100 million dollars for an attack that kills zero aircraft and accomplishes nothing strategically

you're likely right that the russians alerted the syrians. I assume they did.

the point of my original comment was that, strategically speaking, sending a message that this won't be tolerated is accomplishing something.

IMO, that got done whether or not Assad got most of his toys out of the way or not so this wasn't a total waste of time, IMO, as Assad has more to think about today than he did yesterday....

I don't think a message was sent. Russia released drone footage several hours ago showing two dozen craters (there were 59 missiles), but all the aircraft intact. Zero damage isn't a very intimidating message.
you're likely right that the russians alerted the syrians. I assume they did.

the point of my original comment was that, strategically speaking, sending a message that this won't be tolerated is accomplishing something.

IMO, that got done whether or not Assad got most of his toys out of the way or not so this wasn't a total waste of time, IMO, as Assad has more to think about today than he did yesterday....

I don't think a message was sent. Russia released drone footage several hours ago showing two dozen craters (there were 59 missiles), but all the aircraft intact. Zero damage isn't a very intimidating message.

well, I disagree, as I think it's hard not to convey a message when you rain tomahawks on someone....
you're likely right that the russians alerted the syrians. I assume they did.

the point of my original comment was that, strategically speaking, sending a message that this won't be tolerated is accomplishing something.

IMO, that got done whether or not Assad got most of his toys out of the way or not so this wasn't a total waste of time, IMO, as Assad has more to think about today than he did yesterday....

I don't think a message was sent. Russia released drone footage several hours ago showing two dozen craters (there were 59 missiles), but all the aircraft intact. Zero damage isn't a very intimidating message.
true, the dumbass in cheif should not have warned them...Something he said he will not and doesn't do when he had the press meeting with Jordan's leader..
well, I disagree, as I think it's hard not to convey a message when you rain tomahawks on someone....

If the missiles don't hit anything, cost 100 million dollars (not a sustainable for long term), and were proven to be far less efficient than previously predicted... then wouldn't this just make them more emboldened?

This was the longest range tomahawk missiles have been used in a real combat trial, and video evidence shows only half of them hit near the airbase. Suspiciously all the other missiles hit around the airfield and not a single aircraft.
These idiots don't even realize that you DON'T want to hit the chemical weapons, because of the obvious risk of unleashing them on the surrounding areas.

What "idiots", are you addressing?

The storage facility was known and the missiles were programmed to avoid those facilities.

Meanwhile, with the exception of Syria, Iran, and Russia, the world applauds along with even Democrats in congress.
Why is the pentagon so slow to release satellite imagery? Maybe it has to do with Russia saying only half the missiles hit the airbase.

Numerous sources released satellite photos showing the massive destruction of the base. Perhaps CNN and MSNBC were unwilling to inform their few remaining viewers. Who knows?

Russia also said that al-Assad had NO REMAINING CHEMICAL WEAPONS.
I remember the righties complaining about the costs of obamas no fly over Lybia .

Bygones !

May I ask that you provide your reliable source and link to that affect? Thank you!
Numerous sources released satellite photos showing the massive destruction of the base. Perhaps CNN and MSNBC were unwilling to inform their few remaining viewers. Who knows?

You're making shit up. There is only one video right now, and it shows zero damage to the airfield or hardened aircraft shelters. 100 million dollars and not a single aircraft destroyed.
well, I disagree, as I think it's hard not to convey a message when you rain tomahawks on someone....

If the missiles don't hit anything, cost 100 million dollars (not a sustainable for long term), and were proven to be far less efficient than previously predicted... then wouldn't this just make them more emboldened?

This was the longest range tomahawk missiles have been used in a real combat trial, and video evidence shows only half of them hit near the airbase. Suspiciously all the other missiles hit around the airfield and not a single aircraft.

I doubt this makes them more emboldened. More emboldened than what, utter impunity?

By making it a riskier proposition than previously, and alerting Assad to the fact that there will be consequences, they're attempting to prevent Assad from dropping chemical weapons on civilians again, which is not a waste of time.

If Assad doesn't get this message and pushes it again, we'll see what the response is then, but I don't see any scenario where it actually increases Assad's proclivity to use chemical weapons.
true, the dumbass in cheif should not have warned them...Something he said he will not and doesn't do when he had the press meeting with Jordan's leader..

The Russian military was warned to get any of their assets (personnel) out of the area. An extremely wise decision. Syria had no time to remove their aircraft. Some of the missiles circled the target until all had been launched. They all struck their targets (59 of 60) within less than five minutes. Must have been one heck of a fireworks display!
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This was the longest range tomahawk missiles have been used in a real combat trial, and video evidence shows only half of them hit near the airbase. Suspiciously all the other missiles hit around the airfield and not a single aircraft.

Syria missile attack: Satellite photos show major damage to airfields
Published April 07, 2017

Satellite images released Friday of the Syrian air base that was pounded with 59 U.S. Tomahawk missiles show large-scale destruction to airfields, planes and fueling facilities allegedly used by the Assad regime to mount chemical weapons attacks.

Shayrat air base was "almost completely destroyed" by the barrage of 1,000-pound warheads launched from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea early Friday, according to a human rights group in the country.

U.S. intelligence sources told Fox News they believe with "high confidence" that a deadly gas attack on Syrian civilians was carried out by government aircraft at Shayrat air base, southeast of Homs.


Syria missile attack: Satellite photos show major damage to airfields
These idiots don't even realize that you DON'T want to hit the chemical weapons, because of the obvious risk of unleashing them on the surrounding areas.

What "idiots", are you addressing?

The storage facility was known and the missiles were programmed to avoid those facilities.

Meanwhile, with the exception of Syria, Iran, and Russia, the world applauds along with even Democrats in congress.

The ones who are bitching that we didn't hit the chemical weapons.
BTW what happened to their high technology Russian missle defense system.... LMFAO....

Those Tomahawks fly too close to the ground to be detected. Some actually circled the target until all were launched and they all hit in less than five minutes. Impressive.
I don't know if Russia is telling the truth, but I do know that if the pentagon is lagging behind on releasing satellite imagery, then they have something to hide.

I was watching the news this morning and the news outlets had satellite photos of before and after. Where were you? Over at CNN or MSNBC? Have they announced the chemical attack yet?
I was watching the news this morning and the news outlets had satellite photos of before and after. Where were you? Over at CNN or MSNBC? Have they announced the chemical attack yet?

I've seen satelite images and video footage. Not a single hit on the airfield or hardened aircraft shelters. 100 million dollars for zero kills. Eat crow you fucking idiot!
Damn, the Russian deputy ambassador to the UN is ripping the United States a new asshole though.

Calling them hypocrites, imperialists, war criminals, terrorist sponsors, ect.

Good news. Much like listening to the far left Progressives here whining and moaning about Donald Trump winning the election. Amusing!
I bet those missiles looked awesome slamming into their targets, i always loved watching that while in the military..

Apparently, the missiles were programmed in flight to circle the target until all 59 (60 were fired, one failed) were on the site then they all hit in less than five minutes. Must have seemed like the whole world was exploding all at once.
Damn, the Russian deputy ambassador to the UN is ripping the United States a new asshole though.

Calling them hypocrites, imperialists, war criminals, terrorist sponsors, ect.

Good news. Much like listening to the far left Progressives here whining and moaning about Donald Trump winning the election. Amusing!

Well, the Russians selected Trump to be the winner...right?

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