Wow professor, have you contacted the geological societies of the world? Imagine their surprise and embarrassment when an uneducated slob reminds them of their life's work.
All this summer I was hearing that the east coast of Florida could get hit again, with a hurricane because of Climate Change.. Guess what, those climate deniers were wrong again, climate does what nature wants it to do, not some bullshit consensus science some liberal named Al Created..
Are you allergic to science?
Florida is supposed to be underwater by now according to climate scientists...
Got a link? Or is it just some personal fartsmoke?
Al gores - an inconvenient truth
So nothing credible. Got it.
All this summer I was hearing that the east coast of Florida could get hit again, with a hurricane because of Climate Change.. Guess what, those climate deniers were wrong again, climate does what nature wants it to do, not some bullshit consensus science some liberal named Al Created..
Are you allergic to science?
Florida is supposed to be underwater by now according to climate scientists...
Got a link? Or is it just some personal fartsmoke?
Al gores - an inconvenient truth
So nothing credible. Got it.
Polar bears have been doing Esther Williams routines on the streets of NYC for ten years now. Didn’t you know?

A little known 20 40 year old climate change prediction by Dr. James Hansen – that failed will likely fail badly
I guess the border-rushers thing will have to play out before the "Climate Crisis" meme gets pushed. :abgg2q.jpg:
All this summer I was hearing that the east coast of Florida could get hit again, with a hurricane because of Climate Change.. Guess what, those climate deniers were wrong again, climate does what nature wants it to do, not some bullshit consensus science some liberal named Al Created..
Are you allergic to science?
Florida is supposed to be underwater by now according to climate scientists...
Got a link? Or is it just some personal fartsmoke?
Al gores - an inconvenient truth
So nothing credible. Got it.
A couple of telling anecdotes...
My former roommate — who is an EPA scientist — predicted in a 1988 ABC Nightline interview, frighteningly dire consequences of AGW in the very near future. At the time, he owned three cars that all predated pollution control devices.
My current atmospherics professor neighbor, when asked why he would move from gorgeous Pasadena, CA to the middle class ghetto DC suburb of PG County, MD, explained that he was “moving from soft money to hard money”.
Follow the money trail.
Wtf is is this shit? What fucking 13 agencies are leeching off of taxpayers and thinking man has a significant impact on storms and such?

It was on the news. Anyone with any info about this?


Okay, I think I found something...

13 US Agencies Involved in Climate Change Report


U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Bah! That was on the 3rd, why they harp on it at the local news today?

Spin much?

I agree. It is a waste of time & money to present anything do do with science to Trump & his hoard of dumbass followers.
Donald Trump has duped you assfucks into damning your own children & grandchildren to a more difficult life.

How stupid are you people?
But the thinking of the liberal is that 2/3rds of the atmosphere is filled up with CO2, that is man made, and we are destroying the Earth because all that CO2 is keeping the heat in.
Who is this freak?
You are the freak, who thinks CO2 is ruining the Earth...

Increased levels of CO2 means more greenhouse effect. This is science. As that changes, so will our climate.

The climate the past 50years was determined in psrt by the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
So what is it about more pollution that gives you a chubby?
CO2 is not a pollutant.
In large concentrations it’s a greenhouse gas and fatal. Imbecile.
Water can be fatal, too.
It’s not a pollutant. It’s natural and necessary for life.
But we're not pumping a serious amount of extra water into the atmosphere, now are we?

Well, at least you agree that CO2 is high concentration is fatal. It's a start.
That depends upon which ‘experts’ you consult.
The politically-motivated, gov-subsidized (and heavily propagated) group has been predicting unrealized doom for decades. They tend to refer to any recent phenomena that ostensibly backs up their claims.
The non-gov-subsidized tend to have a less impending-doom scenario and consider human behavior as a very small contributing factor.
Since the former group relies on these subsidies for their very existence their scenario becomes significantly less trustworthy.

You are such an ass.

Lets just pretend that the fossil fuel industry is not paying billions to dupe fools like you & Trump.

There is plenty of proof that our climate is changing.

There is plenty of proof that this change stems from increased CO2 levels caused by spewing shit into the atmosphere for over a century.

An example, here in PA where I live, apples were an important crop. Orchards everywhere. Most have moved north because the climate here no longer supports it.

The number of degree days over 90/95 degrees lessens the corn production.

Average Global temperatures are still rising.

Access roads to some of our military bases in Newport News are no longer accessible during high tide.

The military estimates that climate change is a severe threat in many areas around the world.
But hey, if that orange POS you fuckwads elected calls it a hoax, well then by golly, it must be a hoax

How fucking stupid are you people? Why io you hate your children.
Wtf is is this shit? What fucking 13 agencies are leeching off of taxpayers and thinking man has a significant impact on storms and such?

It was on the news. Anyone with any info about this?


Okay, I think I found something...

13 US Agencies Involved in Climate Change Report


U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Bah! That was on the 3rd, why they harp on it at the local news today?

Spin much?
"Pollution," for Example, Has Ended Plagues

It just shows us how career bureaucrats have an obsessive and addictive desire to increase their own clique's power by puffing out scare stories that are intended to make us so frightened and desperate that we will turn over our economic resources to them. They are winning because no one is allowed to believe that the worse-case scenario from Environmentalist restrictions is scarier than the worst-case scenario of CLIMATE CHANGE.

No academic philosopher is smart enough to point out the same thing about Pascal's Wager. What if the God he wanted us to believe in, just to play it safe, was actually Satan? Then the consequences of that would be worse, on the downside, than the unbelief he preached was too risky.
Trump can cut their funding, and should. Globalist fucking assholes! Fuck them!

Tell them all future research has to be done Pro Bono and see how committed they are.

Fuckers'll be working for Mosaic and Exxon the next week. IF they're even qualified.

Climate Science Special Report:
So what is it about more pollution that gives you a chubby?
Gaia Needs to Be Gagged

The byproducts from industrialization kill killer microbes. "Clean" natural air is the most toxic of all modern atmospheres. The fact that no one hired to tell us what to think points that out proves that the Left and its Right Wing classmates both share the goal of discrediting any opinion that doesn't come from their shared source.
Wtf is is this shit? What fucking 13 agencies are leeching off of taxpayers and thinking man has a significant impact on storms and such?

It was on the news. Anyone with any info about this?


Okay, I think I found something...

13 US Agencies Involved in Climate Change Report


U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Bah! That was on the 3rd, why they harp on it at the local news today?

Spin much?
It takes a lot coordination to get the message right in liberal la la land. So figure when the talking points are generated, in 3 weeks, every "news" agency will all harp the same tune.
Mika Brzezinski: “Our Job” to “Control Exactly What People Think”

Why do conservatives like pollution so much that they'll outright deny science?

Nerd-Bashing Had Caused Him to Hate His Own Genius

The Unabomber is typical of the bitter and vindictive High IQs the GreenHeads look up to.
Why is it so hard to wrap your head around the idea that man affects climate change? Ever see a smokestack? Imagine tens of thousands of those around the world pumping shit into the air 24 hours a day for decade after decade. Add to that hundreds of millions of vehicles. No. Couldn't possibly have any affect whatsoever on the atmosphere. I'm sure Jesus makes all the fumes go away.
Nature does the lion's share of it............the impact of man is the question.............and do we destroy ourselves in the process of pushing it...............

The emmissions from this country are very limited now from industry over the years.........Not so much in places like China.......we are not really the problem.

The duplication of the same studies is the problem here...............Paying 13 times for information that should only be paid once.

I personally could give a rat's ass about climate change. We'll all be long dead before the effects are seen. But to assume billions of people doing our everyday fucking off over thousands of years doesn't affect climate is asinine. The reason you see people in China wearing surgical masks is because we have an atmosphere. The fumes we spew into the air everyday don't just float into space.

China has no EPA.

Exactly. Government regulation isn't always a bad thing.
Eggheads Scramble Our Minds

That's a dishonest and cluttering way of arguing. It should go without saying that the exception proves the rule. Perfectionism leads to paralysis; your professors who told you to debate the way you are doing need to confuse us so we wind up in a vacuum of indecision. It is the goal of such intellectual predators to create and then fill all the vacuums of those who look up to them as wise father figures.
Trump can cut their funding, and should. Globalist fucking assholes! Fuck them!

Tell them all future research has to be done Pro Bono and see how committed they are.

Fuckers'll be working for Mosaic and Exxon the next week. IF they're even qualified.

Climate Science Special Report:
So what is it about more pollution that gives you a chubby?

I'm not for more pollution, jackass. I AM for not paying 13x more for something than it should cost.

How is giving these fuckers money going to change a damn thing?

<Hint> It's not. Being environmentally responsible is one thing, bloated government, redundant agencies, and bullshit is another.

There already is an agency for the environment. It's called the EPA, ever heard of it?
The EPA is now headed by a former coal lobbyist. So that can't work.

Sure it can.
Sure, for people like you who get a chubby when you see another smokestack.
Where There's Smoke There's Fire

We definitely should, because it means more jobs and more products, made by Americans instead of your feral Third World pets.
Wtf is is this shit? What fucking 13 agencies are leeching off of taxpayers and thinking man has a significant impact on storms and such?

It was on the news. Anyone with any info about this?


Okay, I think I found something...

13 US Agencies Involved in Climate Change Report


U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials

Bah! That was on the 3rd, why they harp on it at the local news today?

Spin much?
Trump should fire the chairmen of all 13 agencies. Pseudo-science should not be tolerated in this Country.
Libtards want the USA to fix global warming but they never demand China clean up their act.
Because liberals want to be slaves of China like those that live there. Then they dont have to think just get their bowl of rice, 3 times a day, a mat to sleep on, their ultimate Socialist wet dream there....

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