100 Years Ago a Forgotten Genocide

To be clear - Rosie - no other organization - institution - can be compared to the Roman Catholic Institutions' methods and consistent attempts to annihilate the Jewish people and the Protestant people. There is no other group on earth that even comes close - and they got away with it - in plain sight of the world ( by using Islam which was their own creation through Augustine, Kadijah and her cousin) - utterly satanic. Now they are planning their final moves towards a NWO - with them as leader and ruler and once again - the world is not paying attention.

The Muslim world fails to see that it is the Jesuits behind the scenes who are most certainly helping along the genocide by funding ISIS ( the Roman goddess also known as Semerimus - and the Catholic host symbol - IHS - that I is for ISIS) and again it is done in plain sight - there was even a member of ISIS who said they were getting funds from the USA - no doubt that money is coming from the Vatican - and sent here first - to hide the money trail - think of it - as ISIS continues to create such a terrible reputation - the day that the Vatican turns on the Muslims of the World and wipes them all out with their next Crusade - they can tell the world they are the "Savior of the World" the one that "saved the day"! How will the Muslims be able to explain they truly were not behind ISIS? They won't be able to ( because the Jesuits are known for covering their tracks) and that is exactly how the Vatican I believe has it set up - once she gets Jerusalem? She won't need the Muslims any longer. It will be time to Shmooze the world and what better way to do it? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Josephus reported the Romans slaughtered approximately 1 million Jews in 70 A.D. - aside from the account of Masada - they were vicious barbarians then and they are still vicious barbarians now (speaking of the Roman Catholic Institution and its Vatican - not their victims who were brainwashed into their cult) - called Jesuits - among other names. Did you know the Vatican banks were discovered having ties to the Mafia - years ago? Yes. That should not surprise us either. The Italian Mafia were Catholics too.

Jeremiah----not only did I grow up in an area of the USA----replete with Nazis-----I also grew up in
an area of the USA replete with MAFIA. The Nazis in my town were largely PROTESTANTS----at least they thought they were-----generally
EPISCOPALIANS and METHODISTS-----not Baptists. I later came into contact with BAPTISTS who did not seem to be quite so Nazi.----mostly they were blacks with roots in the south. As for the MAFIA-----and Italians in general------the Nazis in my town----hated them and called them "WOPS" -----jews and "wops"
were despised (??????) sorta like blacks.

now you know the "culture" in which I developed (as a kind of outsider mascot)

I believe most of what you say----but not as organized conspiracy-----more as a kind of "culture" It came down thru the generations----it is "their" "culture"
At least some of the popes were decent people
Actually, Tom, it has been proven that a Jesuit Priest wrote Mein Kampf as it was the Jesuits' master plan for another Inquisition - this time to accomplish what they failed to do with World War I - turn Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe ruled by the Pope - as well as America and the rest of the World.
I enjoyed your bizarre fantasies, Jeremiah. Back in realty the Pope Benedict XV was a leading voice calling for an end to WW I.

The referencing of mass murder on a huge scale is more likely to be forgotten is from their having witnessed how easily the Roman Vatican got away with the murder of 68 million people during their Inquisitions the first time.
From a credible historian: The Truth About the Spanish Inquisition

So it looks like all you've done is expose yourself as a ludicrous bigot.
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The Muslim world fails to see that it is the Jesuits behind the scenes who are most certainly helping along the genocide by funding ISIS ( the Roman goddess also known as Semerimus - and the Catholic host symbol - IHS - that I is for ISIS)
Actually, Tom, it has been proven that a Jesuit Priest wrote Mein Kampf as it was the Jesuits' master plan for another Inquisition - this time to accomplish what they failed to do with World War I - turn Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe ruled by the Pope - as well as America and the rest of the World.
I enjoyed your bizarre fantasies, Jeremiah. Back in realty the Pope Benedict XV was a leading voice calling for an end to WW I.

The referencing of mass murder on a huge scale is more likely to be forgotten is from their having witnessed how easily the Roman Vatican got away with the murder of 68 million people during their Inquisitions the first time.
From a credible historian: The Truth About the Spanish Inquisition

So it looks like all you've done is expose yourself as an ignorant bigot.

what does world war ! have to do with anything. Your friends committed genocide
during world war II
The Armenian Genocide will never be forgotten. It is part and parcel of the histories of Armenian, Turkey and the world.
Josephus reported the Romans slaughtered approximately 1 million Jews in 70 A.D. - aside from the account of Masada - they were vicious barbarians then and they are still vicious barbarians
You hate Italians too?

I was just reading about the Sicarii. It seems they spent most of their time killing their fellow Jews.
Actually, Tom, it has been proven that a Jesuit Priest wrote Mein Kampf as it was the Jesuits' master plan for another Inquisition - this time to accomplish what they failed to do with World War I - turn Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe ruled by the Pope - as well as America and the rest of the World.
I enjoyed your bizarre fantasies, Jeremiah. Back in realty the Pope Benedict XV was a leading voice calling for an end to WW I.

The referencing of mass murder on a huge scale is more likely to be forgotten is from their having witnessed how easily the Roman Vatican got away with the murder of 68 million people during their Inquisitions the first time.
From a credible historian: The Truth About the Spanish Inquisition

So it looks like all you've done is expose yourself as a ludicrous bigot.

Thomas Fadden is a credible historian? He's a Catholic and working on behalf of His Mother Church - Roman Catholic Church, He's highly biast and a big fat liar! This link you posted is the biggest lie I've read yet about the Inquisition! He states, the Jews had nothing to fear from the Inquisitions! ha! ha! He's insane if he thinks anyone with a working brain cell would buy such a lie! So much for your shill!


Thomas F. Madden is associate professor and chair of the Department of History at Saint Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri. He is the author of Enrico Dandolo and the Rise of Venice, A Concise History of the Crusades, The Crusades: The Essential Readings, and coauthor of The Fourth Crusade.

Copyright © 2003 Crisis

Thomas Madden Catholic Answers

Another Faithful Catholic busy rewriting history for the Vatican. Thomas Madden. Credible historian? HA! I think not!!!
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Josephus reported the Romans slaughtered approximately 1 million Jews in 70 A.D. - aside from the account of Masada - they were vicious barbarians then and they are still vicious barbarians
You hate Italians too?

I was just reading about the Sicarii. It seems they spent most of their time killing their fellow Jews.

I do not hate Italians and I do not hate the Catholics - my thread about the Jesuits and Vatican are about their hating Protestants and Jews - to the degree of mass murdering them.. not once, not twice but repeatedly throughout history. Anyone who is not a catholic according to the Doctrine of Roman Catholicism is a heretic and worthy of death. Your own nuns were teaching it was justifiable to murder a heretic in 1965 Catholic School in Los Angeles California and that was AFTER your supposed dawn of a new era! HA.
Here is the link to one news source reporting the Jesuits behind Genocides. All the way back to our founding fathers we were being warned. I wouldn't be surprised they were somehow behind what happened to the Armenians. They are masters at deceit.

Warnings about Papal Rome and the Jesuit Order May God forgive you for what youve done Blogging Citizen Journalism

The fact is that many heads of state around the world, former American presidents, Armed Forces generals and even powerful dictators have warned about the evil behind the most powerful organization in the world.

Those who tried to tell the truth were boycotted, persecuted and even silenced. Below are some of the statements pronounced throughout history.

Samuel Adams (American Revolutionary leader and statesman; 1722-1803): “I did verily believe, as I do still, that much more is to be dreaded from the growth of Popery [Ed.: i.e., the religion of the church of Rome] in America than from the Stamp Act or any other Act destructive of civil rights.” (1768)

John Adams (2nd U.S. President; 1735-1826): “Can free government possibly exist with the Roman Catholic Religion?” [Note: Adams strongly condemned the Jesuit Order in a letter he wrote to Thomas Jefferson in 1816.]

Abraham Lincoln (16th U.S. President who was assassinated by agents of Papal Rome; 1809-1865):“If the American people could learn what I know of the fierce hatred of the priests of Romeagainst our institutions, our schools, our most sacred rights, and our so dearly bought liberties, they would drive them out as traitors.”

William Ewart Gladstone (British prime minister and statesman; 1809-1898): “No more cunning plot was ever devised against the freedom, the happiness and the virtue of mankind thanRomanism[Ed.: i.e., the Roman Catholic system].” (Statement made in a letter to Earl Aberdeen)

Henry Palmerston (British prime minister and statesman; 1784-1865): “The presence of theJesuits in any country, Romanist or Protestant, is likely to breed social disturbance.”

Thomas M. Harris (U.S. Army Brigadier General; 1817-1906; author of the book “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”): A foreign political power [Ed.: i.e., Papal Rome]has gotten a lodgment [Ed.: a military term for a foothold that has been gained or seized in the enemy’s territory]in this land of Liberty [Ed.: i.e., the American Constitutional Republic], andis evidently bent on the destruction of our free institutions, and substituting for them Papal despotism: a despotism that lords it over the minds, the consciences, and the actions of its subjects – and thus renders them incapable of loyalty to any other government.”

Napoleon Bonaparte (Fr. emperor; 1769-1821): “The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [Ed.: i.e., the “Black Pope”, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the mostabsolute of despotisms [sic] –and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses

Adolph Hitler (1889-1945; Nazi leader and chancellor of Germany from 1933-1945): “Above all I have learned from the Jesuits. And so did Lenin too, as far as I recall. The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the hierarchical structure of the [Roman] Catholic Church. There were quite a few things I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the [Nazi] Party.” (Ed. Comment: What follows is a similar quotation of Hitler taken from Edmond Paris’ book The Vatican Against Europe).

Samuel Morse (American inventor of the telegraph; 1791-1872): “The Jesuitsare a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous.”

Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834): “It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuitpriests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.”

Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Russian novelist; 1821-1881): “The Jesuitsare simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for emperorthat’s their ideal. It is simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination – something like a universal serfdom with them [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuits]as masters – that’s all they stand for. They don’t even believe in God perhaps.”

Pope Clement XIV (Who had “forever” abolished the Jesuit Order in 1773): “Alas, I knew they [i.e., the Jesuits] would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cruel a manner.” (1774).

Emanuel M. Josephson (American physician and historian): “[Wherever] a totalitarian movement erupts, whether Communist or Nazi [Fascist], a Jesuit can be found in the role of ‘adviser’ or leader; in Cuba [it was] [Jesuit-trained] Castro’s ‘Father’ Armando Llorente…”

R. W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy): “[The Jesuits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty.”

R. W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy): “The principles of socialism or communism…governed all the [Jesuit-run] Reductions [in Paraguay].”

Theodor Griesinger (German historian; 1873): “The whole frightful responsibility for this terrible Thirty Years’ War [1618-1648] must rest upon the [Holy Roman] Emperor Ferdinand II, and his teachers, rulers, and bosom friends – the Sons of Loyola [i.e., the Jesuit Order].”

Boyd Barrett (Ex-Jesuit): “The Jesuit Order at last reached the pinnacle of its power and prestige in the early eighteenth century [i.e., the early 1700s]. It had become more influential and more wealthy than any other organization in the world. It held a position in world affairs that no oath-bound group of men has ever held before or since… ‘Nearly all the Kings and Sovereigns of Europe had only Jesuits as directors of their consciences [i.e., as confessor-priests], so that the whole of Europe appeared to be governed by Jesuits only.’” (1927; using a short quote by Jesuit Cordara)

James Parton (American historian): “If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Superior General of the Jesuit Order] are one and the same person.”

M.F. Cusack (Ex-nun of Kenmore; author of the book The Black Pope): “In Roman Catholic circles it is well known that the Black Pope is the term used for the [Superior] General of the Jesuits. As the Pope is always robed in white, and the [Jesuit Superior] General in black, the contrast is obvious. But those Romanists who do not greatly love the Jesuits, and their number is not limited, use the term as indicating that the Black Pope rules the White Pope…even while the former [i.e., the Black Pope] is obligated to make, at least, a show of submission to the latter.” (1896)
Abraham Lincoln (16th U.S. President who was assassinated by agents of Papal Rome; 1809-1865)
What is your evidence that Lincoln was killed by the Papacy? lol You are about the craziest conspiracy loon I've ever encountered. Watch out! The Jesuits can use their telepathic powers to read your thoughts! They are coming to get you! Quick, wrap yourself in aluminum foil and hide under your bed.

You make irosie91 look sane by comparison. lol
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Abraham Lincoln (16th U.S. President who was assassinated by agents of Papal Rome; 1809-1865)
What is your evidence that Lincoln was killed by the Papacy? lol You are about the craziest conspiracy loon I've ever encountered. Watch out! The Jesuits can use their telepathic powers to read your thoughts! They are coming to get you! Quick, wrap yourself in aluminum foil and hide under your bed.

You make irosie91 look sane by comparison. lol

what would you know about sanity, birdbrain?
Another forgotten Holocaust:

Gertler’s Bling Bang Torah Gang
Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo (Part 1)

your citation is a joke------the congo is replete with filth and disease and corruption created by the muslims and christian who live there. The fact that some jews do business there has nothing to do with the stink and flth created by YOU AND YOURS. try again----maybe you will find one murderer rapist out of the millions of "you and yours" who can claim a jewish great grand-father
the congo is replete with filth and disease and corruption
the stink and flth
Wow, you believe Africans are filthy. Try to tone down your racism irosie91.

It looks like you despise Muslims and Christians and Africans. Seems like a lot of hate you are marinating in.
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