100 million dollars for an attack that kills zero aircraft and accomplishes nothing strategically

Russia is claiming 26 hit the base...and can't find where 36 more hit...yeah right a Tomahawk makes a pretty big noise when it hits

They can be reprogrammed in flight if it's windy or raining....60 were fired, only one dud...the Ivans just got OWNED same as the Syrians so they say shit like a scorned lover....they ain't what they used to be and everybody knows it.
Probably? You don't have a clue idiot, you're just blabbering to blabber

Well maybe their surveillance UAV was shot down, but I doubt it. It's either that or they have something to hide. If I was clairvoyant I would tell you with 100% certainty.
Russia is claiming 26 hit the base...and can't find where 36 more hit...yeah right a Tomahawk makes a pretty big noise when it hits

They can be reprogrammed in flight if it's windy or raining....60 were fired, only one dud...the Ivans just got OWNED same as the Syrians so they say shit like a scorned lover....they ain't what they used to be and everybody knows it.

My papa was US Navy, he told me once Tomahawks are just pure bad ass and if the Navy fires one off at ya you may as well kiss your ass good bye
Who can blame Trump for venting some of his frustrations on this concocted 'Russia Gate'... constructive venting... serves a strategic purpose IMHO... And US manufacturing will have to replace the missiles, likely adding to stockpile numbers...
Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.
Of course you do. All the anti-American, Socialists and Anarchists think that way. Nothing new here.
Who can blame Trump for venting some of his frustrations on this concocted 'Russia Gate'... constructive venting... serves a strategic purpose IMHO...

Okay, so that was 100 million so Donald could hit a pillow. Let's call it the Trump venting fund. How big is that budget?
My papa was US Navy, he told me once Tomahawks are just pure bad ass and if the Navy fires one off at ya you may as well kiss your ass good bye

1000 lb. warhead and if the flight is under 1,000 miles, the fuel vaporizes and also explodes on impact....makes for a bad morning. My wife and I saw one chasing a drone over 1-17 headed toward Flagstaff back in the late 70's....WHOA...had no idea what it was then. :lol:
Of course you do. All the anti-American, Socialists and Anarchists think that way. Nothing new here.

The United States will look pathetic purely out of fact and not ideology. Your state is ruled by dipshits.
Who can blame Trump for venting some of his frustrations on this concocted 'Russia Gate'... constructive venting... serves a strategic purpose IMHO...

Okay, so that was 100 million so Donald could hit a pillow. Let's call it the Trump venting fund. How big is that budget?
Hopefully it's 'Uggge' great US works program just kicking off...
While this missile strike may have been more symbolic than tactically effective, I'm sure that it will have some effect on the war. The most likely reason that Assad used chemical weapons is that the war is starting to go against him again. It's a sign of desperation.

Rendering Assad's major airbases unusable will have an impact on Syrian military operations - just when they are faltering. I doubt it's going to be a game changer though.

Mostly this will have a political effect.

First, Americans in general like a President that is willing to use military power, so Trump score a few points on the home front.

Second, it sends a message to the Chinese and North Koreans - at a perfect time.

Third, the Russians do not want a confrontation with the U.S. and know that Trump is unstable - this sends a message to the Russians that they'd better keep Assad on e leach regarding chemical weapons. Russian presence in Syria will not have the U.S. walking on egg shells anymore.

Finally, it's very doubtful that Assad will use chemical weapons again now that he knows it will cause a response from the U.S.

So, despite the fact that I can't stand Trump, I think he did the right thing. I just wish that the attack had been larger and more of a game changer.
Of course you do. All the anti-American, Socialists and Anarchists think that way. Nothing new here.

The United States will look pathetic purely out of fact and not ideology. Your state is ruled by dipshits.
You are free to say that. What you aren't free to due is calling Putin a fucking dipshit KGB asshole. Maybe you should live in a freer country than one dominated by Socialists assholes?
You are free to say that. What you aren't free to due is calling Putin a fucking dipshit KGB asshole. Maybe you should live in a freer country than one dominated by Socialists assholes?

Putin is a fucking dipshit KGB asshole. Happy now?
My papa was US Navy, he told me once Tomahawks are just pure bad ass and if the Navy fires one off at ya you may as well kiss your ass good bye

1000 lb. warhead and if the flight is under 1,000 miles, the fuel vaporizes and also explodes on impact....makes for a bad morning. My wife and I saw one chasing a drone over 1-17 headed toward Flagstaff back in the late 70's....WHOA...had no idea what it was then. :lol:

A funny story my dad used to tell me, during Desert Shield and Desert Storm the Iraqis blacked out Baghdad to prevent bombings, dumb fooks didn't realize smart weapons do better in darkness. LOL
You are free to say that. What you aren't free to due is calling Putin a fucking dipshit KGB asshole. Maybe you should live in a freer country than one dominated by Socialists assholes?

Putin is a fucking dipshit KGB asshole. Happy now?
How did you get permission from your Russian handler so fast? Was he standing right there looking over your shoulder?
How did you get permission from your Russian handler so fast? Was he standing right there looking over your shoulder?

Your first mistake was thinking I was a Russian agent. Allahu Akbar!
Damn, the Russian deputy ambassador to the UN is ripping the United States a new asshole though.

Calling them hypocrites, imperialists, war criminals, terrorist sponsors, ect.
Like I said yesterday, this was a symbolic gesture so Trump could make a chest-thumping Tweet and then go back to doing nothing about Assad. Hell, Trump's probably already called Putin to apologize.

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