100 million dollars for an attack that kills zero aircraft and accomplishes nothing strategically

Don't worry about the $100 million, Dr. Carson just found that Obama stole $500 BILLION from HUD. That is just one department of which the crooked Obama regime stole everything not nailed down.

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development/Annual budget

32.6 billion USD

Obama stole $500 billion? From an agency that had a total budget of $260 billion for the entire Obama administration. Let's see, 500, divided by, carry the two, add the six, and the answer is, you're just a political hack.
They blew up the entire fuel depot...that means not just the fuel, but the pumps, and the buildings. So you think it is a smart idea to fly a $500K missile into the ground on purpose to create a hole that can just be filled in? :dunno: Glad you aren't running the military.

Fuel can be trucked in, returning the airport to operation, as we saw, less than 24 hours later. Patching a runway takes time to fix, a week or more.
You've been repeatedly caught in lies. And now it's time to say goodbye.


Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.
Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.

Photos out of Syria say your thread title is a lie.
They blew up the entire fuel depot...that means not just the fuel, but the pumps, and the buildings. So you think it is a smart idea to fly a $500K missile into the ground on purpose to create a hole that can just be filled in? :dunno: Glad you aren't running the military.

Fuel can be trucked in, returning the airport to operation, as we saw, less than 24 hours later. Patching a runway takes time to fix, a week or more.

No it doesn't. It would not take anywhere near a week to fix.
The missiles destroyed aircraft, hardened hangars, ammunition supply bunkers, air defense systems and radar at the Shayrat Airfield.
U.S. launches cruise missile strike on Syria after chemical weapons attack

Why is the pentagon so slow to release satellite imagery? Maybe it has to do with Russia saying only half the missiles hit the airbase.

No one lies and bullshits more than pentagon officials. They better release some hard imagery that 100 million dollars and 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal did more than that in damage to the Syrians. I doubt it.

God damn good thing you didn't grow up before cable and the internet and had to wait for 6 years after a movie was played in the movie theater to be shown on television.

Again here are the pictures ...


Impressive picture of damage if you don't look at the entire area. You might want to notice all the black splotches outside the airport. That's where most of the missiles landed. Other than the small area your picture shows, the airport was untouched. Hard to believe when those missiles are said to have pinpoint precision. Typical trump move. A publicity stunt.Nothing more.
Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.

That's one way to look at it. Let's critically think about this...

Bunker busters weren't used on the bunkers. This means we weren't looking for ultimate destruction. This was a figurative shot across the bow (I say figurative because we did hit them). This said, you used chemical weapons once, we'll send you 100 million dollar message, starting with our 30 year old weapons, get in line. You're seeing what you want to see in this. You want to see failure, and you're trying to look at it through you're prism. And that's what you were trying to see in the Russian video, why you'd ever trust them with anything I have zero clue.

Here's how I see it. Russia likes trump because he's not the clintons, and he's easily manipulated as a narcissist. This is why they backed him, not because they want to see a stronger better MAGA America. Because they want to be a bigger world power, and for this they need the US to fall behind. And the easiest way is to get the US to burn itself up from within. The chemical attack happens. They go to trump, or vice versa, and say hey, here's a way we can A. Make obama look bad, B. Throw the Dems off the Russian collusion trail. You fire off cruise missiles, we'll act all angry. Well position a frigate aggressively, and rip up a document in fake rage. Now remember...BBC new about this attack yesterday, if Russia really was concerned about this, they would've placed their frigate defensively before hand and not act so surprised. Now remember Russia want the US to be burning itself within, sooo... they release that video you saw to get the left and right arguing about what it means...and you want to see failure so much, you bite on the big juicy bait. Congrats you got played by Russia.
The missiles destroyed aircraft, hardened hangars, ammunition supply bunkers, air defense systems and radar at the Shayrat Airfield.
U.S. launches cruise missile strike on Syria after chemical weapons attack
Yet they didn't touch the runways. You think the people guiding those extremely precise missiles just forgot to do that?

More than likely they didn't touch the runway for a couple of reasons...First because Russia uses them too, and secondly why use a $500K missile to blow a hole in a runway that can be patched and fixed in a couple days for a couple thousand dollars? Doesn't make much sense does it?

More cost effective to blow up a fuel depot that can be up and running in a couple of hours, as soon as they can get the trucks there? This is nothing but a distraction. The idiot solved nothing. Great publicity stunt though.

They blew up the entire fuel depot...that means not just the fuel, but the pumps, and the buildings. So you think it is a smart idea to fly a $500K missile into the ground on purpose to create a hole that can just be filled in? :dunno: Glad you aren't running the military.

You think there aren't pumps on the fuel trucks that are probably there by now?
A Su-24 takes 3,652 gallons per fill up. As Su-17 a measly 1,240 gallons per fill up. Standard Russian fuel trucks are about 5,000 gallons. With the fuel dumps gone, those trucks for would to make runs to the nearest fuel depot, probably taking hours. They'd need a fleet of trucks just to keep up the pace. Blowing up the fuel depot is better than trying to shoot up a fleet of trucks. I'm content to let the military experts who planned this mission do the target selecting.


No it doesn't. It would not take anywhere near a week to fix.

Tell that to concrete.

Airmen resurrect Iraqi airfield wrecked by ISIS, in time for Mosul fight

And it took some time to bring in the over 200 pieces of heavy equipment -- excavators, mixers, cranes, industrial saws, and specialized runway repair equipment known as "Super Kit" -- as well as supplies such as specialized heavy durability concrete used for runways.

Once all that was done, Isler said, the 29 airmen started work on Sept. 29. They cleared the trenches of debris, all the way down to the hard surface below, as well as identifying other damaged areas and cut that concrete out as well. They sawed off the edges of the holes to smooth them out. And then they tamped down earth, filled the holes with concrete, and cured it.

But after an intense three-week repair effort on the part of 29 airmen, Q-West, as it is informally known to troops, is once again receiving massive C-130 Hercules aircraft.
No it doesn't. It would not take anywhere near a week to fix.

Tell that to concrete.

Airmen resurrect Iraqi airfield wrecked by ISIS, in time for Mosul fight

And it took some time to bring in the over 200 pieces of heavy equipment -- excavators, mixers, cranes, industrial saws, and specialized runway repair equipment known as "Super Kit" -- as well as supplies such as specialized heavy durability concrete used for runways.

Once all that was done, Isler said, the 29 airmen started work on Sept. 29. They cleared the trenches of debris, all the way down to the hard surface below, as well as identifying other damaged areas and cut that concrete out as well. They sawed off the edges of the holes to smooth them out. And then they tamped down earth, filled the holes with concrete, and cured it.

But after an intense three-week repair effort on the part of 29 airmen, Q-West, as it is informally known to troops, is once again receiving massive C-130 Hercules aircraft.

You are comparing TWO YEARS worth of damage to a couple missiles... do you understand how ridiculous a comparison that is?
Yet they didn't touch the runways. You think the people guiding those extremely precise missiles just forgot to do that?

More than likely they didn't touch the runway for a couple of reasons...First because Russia uses them too, and secondly why use a $500K missile to blow a hole in a runway that can be patched and fixed in a couple days for a couple thousand dollars? Doesn't make much sense does it?

More cost effective to blow up a fuel depot that can be up and running in a couple of hours, as soon as they can get the trucks there? This is nothing but a distraction. The idiot solved nothing. Great publicity stunt though.

They blew up the entire fuel depot...that means not just the fuel, but the pumps, and the buildings. So you think it is a smart idea to fly a $500K missile into the ground on purpose to create a hole that can just be filled in? :dunno: Glad you aren't running the military.

You think there aren't pumps on the fuel trucks that are probably there by now?
A Su-24 takes 3,652 gallons per fill up. As Su-17 a measly 1,240 gallons per fill up. Standard Russian fuel trucks are about 5,000 gallons. With the fuel dumps gone, those trucks for would to make runs to the nearest fuel depot, probably taking hours. They'd need a fleet of trucks just to keep up the pace. Blowing up the fuel depot is better than trying to shoot up a fleet of trucks. I'm content to let the military experts who planned this mission do the target selecting.



Of course Trucks would just be a temporary fix. Since there is no fire, I'm sure the pipeline that normally supplies their fuel is well along the way to repair.
Watch the news footage . They show the same 3 pictures of the damage . One of those plane huts was messed up . And maybe a jet or somthing was burned up .

Wanna bet the Russians have a heads up and the planes were gone before the attack ?
More than likely they didn't touch the runway for a couple of reasons...First because Russia uses them too, and secondly why use a $500K missile to blow a hole in a runway that can be patched and fixed in a couple days for a couple thousand dollars? Doesn't make much sense does it?

More cost effective to blow up a fuel depot that can be up and running in a couple of hours, as soon as they can get the trucks there? This is nothing but a distraction. The idiot solved nothing. Great publicity stunt though.

They blew up the entire fuel depot...that means not just the fuel, but the pumps, and the buildings. So you think it is a smart idea to fly a $500K missile into the ground on purpose to create a hole that can just be filled in? :dunno: Glad you aren't running the military.

You think there aren't pumps on the fuel trucks that are probably there by now?
A Su-24 takes 3,652 gallons per fill up. As Su-17 a measly 1,240 gallons per fill up. Standard Russian fuel trucks are about 5,000 gallons. With the fuel dumps gone, those trucks for would to make runs to the nearest fuel depot, probably taking hours. They'd need a fleet of trucks just to keep up the pace. Blowing up the fuel depot is better than trying to shoot up a fleet of trucks. I'm content to let the military experts who planned this mission do the target selecting.



Of course Trucks would just be a temporary fix. Since there is no fire, I'm sure the pipeline that normally supplies their fuel is well along the way to repair.
Interesting to see you so hopeful for the Syrians and Russians to repair the damage.
You are comparing TWO YEARS worth of damage to a couple missiles... do you understand how ridiculous a comparison that is?

You can't patch runways that have to withstand 110 degree plus temperatures with asphalt.

Asphalt melting: India heat wave kills over 1,400 people (PHOTOS)

Asphalt melting: India heat wave kills over 1,400 people
The heat wave in India is so intense that streets are melting. High temperature of 122°F. Over 1,100 people dead.
Watch the news footage . They show the same 3 pictures of the damage . One of those plane huts was messed up . And maybe a jet or somthing was burned up .

Wanna bet the Russians have a heads up and the planes were gone before the attack ?
1) The Syrians and the Russians are not very cooperative in helping us with good pictures for CNN.

2) The report I heard was that the Russians were given an hour heads up to remove their personnel. While that is enough time to get a few aircraft airborne, it's not like pilots and ground crews are sitting by each one ready to go at a moments, or even an hour's, notice. A couple of "alert" aircraft, yes, but every plane in every squadron? No.
Watch the news footage . They show the same 3 pictures of the damage . One of those plane huts was messed up . And maybe a jet or somthing was burned up .

Wanna bet the Russians have a heads up and the planes were gone before the attack ?

They probably did, since BBC knew about it the day before. My question is where was your stance during the first chemical attack and Obamas red line? Were you saying we shouldn't be the air force for ISIS?
More cost effective to blow up a fuel depot that can be up and running in a couple of hours, as soon as they can get the trucks there? This is nothing but a distraction. The idiot solved nothing. Great publicity stunt though.

They blew up the entire fuel depot...that means not just the fuel, but the pumps, and the buildings. So you think it is a smart idea to fly a $500K missile into the ground on purpose to create a hole that can just be filled in? :dunno: Glad you aren't running the military.

You think there aren't pumps on the fuel trucks that are probably there by now?
A Su-24 takes 3,652 gallons per fill up. As Su-17 a measly 1,240 gallons per fill up. Standard Russian fuel trucks are about 5,000 gallons. With the fuel dumps gone, those trucks for would to make runs to the nearest fuel depot, probably taking hours. They'd need a fleet of trucks just to keep up the pace. Blowing up the fuel depot is better than trying to shoot up a fleet of trucks. I'm content to let the military experts who planned this mission do the target selecting.



Of course Trucks would just be a temporary fix. Since there is no fire, I'm sure the pipeline that normally supplies their fuel is well along the way to repair.
Interesting to see you so hopeful for the Syrians and Russians to repair the damage.

Being realistic isn't the same as being hopeful
Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.
What's the matter, Oink...afraid you might not get your check this month?

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