11 white jurors, 1 Black man seated in Arbery murder trial

Wrong. Do they teach reading comprehension in UK?

It's the way they're geared to think.

Blacks dismissed for jury duty, is it because of how they answered the questions? No, it's because they're black.

Blacks get harsher sentences for the same offense as whites. Is it because they have a longer criminal record, fought with the cops, disrespectful in court? No, it's because they were black.

Blacks get shot by police officers. Is it because they refused to obey orders or made a move that gave the officer a reason to believe they were pulling a gun? No, it's because they were black.

There are way more blacks in prison than whites in proportion to their population size. Is it because they commit more crimes? No, it's because they're black.
The assumption is that no matter how well the system works and how well educated and trustworthy a white juror is they can't be trusted and might let an alleged killer go because of the color of his skin. Why is everything about race these days?

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.
Even an idiot can see the KKK losers are guilty. Doesn't matter if the Jury is white, black or maroon. Relax, snowflake.
Well the history shows you are the racist and the Justice System has been racist against black men.

This isn't history; this is the present. I'm not sure why you think having black jurors is going to guarantee a conviction. The Zimmerman jury was six women, one of which was black, and he was acquitted.

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.
I lived in SC for many years which isn't much different than Brunswick. Ruling out for criminal records and low iqs (do to inbreeding, drugs, alcohol abuse for generations) or not even having an elementary, jr. high, or high school diploma will take out a bunch of the people in area easily and quickly. Many in this area can't read or speak at a 4th grade level. They need to be tossed out of jury pools--and it isn't a color thing but a common sense thing.
It would help your case if just one of you knobheads wasnt a racist scumbag.
The law you fucking inbred European is that if a prospective juror is biased in anyway they can and will be excluded from the jury, I realize in Jolly old England you have no such protection but we do. The law excluded them because of bias not because of skin color no matter how much you wish otherwise, you see over here we also have a law that if it is shown an attorney from either side excludes a person based on race the Judge can sanction that attorney and seat the Juror.

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.
Juries are approved by the prosecution and defense. If that is what was settled on talk to the prosecutor. I know racism is more important than justice. Chauvin proved that.
The assumption is that no matter how well the system works and how well educated and trustworthy a white juror is they can't be trusted and might let an alleged killer go because of the color of his skin. Why is everything about race these days?

Well look at the world. If Republicans win elections. That was fair. If the Democrats win. That was cheating. If a Jury convicts Chauvin. That was racism and fear of looting. Absence of a Coroner to claim overdose as cause of death? Fear of retaliation.

The result is defined. By both sides. As proof of unfair process.

For a long time I’ve been pointing out that the extreme right and extreme left are mirror images of each other. And for less time I’ve been convinced the best thing that could happen is that these two extremes kill each other off.

Both define fair as getting the outcome they want. Both are wrong. And both should commit suicide to improve the nation.
Well look at the world. If Republicans win elections. That was fair. If the Democrats win. That was cheating. If a Jury convicts Chauvin. That was racism and fear of looting. Absence of a Coroner to claim overdose as cause of death? Fear of retaliation.

The result is defined. By both sides. As proof of unfair process.

For a long time I’ve been pointing out that the extreme right and extreme left are mirror images of each other. And for less time I’ve been convinced the best thing that could happen is that these two extremes kill each other off.

Both define fair as getting the outcome they want. Both are wrong. And both should commit suicide to improve the nation.
It is our job to wade through the lies and look for truth. Very little truth is out there.
It would help your case if just one of you knobheads wasnt a racist scumbag.

Because anybody who takes the opposing view of the liberal is a racist scumbag. Don't you think that phony race card is a bit worn out? American leftists have been using it for over 30 years. Plus this isn't that hard to figure out. We have a Constitution, as such we must obey or change it.
It would help your case if just one of you knobheads wasnt a racist scumbag.
It would help our case that we're not racists if just one of us was not racist?

So, our evidence showing we are not racist is not credible because.....we're racist?

Holy Circular Reasoning, Batman.

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