127,000 People Voted TODAY in Harris County

Funny, I have seen ONE Biden-Harris bumper sticker here in the DFW area....no yard signs at all. Where is all this enthusiasm for these fabian socialists? I think you are going to be very disappointed on November 4th.
Folks, nationwide, aren't playing w/this President, they want his ass OUT!!!

Apparently, this is a very important county in Texas.

These are VERY good signs.

So what if 127,000 have voted in Harris County? Harris County voted in 2016 for Hillary Clinton 53.9% to Donald Trump's 41.6%

Hillary got 707,914 votes in Harris County in 2016.

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Obviously someone cheated. The political demographics of Harris County are split pretty evenly, almost 50/50 Democrat to Republican. It went 41.61% Trump and 53.95% Clinton in 2016.

Harris County went 49.31% Romney and 49.39% Obama in 2012, and 48.8% McCain and 50.5% Obama in 2008.

The population of Harris County, Texas is also 31.4% non-Hispanic white, 19.5% non-Hispanic black, 1.1% Native American, 7.0% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander.

If President Trump is getting the Hispanic vote like it appears he is, Harris County will probably go red.

You are dreaming. No one is cheating. While Clinton did not do very well nationwide, she got 500,000 more votes than Obama did. That is where the erosion of suburban support for the GOP started. There is no evidence that he is getting the Hispanic vote.

14 of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast allegedly won had no voter ID laws, dumb ass.

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