1100 lies in 7 weeks.

I know better than to ask this, but exactly what did Trump lie about that caused people to die?

Trump won the 2016 election.

The Washington Post will not recognize nor abide by the results of the election. They wanted Hillary, two years on they are still throwing a fit.

That is the whole story, and we ALL know it.
/----/ The democRATs are still throwing a fit that the Republicans freed their slaves.
View attachment 226465
Democrats aren't the ones with the rebel flag hanging from their front porch you stupid fuck.
/——-/ prove it

Any Democrats posting here even own a confederate flag let along have it hanging on the porch?

How about you Trumpettes. BE honest now. How many have one hanging from your porch & displayed somewhere on your jacked up 4x4?
/----/ Anyone can buy a flag but only democRATs bought slaves.
You and your pals don't care when Obama, Hillary and other Democrats lie, so why should we care about your accusations that Trump lies?
Please, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid to compare Trumps rate of lies with any other politician EVER>

Trump lies to you every fucking day & you love it.

He lies & people of died.

Yeah trump lies more, but it’s mostly trivial lies, Hussein’s lied about the Iran deal and Husseincare, which were the biggest foreign policy lies and domestic policy lies respectively in the history of our country.

What lie about the Iran deal?

What lies about the ACA?
You can keep your doctor and your insurance premiums won't change. This is the part where you play dumb, huh

Where did he say your premiums would not change?
BTW, the ACA NEVER EVER set coverage networks. If you lostg your doctor, it was because you were too fucking stupid to choose a policy that included him in its network.

Yeah he actually said the premiums would go down. Got to love Hussein. What a kidder, right?
Running up the debt, trade wars, alienating our alles, and rhetoric that kills people is not winning.
Trump hasn't run up the debt as much as Obama did.

The trade wars are a good thing, putting a stop to foreign domination over us in trade.

Our so-called "allies" (ex China) are the ones who have been engaging in trade war against us for 30 years. Trump is just fighting back, that's all (and winning) :biggrin:
Lol, well someone that was getting ready to testify against the Clintons. Committed suicide with two different guns. How do you do that?
That was one case among about 50 that the Clinton murderers set up. Anybody that clicks this link, and takes the time to actually read through it, will KNOW what I mean.

/-----/ The Clintons never murdered anyone -- unless they were begging for it.
liberal rapid resonse team.jpg
Please, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid to compare Trumps rate of lies with any other politician EVER>

Trump lies to you every fucking day & you love it.

He lies & people of died.
Liberal definition of a lie >> Fish can swim.
You and your pals don't care when Obama, Hillary and other Democrats lie, so why should we care about your accusations that Trump lies?
Please, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid to compare Trumps rate of lies with any other politician EVER>

Trump lies to you every fucking day & you love it.

He lies & people of died.

Yeah trump lies more, but it’s mostly trivial lies, Hussein’s lied about the Iran deal and Husseincare, which were the biggest foreign policy lies and domestic policy lies respectively in the history of our country.

What lie about the Iran deal?

What lies about the ACA?
You can keep your doctor and your insurance premiums won't change. This is the part where you play dumb, huh

Where did he say your premiums would not change?
BTW, the ACA NEVER EVER set coverage networks. If you lostg your doctor, it was because you were too fucking stupid to choose a policy that included him in its network.
Obama told us if we liked our plan we could keep it. Obamacare forced insurers to raise their premiums. You're defending that. That makes you complicit in the scheme.
Obamacare was passed the way obama wanted it too. He flat out lied about all americans healthcare.
Lets talk about these lies. List them.
You can keep your doctor.
A family will save $2500 a year.
The healthcare debate will be televised on cspan.
He will reach out to both parties to get input.
Just to name a few.
What kind of retard thinks that compares to telling 1100 lies? Four lies are just like one thousand one hundred lies. Trump fanatics are retards. People who pay attention to them are retards in training.
That was lies that he said lying about everyone's healthcare dumbass. I mean Trump says the crowd was huge, you say it wasn't. Then he told a lie. Count them up like that and Obama would've told more. Who cares? When Trump starts lying about your healthcare, or knowingly lying about the death of people to cover his ass. Then get back to me.
I have counted them up and so has a lot of others. You are the one who needs to count them up. Stop being such a delusional retard.
Like i said, if Obama was counted like Trump. He would've told more lies.
I know better than to ask this, but exactly what did Trump lie about that caused people to die?

Trump won the 2016 election.

The Washington Post will not recognize nor abide by the results of the election. They wanted Hillary, two years on they are still throwing a fit.

That is the whole story, and we ALL know it.
/----/ The democRATs are still throwing a fit that the Republicans freed their slaves.
View attachment 226465
Democrats aren't the ones with the rebel flag hanging from their front porch you stupid fuck.

And yet democrats were the ones killing under that flag, democrats were the ones with slaves, democrats are the ones demanding they keep their new slaves, the illegals.
No one lies as much as Trump. He lies to you overf & over & you bend over & say "Give me more"
I once challenged liberals to SHOW/POST one lie that Trump has ever told. None of them responded. One guy posted a link to some website article. When you read through it, the list WAS NOT lies. It was liberals' crazy interpretations, turning truth into lies.
Well i know i didn't save $2500 a year, as Obama promised.
That was tje plan Obama ran on, not the one psssed by Congress.

I saved much more than that.
Obamacare was passed the way obama wanted it too. He flat out lied about all americans healthcare.
Lets talk about these lies. List them.
You can keep your doctor.
A family will save $2500 a year.
The healthcare debate will be televised on cspan.
He will reach out to both parties to get input.
Just to name a few.
What kind of retard thinks that compares to telling 1100 lies? Four lies are just like one thousand one hundred lies. Trump fanatics are retards. People who pay attention to them are retards in training.

What kind of retard thinks there are 1100 lies.

WaPo hates the president, almost as much as they hate America. WaPo spews shit when the president eats two scoops of ice cream. WaPo is deranged and dishonest.
I take it liberals haven't figured out they have made themselves into a caricature over whining about TRUMP "lies"...

It's funny, really that is hilarious. You don't care about Trump's lives, then you make a caricature about it, then laugh and mock the caricature you've made.

Were this a Democratic president you'd be aghast at how the presidency is being treated like shit. But because he's Republican you're happy about it. You'd literally be that caricature you've invented if it were a Democrat. That's how fucking pathetic partisan hacks are.
The Washington Post has Trump down for 1100 lies & "mistruths" in just 7 weeks.

The Republicans say nothing.

Vote Blue & help silence that fat assed embarrassment.
This stuff is hilarious...it reminds me of how the left just makes up stats like women beaten during the super bowl and other bullshit.

Analysis | The viral claim that a black person is killed by police ‘every 28 hours’

...but....but...but... other people lie.

What the fuck are you, 8 years old?
No it means you people pull bulslhit out of your ass to scare people and to give a false impression of what is really going on.
Looks like republicans don't care if trump lies. If anything, they'll fire back with 'what about Soros' or whatever. And I have to say, I did vote for the guy, but now I see what a danger he is to America.

A danger? How so? Can you be specific?

I mean doesn't every politician lie?
No one lies as much as Trump. He lies to you overf & over & you bend over & say "Give me more"
Give us some lies....I always ask that, I get some list of bs.......1100 lies in 7 weeks, so there has to be a juicy couple....let us know them
The Washington Post has Trump down for 1100 lies & "mistruths" in just 7 weeks.

The Republicans say nothing.

Vote Blue & help silence that fat assed embarrassment.

They demand an end to "fake news" and then ignore Trump's lies.

How does a person become so blatantly partisan like that?
/----/ You calling him a liar doesn't make it true.
If you think I am the only one, you really are dumber than shit.
No we see the media........and we also laugh at them. They lie more than anyone.
The Washington Post has Trump down for 1100 lies & "mistruths" in just 7 weeks.

The Republicans say nothing.

Vote Blue & help silence that fat assed embarrassment.
This stuff is hilarious...it reminds me of how the left just makes up stats like women beaten during the super bowl and other bullshit.

Analysis | The viral claim that a black person is killed by police ‘every 28 hours’

...but....but...but... other people lie.

What the fuck are you, 8 years old?
What else will you be crying about Trump in the next 5 minutes. Trump said i'd get tired of winning, well he did lie about that. Watching you cry about him 24/7. Is very amusing. Lol

I give a shit about this country., You love a Con Man who is raking in millions while running America into the ground.
He got rich before office, most of your democrat pals get rich WHILE in office....so again we laugh at this projection

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