1000 people show up @ Murietta Town Hall

Link a couple of those studies, Sweetie. :D
Just in time.. The fat Bulldyke as usual running to a thread I post in and targeting my posts.. It's obsession.. I'm beginning to think you're hot for me. I'm not interested but I am willing to pass your name on to the local Butch Bar.. I'm sure they're going to need some pics.. NO kilts allowed though Petey.

Fascinating how Lying gunslinger ' s ego makes this about her and how "irresistable" she is...as if she's too stupid to note that hers are not the only threads some of us post in.

Is she really that stupid? Thoughts?

I figure I've got 30 IQ points on her, at least. I was thinking that yesterday actually. Perhaps it's gotten to the point that it's no longer fair to pick on the dumb kid once it becomes somewhat apparent that she's remedial.
Link a couple of those studies, Sweetie. :D

Just in time.. The fat Bulldyke as usual running to a thread I post in and targeting my posts.. It's obsession.. I'm beginning to think you're hot for me. I'm not interested but I am willing to pass your name on to the local Butch Bar.. I'm sure they're going to need some pics.. NO kilts allowed though Petey.

Fascinating how Lying gunslinger ' s ego makes this about her and how "irresistable" she is...as if she's too stupid to note that hers are not the only threads some of us post in.

Is she really that stupid? Thoughts?

Someone so obviously narcissist probably brings up mental disorders as a means of deflection.
Hey sparky...

When she said "allow them to break the law and do whatever they want"....she was referring to breaking our borders law...and then be allowed to do whatever they want.

Man.....you immediately saw these South Americans as breaking the law by killing and stealing.

You need to reflect on that, my man

He knew that.. it's a typical liberal ploy in order to move the goalposts and not deal with the facts.

the FACT is immigration is screwed up. Until Congress takes action by either enforcing current laws, or passing new legislation and STANDING by their decisions, immigration will remain screwed up ... just like you.

How would new laws fix anything when Obama refuses to enforce the existing laws?
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He knew that.. it's a typical liberal ploy in order to move the goalposts and not deal with the facts.

the FACT is immigration is screwed up. Until Congress takes action by either enforcing current laws, or passing new legislation and STANDING by their decisions, immigration will remain screwed up ... just like you.

How would new laws fix anything when Obama refuses to enforce the existing laws?

Which existing law is Obama refusing to enforce?

billy, calm down. Relax. Take a nice, deep breath, and try to control yourself.

There... now doesn't that feel better?

It was leftist agitators who attacked the normal people, and then attacked the cops, and were arrested and hauled off as a result. Leftists who were bussed in from Los Angeles for the purpose.

Leftist agitators, LaRaza attack Murrieta protestors and cops, 10 of them arrested - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

All your hysterical screaming can't change the facts.

BTW, when you lose debates like this, do you habitually start thinking of lewd sex acts and people's genitals, as you did here?

Shouldn't you seek help for your emotional problems?

the FACT is immigration is screwed up. Until Congress takes action by either enforcing current laws, or passing new legislation and STANDING by their decisions, immigration will remain screwed up ... just like you.

How would new laws fix anything when Obama refuses to enforce the existing laws?

Which existing law is Obama refusing to enforce?

One of the many laws he refuses to enforce says aliens without a legal visa are to be deported.
Just in time.. The fat Bulldyke as usual running to a thread I post in and targeting my posts.. It's obsession.. I'm beginning to think you're hot for me. I'm not interested but I am willing to pass your name on to the local Butch Bar.. I'm sure they're going to need some pics.. NO kilts allowed though Petey.

Fascinating how Lying gunslinger ' s ego makes this about her and how "irresistable" she is...as if she's too stupid to note that hers are not the only threads some of us post in.

Is she really that stupid? Thoughts?

I figure I've got 30 IQ points on her, at least. I was thinking that yesterday actually. Perhaps it's gotten to the point that it's no longer fair to pick on the dumb kid once it becomes somewhat apparent that she's remedial.

Many morons believe they are smarter than the people who take care of them.
the FACT is immigration is screwed up. Until Congress takes action by either enforcing current laws, or passing new legislation and STANDING by their decisions, immigration will remain screwed up ... just like you.

How would new laws fix anything when Obama refuses to enforce the existing laws?

Which existing law is Obama refusing to enforce?

It isn't just Obama.
It's been the past 5 Presidents.
Immigration Law not Being Enforced by Obama and Congress

It is unlawful to knowingly hire, recruit, or refer for a fee an alien who is not authorized to work in the United States, and it is unlawful to hire any individual without verifying the employment authorization of that individual, either through the I‐9 process alone or combined with the Employment Eligibility Verification (EEV) program (formerly called the Basic Pilot). §274A∗

Yet look what happens when it is enforced.
We have a Sheriff here in AZ. YES JOE the one who is actually enforcing this law and is being vilified and taken to court over it for twenty years.

Why pass more when they are being ignored?
Fascinating how Lying gunslinger ' s ego makes this about her and how "irresistable" she is...as if she's too stupid to note that hers are not the only threads some of us post in.

Is she really that stupid? Thoughts?

I figure I've got 30 IQ points on her, at least. I was thinking that yesterday actually. Perhaps it's gotten to the point that it's no longer fair to pick on the dumb kid once it becomes somewhat apparent that she's remedial.

Many morons believe they are smarter than the people who take care of them.

<Sigh> Do you need me to tell you the difference between knowledge (what's known as being smart) and intelligence (IQ)? I'm asking because you apparently don't even understand what I stated in my previous post. That shows BOTH a lack of intelligence and smarts.
How would new laws fix anything when Obama refuses to enforce the existing laws?

Which existing law is Obama refusing to enforce?

It isn't just Obama.
It's been the past 5 Presidents.
Immigration Law not Being Enforced by Obama and Congress

It is unlawful to knowingly hire, recruit, or refer for a fee an alien who is not authorized to work in the United States, and it is unlawful to hire any individual without verifying the employment authorization of that individual, either through the I&#8208;9 process alone or combined with the Employment Eligibility Verification (EEV) program (formerly called the Basic Pilot). §274A&#8727;

Yet look what happens when it is enforced.
We have a Sheriff here in AZ. YES JOE the one who is actually enforcing this law and is being vilified and taken to court over it for twenty years.

Why pass more when they are being ignored?

To my knowledge, Obama doesn't do any hiring.

What you're talking about is a problem all across the economy. But the law was intentionally written with the term "knowingly" inserted into it so employers could hire someone who was not legally here and still claim that they didn't truly know that was the case. And it would be true too if someone used someone else's ID or had falsified documents which were not verified before the person was hired.
I figure I've got 30 IQ points on her, at least. I was thinking that yesterday actually. Perhaps it's gotten to the point that it's no longer fair to pick on the dumb kid once it becomes somewhat apparent that she's remedial.

Many morons believe they are smarter than the people who take care of them.

<Sigh> Do you need me to tell you the difference between knowledge (what's known as being smart) and intelligence (IQ)? I'm asking because you apparently don't even understand what I stated in my previous post. That shows BOTH a lack of intelligence and smarts.

Your belief that the distinction makes a difference to what I posted only confirms that you're a moron.

Many morons believe they are smarter than the people who take care of them.

<Sigh> Do you need me to tell you the difference between knowledge (what's known as being smart) and intelligence (IQ)? I'm asking because you apparently don't even understand what I stated in my previous post. That shows BOTH a lack of intelligence and smarts.

Your belief that the distinction makes a difference to what I posted only confirms that you're a moron.

You sound like the people who don't understand there's a difference between weather and climate. They tend to get all excited when there's a temporary cold snap as if that somehow proves the climate can't be changing. But do you know what? A drought doesn't mean it never rains anymore.
did you see where they all got hand cuffed and halled off to the prizon right down the street ... Couldn't of happen to a nicer bunch...:lol::lol::lol:

typical american lib, you'd rather see some of your fellow americans get hauled away than those that break our laws sneaking into our country.

so you would rather see americans break the law and nothing happens to them ... Cause they are rightwingnutjobs andthey can break the law, mean while federal marshal are hauling off illegals to jail and your right wingnutjobs want to stop them ... Thats right i forgot... Two wrongs makes a right in your rightwingnutjob world... My bad

Translation: *hiccup* *burp* Blah-blah. Grugmachlasak. Blather. More blather. A herniated disc. Duh.
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