North East still uses predominantly dirty fuel oil.......yet they among the most self righteous and oppose Nat gas pipelines ...
That's neat. Economics are what they are. That is why we need investment in alt energy research: to make it more economical than fossil fuels, whenever possible.
You could hang a picture, old man. Slow down, you're going to stroke out.

I could kick you right in the nuts or face, too, faggot. Oh! It would be fun!
From a wheelchair? Hah, doubtful.

Lemme clue you in on something.

I can scoop a 250 pound darkey and slam him on his head and then kick him in his face.

The question is:

Do you want some of that?

You can gladly have it, motherfucker, I don't care.

It's up to you the pain you wanna suffer, baby.
Gay cowboy, you are no threat. Stop eating the checkers, Matlock's coming on.
North East still uses predominantly dirty fuel oil.......yet they among the most self righteous and oppose Nat gas pipelines ...
That's neat. Economics are what they are. That is why we need investment in alt energy research: to make it more economical than fossil fuels, whenever possible.

How's that working out so far?
North East still uses predominantly dirty fuel oil.......yet they among the most self righteous and oppose Nat gas pipelines ...
That's neat. Economics are what they are. That is why we need investment in alt energy research: to make it more economical than fossil fuels, whenever possible.

How's that working out so far?
Very well, when done seriously. Solar energy continues to become cheaper, and we continue to curb our emissions.
You could hang a picture, old man. Slow down, you're going to stroke out.

I could kick you right in the nuts or face, too, faggot. Oh! It would be fun!
From a wheelchair? Hah, doubtful.

Lemme clue you in on something.

I can scoop a 250 pound darkey and slam him on his head and then kick him in his face.

The question is:

Do you want some of that?

You can gladly have it, motherfucker, I don't care.

It's up to you the pain you wanna suffer, baby.
Gay cowboy, you are no threat. Stop eating the checkers, Matlock's coming on.

You ain't shit, faggot shill boy. I am a real cracker.

If my boy hadn't got me me so fucked up tonight, I'd be ripping you more of a bigger asshole, you piece of shit!
Solar and wind are a JOKE, and can not sustain our energy needs, nor should they. They are expensive, inefficient, and UNRELIABLE.
Your guide to combat Climate Change:
1) Sell your car and walk.
2) Ration your electricity usage.
3) Don’t fly.
4) Don’t ride trains.
5) Don’t use plastic products.
6) Don’t use wood products.
7) Live in a commune.
8) Only use 100 square feet of living space.
9) Don't eat food cultivated by tractors
10) STFU about Climate Change if you are not doing these things
Yep, green energy people put your money where your mouth is till that happens... SHUT THE FUCK UP

No, that's stupid.

Naw, you're stupid, cuntboy
Okay gay cowboy. But it's guys are on the wrong side of science, history, intellectuals, even ethics. As usual.
The wrong side of science who think men with boobs should be in little girl's bathrooms...Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhaaaaaa...Ethical , oh really...…...
Solar and wind are a JOKE, and can not sustain our energy needs, nor should they.
But that's okay, because even getting a percentage of our energy from these sources reduces carbon emissions. So you are arguing against people and ideas that do not exist. What a waste of your time that is.

And it's pretty dumb and short sighted to say something is "inefficient now", implying that it therefore always will be. Gasoline power was once much less efficient, both in formula and in use.
Your guide to combat Climate Change:
1) Sell your car and walk.
2) Ration your electricity usage.
3) Don’t fly.
4) Don’t ride trains.
5) Don’t use plastic products.
6) Don’t use wood products.
7) Live in a commune.
8) Only use 100 square feet of living space.
9) Don't eat food cultivated by tractors
10) STFU about Climate Change if you are not doing these things
Yep, green energy people put your money where your mouth is till that happens... SHUT THE FUCK UP

No, that's stupid.

Naw, you're stupid, cuntboy
Okay gay cowboy. But it's guys are on the wrong side of science, history, intellectuals, even ethics. As usual.
The wrong side of science who think men with boobs should be in little girl's bathrooms...Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhaaaaaa...Ethical , oh really...…...
Dude, seriously... do you have to bring up your sexual fetishes in EVERY topic? No really, ask anyone... you are the king of bringing this shit up out of let field. wrong website, sister.
North East still uses predominantly dirty fuel oil.......yet they among the most self righteous and oppose Nat gas pipelines ...
That's neat. Economics are what they are. That is why we need investment in alt energy research: to make it more economical than fossil fuels, whenever possible.
Nat gas is d cleaner........just your avg hypocrites
I know I'm going to sound like a retard saying this, but for some inconceivable reason I actually believe climate scientists over some guy on a message board named Rustic.
“Climate science”? Most definitely a loobying group of control freaks

Yeah. What scientist would study climate? It's probably not even a real thing. - Einstein
Yep, green energy people put your money where your mouth is till that happens... SHUT THE FUCK UP

No, that's stupid.

Naw, you're stupid, cuntboy
Okay gay cowboy. But it's guys are on the wrong side of science, history, intellectuals, even ethics. As usual.
The wrong side of science who think men with boobs should be in little girl's bathrooms...Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhaaaaaa...Ethical , oh really...…...
Dude, seriously... do you have to bring up your sexual fetishes in EVERY topic? No really, ask anyone... you are the king of bringing this shit up out of let field. wrong website, sister.

You got the wrong website, leftist faggot.
No, that's stupid.

Naw, you're stupid, cuntboy
Okay gay cowboy. But it's guys are on the wrong side of science, history, intellectuals, even ethics. As usual.
The wrong side of science who think men with boobs should be in little girl's bathrooms...Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhaaaaaa...Ethical , oh really...…...
Dude, seriously... do you have to bring up your sexual fetishes in EVERY topic? No really, ask anyone... you are the king of bringing this shit up out of let field. wrong website, sister.

You got the wrong website, leftist faggot.
Here are some scientific FACTS about our atmosphere.

What percent of the air is nitrogen?
Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere. Air is composed of 78 percent nitrogen. Oxygen accounts for 21 percent, and the inert noble gas argon makes up 0.9 percent of the air. The remaining 0.1 percent consists of several trace gases.
Percentage of Nitrogen in the Air | Sciencing
Notice that Nitrogen is 78% , Oxygen is 21% and all the rest of the trace gases dont even add up to 1$. But the thinking of the liberal is that 2/3rds of the atmosphere is filled up with CO2, that is man made, and we are destroying the Earth because all that CO2 is keeping the heat in. I have explained to a lot of uniformed people that CO2 is .04% of the atmosphere and mostly, WATER VAPOR is the real culprit for containing heat.

Is water vapor a greenhouse gas?
Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas on Earth. However, many experts discuss the extent of its contribution. Scientists used NASA satellite information to estimate the ‘heat-trapping effect of water in the air.’. Therefore, they confirmed that the role of the gas is a critical component of climate change.
Is Water Vapor a Greenhouse Gas? Here’s Everything You ...
Liberals haven't figured out how to tax water vapor.....yet.. that is why they attack fossil fuels because they can get their hands on that..
I love cheaper power bills...........Love it..........we use coal and fossil fuels and pay way less than liberal Utopia......The very places that like to Hug Trees until they get burned alive..........sue anyone who wants to cut lumber, get rid of the deadwood, build fire breaks, and do controlled burns which emit a WHOLE LOT LESS than the massive fires going on now.

They do stupid things................they are warned and don't listen then yell GLOBAL WARMING when the shit hits the fan...........

Brain Damage..........

Oh, we were supposed to be talking about Wasteful gov't spending paying 13 agencies to do the same thing...........

Let me crank this chainsaw up...........cut down some trees......burn them then I'll cut the 12 agencies funding with it for having duplicate studies that are a waste of tax payer money.
Yep, green energy people put your money where your mouth is till that happens... SHUT THE FUCK UP

No, that's stupid.

Naw, you're stupid, cuntboy
Okay gay cowboy. But it's guys are on the wrong side of science, history, intellectuals, even ethics. As usual.
The wrong side of science who think men with boobs should be in little girl's bathrooms...Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhaaaaaa...Ethical , oh really...…...
Dude, seriously... do you have to bring up your sexual fetishes in EVERY topic? No really, ask anyone... you are the king of bringing this shit up out of let field. wrong website, sister.
is your intelligence so low that you have to resort to the Rules for Radicals when you start to lose the argument? I guess it is....
Water can be fatal, too.
It’s not a pollutant. It’s natural and necessary for life.
Right. And too much is fatal. Now you're getting it.
They’re not pollutants.
Of course, CO2 absolutely can be a pollutant. But you knew that.
You need to tell that to the vegetation it sustains.
That doesn't make any sense, professor. If you raised atmospheric co2 past a certain amount, almost all the plants would die. You don't know much about any of this, do you?
Actually, vegetation would expand as plant life breathes co2.

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