12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021

You support the attack on police. You are fricking disgusting. It will take time but you will be gotten. Just like those who are going to jail, you will say, why did I ever support the fraud.
Support attack on police? Where were you and the rest of the crowd when over 500 police officers were injured or worse during the summer of love in 2020?
Anyone who destroys property or hurts and kill people are wrong, very fricking wrong.
The 1/6 rioters were destroying property and hurting/killing people along with trying to take control of congress to reverse an election. Tough to get worse than that.
Oh Jeeze, get REAL!

What we saw on Jan. 6, 2021 was a few hours of ONE DAY compared to SEVERAL WEEKS to MONTHS in several USA cities during the Summer of 2020! Basically about 1% on Jan 06,2021 compared to the Summer of 2020!

While some handful of persons on Jan 6,2021 may have been wrong and unlawful, they are no where near the scale of what the unlawful loonie Left got away with for months during the Summer of 2020*. Scale and proportion are no where near equal.

On Jan. 6,2021 no guv'mint persons; elected, appointed, employed were drug out by "the mob" to be publicly humiliated, beaten, or executed; which is typical of real insurrections. Nor was the property damage on anywhere near the scale as done by the Leftist Insurrectionists during Summer of 2020.

The "mob" that occupied the Congress building was mostly unarmed, did not seize the "reins of power" or actually take over the government of the USA; hence not a real insurrection as is classic to historical examples. Nor again, anywhere on comparable scale to the more real insurrections in many USA cities during the Summer of 2020.

Either you are lying, disseminating, delusional, ignorant, or all the above.

Believe me, if the Right-Wing of the USA was to engage a real insurrection, many of the loonie Left would experience premature karma recycling. So far, you traitors have experienced our forbearance, patience, and tolerance.

*And have ever since, as the Leftist/Regressive elected leaders in most of those cities and states have declined to pursue prosecution of the few whom were actually arrested for their crimes. That in itself is also criminal.
What a hypocrite you are. You suddenly care about the police after supporting those who bad mouthed them and wanted to defund the police.
I feel those demanding the defunding of the police are almost as bad as Trump minions. I consider you and them, a lot alike. Extreme whacked out views.

I support our police and military with words and money.

I am not surprised a dumbass like you would come up with an absolute lie, like this. If you cannot beat them with the truth, lie. The motto of you losers.
I feel those demanding the defunding of the police are almost as bad as Trump minions. I consider you and them, a lot alike. Extreme whacked out views.

I support our police and military with words and money.

I am not surprised a dumbass like you would come up with an absolute lie, like this. If you cannot beat them with the truth, lie. The motto of you losers.
So you do not support the Squad? Lol
Communist democrats have done everything possible. They cannot overcome the perception that fuck Joe stole the election. Nor will they. It can't be stopped.
many people agree it was an inside job.
I'm reticent to go so far as to call it an "inside job", BUT!

I am deeply troubled by the fact that main characters in urging folks to break into the Capitol remain at large with no charges, whatsoever being lodged against them? How is that possible?

For example, who is this man and why is he not in the Biden Political Prison?

Then there is this young man, directing movement from a tower. Once on the FBI most wanted list, now living out west. His name has been removed from the FBI list and when asked about him, they'll answer, who?

OKTexas says
We sleep peacefully in our beds at night because rough men are willing to do violence on our behalf.

Author unknown

God Bless our police and military.

What a hypocrite OKTexas is. He supports the insurrections that attacked and beat 150 police officers.

And you support 574 riots that killed 30, injured 3,000 police and inflicted 2 billion in damages. And you can keep lying about an insurrection, just know, no one is buying your commie propaganda.

I feel those demanding the defunding of the police are almost as bad as Trump minions. I consider you and them, a lot alike. Extreme whacked out views.

I support our police and military with words and money.

I am not surprised a dumbass like you would come up with an absolute lie, like this. If you cannot beat them with the truth, lie. The motto of you losers.

So tell the class what military or police uniform you wore and when. BTW, prison jumpsuits don't count.


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