11 white jurors, 1 Black man seated in Arbery murder trial

There is nothing phony when it comes to you, you are just as racist as these 3 clowns on trial. I guess it was phony when Travis McMichael stood over Ahmaud after he murdered him and called him an Fing Nword.
Is there proof of calling the criminal a name? And why does it matter if the F'ing criminal was called a name? We all saw the criminal attack them, grabbing their gun, which is automatic self defense.
OH stop with the Bullshit---the coroners came up with drug tests that clearly show a lethal dose of drugs in the criminals system--meaning he died of drugs. YOu do know what lethal means right?

For Biden not have been cheating, you would have to believe that the dittering idiot got more votes than Obama while winning less than half of the counties that Obama did. Biden therefore cheated.

Show the coroner who determined cause of death as overdose. Even the Defense Expert claimed he would have called the death undetermined.

Of course. The Defense Expert hurt the defense more than he helped. He said that as a Doctor he had to agree that Chauvin should not have remained in position when Floyd lost consciousness, and as a Doctor, he had to agree that Chauvin should have begun CPR when they couldn’t find a pulse. And as a Doctor, he had to agree that there was a good chance that had Chauvin started CPR at that time that Floyd would have lived.

No Coroner. NONE. Not One. Said that it was Overdose.

So prove me wrong. Link to report that showed Overdose please. Not your opinion. Not your ideals. Not some nut case website. The Coroners Report.
There is NO WAY those 3 will be acquitted. NOT gonna happen. IMO, Aubery was a known thief, that he was doing some recon, got caught and rather than just accept the arrest, he fought with one of them over a shotgun.
A known thief by who? He jogged through that neighborhood all the time, so WTF was he reconing? Tell us what authority did they have to even try and arrest him and what were they arresting him for?
I assume the gun was brought to the scene for a precaution in case Aubery was armed but I don't agree that they should have tried to make a citizen's arrest. They likely could have followed him or at least gotten good images of his face while waiting on cops to arrive. Either way, all three are headed to prison.
That's the problem you AssUMe alot.

Because black jurors cannot be impartial? Yeah. That's pretty fucking clear. But, you don't even know what the fuck happened.
History shows us that black juries convict black defendants everyday, so that is bullshit. History shows us that All white juries have allowed white defendants to get away murdering black men since this country was founded. That is FACT.
Take 48 potential juror.

They all randomly get a number from 1-48. They are seated in numerical order. Let's say that the 12 black jurors were seated at 3, 10, 12, 21, 22, 28, 31, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47. Both sides are going to strike the lowest numbered jurors because the first 12 (or alternate 13) remaining after all strikes are made get seated.

Prosecution strikes jurors 1, 7, 9, 10, 14, 18

Defense strikes 3, 6, 10, 12, 15, 21

They both struck juror 10. (happens way more than you might think)

That leaves 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 22, 20, 23, 24

There's your jury. The defense struck 4 blacks, leaving 8, but the seating works out to exclude all black jurors but 1.

It's really not that hard to see it happening.
No the defense struck EVERY black juror but one, what the hell do you think the prosecutor was challenging in court.
There is NO WAY those 3 will be acquitted. NOT gonna happen. IMO, Aubery was a known thief, that he was doing some recon, got caught and rather than just accept the arrest, he fought with one of them over a shotgun. I assume the gun was brought to the scene for a precaution in case Aubery was armed but I don't agree that they should have tried to make a citizen's arrest. They likely could have followed him or at least gotten good images of his face while waiting on cops to arrive. Either way, all three are headed to prison.

They just chased that kid down and killed him. He was wearing running shorts and a T shirt.. No weapons.

He wasn't a known thief. They didn't have his records.. They did this on a lark. .. acting out some vigilante fantasy .. like George Zimmerman.
OH stop with the Bullshit---the coroners came up with drug tests that clearly show a lethal dose of drugs in the criminals system--meaning he died of drugs. YOu do know what lethal means right?

For Biden not have been cheating, you would have to believe that the dittering idiot got more votes than Obama while winning less than half of the counties that Obama did. Biden therefore cheated.

Republicans haven't won the popular vote since 2004 ... Voter registration and turn out broke all the records in 2020.. Trump really motivated Americans to vote him OUT.
History shows us that black juries convict black defendants everyday, so that is bullshit. History shows us that All white juries have allowed white defendants to get away murdering black men since this country was founded. That is FACT.

No the defense struck EVERY black juror but one, what the hell do you think the prosecutor was challenging in court.
And the defense struck them for their stated bias as admitted by the Judge.

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.
The last thing justice needs is an all black jury presiding over a black criminal.
Just like that - convictions would drop by 99.874%

Because black jurors cannot be impartial? Yeah. That's pretty fucking clear. But, you don't even know what the fuck happened.

Take 48 potential juror.

They all randomly get a number from 1-48. They are seated in numerical order. Let's say that the 12 black jurors were seated at 3, 10, 12, 21, 22, 28, 31, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47. Both sides are going to strike the lowest numbered jurors because the first 12 (or alternate 13) remaining after all strikes are made get seated.

Prosecution strikes jurors 1, 7, 9, 10, 14, 18

Defense strikes 3, 6, 10, 12, 15, 21

They both struck juror 10. (happens way more than you might think)

That leaves 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 22, 20, 23, 24

There's your jury. The defense struck 4 blacks, leaving 8, but the seating works out to exclude all black jurors but 1.

It's really not that hard to see it happening.

Great point.

However, if I read the OP's article right the defense actually did use 11 strikes on black jurors. The prosecution used 12 strikes on white jurors.

Prosecutor Linda Dunikoski said the attorneys representing Greg McMichael, his son Travis McMichael and their neighbor William “Roddie” Bryan used their allotted strikes to eliminate 11 of 12 prospective Black jurors from the qualified panel, leaving a mostly white jury to decide the high-profile case.

The takeaway from this is the defendants are supposed to be guaranteed a fair trial, but clearly attorneys on both sides thought skin color mattered. It was still a fair election process and I still think the jury will be impartial.
Great point.

However, if I read the OP's article right the defense actually did use 11 strikes on black jurors. The prosecution used 12 strikes on white jurors.

Prosecutor Linda Dunikoski said the attorneys representing Greg McMichael, his son Travis McMichael and their neighbor William “Roddie” Bryan used their allotted strikes to eliminate 11 of 12 prospective Black jurors from the qualified panel, leaving a mostly white jury to decide the high-profile case.

The takeaway from this is the defendants are supposed to be guaranteed a fair trial, but clearly attorneys on both sides thought skin color mattered. It was still a fair election process and I still think the jury will be impartial.
The defense used the stated bias of those jurors to strike them as evidenced by the Judges comment on it being discriminatory BUT they had justifiable reason. In other words the Judge whined about following the law.
No the defense struck EVERY black juror but one, what the hell do you think the prosecutor was challenging in court.

I already showed you how it works in my post above.

Now, prove to me that they struck every black juror in the panel or shut your race-bating cake hole.

You got nothing.

You're way out of your element, ConspiracyBrutha.

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