12% of managers say they've fired a Gen Z employee in their first week of work — and being too easily offended is often to blame, new survey finds


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
They will be in for a shock, but it is a new generation. Far more committed to the laid back lifestyle than generations prior (at least for now).https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/career/12percent-of-managers-say-theyve-fired-a-gen-z-employee-in-their-first-week-of-work-%e2%80%94-and-being-too-easily-offended-is-often-to-blame-new-survey-finds/ar-AA1a3ZeF?ocid=mailsignout&li=AAggFp5.
  • Nearly 75% of managers in a recent survey said Gen Z is more difficult to work with than other generations.
  • About 12% and 16% of that group said they have fired a Gen Zer in their first week or month of work, respectively.
  • Many said they would rather work with Millennials or Gen X employees because they feel they're more productive
It all started with the big anti bullying campaign. Where schools started zero tolerance for anything even remotely close to being considered not nice. So the kids grew up in a safe space bubble for pussies being protected by their parents and spent all their time online only staying in online areas where others like them congregated and were told they were all special and unique and beautiful and wonderful and that they deserve everything just for showing up.

Then they enter into the real world completely unprepared because they were raised to be weak pussy ass bitches.

So I'm not surprised. Honestly you can spot those people a mile away. If I was hiring people I probably wouldn't even consider them. Not even for a menial job.
What are these butt hurt little pussies gonna do? They are totally unprepared to live in the real world.
What are these butt hurt little pussies gonna do? They are totally unprepared to live in the real world.
Remember you will be old and they wll be running the show. You never know what policies they may enact...
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By favorite employee is Gen Z. He communicates well, has a great work ethic and has a natural ability to know what is important and what is unimportant.
I've been warning Americans for years. If you are an employer, do your best to not hire democrats. Avoid hiring democrats at all cost. You will thank me later. Many small business owners know exactly why.

Meh, I know good workers who are Republicans, Independents, and Democrats, and I know bad workers just the same.

I will say that Gen-Z is a thing. The whole "ghosting" thing was something that was not on my bingo card until about 2018. Then it became a fairly common occurrence. Gen-Z doesn't just quiet quit; they can give-you-the-finger quit, too.

They are protective of their personal time and aren't afraid to say so and since they grew up in the low-interest rate Fed regime, they're used to telling employer A to fuck off on Friday and getting a new job with employer B on Tuesday.

TBH, Gen-Z is like Gen-X was in the late 1990s. They thought they were living in the age of some new economy with new rules. Then that economy crashed, they endured a recession, and realized you could actually be unemployed for longer than a week. That realization is about to hit Gen-Z.

Invest in emotional support animal start-ups because they're about to need some in the worst way, lol.
I hired a young man in my grooming shop. He was to clean cages and mop floors, sometimes help the bather. He seemed willing to do the work but when he showed up his first day he was wearing a suit and tie. He thought it over and decided he was more suited for front office. He was fired his first day.
Meh, I know good workers who are Republicans, Independents, and Democrats, and I know bad workers just the same.

I will say that Gen-Z is a thing. The whole "ghosting" thing was something that was not on my bingo card until about 2018. Then it became a fairly common occurrence. Gen-Z doesn't just quiet quit; they can give-you-the-finger quit, too.

They are protective of their personal time and aren't afraid to say so and since they grew up in the low-interest rate Fed regime, they're used to telling employer A to fuck off on Friday and getting a new job with employer B on Tuesday.

TBH, Gen-Z is like Gen-X was in the late 1990s. They thought they were living in the age of some new economy with new rules. Then that economy crashed, they endured a recession, and realized you could actually be unemployed for longer than a week. That realization is about to hit Gen-Z.

Invest in emotional support animal start-ups because they're about to need some in the worst way, lol.
It's not a gen-z thing. It is a Democrat thing and a majority of gen-z are brainwashed drone democrats. I rather have a bad worker that's not a democrat then a good worker that is. Until you experience what democrats do, you won't expect it. Evil is gonna evil.
It's not a gen-z thing. It is a Democrat thing and a majority of gen-z are brainwashed drone democrats. I rather have a bad worker that's not a democrat then a good worker that is. Until you experience what democrats do, you won't expect it. Evil is gonna evil.

Maybe you don't hire well. Maybe it's a TheGreatSatan shitty employer/manager thing, and not a Democrat thing.
Remember...hunger is a great motivator!

Different people are motivated by different things. I agree that "hunger" is a motivator, but hunger can mean different things to different people. Some people just want to stay barely fed; others want obscene fame and fortune. Most are somewhere in between and are motivated by all kinds of different things. Most people usually like to be mentioned when they do something right. Most people don't like to be singled out for doing something wrong, but everyone needs constructive criticism and to be able to roll with it.

I like an old quote from Vince Lombardi (and I'm paraphrasing). Some men need a pat on the back. Some need a kick in the ass. As a leader, you find out what your individuals respond to and adapt your management accordingly. If they can't respond to neither, then you kick them off the team. There's a reason that guy's name is on that trophy.
It's a democrat thing. I bet Bud Light will be more careful. Democrats across America are sinking American companies intentionally. Part of what Democrats call the managed decline of America.

Yeah we get it, Satan. You suck at managing and you can only hire people who are culturally like you, regardless of their talent. You're an inflexible, crusty, intolerant motherfucker who hires people only caring about your bottom line and not the bottom line of people who support you and help grow your fortune - or not. And then you probably scratch your head and your ass and curse people when they leave for better employers. The ones who leave are winning while you're left whining.

Sucks to be you.
Sure I do. Their game plan is to kill the old folks and steal their wealth.

Then they'll consume that wealth & there will be nothing left. But they don't look that far ahead. They can only see the next 15 minutes.
Hehe. Also, theg don't look at the next generation after them and consider that they may just model their approach....and so it goes...
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  • Nearly 75% of managers in a recent survey said Gen Z is more difficult to work with than other generations.
  • About 12% and 16% of that group said they have fired a Gen Zer in their first week or month of work, respectively.
  • Many said they would rather work with Millennials or Gen X employees because they feel they're more productive
So you are telling us that kids are troublesome but between 84% and 88% of managers did not have to sack these youngsters in their first few weeks of employment .
Any more useless trivia ?

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