12 years of Bush Tax Cuts, Bailouts, Quantitative Easing;Where are the jobs?

What a fuking idiot you are. Don't you read the rethug talking points? The government does not create jobs. repugs tell this all the time. Except for defense industry jobs, but we won't include them. Cause rethugs love defense jobs.

So the tax cuts for the ultra wealthy were sold as cuts for the job creators. Remeber? Us peons got those little measly 600 dollar checks so we wouldn't bitch that the wealthy got hundreds of thousands. Be that as it may.

Where are the fuking jobs the ultra wealthy were creating after theygot what they wanted?

If you don't know, stfu.

The government is like fertilizer, it doesn't make the plants grow it allows them to grow. Unfortunately this administration is more like weed killer. But that is only going by the facts and not conjecture or partisanship.

No bub. The "fertilizer" aka "bull shit" that is being spread in being spread by......you.

You should have just said you don't know why the ultra rich haven't "created" all those jobs we were promised.

I remember no one in the Bush admin qualifying the tax cuts with statments that there would have to be a bunch of bull shit spread around BEFORE the job creators could do their job creation "thing".

The only people that beneited from the huge tax cuts for the ultra wealthy were the ultra wealty.

We were sold a bunch of bull shit. Guess that's the "fertilizer" you were speaking of.

Obama Signs Bill To Extend Bush Tax Cuts

Mr. Obama said the bill would create jobs
and boost the still-struggling U.S. economy. He called it a "substantial victory for middle class families" who would otherwise have seen a tax increase.

Obama Signs Bill To Extend Bush Tax Cuts - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
And you paid for your own gear..and got there on your own, right?

No, but I have many many times over in the 30yrs since with all the tax I've paid.

Give this man a cigar.

And maybe you should look around and see that people are paying for those services they get.

But those on the top..are basically using those very same services..while fleecing those who are paying for it.

The rich pay a helluva lot more for services because they use a helluva lot more of those services. My electric bill averages about $200 a month and Al Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359, in 2006!
ok Oldstyle. Every low income worker has Federal taxes taken from their paycheck. Then they file a tax return and get it back, plus some is all the stars line up.

Now how do you think that came about? Do those provisions just magically appear in the tax code? Hell no. Someone put them there. And who could that have been? Was it the lobbyists for the poor? Hell no.

It was put in place by Dems who were being bribed to go along with the BIG tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. The dems had to get something for their voters to go along with the rethugs who were working for their voters.

If you want poor people to be even more poor, oh well. There has always been poor people and they won't die in the streets in any meaningful numbers if their money is cut.

But to defend the ultra weathy against any tax increase by saying that the poor pay no taxes and therefore the ultra rich should pay less........is just fuked up rethug thinking IMO.

Why don't you offer to change places with a poor person. Just for a month. See what fun that is.
That will make you want to kick them even harder. All that fun and poor to. What a deal.

But the poor ultra rich. Everybody picking on them. Even though they fuked us all, you still carry the water for them. Why?

What's stupid is that you think by raising the taxes on the wealthy that somehow that will magically improve the economic lot of the poor and it's simply delusional. The people that get hurt most by a recession are the poor and the Middle Class. Raising taxes on the wealthy will hurt the economy...possibly to the point of slipping us back into another recession. That is the economic REALITY of what you're advocating...but you're too ignorant about economics to comprehend it.

My point about Federal taxes is that it should come as no surprise to anyone that people who don't pay Federal taxes are in favor of raising Federal taxes on those that do. The idea that's now being put forward by progressives and the Obama White House that they have "mandate" to raise taxes on the wealthy because a majority of Americans have indicated in polls that they approve such a thing...does not make doing so any more economically viable.

We need leadership that understands basic economic principles. Instead we have leadership that has based it's fiscal policies on what would get them reelected even though doing what they promised to get them those votes will hurt the country and the economically unsophisticated who voted for them.
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YOU think that is a better question. Because you dumb lovers of the ultra rich are to fuking stupid to ask the logical question; you rich got your tax cuts, where are the jobs?

How come you are not smart enough to ask that question. Partisan make you stupid?
How many years the tax cuts been in place? Longer than Obama's been President you say.

Then why in the fuk you blaming Obama. He is not the ultra rich job creator. He kept the taxes low on the "job creators." wtf happened?

You just seem fuking confused. But I am not surprised.

Obama retained the Bush tax cuts because someone intelligent about economics (I presume it was someone brought in from outside his regular group of advisers) explained to him that to let them expire would hurt the economy at a time when economic growth was already anemic at best.

The reason the economy has not grown over the last four years in uncertainty about how Obama's policies would effect businesses. ObamaCare and proposed legislation on Cap & Trade, Card Check and EPA regulations have kept businesses guessing as to what the future holds. If you understood business then you'd understand that business leaders are always planning for what's coming several years down the road, trying to anticipate what current policy will do in the future.

Oh fuking horseshit. How many years were the ultra rich tax cuts in place while George Bush was President? How many jobs were being created at the end of the George Bush presidency? How many? None you say. In fact, jobs were being lost at a termendous pace.
You remember that? Or are you to partisan to remember recent history?

Or maybe you want to claim the all the money the ultra rich have allow them to see into the future, and in 2003 when they got their second big tax cut, they looked to the future, saw Obama being elected and decided right then and there to not create all those jobs they promised. Is that your story? It all Obamas fault.

What I remember is the unemployment rate averaging 5.3% for Bush's 8 years and the tremendous loss of jobs didn't happen until the Democrats gained control of the Congress in 2007.

The Bush tax cuts had absolutely nothing to do with the housing bubble that went south in 2008. That was the cause of the job losses, or are you too partisan to remember?
Never mind Bammy's susequent attempts at his own QE.
Never mind the Fed printing 41 BILLION dollars a month to buy our own debt.
For 12 years the "job creators" got every single thing they wanted. Low taxes, ease on regulations, changes in overtime rules, bailouts, quantitative easing..and what do we have?

Stagnant wages, high unemployment, and..

A record number of billionaires!

Why is that?

Going to score the verbal gymnastics used to explain it.

So let's take their wealth is that your answer?

So the Iraq war ended over a year ago, where is all the money that was contributing to the debt? Perfect example of how giving the government more money does not result in reduced spending, just the opposite.


The Iraq war was done on the credit card.

We are just NOW paying for it.

The Iraq war was paid for every year that Bush was in the White House. Have you ever heard of a supplemental appropriation?
For 12 years the "job creators" got every single thing they wanted. Low taxes, ease on regulations, changes in overtime rules, bailouts, quantitative easing..and what do we have?

Stagnant wages, high unemployment, and..

A record number of billionaires!

Why is that?

Going to score the verbal gymnastics used to explain it.

So let's take their wealth is that your answer?

So the Iraq war ended over a year ago, where is all the money that was contributing to the debt? Perfect example of how giving the government more money does not result in reduced spending, just the opposite.

How does 3% more (36% to 39%) of income above 200,000 dollars (250,000 for joint returns) make for taking their wealth.
For 12 years the "job creators" got every single thing they wanted. Low taxes, ease on regulations, changes in overtime rules, bailouts, quantitative easing..and what do we have?

Stagnant wages, high unemployment, and..

A record number of billionaires!

Why is that?

Going to score the verbal gymnastics used to explain it.

So let's take their wealth is that your answer?

So the Iraq war ended over a year ago, where is all the money that was contributing to the debt? Perfect example of how giving the government more money does not result in reduced spending, just the opposite.

How does 3% more (36% to 39%) of income above 200,000 dollars (250,000 for joint returns) make for taking their wealth.

What exactly does taking that wealth ACCOMPLISH? It doesn't put even a small dent in the deficit yet it runs a real risk of slowing down the economy even more than it already is. The progressive mantra of "tax the rich" and everything will be peachy is simply ludicrous and anyone with rudimentary math skills knows it.

What the heck is Barry's plan to fix the economy? Increasing taxes will slow down economic growth. It's why he didn't get rid of the Bush tax cuts back in 2009. So with the economy only slightly better now than it was then...what is it that Barack Obama and you progressives are proposing that's going to put Americans back to work?
Obama retained the Bush tax cuts because someone intelligent about economics (I presume it was someone brought in from outside his regular group of advisers) explained to him that to let them expire would hurt the economy at a time when economic growth was already anemic at best.

The reason the economy has not grown over the last four years in uncertainty about how Obama's policies would effect businesses. ObamaCare and proposed legislation on Cap & Trade, Card Check and EPA regulations have kept businesses guessing as to what the future holds. If you understood business then you'd understand that business leaders are always planning for what's coming several years down the road, trying to anticipate what current policy will do in the future.

Oh fuking horseshit. How many years were the ultra rich tax cuts in place while George Bush was President? How many jobs were being created at the end of the George Bush presidency? How many? None you say. In fact, jobs were being lost at a termendous pace.
You remember that? Or are you to partisan to remember recent history?

Or maybe you want to claim the all the money the ultra rich have allow them to see into the future, and in 2003 when they got their second big tax cut, they looked to the future, saw Obama being elected and decided right then and there to not create all those jobs they promised. Is that your story? It all Obamas fault.

btw, Obama kept the Bush cuts because he got backed into a corner and didn't have the balls to let them expire. Like keeping them in place for the ultra rich did any fuking good.
Except for the ultra rich.

Where are the jobs being created by the ultra wealthy with their tax cuts?

poor Obama, he is just so weak..he should resign
Give this man a cigar.

And maybe you should look around and see that people are paying for those services they get.

But those on the top..are basically using those very same services..while fleecing those who are paying for it.

What fucking services are you deflecting to now?


Make some sense man.

About what I thought, you are talking out of your ass again.
You see that folks, they are asking this question even after FOUR LONG YEARS OF Obama and they still went out and voted for him..

how sad is that
So let's take their wealth is that your answer?

So the Iraq war ended over a year ago, where is all the money that was contributing to the debt? Perfect example of how giving the government more money does not result in reduced spending, just the opposite.

How does 3% more (36% to 39%) of income above 200,000 dollars (250,000 for joint returns) make for taking their wealth.

What exactly does taking that wealth ACCOMPLISH? It doesn't put even a small dent in the deficit yet it runs a real risk of slowing down the economy even more than it already is. The progressive mantra of "tax the rich" and everything will be peachy is simply ludicrous and anyone with rudimentary math skills knows it.

What the heck is Barry's plan to fix the economy? Increasing taxes will slow down economic growth. It's why he didn't get rid of the Bush tax cuts back in 2009. So with the economy only slightly better now than it was then...what is it that Barack Obama and you progressives are proposing that's going to put Americans back to work?

What does taking the wealth accomplish you ask?

How about it accomplishes that the people that had the greatest benefit from tax cuts, bail outs, corporate restructuring, leveraged buyouts, subsidies, etc now start to pay more of the bill that has been run up, primarily on their behalf.

When you have so much money that you can pay a lobbyist to pay a staff person on the tax writing committee to slip this or that little provisions in the tax code, how is that "fair".

Or do you not think actions like that occur?

You don't think ultra rich people use their money to employ lobbists to influece things like tax policy? Or the energy committee's. Or defense. Things I sure as fuk can't do, I don't have a lobbyist in my employ and neither do you.

So hows that fair. And when the ultra rich were the only ones to really benefit from what was done on their behalf, and those things resulted in an explosion of debt, how in the hell can't it be fair that they pay more of the bill? It's their damn bill mostly.

I, like most everyone that had a little something, lost our asses over some of the shit pulled on the behalf of the ultra rich. The ultra rich, on the other hand, made out like bandits. Including a very favorable tax treatment. And didn't hold up the job creation promise.

Time to pay the bill. With just a little more income tax. It won't hurt. If you can't get by on 500,000 thousand a month instead of 550,000, you don't have an income problem, you got a spending problem. Seek help.
This is the whine I like the most. They already pay so much in taxes whine.

So fuking what. They have most of the fuking money so of course they pay most of the taxes.

Are you rethugs fuking brain dead. How hard is it to figure out that if you have most of the money you would pay most of the taxes. God you are dumb.

Because they have money they should pay for everything?? You think the rest of us should just skate on by without contributing?? Of course you do. You'd be happy to let someone else pay your way. No problem.

Personal responsibility doesn't equate with you progressive idiots. Talk about brain dead. Thats you in spades.

I like that personal responsibility thing.

Those with most of the cash generally use most of the services provided by most of the people.

They should provide their own services, use their own tech and ideas to make their own money.

Find me one rich guy that mined his own resources, built his own roads, built his own factories, used tech generated by his own ideas, made his own market, brought his own product to it and started his own court system to protect his contracts backed by a security force that he laid out his own cash for..

Dare ya.

Bill Gates
How does 3% more (36% to 39%) of income above 200,000 dollars (250,000 for joint returns) make for taking their wealth.

What exactly does taking that wealth ACCOMPLISH? It doesn't put even a small dent in the deficit yet it runs a real risk of slowing down the economy even more than it already is. The progressive mantra of "tax the rich" and everything will be peachy is simply ludicrous and anyone with rudimentary math skills knows it.

What the heck is Barry's plan to fix the economy? Increasing taxes will slow down economic growth. It's why he didn't get rid of the Bush tax cuts back in 2009. So with the economy only slightly better now than it was then...what is it that Barack Obama and you progressives are proposing that's going to put Americans back to work?

What does taking the wealth accomplish you ask?

How about it accomplishes that the people that had the greatest benefit from tax cuts, bail outs, corporate restructuring, leveraged buyouts, subsidies, etc now start to pay more of the bill that has been run up, primarily on their behalf.

When you have so much money that you can pay a lobbyist to pay a staff person on the tax writing committee to slip this or that little provisions in the tax code, how is that "fair".

Or do you not think actions like that occur?

You don't think ultra rich people use their money to employ lobbists to influece things like tax policy? Or the energy committee's. Or defense. Things I sure as fuk can't do, I don't have a lobbyist in my employ and neither do you.

So hows that fair. And when the ultra rich were the only ones to really benefit from what was done on their behalf, and those things resulted in an explosion of debt, how in the hell can't it be fair that they pay more of the bill? It's their damn bill mostly.

I, like most everyone that had a little something, lost our asses over some of the shit pulled on the behalf of the ultra rich. The ultra rich, on the other hand, made out like bandits. Including a very favorable tax treatment. And didn't hold up the job creation promise.

Time to pay the bill. With just a little more income tax. It won't hurt. If you can't get by on 500,000 thousand a month instead of 550,000, you don't have an income problem, you got a spending problem. Seek help.

Are you REALLY that naive that you think that our deficit is the result of a bunch of rich guys getting lobbyists to get them a good deal? We could take 100% of what the wealthy earn and it STILL wouldn't come close to putting a dent in our deficit. You are EXACTLY the person who was stupid enough to buy into the whole "tax the rich and everything will be great" plan that Barack Obama just sold on the campaign stump. Do you NOT understand that we have a serious spending problem that isn't being addressed by this Administration? Do you NOT understand that the amount of money raised by Obama's proposed tax increase on the wealthy is dwarfed by what we are going to be obligated to pay out? Do you NOT understand that imposing that tax is going to push capital out of investments and into tax shelters which will result in a further slowdown of the economy?

I'm amazed that people can be this ignorant...seriously...
Man swallow is full of shit...

Regulations cut??? The number of regulations being created outnumbers the "easing" or cuts on regulations literally 10,000 to 1 a year.

Cutting taxes? No one that understand economics for a second would argue that "cutting taxes" alone will make an economy "good." Fuck, even your God Obama runs around bragging he cuts taxes, he only wants to raise taxes on the smallest voting block in America, then he gives them more tax credits instead.

Past all that, yes Swallow, you nailed it, progressive policies have run this country into the ground. The FED has never worked harder than under Obama. Hell, if you could buy stock in the ink they use to print on money you would be investing wisely.

Swallow proves that very few people out there even understand "conservative economics." He also proves just why Progressive policies have failed but is to stupid to understand it.

Lolz, cutting taxes!!!

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