11 white jurors, 1 Black man seated in Arbery murder trial

The injustice was done to a teenager who was just walking home minding his own business, but you see what happens when the jury is stacked.

He attacked and brutally assaulted a victim giving the victim legal rights to use deadly force as outlined by law. He was arrested to keep the animals calm but it was a false arrest given he followed the law to a tee.
Yea all those white folks in Glynn County they aren't biased, they are good honest folk. Smfh.

It doesn't matter whether they are biased or not, it matters if they express their bias during interviews of being on a jury. Nobody knows what their biases may be until they state so.
exactly. not enough black jurors to suit the blacks . is what in the article.
The evening news stated that the county where the trial is being held is made up of 30% African Americans, which would have entitled them to 4 African American jurors if they wanted to keep the jury representative of the population.

They also reported that most of the jurors were dismissed because they either personally knew the defendants or the victim.
The evening news stated that the county where the trial is being held is made up of 30% African Americans, which would have entitled them to 4 African American jurors if they wanted to keep the jury representative of the population.

They also reported that most of the jurors were dismissed because they either personally knew the defendants or the victim.
doesnt matter to blm. they love playing the victim card.
He attacked and brutally assaulted a victim giving the victim legal rights to use deadly force as outlined by law. He was arrested to keep the animals calm but it was a false arrest given he followed the law to a tee.

Nope. But stay with that narrative.

All white except one juror. Lord the blacks is mad already. here comes blm . duck and cover.

Black people are a minority in this country, why is is "shocking" to think that they might be in a minority on a jury?

Especially in such a racially charged case where Honkies have been accused of killing a black guy. Can those who are so devoted to the cause of "Only Black Lives Matter" really give the presumption of innocence to the accused?
Yea that's how it works, eliminate all the potential black jurors and you can get your client off.

Because black jurors cannot be impartial? Yeah. That's pretty fucking clear. But, you don't even know what the fuck happened.

Take 48 potential juror.

They all randomly get a number from 1-48. They are seated in numerical order. Let's say that the 12 black jurors were seated at 3, 10, 12, 21, 22, 28, 31, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47. Both sides are going to strike the lowest numbered jurors because the first 12 (or alternate 13) remaining after all strikes are made get seated.

Prosecution strikes jurors 1, 7, 9, 10, 14, 18

Defense strikes 3, 6, 10, 12, 15, 21

They both struck juror 10. (happens way more than you might think)

That leaves 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 22, 20, 23, 24

There's your jury. The defense struck 4 blacks, leaving 8, but the seating works out to exclude all black jurors but 1.

It's really not that hard to see it happening.

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.
Seems like utter bullshit to me.
Black people are a minority in this country, why is is "shocking" to think that they might be in a minority on a jury?

Especially in such a racially charged case where Honkies have been accused of killing a black guy. Can those who are so devoted to the cause of "Only Black Lives Matter" really give the presumption of innocence to the accused?
Fucking BLM supporters ought to be thrilled with whites on this jury. They can probably read, write, and count without using their fingers, lol...
Fucking BLM supporters ought to be thrilled with whites on this jury. They can probably read, write, and count without using their fingers, lol...
i get the feeling there will be a blm protest parade everyday out side this trial.
i get the feeling there will be a blm protest parade everyday out side this trial.

Yeah, then they're sure to take a walk downtown to do some of the usual 'window' shopping.

Maybe pick up a few five-finger Kwanzaa gifts for their brother BLM losers.
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Care to prove me wrong? Take a shot, I dare ya.

The McMichaels had no reason to suspect that Arbery was committing any crime. None was committed in their presence or to their personal knowledge. Additionally, they had no authority to attempt a Citizens Arrest. The precedent of Winn Dixie versus Nichols defined who could legally effect a citizens arrest. And they did not qualify.

As the arrest was illegal. That means the attempt to stop Arbery was a Felony. Illegal Imprisonment.

Using a weapon to attempt to stop Arbery was a Felony. Aggravated Assault.

The resulting death is thus Felony Murder. The death occurred during a Felony.

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.

Since the Democrats are in power. That they are doing the overseeing of all activities going on around this nation.

And do you know that the national attention cases are being controlled by the Democrat party?

Well look at

the world. If Republicans win elections. That was fair. If the Democrats win. That was cheating. If a Jury convicts Chauvin. That was racism and fear of looting. Absence of a Coroner to claim overdose as cause of death? Fear of retaliation.

The result is defined. By both sides. As proof of unfair process.

For a long time I’ve been pointing out that the extreme right and extreme left are mirror images of each other. And for less time I’ve been convinced the best thing that could happen is that these two extremes kill each other off.

Both define fair as getting the outcome they want. Both are wrong. And both should commit suicide to improve the nation.
OH stop with the Bullshit---the coroners came up with drug tests that clearly show a lethal dose of drugs in the criminals system--meaning he died of drugs. YOu do know what lethal means right?

For Biden not have been cheating, you would have to believe that the dittering idiot got more votes than Obama while winning less than half of the counties that Obama did. Biden therefore cheated.

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