100 million dollars for an attack that kills zero aircraft and accomplishes nothing strategically

They can come here legally.
Thats not what Trumps immigration plan was, sweetie. Thankfully it was shot down by the courts
You like judges to be able to over ride presidents? I see how you like the nuclear option now, that your party came up with. Be careful for what you wish for.
Wrong honey bunch, the nuclear option was never intended to be used for SC nominations. Its the only way your kind could fill an opening, lie and cheat.
That is a lie, they did it to over ride the republicans for anything they wanted. I'm sure you supported it then. I said back then it was wrong, but liberals said it was right.
In 250 years of our country, the "nuclear" option has NEVER been used to elect a SC justice. Now shove that up your lying ass
Democrats came up with it to get what you wanted. So get over it.
I have never seen such impotence and incompetence. What a fucking disgrace!
Impotence is when you draw a red line, and then run from it, bitch.
Trump was so concerned about Syria Children, but refuses to let them emigrate into the US. After all they could be terrorists. What a piece of garbage this man is.
The President, regardless of politics, has a sworn duty to protect the Constitution and, therefore, national defense. While I don't agree with religious litmus tests nor putting "refugees" at the front of the immigration line, I do support finding diplomatic or military solution to why there are refugees.

Those "Syria Children" wouldn't be refugees if Assad was neutralized and the country stabilized into a peaceful nation.
Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.

It's been reported they took out 20 Syrian planes. It's not that I disagree with the action, I think Obama should have done this in 2013- at the last Chemical attack---and he really didn't need congressional approval to do it.

I agree with you though--that Trump completely did a 180 degree flip on what he campaigned on. He was basically campaigning on Isolation--America first, no more being the police of the world, and often stated that we should not be involved in Syria and their civil war. "Let the Syrians and Russia handle ISIS--etc. etc. etc. He continally campaigned on that, even bashing Hillary Clinton for her stronger stance regarding Assad, and insisting on a no fly zone.

But Trump's biggest supporter--reich wing talk show host (Michael Savage) actually apologized for promoting and supporting Trump today--which was a real shock. And it was because of this military action taken against Syria.

That's not completely true that he ran on isolation. He vowed to come up with a plan to completely destroy ISIS, and to restore americas respect around the world. That's not very isolationist
These idiots don't even realize that you DON'T want to hit the chemical weapons, because of the obvious risk of unleashing them on the surrounding areas.

What "idiots", are you addressing?

The storage facility was known and the missiles were programmed to avoid those facilities.

Meanwhile, with the exception of Syria, Iran, and Russia, the world applauds along with even Democrats in congress.

The ones who are bitching that we didn't hit the chemical weapons.

How do you know we didn't hit chemical weapons? Syria and Russia are certainly not going to admit they were there to be hit, and as I mentioned in another thread, there is probably a reason why all the missiles were fired in such quick succession... so that once the initial missile blew up the chemical weapons the next wave would explode and burn up the chemicals in the air.

You can't assume that the chemical weapons would be destroyed that completely without boots on the ground, or something like a Fuel Air Explosive, and those can't fit on a cruise missile. The Chemical weapons were not hit because you don't have the Syrians trotting out Chemical weapon casualties to make the US look bad.

Sarin is lethal at such a low dose that trying to plink the weapons would have been a terrible idea. Better to hit the infrastructure of the airbase.
'100 million dollars for an attack that kills zero aircraft and accomplishes nothing strategically'


It is obvious you have no experience in Foreign Relations, International Politics, Military Tactics, Psychology, etc...

You really think the strikes were about taking out an airplane? SERIOUSLY/

My advice is to sit back and leave this t the professionals. It's obviously over your head/ beyond you.
That's not completely true that he ran on isolation. He vowed to come up with a plan to completely destroy ISIS, and to restore americas respect around the world. That's not very isolationist
He ran on 'America 1st / Make America great again. I never once heard him declare himself to be an 'Isolationist'.

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development/Annual budget

View attachment 120867
32.6 billion USD

Obama stole $500 billion? From an agency that had a total budget of $260 billion for the entire Obama administration. Let's see, 500, divided by, carry the two, add the six, and the answer is, you're just a political hack.

The HUD report found $500 billion in fraud and mismanagement in the government agency.

What We Found

The total amounts of errors corrected in HUD’s notes and consolidated financial statements were $516.4 billion and $3.4 billion, respectively. There were several other unresolved audit matters, which restricted our ability to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to express an opinion. These unresolved audit matters relate to (1) the Office of General Counsel’s refusal to sign the management representation letter, (2) HUD’s improper use of cumulative and first-in, first-out budgetary accounting methods of disbursing community planning and development program funds, (3) the $4.2 billion in nonpooled loan assets from Ginnie Mae’s stand-alone financial statements that we could not audit due to inadequate support, (4) the improper accounting for certain HUD assets and liabilities, and (5) material differences between HUD’s subledger and general ledger accounts. This audit report contains 11 material weaknesses, 7 significant deficiencies, and 5 instances of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.

We took a screenshot of the .pdf file that outlines the findings by Dr. Carson and his team:}
That's not completely true that he ran on isolation. He vowed to come up with a plan to completely destroy ISIS, and to restore americas respect around the world. That's not very isolationist

Actually listening to his speeches, especially his inaugural address, Trump said we would no longer be the worlds policeman, and he would put american interests above all foreign interests. Trumps policy was to let Russia handle ISIS in syria. The rest of his plan to defeat ISIS was another Trump 'i'll let you know - secret'
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development/Annual budget

View attachment 120867
32.6 billion USD

Obama stole $500 billion? From an agency that had a total budget of $260 billion for the entire Obama administration. Let's see, 500, divided by, carry the two, add the six, and the answer is, you're just a political hack.

The HUD report found $500 billion in fraud and mismanagement in the government agency.

What We Found

The total amounts of errors corrected in HUD’s notes and consolidated financial statements were $516.4 billion and $3.4 billion, respectively.

How does an agency that only spent $260 billion, end up with a $520 billion error?
Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.

Weren't you the clown who claimed that a Tomahawk couldn't harm a hardened aircraft shelter? Ummmm, yeah, I see it was you. Looks like you don't know a whole bunch about anything...apparently.

Weren't you the clown who claimed that a Tomahawk couldn't harm a hardened aircraft shelter?
Ummmm, yeah, I see it was you. Looks like you don't know a whole bunch about anything...apparently.

Depends how hard. They can't take out the one's in Saudi Arabia.

NATO shelters, built to standard designs across the continent, were designed to withstand a direct hit by a 500 lb (226 kg) bomb,
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development/Annual budget

View attachment 120867
32.6 billion USD

Obama stole $500 billion? From an agency that had a total budget of $260 billion for the entire Obama administration. Let's see, 500, divided by, carry the two, add the six, and the answer is, you're just a political hack.

The HUD report found $500 billion in fraud and mismanagement in the government agency.

What We Found

The total amounts of errors corrected in HUD’s notes and consolidated financial statements were $516.4 billion and $3.4 billion, respectively.

How does an agency that only spent $260 billion, end up with a $520 billion error?

Educate yourself, Comrade Brown Shirt.


I did, the $500 billion came from 'rounding' multi billion figures to the nearest billion, or ten billion, or hundred billion, in the AFR reports,. The errors canceled out, but they summed up the absolute differences. Ex: 5.5 billion rounded to 6 billion then the next where 9.4 billion is rounded to 9 billion. The report adds up the 0.5 billion and 0.4 billion roundings, and calls that a 0.9 billion dollar error.

Weren't you the clown who claimed that a Tomahawk couldn't harm a hardened aircraft shelter?
Ummmm, yeah, I see it was you. Looks like you don't know a whole bunch about anything...apparently.

Depends how hard. They can't take out the one's in Saudi Arabia.

NATO shelters, built to standard designs across the continent, were designed to withstand a direct hit by a 500 lb (226 kg) bomb,

A NATO shelter will be just as vulnerable to a TOMAHAWK. Where the hell do they find you guys. A 1000 pound bomb, hitting the DOOR at 500 mph, will blow it to hell just like happened to the syrian shelters. That's the whole point of having PRECISION weapons.

I did, the $500 billion came from 'rounding' multi billion figures to the nearest billion, or ten billion, or hundred billion, in the AFR reports,. The errors canceled out, but they summed up the absolute differences. Ex: 5.5 billion rounded to 6 billion then the next where 9.4 billion is rounded to 9 billion. The report adds up the 0.5 billion and 0.4 billion roundings, and calls that a 0.9 billion dollar error.


The lies you fascists tell.....

What We Found
The total amounts of errors corrected in HUD’s notes and consolidated financial statements were
$516.4 billion and $3.4 billion, respectively.
There were several other unresolved audit matters,
which restricted our ability to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to express an opinion.
These unresolved audit matters relate to (1) the Office of General Counsel’s refusal to
sign themanagement representation letter, (2) HUD’s improper use of cumulative and first-in, first-out
budgetary accounting methods of disbursing community planning anddevelopment program
funds, ( 3) the $4.2 billion in nonpooled loan assets from Ginnie Mae’s stand-alone financial
statements that we could not audit due to inadequate support, ( 4) the improper accounting
for certainHUD assets and liabilities, and (5) material differences between HUD’s subledger and
general ledger accounts. This audit report contains 11 material weaknesses, 7 significant
deficiencies, and 5 instances of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.}
"Here's what I think Assad's telling Trump by flying from this base: 'F you,'" Graham said on "Meet The Press." "And I think he's making a huge mistake. Because if you're an adversary of the United States and you don't worry about what Trump may do on any given day, then you're crazy."

snort !
A NATO shelter will be just as vulnerable to a TOMAHAWK. Where the hell do they find you guys. A 1000 pound bomb, hitting the DOOR at 500 mph, will blow it to hell just like happened to the syrian shelters. That's the whole point of having PRECISION weapons.

You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. The door would be more vunerable, but even those are designed to withstand a measly low yield explosion.

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