12 years of Bush Tax Cuts, Bailouts, Quantitative Easing;Where are the jobs?

The best new job currently being promoted by the government is unemployment.

I hear you don't need a degree, experience, or anything really.

All you need is an X-box and the ability to vote... Politicains have truley won!
Pub dupes!! Thanks for the Depression and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction...which it seems you're not told about...
And yet the avg unemployment rate under Dubya's tenure was 5.27 %.................Go figure
That is because the tax cuts enacted by Bush actually created jobs within a year of their passing. The democrats and liberals seem to think that they should forever create jobs.

Which is why they are such failures at economics.
The stupidity when it comes to economics by your average progressive is mind boggling. The tax increase that Barry is seeking...the ONLY thing he seems to be working on at the moment...would pay to run our Federal Government for an estimated 8 days...I repeat...8 DAYS!!! Yet progressives fervently believe that if those taxes are raised on the wealthy that they will have accomplished something important. What's scary is they don't seem to grasp the concept that chasing capital out of investment and into tax shelters (which is exactly where the wealthy will put their capital) is going to further slow the economy and hiring which in turn decreases revenues. So their tax increase? It will most likely result in the same amount of revenue coming in...or even less. Then these same idiots will sit there scratching their heads trying to figure out what went wrong. Having a progressive in charge of fiscal policy is like Homer Simpson being in charge of the nuclear power plant in Springfield. DOH!!!
Of course taxing the rich will fix everything.

Of course thats only in the mind of an idiot progressive who can't see the forrest for the trees.

They are truly blind tools.
ok Oldstyle. Every low income worker has Federal taxes taken from their paycheck. Then they file a tax return and get it back, plus some is all the stars line up.

Now how do you think that came about? Do those provisions just magically appear in the tax code? Hell no. Someone put them there. And who could that have been? Was it the lobbyists for the poor? Hell no.

It was put in place by Dems who were being bribed to go along with the BIG tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. The dems had to get something for their voters to go along with the rethugs who were working for their voters.

If you want poor people to be even more poor, oh well. There has always been poor people and they won't die in the streets in any meaningful numbers if their money is cut.

But to defend the ultra weathy against any tax increase by saying that the poor pay no taxes and therefore the ultra rich should pay less........is just fuked up rethug thinking IMO.

Why don't you offer to change places with a poor person. Just for a month. See what fun that is.
That will make you want to kick them even harder. All that fun and poor to. What a deal.

But the poor ultra rich. Everybody picking on them. Even though they fuked us all, you still carry the water for them. Why?

How would you like to change places with my dirt poor, slut step granddaughter. She has never worked a day in her life beyond sandra fluke style spreading her legs. She has a three bedroom two bath air conditioned apartment in a full service building for her and her four illegitimate kids. She pays $65.00 a month, the rest is picked up by Section 8. She hasn't a clue as to any of the fathers might be and it doesn't matter. She gets WIC, TANF, welfare, EBT, a landline phone and a cell phone. Her utilities are subsidized including cable TV. She gets most of her food, for herself, at a pantry. The kids get all three meals a day at school so she only needs to give them snacks. She gets clothing from a "closet" where stores donate unsold merchandise all new. She has a friend with three children. The friend gets paid workfare money for providing child care to the slut's children, and the slut gets paid workfare money for providing child care to the friend's children. Naturally all medical care is absolutely free. She doesn't drive, too lazy to learn. She doesn't need to drive. She has a bus pass (free) and vouchers that she can use to take taxis wherever she wants to go. We figured it up one day and estimated the slut's yearly income at just about $60,000 a year or $5,000 a month. Most of her money is disposable so she spends it on pot, which she needs to alleviate her boredom.

This slut is poor and there are quite a few people who would change places with her in a nanosecond. She lives a a life of general luxury. She does nothing, has never done anything. She will never do anything. When the time comes and the youngest child she has reaches 18 and she can have no more, she will slide right on over to SSI.

Try being poor, just for a month.

I tried it for six months. When my husband died. How hard it is to be poor, to live on $1,000 a month? Actually quite easy. I got my brand new two bed, two bath apartment with all brand new appliances including washer and dryer. I got the subsidized utilities and cable. I got my two telephones. I got all the food I wanted. Which I might add was much better than the cheap stuff I used to buy. I never bought portobello mushrooms, or stuffed chicken breasts florentine. Thanks suckahs, they were delish. Not only did I get everything, but twice a month, a social worker came to the apartment complex. Her sole job was to see if we wanted anything else.

The one lesson I learned, is that drugs and alcohol are essential in combating the intense boredom that comes with being poor and having all your needs met. In my apartment complex where all poor people lived, the police were fixtures. Fights, domestic abuse, overdoses, accidents, petty crimes. Because my apartment building was for the poor, we had a fully equipped computer center. Can't deprive the poor of free computers or internet access. Unfortunately, the residents burglarized the computer center on a regular basis. No matter, everything was replaced within a short time. Again, thanks suckahs.

After six months, I couldn't deal with that kind of crushing inactivity. I gave it up to go to work. Drugs never appealed to me. I gave it more than a month. I gave it six months. The boredom finally did me in.

But, that's not to say that poverty won't appeal to everyone. Try it for a month. It's the rich that go to work every day. No matter who you point to, they work. It's the poor who leech off the system. The poor like my slut step granddaughter who has never paid a dime, not a cent, never worked a single day in her life leeches off the workers, including the rich. How would you like to change places with her?

Poverty is easy, it's comfortable, it's easy to just drift along being taken care of like someone's housepet. Not quite, even housepets may perform a service. The dog barks when someone comes to the door. The cat might catch a mouse. I'm surprised that the poor don't want someone to breathe for them.
Because they have money they should pay for everything?? You think the rest of us should just skate on by without contributing?? Of course you do. You'd be happy to let someone else pay your way. No problem.

Personal responsibility doesn't equate with you progressive idiots. Talk about brain dead. Thats you in spades.

I like that personal responsibility thing.

Those with most of the cash generally use most of the services provided by most of the people.

They should provide their own services, use their own tech and ideas to make their own money.

Find me one rich guy that mined his own resources, built his own roads, built his own factories, used tech generated by his own ideas, made his own market, brought his own product to it and started his own court system to protect his contracts backed by a security force that he laid out his own cash for..

Dare ya.

Bill Gates

Yup. Steve Jobs, Sam Walton, Ray Kroc. Hell you can go on and on with guys who had the drive, determination and damned good luck to make it rich.

America is full of guys like the above and unfortunately its full of idiots Zeke as well.

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