100 Facts

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Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Does being racist = being stupid?

I can see that you were on your high school debate team.

Is it such a stretch to think that there is a certein amount of lazyness in the two groups that lead the U.S in the amount of social services (welfare, foodstamps) and in obesity?

Why do you think blacks and hispanics lead in these two categories?

Does being racist = being stupid?http://www.jbhe.com/features/39_20thcentury_racists.html

Inability to debate a subject with reason or facts and then resorting to personal attacks is a clear sign of unintelligents.
Oh. My. Frelling. Gawd.

Are you still harping on this genetic inferiority theme? You just keep repeating the same manipulated statistics over and over again.

So, again I will say, to claim that an ethnic group is inferior is Anti-American. Americans treat Individuals as Individuals.
Originally posted by Big D
I can see that you were on your high school debate team.

Is it such a stretch to think that there is a certein amount of lazyness in the two groups that lead the U.S in the amount of social services (welfare, foodstamps) and in obesity?

Why do you think blacks and hispanics lead in these two categories?

Does being racist = being stupid?http://www.jbhe.com/features/39_20thcentury_racists.html

Inability to debate a subject with reason or facts and then resorting to personal attacks is a clear sign of unintelligents.

Well, where I live it's mostly white folk.

You inability to spell leaves you kinda low on the scale too...Don't it?

I was asking people why do they think the reason is that blacks and hispanics lead the U.S in obesity?

As far as "Americans treat Americans as Individuals", there are far to many black and hispanic separatists groups here in America for me to belive that.


It is usally the whites that live in mostly white areas that call others racist.

In Ohio where you live blacks are 12% of the population, but they are 53% of your prison population.
Maybe thats why you live in such a white neigborhood, because you people in Ohio keep so many blacks in prison.
Big D,

Reading between the lines of your posts, there is the recurrent theme that non-Causasians are inferior. You can try to justify it with statistics and semantics, but the message is coming through loud and clear.

You could use a refresher on The Constitution.

I don't belive any group is inferior, I belive that all groups of people are different, I'm just pointing out the difference. It has been people like yourself who have thought of these differences as being inferior or not.
I have never made any mention of any group being inferior.

Of all groups, asians have the lowest rates of obesity.

Are you going to get upset at me pointing out this fact about Asians?
You telegraph your agenda by pointing out these "differences".

And it is incredibly offensive.
Originally posted by wonderwench
You telegraph your agenda by pointing out these "differences".

And it is incredibly offensive.

The differences are offensive, or is it me pointing out the differences that is offensive?
No, what is offensive is that you are trying to develop and reinforce negative sterotypes. That is what bigots do.

I am tired of trying to converse with you. You are a racist to the core. Your promotion of these "differences" is all the proof anyone who treats individuals as Individuals needs.

In America we "celebrate diversity", we do not celebrate individualizim.

Treating people as individuals is very unAmerican.
Originally posted by Big D


It is usally the whites that live in mostly white areas that call others racist.

In Ohio where you live blacks are 12% of the population, but they are 53% of your prison population.
Maybe thats why you live in such a white neigborhood, because you people in Ohio keep so many blacks in prison.

Sorry buckwheat...I live near the OSU campus. Not only do I have minorities as negihbors, I have neighbors from all over the world.

You racism is the product of fear...fear of the different, fear of change, fear of anything which might threaten you pathetically fragile ego. But what do you really fear?...I wonder.

Maybe you are right about my fears,
but I know there is one thing I don't fear, and that is the truth.,
and the truth is what you and many other have feared all thoughout this thread, the proof is in the way you avoid it.

Just look at your last few posts, first you say you live in a area of mostly whites, and now you make it sound like you live in a area with lots of as you say "minorities.
And thats not even true:

Ohio states black population is 12%.
Ohio state university's black population is 7%.

Can you say spin?

P.S. You spelled neigborhood wrong, are you now low on the scale?
let's just say i'm appalled. I refuse to believe black are inferior to white.
Originally posted by Big D

Maybe you are right about my fears,
but I know there is one thing I don't fear, and that is the truth.,
and the truth is what you and many other have feared all thoughout this thread, the proof is in the way you avoid it.

Just look at your last few posts, first you say you live in a area of mostly whites, and now you make it sound like you live in a area with lots of as you say "minorities.
And thats not even true:

Ohio states black population is 12%.
Ohio state university's black population is 7%.

Can you say spin?

P.S. You spelled neigborhood wrong, are you now low on the scale?

Point one: Given the nature of your post, I really don't believe you would know the truth if it came up and bit you on the ass. As for your fears, face them and see them for what they are and you will be freed from them. Get professional help if you must.

Point two: I never said that I lived in a "...mostly white..." area. If I recall correctly, I said most of the people I see on welfare and public assistance are white. For taking statements out of context: 5 demerits.

Point three: Well golly Big D...Guilty as charged.
To be fair, I have not seen Big D advocate any racist or prejudicial policies based on his stats. Th only ones who currently advocate race based preferences of any kind are the affirmative action supporters.
Originally posted by Big D

In America we "celebrate diversity", we do not celebrate individualizim.

Treating people as individuals is very unAmerican.

What kind of crack are you smoking?
why does it seem that big D is preoccupied with race??? as I have stated else where, race isnt what causes crime..socio-economic conditions lead people [of ALL races] to crime... yea big d ,there is something you fear...we are all AMERICANS here, last nite watching TV I didnt see people of different races debating on CNN, I saw AMERICANS.... you really need to open your eyes...and your mind:cof:
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Well, where I live it's mostly white folk.

You inability to spell leaves you kinda low on the scale too...Don't it?

You are saying that most the people on welfare in your area are white?
That is clearly a racist lie about whites in your area and you can never prove it. Someone who would make up lies about a racial group like you have done is a true racist.

Color of children on welfare in the state of Ohio:
80% of the children in Ohio are white 40% are on welfare.
14% of the children in Ohio are black 56% are on welfare.

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
What kind of crack are you smoking?

Quite obviously, Big D must have been ripped off by an African-American crack dealer - he is So Hostile!

His problems are withdrawal related.

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
What kind of crack are you smoking?

Come on now DK,

Now don't get me wrong I'm all for it but, not much in America is based on individualizim. In fact it's most of the time against the law. Company's have to hire based on race, schools have to recruit based on race. No matter how well a individual preforms if he or she is not of the right color they will have no chance of getting a job or accepted into a school.

School's will be fined, company's will be shut down if they do not hire or recruit the "right" amount of different colored people.
Even if no people of a certein color apply for a job or school, that company or school are required to then go out and recruit these people no matter how well these "individuals preforms.

Can you even think of a area where the way a individual is judged is on his or her preformance?

P.S Speaking of crack:
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