12 Americans Killed y Illegal Aliens in 2018 Because Democrats Wont Protect the Public

"A total of 17,250 people were reported killed in the US in 2016"
The US murder rate was up again—and Chicago had a lot to do with it
Any murder is a terrible, terrible thing. Those twelve victims left family, friends and co-workers behind. This effected many lives.
When the illegals killed those 12 people, they killed 0.0007% of all the murders. Where is the tribute for the other 99.9993% of the murder victims?
Or the fact that the blob is currently the President and he runs the border patrol but apparently he's responsible for nothing.

Well Obama wasn't responsible for anything at all. It was all Buussshhhss fault. Certainly not his.

Oh and I think Trump will take responsibility for everything in his administration.

Carry on Cornholio.
Lol, "but...but...but... Obama!"

Always. They can’t speak I’ll of their master so they have to blame someone else
"A total of 17,250 people were reported killed in the US in 2016"
The US murder rate was up again—and Chicago had a lot to do with it
Any murder is a terrible, terrible thing. Those twelve victims left family, friends and co-workers behind. This effected many lives.
When the illegals killed those 12 people, they killed 0.0007% of all the murders. Where is the tribute for the other 99.9993% of the murder victims?
Or the fact that the blob is currently the President and he runs the border patrol but apparently he's responsible for nothing.

Well Obama wasn't responsible for anything at all. It was all Buussshhhss fault. Certainly not his.

Oh and I think Trump will take responsibility for everything in his administration.

Carry on Cornholio.

The next time your master takes responsibility for something will be the first time ever. Now be a good little liar and tell us how he isn’t your master

LOL He sounds more like YOUR master than mine. After all, all you talk about is the Master.

Carry on dipshit.
"A total of 17,250 people were reported killed in the US in 2016"
The US murder rate was up again—and Chicago had a lot to do with it
Any murder is a terrible, terrible thing. Those twelve victims left family, friends and co-workers behind. This effected many lives.
When the illegals killed those 12 people, they killed 0.0007% of all the murders. Where is the tribute for the other 99.9993% of the murder victims?
Or the fact that the blob is currently the President and he runs the border patrol but apparently he's responsible for nothing.

Well Obama wasn't responsible for anything at all. It was all Buussshhhss fault. Certainly not his.

Oh and I think Trump will take responsibility for everything in his administration.

Carry on Cornholio.

The next time your master takes responsibility for something will be the first time ever. Now be a good little liar and tell us how he isn’t your master

LOL He sounds more like YOUR master than mine. After all, all you talk about is the Master.

Carry on dipshit.

You’re angry because you know it’s true…you’re incapable of criticizing your master and it makes you angry;
"A total of 17,250 people were reported killed in the US in 2016"
The US murder rate was up again—and Chicago had a lot to do with it
Any murder is a terrible, terrible thing. Those twelve victims left family, friends and co-workers behind. This effected many lives.
When the illegals killed those 12 people, they killed 0.0007% of all the murders. Where is the tribute for the other 99.9993% of the murder victims?
Or the fact that the blob is currently the President and he runs the border patrol but apparently he's responsible for nothing.

Well Obama wasn't responsible for anything at all. It was all Buussshhhss fault. Certainly not his.

Oh and I think Trump will take responsibility for everything in his administration.

Carry on Cornholio.

The next time your master takes responsibility for something will be the first time ever. Now be a good little liar and tell us how he isn’t your master

LOL He sounds more like YOUR master than mine. After all, all you talk about is the Master.

Carry on dipshit.

You’re angry because you know it’s true…you’re incapable of criticizing your master and it makes you angry;

Nah He's not my master but he sure seems to be yours. He's all you talk about. Master indeed.

I don't get angry. I get even. Always have.

Carry on you little Trumpy you. LOL
It is simply amazing how irrational Dimocrats truly are when they fail to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants or fail to grasp the difference between criminal who are native and commit crimes NOT under the control of our government vrs criminals who are under government control, supposedly.

Illegal immigrants are like people who escape jail in that they are not supposed to be on our streets, and if the government would do its job well, they would not be.

When Joe Sixpack stabs his live-in GF, and is not under arrest, parol, or a restraining order, etc or any other form of government control, then it is not the governments fault that he did what he did.

The illegal immigration population is under the authority of the federal government exclusively, and under Obama they fought thje states for that sole custody of illegals.

And they are so inept and incompetent at doing their damned job that Ameriocans are getting raped and murdered and killed in manslaughter cases by the THOUSANDS each yu ear and not one liberal gives a flying fart because it might hurt Nancy Pelosi and the Dimocrat Party.

That is pathetic short sighted stupidity.
Murders committed by Americans in America is statistically inevitable.
Murders committed by illegal aliens in America is totally statistically unnecessary.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Except that those immigrants not only make us safer by not being as criminal as citizens, but will stop more crimes than they cause by far.
They also help us compete with China, and are essential to our agriculture.
No, they increase the odds of crime by bringing more criminals into the country. They hurt our economy by under-bidding jobs and investing that money back in their homeland where it is worth more. They crowd the infrastructure by housing multiple families per dwelling and they undermine our culture by refusing to assimilate.
But they are mostly potentially democrat voters so that makes them OK with insulated dem whities.
Only one would still be a disgrace. If these jack asses cant get off their asses and build the freaking wall because they are afraid of giving Trump a win, then they are truly cowards with zero confidence in what they have to offer America.

The President of Mexico has more concern for American citizens than do Congressional Democrats.

In Memoriam: 12 Americans Allegedly Killed by Illegal Aliens in 2018

They're mere bumps in to road to the Progressive Utopia
Murders committed by Americans in America is statistically inevitable.
Murders committed by illegal aliens in America is totally statistically unnecessary.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

He's a member of the New Order..
Democrats are too stupid and logic-challenged to be allowed to vote. Nothing new about reason.
I suppose but you haven't proved that crackers are any smarter voting GOP...
Murders committed by Americans in America is statistically inevitable.
Murders committed by illegal aliens in America is totally statistically unnecessary.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

He's a member of the New Order..
Democrats are too stupid and logic-challenged to be allowed to vote. Nothing new about reason.
I suppose but you haven't proved that crackers are any smarter voting GOP...
The mere fact that they don’t vote democrat gives them an intellectual edge in itself.

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