because we are armed. We have the ability to defend ourselves against attackers. And with over 100 million armed Americans, don't look for any gun bans anytime soon. The Supreme Court is on our side--not yours.

You know nothing about the subject! You have never had to fight of armed attackers!
----------------------------------------- stop saying silly and emotional things , YOU have no way of knowing Rays experience Kiss !!
LOL - I do know he knows nothing about the diarrhea he spews. I have survived 8 armed attackers in 6 real attacks. There are only a few USMB posters that have ever had any real experience.. 2 weeks ago my next door neighbor lost his sister & her entire family to her armed depressed husband.

What prescription medications was the depressed man on?

Oh no! You can't blame the Big Pharm! Those drugs are good for you! (said sarcastically)

I find it interesting how mental illness get the blame for most of these shootings, especially depression, but the fact is that only about 1/3 of those that are clinically depressed choose to go on medication. Of the 2/3rds that don't, it is rare that they act violently. It is the 1/3rd that do go on these medications that, studies show, become 50% more likely to commit a violent crime. Most, if not all, of these mass shooters were on these antidepressant prescriptions.

It's not the mental illness, it's the drug that's creating these shootings. Especially when given to youth with still developing brains.
I simply responded to the nonsense that ARs can't be used to hunt.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders the AR itself is used in even less than 2% of all murders

If the AR is , as you say, the weapon of choice for murderers then many more than less than 2% of all murders would be committed with the AR

You are skirting the fact that the AR is used for the Mass Shootings alone. It's the weapon of choice. A Student can't really have much of a Mass School Shooting with a handgun of any kind. Besides, the body count will not be high enough. He will be going for the record. And right now, that record is 58 dead. Some people see how many hoops they can shoot. Some see how many hamburgers they can eat. These sick puppies see how many people they can kill in the least amount of time. Unlike the other two, this is a one "Shot" thing so they plan to do it right the first time. So they pick the most capable weapon they can find and that is the AR and for the same reasons that it was adopted in the US Military. It's light, easy to handle, reliable, has just enough power to do the job, the ammo is light and you can carry a lot of it. Oh, and they think it looks cool. So they go for the record. Murdering 58 in a matter of minutes takes an almost genius to do it and these people think they are geniuses. Luckily, most are bagged before they can get into place. But it takes just a couple to get into place for them to go for the record. So we do what we can to minimize body counts. That's about all we can do before the fact.
Not skirting anything I use murders which includes all those that occur in mass shootings.

Unlike you I don't think it's somehow worse to be killed in a ass shooting than outside of a mass shooting.
Of course they can be used to hunt, but they aren't as safe or as useful as bolt actions in most circumstances. Shooting for control off a ute or out of a helicopter is where they may have an advantage.

Even so, the question remains, would you rather have other people's school kids alive or easy access to ARs and three extra coyote?

The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders the AR itself is used in even less than 2% of all murders

If the AR is , as you say, the weapon of choice for murderers then many more than less than 2% of all murders would be committed with the AR

You are skirting the fact that the AR is used for the Mass Shootings alone. It's the weapon of choice. A Student can't really have much of a Mass School Shooting with a handgun of any kind. Besides, the body count will not be high enough. He will be going for the record. And right now, that record is 58 dead. Some people see how many hoops they can shoot. Some see how many hamburgers they can eat. These sick puppies see how many people they can kill in the least amount of time. Unlike the other two, this is a one "Shot" thing so they plan to do it right the first time. So they pick the most capable weapon they can find and that is the AR and for the same reasons that it was adopted in the US Military. It's light, easy to handle, reliable, has just enough power to do the job, the ammo is light and you can carry a lot of it. Oh, and they think it looks cool. So they go for the record. Murdering 58 in a matter of minutes takes an almost genius to do it and these people think they are geniuses. Luckily, most are bagged before they can get into place. But it takes just a couple to get into place for them to go for the record. So we do what we can to minimize body counts. That's about all we can do before the fact.
Not skirting anything I use murders which includes all those that occur in mass shootings.

Unlike you I don't think it's somehow worse to be killed in a ass shooting than outside of a mass shooting.

Once again, it is the hype and media manipulation that has people clamoring to ban a weapon that is used to murder so rarely.

In the last 10 years there have probably been an average of 10k gun related murders. Around 300 of those were committed by a rifle of any kind. But somehow, banning legal gun owners from owning an AR will "fix" everything.
The idea that one particular gun is inherently evil is ridiculous. The AR is not some weapon of mass slaughter. There are just under 10k murders a year (on average) where a firearm is used. All rifles combined total around 300. Handguns account for exponentially more murders. But the hype over ARs with this "Why do you want to murder children?" bullshit is insanity.

I liked my AR. It was fun at the range, useful in removing coyote, and a very accurate rifle. I replaced it after a few years, not because of some nonsense about saving children, but because I was offered an excellent price for it. I bought my current varmint gun and optics with some cash leftover.

It has to do with the Cult that adopted it as the weapon of choice. Let's face it, there are a few others out there as deadly but look less benign. But the "Cult" adopted the AR style and that is what is being used. You will note that the high body counts weren't being done when it was regulated like an automatic weapon. It was only after it was released that the cults started using it and the body count went up. You really can't argue with that one. We really can't do much about the "Cult" except to pick up the pieces afterwards but we can about their weapon of choice.

Rifles of any kind are used in about 2% of all murders the AR itself is used in even less than 2% of all murders

If the AR is , as you say, the weapon of choice for murderers then many more than less than 2% of all murders would be committed with the AR

You are skirting the fact that the AR is used for the Mass Shootings alone. It's the weapon of choice. A Student can't really have much of a Mass School Shooting with a handgun of any kind. Besides, the body count will not be high enough. He will be going for the record. And right now, that record is 58 dead. Some people see how many hoops they can shoot. Some see how many hamburgers they can eat. These sick puppies see how many people they can kill in the least amount of time. Unlike the other two, this is a one "Shot" thing so they plan to do it right the first time. So they pick the most capable weapon they can find and that is the AR and for the same reasons that it was adopted in the US Military. It's light, easy to handle, reliable, has just enough power to do the job, the ammo is light and you can carry a lot of it. Oh, and they think it looks cool. So they go for the record. Murdering 58 in a matter of minutes takes an almost genius to do it and these people think they are geniuses. Luckily, most are bagged before they can get into place. But it takes just a couple to get into place for them to go for the record. So we do what we can to minimize body counts. That's about all we can do before the fact.
Not skirting anything I use murders which includes all those that occur in mass shootings.

Unlike you I don't think it's somehow worse to be killed in a ass shooting than outside of a mass shooting.

Once again, it is the hype and media manipulation that has people clamoring to ban a weapon that is used to murder so rarely.

In the last 10 years there have probably been an average of 10k gun related murders. Around 300 of those were committed by a rifle of any kind. But somehow, banning legal gun owners from owning an AR will "fix" everything.
---------------------------------------------------- the UN-Constitutional Gun Banners want the AR and similar Banned because they understand the efficiency and effectiveness of the AR and and other Guns [example M1A]. The goal is to NEUTER Americans same as most of the worlds people have been NEUTERED .
The most effective way to stop these Mass/School shootings? Make it a felony to publish the name of the shooter. Take away the fame.

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