12th cop shot and killed in past 6 weeks; Hussein Obozo must be waiting for speech....

Obamaggot is too busy servicing his local muslim glory hole for that overspoiled, overpampered, overprivileged, overindulged white-hating, inverted-crucifix-nosed beneath-fecal-matter to do anything decent and dignified.
And the reprehensible right continues to exploit these deaths for some perceived partisan gain.
You are so right. And since they are police officers with more authority to use guns than the average civilian, it kinda makes the argument that more guns in the hands of just about anybody a bit moot. It didn't save these officers. That's a simplistic statement, I know, to a complicated problem, but the old argument that more guns makes us safer is getting tiresome.
Spare me the GWB trash 'tards. It's been 8 years, and the BS rumors regarding GWB and this topic are/were/remain complete Horseshit.
Let's focus on your Commander-In-Chump.
How many funerals of fallen law enforcement, service members has this asshole attended. And spare me the photos of his attempts to salute at "Memorial Services."
Fucking funerals assholes - with family members.
How many has this ASSHOLE attended.
Answer - Fucking ZERO.

Next ?
vigilante, I know you are an ideologue who covers his/her ears and shouts "Neener, neener, neener!" when presented with refutation of the hate you post, but lest you believe your crusade of caustic codswallop, here's one of hundreds of speeches Obama spoke in defense of police officers. There are many more too, so..blow it out your barracks bag!

Obama Defends 'Scapegoated' Officers In Chicago Speech To Police Chiefs
You realize we're *below* the pace of last year in police deaths, right?

We're "below the pace" from last year?
Dear Lord...
The "pace" was ZERO - maybe ONE per year under Bush.
What was "the pace" we're below from last year, asshole?

The pace was never zero under Bush. Last year was near a 30 year low. And our pace now is below that. At the end of February last year we had 16 police deaths. At the end of February this year we had 14, even with the extra day.
You realize we're *below* the pace of last year in police deaths, right?

We're "below the pace" from last year?
Dear Lord...
The "pace" was ZERO - maybe ONE per year under Bush.
What was "the pace" we're below from last year, asshole?

The pace was never zero under Bush. Last year was near a 30 year low. And our pace now is below that. At the end of February last year we had 16 police deaths. At the end of February this year we had 14, even with the extra day.

Below pace from 2015??

Police killed by gunfire is up 1200% from 2015. www.odmp.org

You realize we're *below* the pace of last year in police deaths, right?

We're "below the pace" from last year?
Dear Lord...
The "pace" was ZERO - maybe ONE per year under Bush.
What was "the pace" we're below from last year, asshole?

The pace was never zero under Bush. Last year was near a 30 year low. And our pace now is below that. At the end of February last year we had 16 police deaths. At the end of February this year we had 14, even with the extra day.

Stupid much?
Dear lord you are dense

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