13 best zingers from Hillary's speech on foreign policy, diplomacy, and the big orange idiot.

Poor Donald. All he could do in response to that asswhupping was blubber that "Hillary should be in jail!".

Yep, even Trump knows that's the only possible way he could win. Lotsa luck, losers.
AP Analysis: In Trump takedown, Clinton finds her message

Wrapped in the guise of a foreign policy speech, Clinton delivered a political thrashing of Donald Trump on Thursday that was unquestionably a standout moment for a candidate who has often struggled to focus her White House campaign.

Clinton's sharply targeted remarks served notice on the presumptive Republican nominee that she's prepared for a bruising general election fight, one that's centered squarely on his competency to serve as commander in chief.

"He is not just unprepared — he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility," Clinton said.

She cast Trump as dangerously thin-skinned, someone who might plunge the nation into war over a perceived slight.
1. "Donald Trump's ideas aren't just different — they are dangerously incoherent. They're not even really ideas — just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies."

2. "This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes — because it's not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin."

3. "We cannot put the security of our children and grandchildren in Donald Trump's hands. We cannot let him roll the dice with America."

3. We put the security of 4 people in Benghazi in Hillary's hands and she said how she felt about them being killed.
Hillary: Every president faces hard choices every day, with imperfect information and conflicting imperatives. ... Making the right call takes a cool head and respect for the facts. It takes a willingness to listen to other people's points of view with a truly open mind. It also takes humility -- knowing you don't know everything -- because if you're convinced you're always right, you'll never ask yourself the hard questions.

With Trump we are looking at a man who has never seen a conspiracy theory he did not believe. That is the depth of his research. A man who makes impulsive decisions based on incorrect information is a danger to the world
There is a reason Hillary pilloried Trump and its the same reason that caused Kim Jung to endorse "Conman The Blahbarian" Trump ...Trump is crazier than a drunk on LSD in outer space...
Donald Trump Lies, Denies Proposing That Japan, Saudi Arabia Get Their Own Nukes
It's all about the 'zingers' for Libs...like Obama's, "The 1980s called and want their Russian Policy back".

In the end, Barry scored a 'zinger' but was proven not to know what the hell he was talking about.

Hey Barry, the 1980s called....THEY CALLED YOU A DUMBM@SS and says Putin now and has owned your @$$ your whole administration!

Look out - another Russian plane is doing a barrel-roll over a US aircraft carrier while giving you the finger and laughing his ass off!
It's all about the 'zingers' for Libs...like Obama's, "The 1980s called and want their Russian Policy back".

In the end, Barry scored a 'zinger' but was proven not to know what the hell he was talking about.

Hey Barry, the 1980s called....THEY CALLED YOU A DUMBM@SS and says Putin now and has owned your @$$ your whole administration!

Look out - another Russian plane is doing a barrel-roll over a US aircraft carrier while giving you the finger and laughing his ass off!

Seems odd
Obama runs the strongest economy and military on earth while Russia is in a shambles

As Hillary said yesterday.....

"He praises dictators like Vladimir Putin and picks fights with our friends -- including the British prime minister, the mayor of London, the German chancellor, the president of Mexico and the Pope."
Seems odd

Obama runs the strongest economy and military on earth while Russia is in a shambles

As Hillary said yesterday.....

What's odd is the liberal perspective of Obama's 'legacy'.

He set US records for monthly/annual/total deficit spending, added almost $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years (compared to $4 trillion in 8 years under Bush), is responsible for the 1st US Credit rating down-grade, his has been the slowest recovery since the Great Depression, he is the 1st President to NEVER experience 3% growth, under him there have been record numbers of Food Stamp and Welfare recipients, despite his REPORTED numbers unemployment is actually MUCH higher because he refuses to count the millions of Americans who have simply given up trying to find jobs, black unemployment is almost double those of whites, etc....

As far as the military goes, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning President has dragged the United States into multiple civil wars to help terrorists - such as the perpetrators of 9/11/01 - overthrow dictators...on his own without Congressional approval to do so...has LOST the country our military liberated at great expense by aiding and abetting ISIS and now has US troops fighting AGAIN to try to liberate it. The media has reported that the military budget has been cut so drastically that Special Ops troops are having to SHARE weapons and military planes are on the ground, unable to be flown, because we can't afford the parts to fix them.

Navy SEALs forced to share rifles? - Hot Air

Lacking Basic Gear, Special Operators Stuck Buying Their Own Equipment | Military.com

Budget cuts leaving Marine Corps aircraft grounded | Fox News

:wtf: is wrong with you people? At least SHARE the drugs you are using with the rest of us!
On the very day that Hillary gives her speech we get a taste of the people will be voting for her this November, rioting in the streets of San Jose.
Seems odd

Obama runs the strongest economy and military on earth while Russia is in a shambles

As Hillary said yesterday.....

What's odd is the liberal perspective of Obama's 'legacy'.

He set US records for monthly/annual/total deficit spending, added almost $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years (compared to $4 trillion in 8 years under Bush), is responsible for the 1st US Credit rating down-grade, his has been the slowest recovery since the Great Depression, he is the 1st President to NEVER experience 3% growth, under him there have been record numbers of Food Stamp and Welfare recipients, despite his REPORTED numbers unemployment is actually MUCH higher because he refuses to count the millions of Americans who have simply given up trying to find jobs, black unemployment is almost double those of whites, etc....

As far as the military goes, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning President has dragged the United States into multiple civil wars to help terrorists - such as the perpetrators of 9/11/01 - overthrow dictators...on his own without Congressional approval to do so...has LOST the country our military liberated at great expense by aiding and abetting ISIS and now has US troops fighting AGAIN to try to liberate it. The media has reported that the military budget has been cut so drastically that Special Ops troops are having to SHARE weapons and military planes are on the ground, unable to be flown, because we can't afford the parts to fix them.

Navy SEALs forced to share rifles? - Hot Air

Lacking Basic Gear, Special Operators Stuck Buying Their Own Equipment | Military.com

Budget cuts leaving Marine Corps aircraft grounded | Fox News

:wtf: is wrong with you people? At least SHARE the drugs you are using with the rest of us!

Congress does the spending not the President. They also set the tax rates

Interesting that you point to the slowest recovery since the Great Depression when the Great Bush Recession of 2008 is the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression

Explain the wars that Obama has dragged us into and the corresponding US casualties.....I'd like to hear
Hillary: Imagine if he had not just his Twitter account at his disposal when he's angry, but America's entire arsenal.

Trump doubles down on confirming what Hillary had just said about him....he tweeted

Crooked Hillary Clinton, who I would love to call Lyin' Hillary, is getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy positions," Trump tweeted.

Crooked Hillary no longer has credibility - too much failure in office. People will not allow another four years of incompetence!" read another.

Trump added, "Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading poorly from the telepromter! She doesn't even look presidential!"

Way to look Presidential Donald
The 13 Best Lines From Hillary Clinton's Blistering Speech About Donald Trump

How did bs GOP propaganda, the dumbing down of America, and our ratings mad cowardly corporate media get us this feqqed up? Great job, GOP.

Odd that she gave a foreign policy speech that didn't outline one single bit of foreign policy she would enact. All she did was cry about Trump.

Idiots like you ate it up.

It was a campaign speech, nothing wrong with that, but why advertise it as a foreign policy speech?
Hillary: Imagine if he had not just his Twitter account at his disposal when he's angry, but America's entire arsenal.

Trump doubles down on confirming what Hillary had just said about him....he tweeted

Crooked Hillary Clinton, who I would love to call Lyin' Hillary, is getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy positions," Trump tweeted.

Crooked Hillary no longer has credibility - too much failure in office. People will not allow another four years of incompetence!" read another.

Trump added, "Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading poorly from the telepromter! She doesn't even look presidential!"

Way to look Presidential Donald

Even someone as blatantly partisan as you are couldn't possibly actually believe that Trump would ever nuke someone just because he got angry at them.

Good Lord.............
The 13 Best Lines From Hillary Clinton's Blistering Speech About Donald Trump

How did bs GOP propaganda, the dumbing down of America, and our ratings mad cowardly corporate media get us this feqqed up? Great job, GOP.

Odd that she gave a foreign policy speech that didn't outline one single bit of foreign policy she would enact. All she did was cry about Trump.

Idiots like you ate it up.

It was a campaign speech, nothing wrong with that, but why advertise it as a foreign policy speech?
Who did, dupe?
The 13 Best Lines From Hillary Clinton's Blistering Speech About Donald Trump

How did bs GOP propaganda, the dumbing down of America, and our ratings mad cowardly corporate media get us this feqqed up? Great job, GOP.

Odd that she gave a foreign policy speech that didn't outline one single bit of foreign policy she would enact. All she did was cry about Trump.

Idiots like you ate it up.

It was a campaign speech, nothing wrong with that, but why advertise it as a foreign policy speech?
Who did, dupe?

Even MSNBC claims it was a foreign policy speech you pathetic moron.

Clinton targets Trump with foreign policy speech
Hillary: Imagine if he had not just his Twitter account at his disposal when he's angry, but America's entire arsenal.

Trump doubles down on confirming what Hillary had just said about him....he tweeted

Crooked Hillary Clinton, who I would love to call Lyin' Hillary, is getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy positions," Trump tweeted.

Crooked Hillary no longer has credibility - too much failure in office. People will not allow another four years of incompetence!" read another.

Trump added, "Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading poorly from the telepromter! She doesn't even look presidential!"

Way to look Presidential Donald

Even someone as blatantly partisan as you are couldn't possibly actually believe that Trump would ever nuke someone just because he got angry at them.

Good Lord.............
He's a gd moron and con man. Nobody knows what he might do...that's what most of his dumbass supporters like lol...

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