100 million dollars for an attack that kills zero aircraft and accomplishes nothing strategically

They blew up the entire fuel depot...that means not just the fuel, but the pumps, and the buildings. So you think it is a smart idea to fly a $500K missile into the ground on purpose to create a hole that can just be filled in? :dunno: Glad you aren't running the military.

You think there aren't pumps on the fuel trucks that are probably there by now?
A Su-24 takes 3,652 gallons per fill up. As Su-17 a measly 1,240 gallons per fill up. Standard Russian fuel trucks are about 5,000 gallons. With the fuel dumps gone, those trucks for would to make runs to the nearest fuel depot, probably taking hours. They'd need a fleet of trucks just to keep up the pace. Blowing up the fuel depot is better than trying to shoot up a fleet of trucks. I'm content to let the military experts who planned this mission do the target selecting.



Of course Trucks would just be a temporary fix. Since there is no fire, I'm sure the pipeline that normally supplies their fuel is well along the way to repair.
Interesting to see you so hopeful for the Syrians and Russians to repair the damage.

Being realistic isn't the same as being hopeful
A true statement. Are you saying you're an expert on aviation and military matters who is simply giving everyone the benefit of your "realistic" expertise?
You think there aren't pumps on the fuel trucks that are probably there by now?
A Su-24 takes 3,652 gallons per fill up. As Su-17 a measly 1,240 gallons per fill up. Standard Russian fuel trucks are about 5,000 gallons. With the fuel dumps gone, those trucks for would to make runs to the nearest fuel depot, probably taking hours. They'd need a fleet of trucks just to keep up the pace. Blowing up the fuel depot is better than trying to shoot up a fleet of trucks. I'm content to let the military experts who planned this mission do the target selecting.



Of course Trucks would just be a temporary fix. Since there is no fire, I'm sure the pipeline that normally supplies their fuel is well along the way to repair.
Interesting to see you so hopeful for the Syrians and Russians to repair the damage.

Being realistic isn't the same as being hopeful
A true statement. Are you saying you're an expert on aviation and military matters who is simply giving everyone the benefit of your "realistic" expertise?

No. It doesn't take a military expert to see there isn't enough damage to shut them down for very long.
A Su-24 takes 3,652 gallons per fill up. As Su-17 a measly 1,240 gallons per fill up. Standard Russian fuel trucks are about 5,000 gallons. With the fuel dumps gone, those trucks for would to make runs to the nearest fuel depot, probably taking hours. They'd need a fleet of trucks just to keep up the pace. Blowing up the fuel depot is better than trying to shoot up a fleet of trucks. I'm content to let the military experts who planned this mission do the target selecting.



Of course Trucks would just be a temporary fix. Since there is no fire, I'm sure the pipeline that normally supplies their fuel is well along the way to repair.
Interesting to see you so hopeful for the Syrians and Russians to repair the damage.

Being realistic isn't the same as being hopeful
A true statement. Are you saying you're an expert on aviation and military matters who is simply giving everyone the benefit of your "realistic" expertise?

No. It doesn't take a military expert to see there isn't enough damage to shut them down for very long.

20-26 planes destroyed, anti-aircraft and missile defense systems destroyed...communications, ammunitions, and fuel depots buildings destroyed. A few planes being able to take off doesn't mean they are necessarily "operational."
A Su-24 takes 3,652 gallons per fill up. As Su-17 a measly 1,240 gallons per fill up. Standard Russian fuel trucks are about 5,000 gallons. With the fuel dumps gone, those trucks for would to make runs to the nearest fuel depot, probably taking hours. They'd need a fleet of trucks just to keep up the pace. Blowing up the fuel depot is better than trying to shoot up a fleet of trucks. I'm content to let the military experts who planned this mission do the target selecting.



Of course Trucks would just be a temporary fix. Since there is no fire, I'm sure the pipeline that normally supplies their fuel is well along the way to repair.
Interesting to see you so hopeful for the Syrians and Russians to repair the damage.

Being realistic isn't the same as being hopeful
A true statement. Are you saying you're an expert on aviation and military matters who is simply giving everyone the benefit of your "realistic" expertise?

No. It doesn't take a military expert to see there isn't enough damage to shut them down for very long.
Of course not. It's not like they nuked the field. OTOH, unlike your comrade-in-arms Onyx believes, this "100 million dollars" attack wasn't fruitless. Far from it. And the results of the attack don't make the US look pathetic. Again, far from it. In fact, it was a show of restraint.

As for results, it's going to take more than a little paint and a few tarps to repair those hardened aircraft shelters and the GSE inside. Sukhoi 17s and 24s go for $25-35M a pop. Assad can't just trot down to the Russian Walmart and replace 20 aircraft. I certainly doubt the Russians are going to just hand over $600,000,000 worth of airplanes. Russians like to be paid.

How the U.S. Planned and Executed the Tomahawk Strike Against Syria


Sukhoi 17s and 24s go for $25-35M a pop.

The most expensive aircraft in the Syrian Airforce arsenal is a 20 million dollar Su-24 Fencer, and not a single one of those was confirmed to be destroyed. Video and photo evidence released to the public, confirmed by the Russian Defense Ministry and external sources, only shows six standard MiG-23 Floggers were destroyed, which go for 1.8 million a pop.

This was a catastrophic abysmal failure. The Russians are unfettered, and are increasing their anti-air and naval defenses in the region. Sending more money to the Syrians too. What a humiliating day for the United States of Terrorism...
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20-26 planes destroyed, anti-aircraft and missile defense systems destroyed

You sure do absorb a lot of propaganda. Despite video and photo evidence only showing destroyed Mig-23 wreckage (1.8 million), and entire air squadrons and occupied air shelters intact, you still choose to believe in a random pentagon official (an institution known for serial lying and misinformation).

The sad thing is that there is nothing we can do about you brainwashed sycophants. Too far gone.
Of course Trucks would just be a temporary fix. Since there is no fire, I'm sure the pipeline that normally supplies their fuel is well along the way to repair.
Interesting to see you so hopeful for the Syrians and Russians to repair the damage.

Being realistic isn't the same as being hopeful
A true statement. Are you saying you're an expert on aviation and military matters who is simply giving everyone the benefit of your "realistic" expertise?

No. It doesn't take a military expert to see there isn't enough damage to shut them down for very long.

20-26 planes destroyed, anti-aircraft and missile defense systems destroyed...communications, ammunitions, and fuel depots buildings destroyed. A few planes being able to take off doesn't mean they are necessarily "operational."

You're arguing a moot point. Quit arguing the moot point and point out why the point is moot. Stop following the red herrings.
20-26 planes destroyed, anti-aircraft and missile defense systems destroyed

You sure do absorb a lot of propaganda. Despite video and photo evidence only showing destroyed Mig-23 wreckage, and entire air squadrons and occupied air shelters intact, you still choose to believe a random pentagon official (an institution known for serial lying and misinformation).

The sad thing is that there is nothing we can do about you brainwashed sycophants. Too far gone.

You haven't seen the classified photo evidence...and may never will. As said last night, Malcolm Nance said the U.S. has satellite photo capability 20-25 years ahead of Google Earth. I've heard they can read a license plate from space. And you think they can't see the damage? You are either incredibly ignorant or just so blinded by your anarchist views you can't see reality.
You haven't seen the classified photo evidence...and may never will.

No, but I have seen drone footage and photos the day after of entire air squadrons and occupied shelters intact.

You're just choosing to believe in one individual that works in an uncredible institution with a long history of lying and misinformation. Your choice of course. The available evidence doesn't support it nonetheless.
You haven't seen the classified photo evidence...and may never will.

No, but I have seen drone footage and photos the day after of entire air squadrons and occupied shelters intact.

You're just choosing to believe in one individual that works in an uncredible institution with a long history of lying and misinformation. Your choice of course. The available evidence doesn't support it nonetheless.

Hey dummy, those might be planes they flew back that they were able to get off the ground before the attack. Ever think of that possibility? Or maybe it was because the U.S. didn't even target them... it wasn't an attack to totally take out the entire air force, but as a warning to quit fucking around.
Hey dummy, those might be planes they flew back that they were able to get off the ground before the attack. Ever think of that possibility? Or maybe it was because the U.S. didn't even target them... it wasn't an attack to totally take out the entire air force, but as a warning to quit fucking around.

Yep, a 100 million dollar attack that did nothing but pound sand. That's what I have been saying.

The message is loud and clear too. Russia is sending more money to Syria. Ramping up their anti-air defenses. Increasing their naval presence in the region. I bet you Iran is already launching another round of production on their long range anti-ship missiles, stationing a few in Syria, and conducting naval patrols further out.

Oh, and I forgot Russia pulled out of a deconfliction agreement with the United States. And have you heard all the anti-american propaganda this attack provoked? Apparently the US is an ally of the Islamic State and violator of international law; That is if you believe in the populist voices coming out of Europe right now.
Seriously, what is all this 'sending them a message' bullshit anyways? The only message they got was to scale up their defenses threefold, and the Russians just gave them a blank check.
I checked with Sybil the Soothsayer about what is going to happen next. She told me that Congress is going to approve whatever ridiculous military budget increase that Trump asks for.
Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.

It's been reported they took out 20 Syrian planes. It's not that I disagree with the action, I think Obama should have done this in 2013- at the last Chemical attack---and he really didn't need congressional approval to do it.

I agree with you though--that Trump completely did a 180 degree flip on what he campaigned on. He was basically campaigning on Isolation--America first, no more being the police of the world, and often stated that we should not be involved in Syria and their civil war. "Let the Syrians and Russia handle ISIS--etc. etc. etc. He continally campaigned on that, even bashing Hillary Clinton for her stronger stance regarding Assad, and insisting on a no fly zone.

But Trump's biggest supporter--reich wing talk show host (Michael Savage) actually apologized for promoting and supporting Trump today--which was a real shock. And it was because of this military action taken against Syria.
I remember the righties complaining about the costs of obamas no fly over Lybia .

Bygones !
Quit falling down the well.

Shit for brains, Libya is worse off now than ever. Because our piece of human dog shit commander in chief at the time didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Him and his team killed our own people…
You suck far too much Obama dick fuck face
...Despite video and photo evidence only showing destroyed Mig-23 wreckage (1.8 million), and entire air squadrons and occupied air shelters intact, you still choose to believe in a random pentagon official (an institution known for serial lying and misinformation).

The sad thing is that there is nothing we can do about you brainwashed sycophants. Too far gone.
The sad thing is that you continue to lie. A MIG-23 worth only $1.8 million? Bullshit!

The most expensive aircraft in the Syrian Airforce arsenal is a 20 million dollar Su-24 Fencer, and not a single one of those was confirmed to be destroyed. Video and photo evidence released to the public, confirmed by the Russian Defense Ministry and external sources, only shows six standard MiG-23 Floggers were destroyed, which go for 1.8 million a pop.

This was a catastrophic abysmal failure. The Russians are unfettered, and are increasing their anti-air and naval defenses in the region. Sending more money to the Syrians too. What a humiliating day for the United States of Terrorism...
Despite your habit of lying about the cost of Russian aircraft, even if true, that'd have to be a tired old used one off of Vlad's Pre-Owned Military Aircraft Sales lot.
Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.
It was a message sent, Assad crossed the line in the sand that Obama had drawn and unlike Obama Trump did something.

When Trump didn't immediately come out in condemnation of Assad the left was all over him. Now he responds and the left is all over him. There seems to be only one real constant.
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Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.

Fake news, what are you doing writing for the National Enquire now?

Your other thread said aircraft was damaged derp.

Maybe the next attack will kill millions. Will that then make you happy?
You think there aren't pumps on the fuel trucks that are probably there by now?

You are amusing. Do you have any idea how much fuel goes into those fighters?

Are you ignorantly trying to diminish what was done?

You hate President Donald Trump, we get that, why not just say so? You fit the worn cliche about him, if President Trump walked on water, you would scream DONALD TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!
2) The report I heard was that the Russians were given an hour heads up to remove their personnel. While that is enough time to get a few aircraft airborne, it's not like pilots and ground crews are sitting by each one ready to go at a moments, or even an hour's, notice. A couple of "alert" aircraft, yes, but every plane in every squadron? No.

Especially at 3:00 in the morning when no attack was anticipated. It's not like the pilots were sleeping in their planes ready for instant take off.

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