100 Facts

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you really are pre-occupied with race Big D, bad experience when a child?? the only race I am concerned with involves sports and cars. Oh, and 08 when the white house job will open up
I think it would be better for all of us to think of people as belonging to the Human Race, and to forget about labelling people based upon the color of their skin.

Originally posted by wonderwench
I think it would be better for all of us to think of people as belonging to the Human Race, and to forget about labelling people based upon the color of their skin.


But so long as people continue to focus on the superficial, as Big D would have us do, it will contiue to be so.
Originally posted by jon_forward
you can only be lead down that path if you choose to follow.....:)

See Jon,
The difference between you and I is that, I don't need to be lead down a path and I am not much of a follower.
that post was meant as a reply to bullypulpit Big D..as to the difference between you and I.. I dont have an agenda that I am constantly trying to ram down other peoples throats pretty much none stop. all I am asking is that you try and not play the race card on just about every thread you post to. am I asking to much? we can choose to not agree on these issue and carry on...
Oh. My. God.

The Energizer Bigot does it again.
Mindless linking to suspicious sources is not a very effective debating tactic.
Originally posted by wonderwench
Mindless linking to suspicious sources is not a very effective debating tactic.

Over 200 posts on here and not 1 of the 100 facts has been proven wrong.

Wonderwench, you think ignoring reality and personaly attacking people is a effective way to debate?

you have been proven to be someone who lies.
You present statistics in an ignorant, bigoted fashion with no context.

There is nothing to refute.

There is No There There.
Originally posted by wonderwench
You present statistics in an ignorant, bigoted fashion with no context.

There is nothing to refute.

There is No There There.

If these same facts had been written about Whites, they would be very easy to refute.

Just like when Jon said that most of the armed sevices were minority's.
That was a lie and very easy to refute.
Please explain your agenda in promoting these "facts".

What is it you hope to accomplish?
Originally posted by wonderwench
Please explain your agenda in promoting these "facts".

What is it you hope to accomplish?

To save lives,
There is a large element of the black population who hates whites.
People who force whites or make whites feel guilty for not wanting to help, live or work around blacks put these peoples lives in danger.

For instance:
There have been quite a few movies promoting white women to date black men. Why are people so eager to promote this?
Black men have a much higher rate of domestic abuse, violent assult, most out of wedlock births, abandoning their children, and rape. Black men also have Aids at a extreamly higher rate then white males. But for some reason if I were to warn anyone about this, well I'm a racist.

Black males are only 6% of the U.S population.
Black males commit over 50% of ALL murders in the U.S.
Black males commit over 45% of ALL rapes in the U.S.
Black males commit over 60% of ALL violent crime in the U.S.

It is a overwelming fact about the violent nature of many blacks.

It does not matter if it's happing because of welfare, racism, being poor, break up of familys, uneducated, drugs, or any other excuse you can come up with. The fact is that it is happing, so what is wrong about anybody wanting to warn others about this?

Why do you want to protect this element of our socity?
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