11 things the Bible bans, but you do anyway

It always amuses me when a modern person brings up 5000 or so, y/o guides to living.

did you know that you also can't eat rabbit?


The reasons for these rules are never ever listed, just paraded out by god haters to mock people of faith.

Nobody would need to 'mock people of faith' if people of faith would stop making a mockery of the teachings of Christ.

What did JESUS command? I know you know, and you're either going to deny it, or twist it. But what is the biggest commandment of Christ?

John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

NOTE: "Love one another" means "love all people," not just "love other Christians."

This is what I've been 'harping on' ever since I got here. You call yourself a Christian? I should be able to see it from this chair. "By their fruits you shall know them."


I thought it was the Golden Rule. Do unto others and all that jazz.

"You call yourself a Christian?" No

I tire of the god haters posting useless information w/o all the information.

You didn't eat pork and shellfish b/c people couldn't prep it properly and they would get sick

You didn't blend fabrics b/c they would wear each other out faster

and Two this day, eating lots of rabbit will give you protein sickness

Not only that, but pork was banned because of trichinosis, and back then they didn't have the methods to make it safe to eat.

A lot of the dietary restrictions make sense if you look at it from a modern standpoint of what we can do, and compare it to what they had back then.

But...............someone or something had to have written down those rules to follow, because I don't think that kind of understanding and knowledge just all of a sudden pops out of nowhere, even the Renissance took several hundred years.

And yeah...........I believe in God, as well as believe that the Torah was written by Him.
Christians should love other Christians. And when Christians find people who disagree with them, they should call them "shitheads."

How his calling someone a shithead different from Jesus calling the Jews vipers?

I wouldn't call a Christian a shithead. Someone who lies about what scripture says, or who has so little regard for scripture that they don't care what it really says, is not a Christian. Someone who twists scripture to promote something evil is not a Christian.

Jesus did not call JEWS vipers you antisemitic, racist loon. He WAS a Jew.

I have to disagree with you Jillian.

Jesus called the Pharisees who were the leaders of the Jewish people at the time a brood of vipers. He didn't call all of the Jewish people vipers, but he did call some of them vipers.

Matthew 3:7

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

And there are other verses such as the ones pointed out by KG.

Basically, that is like me calling all national politicians corrupt. I'd say that he got it right too.

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11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway - 11Points.com

So I thought it'd be a good time to find a bunch of stuff that the Bible bans... stuff that's a lot LESS convenient. Don't worry, though... just because I'm pointing it out, that doesn't mean you now have to follow it. It's a lot easier to keep discriminating against gay people for no particular reason than to stop eating bacon, after all.

Here are 11 things that are technically banned by the Bible. (All quotes are translations from the New American Standard Bible, but, because I'm actually trying to maintain serious journalistic integrity here, I cross-referenced several other translations to make sure I wasn't missing the point.)

There shouldn't be a thread because HEY! It's the Bible and everybody knows it's just like the Pope.


I like what Jesus said in John 13:34...
Nobody would need to 'mock people of faith' if people of faith would stop making a mockery of the teachings of Christ.

What did JESUS command? I know you know, and you're either going to deny it, or twist it. But what is the biggest commandment of Christ?

John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

NOTE: "Love one another" means "love all people," not just "love other Christians."

This is what I've been 'harping on' ever since I got here. You call yourself a Christian? I should be able to see it from this chair. "By their fruits you shall know them."


I thought it was the Golden Rule. Do unto others and all that jazz.

"You call yourself a Christian?" No

I tire of the god haters posting useless information w/o all the information.

You didn't eat pork and shellfish b/c people couldn't prep it properly and they would get sick

You didn't blend fabrics b/c they would wear each other out faster

and Two this day, eating lots of rabbit will give you protein sickness

Not only that, but pork was banned because of trichinosis, and back then they didn't have the methods to make it safe to eat.

A lot of the dietary restrictions make sense if you look at it from a modern standpoint of what we can do, and compare it to what they had back then.

But...............someone or something had to have written down those rules to follow, because I don't think that kind of understanding and knowledge just all of a sudden pops out of nowhere, even the Renissance took several hundred years.

And yeah...........I believe in God, as well as believe that the Torah was written by Him.

Don't get me wrong, I think there's something out there as well.

And it may have inspired much of the Bible. But why not put in what you learn for future generations to benifit from?
Jesus did not call JEWS vipers you antisemitic, racist loon. He WAS a Jew.

Only one place in the Bible is Jesus called a Jew, and that was by an ignorant woman who didn't know Jesus. Now, you shithead, call Jesus a Jew, and you are ignorant.
Childless couples can adopt, use a surrogate or be artificially inseminated. Gay and lesbian families have children.

We aren't the same. My mind is open to you and your family and yours isn't to me and mine.

If someone tells me they are really a lion, I don't "open" my mind to them either. I think: this one needs help. That is how I look at you. Your posts support that. You seem totally lost, and you want to give the rest of us, life instruction? I have a "rock" in my life and a Savior, I don't need validation (someone to tell me what I am doing is "right" by forcing the legallity of my beliefs). Homosexual activists, on the other hand run around telling those of us that actually read the Bible what is in it (most of the time, they are using it out of context, and Revelations says that you should not do that...). They use the Bible to MANIPULATE other people, and try to beat everyone over the head with it, because those people will not tell them how smart and "right" they are when they are engaging in a destructive lifestyle. We get that you waaaaaaant it. It is another demonstration of how people stop their emotional development when they have had sex at an early age. It is not their fault, but they do not look at things as emotional adults.

And no, you are not open to me or my family. You say that, and then you are working to corrupt the community built on the "real" meaning of marriage (not the fluffy "we love each other stuff"). You keep telling us you are not, but that is exactly what you are doing. Deceit runs so deep in you that you do not even realize how obvious it is to those around you. You post because you waaaaaaaant it, it should be legal. You can show no benefit for homosexuals to be elevated to respectable status as a married couple to society. You can site exceptions, but you can not provide evidence where active homosexuals "produce" anything as a couple. I am sorry, but the nitwits feeding your fantasy are doing you no favors.

We want a legal, civil marriage, and your religious beliefs are irrelevant to that. I know it bugs you that atheists, lesbians and gays are get married without your Church's stamp of approval.

We don't need your approval nor want it.

I hear you. You waaaant it, WAAAAANT IT! The destruction of society means nothing to you as long as you get your way. I heard you the first tens of posts you have done. Thank you for finally (FINALLY) admitting it.
‘Gay civil unions’ is not marriage, it’s insulting, demeaning segregation. Same-sex couples seek only what they have a right to, as with all citizens: marriage.

Marriage is a sacred act before God.. the day you start to force that on religious institutions against their will is the day you will see how far you can push people... what the government gives you is a legal license, I.e.civil.. whether you're a hetero or homo couple. You can call it what you want, it still wont force people who don't believe in it to accept it.

I really don't see that today, with the high divorce rates, even among Christians, marriage has been demeaned. Until those that profess to live by the Bible, live by the Bible instead of justifying their actions, I'd think God is is not thinking marriage is a sacred act.

The "Lord" spoke on marriage. He gave Adam a wife (not several, not Steve, but one wife). Yeshua also, spoke of a man leaving his parents, marrying and becoming one with his "wife" (not several, not another man, but a wife).

We can NEVER live up to what the Lord has planned for us. With His help and grace we can come close, but we live in frail bodies that break down over time, including our minds. It is in trying (so that are hearts know), that we become closer to the Lord. Those that have everything and never have hardship (like there are really any people like that), never grow closer to the Lord. They think it is all about "them". They miss the opportunity to pray and speak with the Lord. The Lord wants to give us so much, not because we deserve it, but because we are His creation and He loves us.
That's right because non-religious people are still free to marry. Marriage isn't all about Church.

It's about making a couple family.

"Marriage across societies is a public sexual union that creates kinship obligations and sharing of resources between men, women, and the children they may produce or adopt.

Marriage is an essentially private, intimate, emotional relationship created by two people for their own personal reasons to enhance their own personal well-being. Marriage is created by the couple,
for the couple. It is wrong, discriminatory, as well as counterproductive, therefore, for the state to favor certain kinds of intimate relations over others. Marriage has a legal form but no specific content."
http://www.marriagedebate.com/pdf/What is Marriage For.pdf

Here we go again with: let's pretend we are the same....
You cannot make a family, because it is physically impossible for you to "mate". Going thru the motions doesn't make it so.

There’s no ‘pretending,’ all citizens are equal under the law, including marriage law; with the doctrine of coverture no longer part of the marriage contract, marriage is gender neutral. There’s nothing preventing same-sex couples from marrying, except ignorance and hate.

And to disallow same-sex couples from marrying because they can not procreate would require infertile opposite-sex couples be disallowed as well, for the same reason and to be consistent.

All citizens are "equal" under the law???? Why do we have seperate restrooms? Why is there affirmative action? Why are there hate crimes? Why do only some people get welfare? Why do only some people get social security?

All citizens are not equal under the law. The laws "should" be applied equally (but that hate crime thing, not so much). There are qualifications for specific benefits, taxes, etc, and everyone is not done the same. If you want to go there, divide up the national debt, and have every person pay their share, then we can talk about "equality". Marriage is one man and one woman. Redefining it, because a tiny percentage of the population rejected the traditional way of having a "family" (in truth, justifying a sexual relation), and decided that imitation should be flattery does not pass for reason. Now run along and try to bring equality in all those other areas, please.
11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway - 11Points.com

There shouldn't be a thread because HEY! It's the Bible and everybody knows it's just like the Pope.


The old laws are abolished.
We follow the new law through faith, that Jesus is real and that we still obey the moral and ethical laws and the ten commandments.

Galatians 3:23-25

English Standard Version (ESV)

23 Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

then stop relying on leviticus to justify discrimination. :thup:

otherwise, better dump the bacon.

Preference is not discrimmination. If people want to reject the traditional way of doing things, there is no reason for the rest of us to "support" their choice. If they want to be rebels and martyrs, let them, but lets make it heroic, no pretend marriages for them to "force" the rest of us to ACCEPT what they are flaunting.

Seriously, spare the lessons, spoil the child. What is next? When a child graduates college and throws a tantrum, we have to make them CEOs because they waaaaant it????
11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway - 11Points.com

There shouldn't be a thread because HEY! It's the Bible and everybody knows it's just like the Pope.


It always amuses me when a modern person brings up 5000 or so, y/o guides to living.

did you know that you also can't eat rabbit?


The reasons for these rules are never ever listed, just paraded out by god haters to mock people of faith.

Nobody would need to 'mock people of faith' if people of faith would stop making a mockery of the teachings of Christ.

What did JESUS command? I know you know, and you're either going to deny it, or twist it. But what is the biggest commandment of Christ?

John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

NOTE: "Love one another" means "love all people," not just "love other Christians."

This is what I've been 'harping on' ever since I got here. You call yourself a Christian? I should be able to see it from this chair. "By their fruits you shall know them."

"Love one another" is not "literal". "Love one another" does not mean leaving a person that is making sinful choice, ignorant. "Love one another" does not mean that you "tolerate" a person deceiving others in the name of the Lord.
Here we go again with: let's pretend we are the same....
You cannot make a family, because it is physically impossible for you to "mate". Going thru the motions doesn't make it so.

There’s no ‘pretending,’ all citizens are equal under the law, including marriage law; with the doctrine of coverture no longer part of the marriage contract, marriage is gender neutral. There’s nothing preventing same-sex couples from marrying, except ignorance and hate.

And to disallow same-sex couples from marrying because they can not procreate would require infertile opposite-sex couples be disallowed as well, for the same reason and to be consistent.

Lesbians, being the resourceful people we are, have figured out how to procreate. All it takes is a sperm donor and a turkey baster. I'm sure that just annoys the hell out of you.

I wonder how your children feel knowing their father was used and reduced to a piece of plastic out of your selfishness.
The old laws are abolished.
We follow the new law through faith, that Jesus is real and that we still obey the moral and ethical laws and the ten commandments.

Galatians 3:23-25

English Standard Version (ESV)

23 Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

then stop relying on leviticus to justify discrimination. :thup:

otherwise, better dump the bacon.

Preference is not discrimmination. If people want to reject the traditional way of doing things, there is no reason for the rest of us to "support" their choice. If they want to be rebels and martyrs, let them, but lets make it heroic, no pretend marriages for them to "force" the rest of us to ACCEPT what they are flaunting.

Seriously, spare the lessons, spoil the child. What is next? When a child graduates college and throws a tantrum, we have to make them CEOs because they waaaaant it????

Preference is not discrimination? The heck it isn't! Affirmative Action is all about preference and it is the epitome of discrimination.

Debating the meaning of scripture is what Christians do. You're a Christian and BDBoop is a Christian, you just understand the scripture differently from each other.

What I look for is who has an open heart?

Does you heart feel open or closed when you post on this thread?

If you feel closed, then this may not be a good thread for you.

I think I'm perfectly capable of determining what is good for me or not good for me without any help from you. ;)

OK. I'm just trying to help you recognize how you feel. Do you feel open or closed to your debate opponents?

Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya, Oh Lord, Kumbaya
I'm waiting to see the Christian whose faith is strong enough to admit some of these outdate laws in the Bible appear pretty silly for modern times.

Why would laughing at round haircuts admonishment harm a Christian of strong faith?

What happened to being able to laugh at what is really silly? Can't we laugh without people think it's mocking them?

They are "silly" to you, because you do not consider why they were important at the time. You do not "choose" to see that some of these behaviors were discouraged to protect the Hebrews from falling into more sinful ways, or that they could be mistaken for other cultures at that time. There are legitimate reasons for those laws, though some of the reasoning is lost today. It does not change that the Bible IS a book of learning and if you are searching for "truth", you will find it there.
I never said God claimed everyone is his child. I agree with you. Not everyone is a child of God. Everyone is God's creation, but only Jesus gives a person the ability to become a child of God.

Usually, when I see people talking about parents loving their children, good or bad, they're implying that God loves everyone. God does not love everyone. "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."

You are right, God's children are reckoned through Jesus.

Why did the Lord "hate" Esau?

I thought it was the Golden Rule. Do unto others and all that jazz.

"You call yourself a Christian?" No

I tire of the god haters posting useless information w/o all the information.

You didn't eat pork and shellfish b/c people couldn't prep it properly and they would get sick

You didn't blend fabrics b/c they would wear each other out faster

and Two this day, eating lots of rabbit will give you protein sickness

Not only that, but pork was banned because of trichinosis, and back then they didn't have the methods to make it safe to eat.

A lot of the dietary restrictions make sense if you look at it from a modern standpoint of what we can do, and compare it to what they had back then.

But...............someone or something had to have written down those rules to follow, because I don't think that kind of understanding and knowledge just all of a sudden pops out of nowhere, even the Renissance took several hundred years.

And yeah...........I believe in God, as well as believe that the Torah was written by Him.

Don't get me wrong, I think there's something out there as well.

And it may have inspired much of the Bible. But why not put in what you learn for future generations to benifit from?

The future generations need to read the Bible to benefit from it.

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