11 law professors: Trump can obstruct justice

I've not heard anyone say that the President can't obstruct justice what I have heard is that there is not evidence he has. Firing the FBI director is not obstruction.
Maybe, maybe not. He'd better have a damn good reason beyond this asshole was about to nail me.
No the President does not have to have a reason to fire an FBI director. The agency falls under the Executive branch.
“I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"

James Comey
But can he ask him not to go after a guy?
Asking someone to do something and firing are not the same thing.

Pop quiz: who is the constitutional head of the executive branch of the federal government?

You can do it! (Or not? ).
The President.

Not an Emperor.

Go ahead. Look it up and see for yourself! (Or not?)

I already have.

He is in charge of the executive branch of the government. The
FBI is in the executive branch.

The President has the constitutional authority to fire him.
Says a USMB nickname, law professor in trolling 101.

He is correct, you dunce.....

Proof of same has been provided several times in in your poorly initiated thread.

You're a government school grad, huh?
“I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"

James Comey
But can he ask him not to go after a guy?
Asking someone to do something and firing are not the same thing.

Pop quiz: who is the constitutional head of the executive branch of the federal government?

You can do it! (Or not? ).
The President.

Not an Emperor.

Go ahead. Look it up and see for yourself! (Or not?)

I already have.

He is in charge of the executive branch of the government. The
FBI is in the executive branch.

The President has the constitutional authority to fire him.
Says a USMB nickname, law professor in trolling 101.

That is correct.

Take notes...it will do wonders for your posting
I wonder if those professors would be saying the same thing if this was a Democrat President. Remember the impeachment of Bill Clinton. This is part of what Jeff Sessions said, “… the Constitution of the United States requires the Senate to convict and remove the President of the United States if it is proven that he has committed high crimes while in office. It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty that President William Jefferson Clinton has persisted in a continuous pattern to lie and obstruct justice. The chief law officer of the land, whose oath of office calls on him to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, crossed the line and failed to protect the law, and, in fact, attacked the law and the rights of a fellow citizen. Under our Constitution, such acts are high crimes and equal justice requires that he forfeit his office. For these reasons, I felt compelled to vote to convict and remove the President from office.”

If Trump's motivation in firing Comey was to protect himself then he did obstruct justice. Doesn't matter whether he has the power to do so or not.
<snip>I wonder if those professors would be saying the same thing if this was a Democrat President. Remember the impeachment of Bill Clinton. This is part of what Jeff Sessions said, “… the Constitution of the United States requires the Senate to convict and remove the President of the United States if it is proven that he has committed high crimes while in office. If Trump's motivation in firing Comey was to protect himself then he did obstruct justice. Doesn't matter whether he has the power to do so or not.

The funny thing is, there HAS been high crimes going on all over the place if anyone has the mind to look! But they have been going on under the Obama presidency and several of his cabinet including Hillary Clinton, Lynch and others along with many weaponized abuses of his government agencies; the allegations against Trump's presidency to date have been only that, and they have gone on almost to the day after he was voted into office!

Long before Trump fired Comey, the Democrats had already made the case for removing him, and it has been shown that Comey was corrupt, as well as criminal, compromised and incompetent. It is plainly clear that Comey was out to hurt Trump long before his firing, and if all this investigation was started only because of that, it seems now that if nothing else, Comey forced Trump's hand into firing him, if for no other reason but to then justify the investigation the Left was hell bent on pursuing anyway. Put another way, it is disingenuous to hold a guy's head under water, then justify it saying it was because he was fighting back at you to get free to breath air! If Comey's firing offered Trump any "protection," then I am open to hearing just where that has been, ITMT, Comey serves under the pleasure of the President and it is moot why Trump fired him because not only are the obviously legitimate reasons manifold, but no one can ever know for sure WHY Trump fired him except Trump himself. Time to move on.
If you come accross a conservative website compiling a group of these many law professors stating that a President cannot obstruct justice, please post in a reply or new thread. Thanks:

Jens David Ohlin, law professor, Cornell University

Peter Shane, law professor, Ohio State University
Lisa Kern Griffin, law professor, Duke University
Andy Wright, law professor, Savannah Law School
Bob Bauer, law professor, New York University
Jimmy Gurulé, law professor, Notre Dame
Ric Simmons, law professor, Ohio State University
Miriam Baer, law professor, Brooklyn Law School
Victoria Nourse, law professor, Georgetown University
Jed Shugerman, law professor, Fordham University
Jessica Levinson, law professor, Loyola Law School

All believe President Trump can be charged with obstruction of justice.
Trump’s lawyer: the president can’t obstruct justice. 13 legal experts: yes, he can.

Richard Nixon was charged with Obstruction of Justice--there's no getting away from that. He was forced to resign or face impeachment.

On this day in 1974, the House of Representatives charges President Richard M. Nixon with the first of three articles of impeachment for obstruction of justice after he refused to release White House tape recordings that contained crucial information regarding the Watergate scandal.
Nixon charged with first of three articles of impeachment - Jul 27, 1974 - HISTORY.com

Of course Nixon tried to erase the tapes, and someone was able to decifer them--and that was all it took.

But this tape of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice will never get erased--:badgrin:

<snip>I wonder if those professors would be saying the same thing if this was a Democrat President. Remember the impeachment of Bill Clinton. This is part of what Jeff Sessions said, “… the Constitution of the United States requires the Senate to convict and remove the President of the United States if it is proven that he has committed high crimes while in office. If Trump's motivation in firing Comey was to protect himself then he did obstruct justice. Doesn't matter whether he has the power to do so or not.

The funny thing is, there HAS been high crimes going on all over the place if anyone has the mind to look! But they have been going on under the Obama presidency and several of his cabinet including Hillary Clinton, Lynch and others along with many weaponized abuses of his government agencies; the allegations against Trump's presidency to date have been only that, and they have gone on almost to the day after he was voted into office!

Long before Trump fired Comey, the Democrats had already made the case for removing him, and it has been shown that Comey was corrupt, as well as criminal, compromised and incompetent. It is plainly clear that Comey was out to hurt Trump long before his firing, and if all this investigation was started only because of that, it seems now that if nothing else, Comey forced Trump's hand into firing him, if for no other reason but to then justify the investigation the Left was hell bent on pursuing anyway. Put another way, it is disingenuous to hold a guy's head under water, then justify it saying it was because he was fighting back at you to get free to breath air! If Comey's firing offered Trump any "protection," then I am open to hearing just where that has been, ITMT, Comey serves under the pleasure of the President and it is moot why Trump fired him because not only are the obviously legitimate reasons manifold, but no one can ever know for sure WHY Trump fired him except Trump himself. Time to move on.

There is no evidence of any high crimes during the Obama Administration and I never voted for the guy. All you are trying to do is deflect from Trump's problems. The allegations are more than allegations. Donald Trump Jr tried to get dirt on Clinton from a Russian. The fact that Republicans were mad at Comey shows he was doing his jobs. Republicans were mad at Comey because he recommended no prosecution against Clinton and Democrats were mad because he said they were looking at potential Clinton e-mails the last weekend before the election.

Comey was fired because he refused to bow to Trump and refused to lay off Flynn. Trump even admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. There is no doubt that this should be investigated.
<snip>I wonder if those professors would be saying the same thing if this was a Democrat President. Remember the impeachment of Bill Clinton. This is part of what Jeff Sessions said, “… the Constitution of the United States requires the Senate to convict and remove the President of the United States if it is proven that he has committed high crimes while in office. If Trump's motivation in firing Comey was to protect himself then he did obstruct justice. Doesn't matter whether he has the power to do so or not.

The funny thing is, there HAS been high crimes going on all over the place if anyone has the mind to look! But they have been going on under the Obama presidency and several of his cabinet including Hillary Clinton, Lynch and others along with many weaponized abuses of his government agencies; the allegations against Trump's presidency to date have been only that, and they have gone on almost to the day after he was voted into office!

Long before Trump fired Comey, the Democrats had already made the case for removing him, and it has been shown that Comey was corrupt, as well as criminal, compromised and incompetent. It is plainly clear that Comey was out to hurt Trump long before his firing, and if all this investigation was started only because of that, it seems now that if nothing else, Comey forced Trump's hand into firing him, if for no other reason but to then justify the investigation the Left was hell bent on pursuing anyway. Put another way, it is disingenuous to hold a guy's head under water, then justify it saying it was because he was fighting back at you to get free to breath air! If Comey's firing offered Trump any "protection," then I am open to hearing just where that has been, ITMT, Comey serves under the pleasure of the President and it is moot why Trump fired him because not only are the obviously legitimate reasons manifold, but no one can ever know for sure WHY Trump fired him except Trump himself. Time to move on.

There is no evidence of any high crimes during the Obama Administration and I never voted for the guy. All you are trying to do is deflect from Trump's problems. The allegations are more than allegations. Donald Trump Jr tried to get dirt on Clinton from a Russian. The fact that Republicans were mad at Comey shows he was doing his jobs. Republicans were mad at Comey because he recommended no prosecution against Clinton and Democrats were mad because he said they were looking at potential Clinton e-mails the last weekend before the election.

Comey was fired because he refused to bow to Trump and refused to lay off Flynn. Trump even admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. There is no doubt that this should be investigated.

If we follow your line of reasoning, then if I run a man over in the middle of the street, them he must have wanted it, because otherwise he wouldn't have been there. Anytime I run into someone who sees every negative of the democrats as a positive and every positive of Trump or the republicans a negative, then I know it is time to move on elsewhere.
No man or president is above the law. You'll be finding this out soon enough.
You actually thought the pussygrabber was your dictator?
All this yelling about Trump supposedly obstructing justice tends to obscure the heart of the matter, which is that there seems to be no collusion to prosecute.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you come accross a conservative website compiling a group of these many law professors stating that a President cannot obstruct justice, please post in a reply or new thread. Thanks:

Jens David Ohlin, law professor, Cornell University

Peter Shane, law professor, Ohio State University
Lisa Kern Griffin, law professor, Duke University
Andy Wright, law professor, Savannah Law School
Bob Bauer, law professor, New York University
Jimmy Gurulé, law professor, Notre Dame
Ric Simmons, law professor, Ohio State University
Miriam Baer, law professor, Brooklyn Law School
Victoria Nourse, law professor, Georgetown University
Jed Shugerman, law professor, Fordham University
Jessica Levinson, law professor, Loyola Law School

All believe President Trump can be charged with obstruction of justice.
Trump’s lawyer: the president can’t obstruct justice. 13 legal experts: yes, he can.

Teachers? We are supposed to believe the word of teachers?

Those who can do, those who can't teach.

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