100% China’s Fault

The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Except I have. Seawitch said it could have started anywhere and me blaming the Chinese was “dangerous”. JoeB believes it is all Trumps fault. BWK said “China did everything right”. Joaquin Miller said, Trump is to blame. Siete said Trump is to blame. I can give you more examples. Point is if this doesn’t start in China then there isn’t anything for our administration to get blamed for.

The response, fool. The response.
There would be a need for a response if the Pandemic never occurred, idiot.

Damn. You really are that dense. I honestly gave you way more credit until this dopey thread.

In your mind, the fact that Trump didn't create the virus in his WH bathroom and spread it to the citizenry absolves him
of all responsibility. No matter how bad his response has been or will continue to be, you won't look to him to own up.

That is incredibly weak thinking. Especially for a guy with a 148 IQ.
I disagree that the response was bad given the data he received. I did not hear on Democrat state we should have responded in Jan or Feb. I watched all the debates and impeachment hearings and didn't find any articles on the issue either. Flacaltenn agrees. Is he an idiot too, in your book?

If Trump for any reason shut down the Country on Feb 1st and cancelled the SB all of you Leftists would cry foul and that he is just trying to take the attention from his impeachment.

Would you have cancelled the SB, Lone Leftist?

So much.

Trump was late. Period. South Korea had patient one on the same day as we did. They kicked ass and we did not.

Yes, FLCALTN is an idiot too.

If Trump had RECOMMENDED that we stay at home as a nation and led instead of followed, he would have saved lives and he would
sail into re-election in spite of his incompetence and corruption.

I would have chosen the most aggressive option that was presented to me by the medical experts who I charged with giving me advice.
I would not have listened to a moron like Jared or an idiot like Kudlow.

First US death was Feb 28th but you would have shut down the Economy on Feb 1st? Find me one post in Jan and or Feb from you where you said you would that. In MA, our schools were shut down starting March 16th. Europe is getting crushed. Trump's fault too? You have lost all credibility and my IQ is making a monkey out of you.

You are putting words in my mouth and then arguing against them. That is what morons do.
I am still waiting for you to give me your rationale of what Trump did badly and what you would have done differently if you were in his shoes. Hell he instituted the travel ban on Jan 31st. First US death was Feb 28th. Schools closed on March 16th. He moved pretty swiftly IMO given the cover up of China and the WHO.

He did not ban travel. Thousands upon thousands of travellers from China directly and via other nations travelled here and continue to travel here.

He didn't close schools. Governors did that. he didn't pressure a single governor to close a single fucking thing. Some governors STILL haven't
issued "stay at home orders".

Testing. His administration fucked up by not getting enough tests made and delivered quickly enough to contain the spread.
We STILL haven't got adequate testing. My son is a cop. One of his fellow officers tested positive after having symptoms. He cannot
get tested himself because he does not have symptoms. His fiance is an EMT. She also cannot get tested. Until we test and track WAY MORE PEOPLE,
we will lag behind other nations in our response.

China surely tried to cover up their shit. WHO did no such thing. They were incorrect regarding transmission for a few days. They have since

Trump has been weak and ineffective. That is clear to all.
#1) He did -- could have been worse and it was January 31.
#2) Testing is correct. That is ridiculous and I hold his and prior administrations responsible. As well as Congress. I agree with you on that.
#3) You are correct about your son. I tested positive but they would not test my wife and kids because they don't have symptoms. Testing is finite.
#4) China and WHO both covered it up and WHO said not to wear face masks!
#5) I think Trump has been great and transparent. Congress has been MIA. How do you explain that.

I explain that you think that....by assuming that you're a dumbass FOX viewer who hates Democrats enough
to cloud your judgement.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Except I have. Seawitch said it could have started anywhere and me blaming the Chinese was “dangerous”. JoeB believes it is all Trumps fault. BWK said “China did everything right”. Joaquin Miller said, Trump is to blame. Siete said Trump is to blame. I can give you more examples. Point is if this doesn’t start in China then there isn’t anything for our administration to get blamed for.

The response, fool. The response.
There would be a need for a response if the Pandemic never occurred, idiot.

Damn. You really are that dense. I honestly gave you way more credit until this dopey thread.

In your mind, the fact that Trump didn't create the virus in his WH bathroom and spread it to the citizenry absolves him
of all responsibility. No matter how bad his response has been or will continue to be, you won't look to him to own up.

That is incredibly weak thinking. Especially for a guy with a 148 IQ.
I disagree that the response was bad given the data he received. I did not hear on Democrat state we should have responded in Jan or Feb. I watched all the debates and impeachment hearings and didn't find any articles on the issue either. Flacaltenn agrees. Is he an idiot too, in your book?

If Trump for any reason shut down the Country on Feb 1st and cancelled the SB all of you Leftists would cry foul and that he is just trying to take the attention from his impeachment.

Would you have cancelled the SB, Lone Leftist?

So much.

Trump was late. Period. South Korea had patient one on the same day as we did. They kicked ass and we did not.

Yes, FLCALTN is an idiot too.

If Trump had RECOMMENDED that we stay at home as a nation and led instead of followed, he would have saved lives and he would
sail into re-election in spite of his incompetence and corruption.

I would have chosen the most aggressive option that was presented to me by the medical experts who I charged with giving me advice.
I would not have listened to a moron like Jared or an idiot like Kudlow.

First US death was Feb 28th but you would have shut down the Economy on Feb 1st? Find me one post in Jan and or Feb from you where you said you would that. In MA, our schools were shut down starting March 16th. Europe is getting crushed. Trump's fault too? You have lost all credibility and my IQ is making a monkey out of you.

You are putting words in my mouth and then arguing against them. That is what morons do.
I am still waiting for you to give me your rationale of what Trump did badly and what you would have done differently if you were in his shoes. Hell he instituted the travel ban on Jan 31st. First US death was Feb 28th. Schools closed on March 16th. He moved pretty swiftly IMO given the cover up of China and the WHO.

He did not ban travel. Thousands upon thousands of travellers from China directly and via other nations travelled here and continue to travel here.

He didn't close schools. Governors did that. he didn't pressure a single governor to close a single fucking thing. Some governors STILL haven't
issued "stay at home orders".

Testing. His administration fucked up by not getting enough tests made and delivered quickly enough to contain the spread.
We STILL haven't got adequate testing. My son is a cop. One of his fellow officers tested positive after having symptoms. He cannot
get tested himself because he does not have symptoms. His fiance is an EMT. She also cannot get tested. Until we test and track WAY MORE PEOPLE,
we will lag behind other nations in our response.

China surely tried to cover up their shit. WHO did no such thing. They were incorrect regarding transmission for a few days. They have since

Trump has been weak and ineffective. That is clear to all.
#1) He did -- could have been worse and it was January 31.
#2) Testing is correct. That is ridiculous and I hold his and prior administrations responsible. As well as Congress. I agree with you on that.
#3) You are correct about your son. I tested positive but they would not test my wife and kids because they don't have symptoms. Testing is finite.
#4) China and WHO both covered it up and WHO said not to wear face masks!
#5) I think Trump has been great and transparent. Congress has been MIA. How do you explain that.

I explain that you think that....by assuming that you're a dumbass FOX viewer who hates Democrats enough
to cloud your judgement.
So I give you a logical and coherent response and you respond like my 10-year old. Excellent, go back to your cave, troll.
The OP has spent weeks making up a weird alternate reality where people have not looked to China as the source of this virus.

Now, he’s claiming vindication after never once being told that this virus did not originate in China by anyone.

This is great.
Except I have. Seawitch said it could have started anywhere and me blaming the Chinese was “dangerous”. JoeB believes it is all Trumps fault. BWK said “China did everything right”. Joaquin Miller said, Trump is to blame. Siete said Trump is to blame. I can give you more examples. Point is if this doesn’t start in China then there isn’t anything for our administration to get blamed for.

The response, fool. The response.
There would be a need for a response if the Pandemic never occurred, idiot.

Damn. You really are that dense. I honestly gave you way more credit until this dopey thread.

In your mind, the fact that Trump didn't create the virus in his WH bathroom and spread it to the citizenry absolves him
of all responsibility. No matter how bad his response has been or will continue to be, you won't look to him to own up.

That is incredibly weak thinking. Especially for a guy with a 148 IQ.
I disagree that the response was bad given the data he received. I did not hear on Democrat state we should have responded in Jan or Feb. I watched all the debates and impeachment hearings and didn't find any articles on the issue either. Flacaltenn agrees. Is he an idiot too, in your book?

If Trump for any reason shut down the Country on Feb 1st and cancelled the SB all of you Leftists would cry foul and that he is just trying to take the attention from his impeachment.

Would you have cancelled the SB, Lone Leftist?

So much.

Trump was late. Period. South Korea had patient one on the same day as we did. They kicked ass and we did not.

Yes, FLCALTN is an idiot too.

If Trump had RECOMMENDED that we stay at home as a nation and led instead of followed, he would have saved lives and he would
sail into re-election in spite of his incompetence and corruption.

I would have chosen the most aggressive option that was presented to me by the medical experts who I charged with giving me advice.
I would not have listened to a moron like Jared or an idiot like Kudlow.

First US death was Feb 28th but you would have shut down the Economy on Feb 1st? Find me one post in Jan and or Feb from you where you said you would that. In MA, our schools were shut down starting March 16th. Europe is getting crushed. Trump's fault too? You have lost all credibility and my IQ is making a monkey out of you.

You are putting words in my mouth and then arguing against them. That is what morons do.
I am still waiting for you to give me your rationale of what Trump did badly and what you would have done differently if you were in his shoes. Hell he instituted the travel ban on Jan 31st. First US death was Feb 28th. Schools closed on March 16th. He moved pretty swiftly IMO given the cover up of China and the WHO.

He did not ban travel. Thousands upon thousands of travellers from China directly and via other nations travelled here and continue to travel here.

He didn't close schools. Governors did that. he didn't pressure a single governor to close a single fucking thing. Some governors STILL haven't
issued "stay at home orders".

Testing. His administration fucked up by not getting enough tests made and delivered quickly enough to contain the spread.
We STILL haven't got adequate testing. My son is a cop. One of his fellow officers tested positive after having symptoms. He cannot
get tested himself because he does not have symptoms. His fiance is an EMT. She also cannot get tested. Until we test and track WAY MORE PEOPLE,
we will lag behind other nations in our response.

China surely tried to cover up their shit. WHO did no such thing. They were incorrect regarding transmission for a few days. They have since

Trump has been weak and ineffective. That is clear to all.
#1) He did -- could have been worse and it was January 31.
#2) Testing is correct. That is ridiculous and I hold his and prior administrations responsible. As well as Congress. I agree with you on that.
#3) You are correct about your son. I tested positive but they would not test my wife and kids because they don't have symptoms. Testing is finite.
#4) China and WHO both covered it up and WHO said not to wear face masks!
#5) I think Trump has been great and transparent. Congress has been MIA. How do you explain that.

I explain that you think that....by assuming that you're a dumbass FOX viewer who hates Democrats enough
to cloud your judgement.
So I give you a logical and coherent response and you respond like my 10-year old. Excellent, go back to your cave, troll.

You were not logical. You don't hold Trump to account for ANYTHING. It is pathological devotion. You want Obama to share blame for
the lack of testing? Insane.
Obviously, as evidenced by the SOTU speech, and his subsequent bold and decisive actions, Trump thought the China virus was very significant.

Why would you want him to "spook the markets" in the first place?

Well, no, his bold actions have resulted in us having more cases and deaths than any other country in the world.

He called it a Hoax and ignored the problem for months.
You’re a racist. Maher is not and I do not like Maher.

No, but you are happy to embrace him selectively...

Are you still whining the mods spanked you?

Except I have. Seawitch said it could have started anywhere and me blaming the Chinese was “dangerous”. JoeB believes it is all Trumps fault. BWK said “China did everything right”. Joaquin Miller said, Trump is to blame. Siete said Trump is to blame. I can give you more examples. Point is if this doesn’t start in China then there isn’t anything for our administration to get blamed for.

Here's the thing... China is a poor country with limited technology, a denser population and the virus hit them first. They were able to limit the number of cases and mostly confine the outbreak to one province.

Trump, on the other hand, ignored the problem for months, called it a hoax, refused to endorse serious measures until late March for fear of spooking the markets, and now we lead the world in deaths and cases and the disease has spread to all 50 states... And I don't think we are even over the hump yet. (Although here's one case where I'd like to be wrong.)
You’re a racist. Maher is not and I do not like Maher.

No, but you are happy to embrace him selectively...

Are you still whining the mods spanked you?

Except I have. Seawitch said it could have started anywhere and me blaming the Chinese was “dangerous”. JoeB believes it is all Trumps fault. BWK said “China did everything right”. Joaquin Miller said, Trump is to blame. Siete said Trump is to blame. I can give you more examples. Point is if this doesn’t start in China then there isn’t anything for our administration to get blamed for.

Here's the thing... China is a poor country with limited technology, a denser population and the virus hit them first. They were able to limit the number of cases and mostly confine the outbreak to one province.

Trump, on the other hand, ignored the problem for months, called it a hoax, refused to endorse serious measures until late March for fear of spooking the markets, and now we lead the world in deaths and cases and the disease has spread to all 50 states... And I don't think we are even over the hump yet. (Although here's one case where I'd like to be wrong.)
Mods never did anything. They hate and ignore you. China is not all that poor with 300mil in the middle class. What planet are you from? Planet a Tattle Tale? All your posts are hoaxes and you’re a liar. You said you would put me on ignore but didn’t.
Mods never did anything. They hate and ignore you.

Yet you are the one whining about them all the time.

China is not all that poor with 300mil in the middle class.

And 900 million who are so dirt poor, they'd rather be shipped here to do slave labor.

You said you would put me on ignore but didn’t.

No, I said I would only try to address when you make serious points, and any rules violations I would just report.

Now, if you get around to making a serious point, I'd be happy to address it. But my days of not taking you seriously are definitely coming to a middle.
Mods never did anything. They hate and ignore you.

Yet you are the one whining about them all the time.

China is not all that poor with 300mil in the middle class.

And 900 million who are so dirt poor, they'd rather be shipped here to do slave labor.

You said you would put me on ignore but didn’t.

No, I said I would only try to address when you make serious points, and any rules violations I would just report.

Now, if you get around to making a serious point, I'd be happy to address it. But my days of not taking you seriously are definitely coming to a middle.
So a country with a middle class the size of the US population is a “poor country”???? Please reiterate that point.
So a country with a middle class the size of the US population is a “poor country”???? Please reiterate that point.

Um, yeah, when 80% of your population lives in grinding poverty, you are a poor country. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Household income in China is $4800 a year.
Average household income in the US is $63,000 a year

Seriously, the day I have to explain Money to a Jew. The world really is coming to an end.
So a country with a middle class the size of the US population is a “poor country”???? Please reiterate that point.

Um, yeah, when 80% of your population lives in grinding poverty, you are a poor country. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Household income in China is $4800 a year.
Average household income in the US is $63,000 a year

Seriously, the day I have to explain Money to a Jew. The world really is coming to an end.
2% of Chinas population lives below the poverty line. 11% of the US population lives below the poverty line. China’s middle class is the size of our population. But they are a “poor country”. LMaO!!!!

Stick to your expertise of whatever it is you do? Live off the Government and whine on this message board.
So a country with a middle class the size of the US population is a “poor country”???? Please reiterate that point.

Um, yeah, when 80% of your population lives in grinding poverty, you are a poor country. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Household income in China is $4800 a year.
Average household income in the US is $63,000 a year

Seriously, the day I have to explain Money to a Jew. The world really is coming to an end.
You’re so dumb. Lmao
2% of Chinas population lives below the poverty line.

Uh, no, guy

China's poverty rate is 27.20%.

Oh, poverty rate means living Above $5.50 a day. 27% of Chinese can't even meet THAT standard.
I agree with Bill except for one thing...this didn't come from the wet markets although some nasty stuff does come form wet markets the bat in question is not sold there....it was let loose from a infectious disease lab in Wuyan...and don't forget the Chinese government stopped all interstate flights and buses from Wuhan but left international flights open sending the virus all over the world including SF and NY....wake up USA...we were attacked....
Thanks, Obama!
it did not originate in the wet market ...given the chicoms history of brutality and extremism when dealing with perceived problems and threats they would have burned that market to the ground if they believed it was the source ... it escaped a lab .

Yessir! :salute:
2% of Chinas population lives below the poverty line.

Uh, no, guy

China's poverty rate is 27.20%.

Oh, poverty rate means living Above $5.50 a day. 27% of Chinese can't even meet THAT standard.
So a top 25 richest country is a “poor country “? A country with the 2nd most billionaires is a “poor country”? Country will the largest $3.1trn foreign exchange reserves is a “poor country”.

2nd wealthiest country is a “poor country”

LMaO!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha aha ha
Trump didn't downplay anything...he passed along information from the WHO...call them....

Okay, but the CDC, NIH, DoD were all saying this was a pretty big deal and he still downplayed it because he didn't want to spook the markets...So there's that.
Obviously, as evidenced by the SOTU speech, and his subsequent bold and decisive actions, Trump thought the China virus was very significant.

Why would you want him to "spook the markets" in the first place?
people out of work is good for dems only .
You’re a racist. Maher is not and I do not like Maher.

No, but you are happy to embrace him selectively...

Are you still whining the mods spanked you?

Except I have. Seawitch said it could have started anywhere and me blaming the Chinese was “dangerous”. JoeB believes it is all Trumps fault. BWK said “China did everything right”. Joaquin Miller said, Trump is to blame. Siete said Trump is to blame. I can give you more examples. Point is if this doesn’t start in China then there isn’t anything for our administration to get blamed for.

Here's the thing... China is a poor country with limited technology, a denser population and the virus hit them first. They were able to limit the number of cases and mostly confine the outbreak to one province.

Trump, on the other hand, ignored the problem for months, called it a hoax, refused to endorse serious measures until late March for fear of spooking the markets, and now we lead the world in deaths and cases and the disease has spread to all 50 states... And I don't think we are even over the hump yet. (Although here's one case where I'd like to be wrong.)
maybe we should do like your friends the chicoms did ...weld you shut into your home after tossing in a dildo to occupy your time for 4 weeks .
2% of Chinas population lives below the poverty line.

Uh, no, guy

China's poverty rate is 27.20%.

Oh, poverty rate means living Above $5.50 a day. 27% of Chinese can't even meet THAT standard.
So a top 25 richest country is a “poor country “? A country with the 2nd most billionaires is a “poor country”? Country will the largest $3.1trn foreign exchange reserves is a “poor country”.

2nd wealthiest country is a “poor country”

LMaO!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha aha ha
the commie thinks china isnt rich enough .
2% of Chinas population lives below the poverty line.

Uh, no, guy

China's poverty rate is 27.20%.

Oh, poverty rate means living Above $5.50 a day. 27% of Chinese can't even meet THAT standard.
So a top 25 richest country is a “poor country “? A country with the 2nd most billionaires is a “poor country”? Country will the largest $3.1trn foreign exchange reserves is a “poor country”.

2nd wealthiest country is a “poor country”

LMaO!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha aha ha
the commie thinks china isnt rich enough .
The 2nd wealthiest country in the world and this balding, old, pudgy communist calls them “poor”. Cannot make this stuff up.
All Americans (obviously the American left won't cooperate) should put as much pressure as humanly possible on China to end their INHUMANE and filthy wet markets.

Maybe if I showed pictures of dogs in cages with break-your-heart sad expressions on their faces, waiting to be purchased to be someone's dinner, maybe that would stir what's left of their black hearts, and motivate them to put pressure on China as well.

I won't hold my breath, because, you know, it's Trump Trump Trump 24/7.

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