13 month old boy shot and killed in Milwaukee

sorry, you don't get to determine need.....especially when millinois of people have these magazines and don't kill people with them...considering nothing you have suggested woiuld have changed these killings. 10 round magazines are just as easily changed as 15 round magazines...as sandy hook showed....with the deaths of 22 children and 4 adults...before the police arrived....

Really? So there were no survivors? Nobody escaped because he was slowed by reloading? You are sure of that?

brain...Virginia tech was our worst shooting..and he had plenty of time to reload.....people barricading their doors saved lives....magazine changes....not so much...since he more than likely changed magazines, without interference as he moved between classrooms.....so again...he used 10 and 15 round magazines and killed people without a problem....
sorry, you don't get to determine need.....especially when millinois of people have these magazines and don't kill people with them...considering nothing you have suggested woiuld have changed these killings. 10 round magazines are just as easily changed as 15 round magazines...as sandy hook showed....with the deaths of 22 children and 4 adults...before the police arrived....

Giffords shooter would have shot fewer people if he had to reload sooner. That is just a fact. Sorry.

Really? So there were no survivors? Nobody escaped because he was slowed by reloading? You are sure of that?

brain...Virginia tech was our worst shooting..and he had plenty of time to reload.....people barricading their doors saved lives....magazine changes....not so much...since he more than likely changed magazines, without interference as he moved between classrooms.....so again...he used 10 and 15 round magazines and killed people without a problem....

Sorry but I have given many examples of where it would have saved lives. I'm confident in this shooting people did escape while he reloaded because obviously there were survivors.

We have discussed lots of murderers using hi cap magazines. How about you share all your examples of good guys NEEDING them?
The timeline...also points out at a minimum...100 rounds hit the 32 victims...the Walther was a ten round magazine gun, the glock, 15....

if he just used the glock...6 and a half magazine changes...the Walter...10 changes....

32 people killed 17 wounded with 6 magazine changes or 10....your theory is dumb...

Lives saved is dumb to you? That is just sad.

Really? So there were no survivors? Nobody escaped because he was slowed by reloading? You are sure of that?

brain...Virginia tech was our worst shooting..and he had plenty of time to reload.....people barricading their doors saved lives....magazine changes....not so much...since he more than likely changed magazines, without interference as he moved between classrooms.....so again...he used 10 and 15 round magazines and killed people without a problem....

Sorry but I have given many examples of where it would have saved lives. I'm confident in this shooting people did escape while he reloaded because obviously there were survivors.

We have discussed lots of murderers using hi cap magazines. How about you share all your examples of good guys NEEDING them?

there were survivors because they barricaded doors, not because they charged him, or escaped during magazine changes...which take less than 2 seconds...
The timeline...also points out at a minimum...100 rounds hit the 32 victims...the Walther was a ten round magazine gun, the glock, 15....

if he just used the glock...6 and a half magazine changes...the Walter...10 changes....

32 people killed 17 wounded with 6 magazine changes or 10....your theory is dumb...

Lives saved is dumb to you? That is just sad.

no...more lives are saved when the victims can shoot back....lives are lost in gun free zones.....you guys want unarmed victims, not me.....

Really? So there were no survivors? Nobody escaped because he was slowed by reloading? You are sure of that?

brain...Virginia tech was our worst shooting..and he had plenty of time to reload.....people barricading their doors saved lives....magazine changes....not so much...since he more than likely changed magazines, without interference as he moved between classrooms.....so again...he used 10 and 15 round magazines and killed people without a problem....

Sorry but I have given many examples of where it would have saved lives. I'm confident in this shooting people did escape while he reloaded because obviously there were survivors.

We have discussed lots of murderers using hi cap magazines. How about you share all your examples of good guys NEEDING them?

there were survivors because they barricaded doors, not because they charged him, or escaped during magazine changes...which take less than 2 seconds...

2 seconds for a good change. But as has been proven in the real world that's not how it always happens. And 2 seconds is a lot of time to run through a door or around a corner. I see no reason to not give people that 2 seconds if it saves lives. You on the other hand want as well armed murderers as possible.
The timeline...also points out at a minimum...100 rounds hit the 32 victims...the Walther was a ten round magazine gun, the glock, 15....

if he just used the glock...6 and a half magazine changes...the Walter...10 changes....

32 people killed 17 wounded with 6 magazine changes or 10....your theory is dumb...

Lives saved is dumb to you? That is just sad.

no...more lives are saved when the victims can shoot back....lives are lost in gun free zones.....you guys want unarmed victims, not me.....

When have I ever said anything against people shooting back?

Really? So there were no survivors? Nobody escaped because he was slowed by reloading? You are sure of that?

brain...Virginia tech was our worst shooting..and he had plenty of time to reload.....people barricading their doors saved lives....magazine changes....not so much...since he more than likely changed magazines, without interference as he moved between classrooms.....so again...he used 10 and 15 round magazines and killed people without a problem....

Sorry but I have given many examples of where it would have saved lives. I'm confident in this shooting people did escape while he reloaded because obviously there were survivors.

We have discussed lots of murderers using hi cap magazines. How about you share all your examples of good guys NEEDING them?

there were survivors because they barricaded doors, not because they charged him, or escaped during magazine changes...which take less than 2 seconds...

2 seconds for a good change. But as has been proven in the real world that's not how it always happens. And 2 seconds is a lot of time to run through a door or around a corner. I see no reason to not give people that 2 seconds if it saves lives. You on the other hand want as well armed murderers as possible.

yeah...well those magazine changes actually happened and 32 people were still killed and 17 wounded......in buildings full of college age people...no one charged him.....
Really? So there were no survivors? Nobody escaped because he was slowed by reloading? You are sure of that?

brain...Virginia tech was our worst shooting..and he had plenty of time to reload.....people barricading their doors saved lives....magazine changes....not so much...since he more than likely changed magazines, without interference as he moved between classrooms.....so again...he used 10 and 15 round magazines and killed people without a problem....

Sorry but I have given many examples of where it would have saved lives. I'm confident in this shooting people did escape while he reloaded because obviously there were survivors.

We have discussed lots of murderers using hi cap magazines. How about you share all your examples of good guys NEEDING them?

there were survivors because they barricaded doors, not because they charged him, or escaped during magazine changes...which take less than 2 seconds...

2 seconds for a good change. But as has been proven in the real world that's not how it always happens. And 2 seconds is a lot of time to run through a door or around a corner. I see no reason to not give people that 2 seconds if it saves lives. You on the other hand want as well armed murderers as possible.

yeah...well those magazine changes actually happened and 32 people were still killed and 17 wounded......in buildings full of college age people...no one charged him.....

But many escaped. Good thing he had to take time to reload, saved a few lives. If he had reloaded more often even more would have been saved.
While I've made a really good argument against them using actual events, I still wait on your good guys who NEEDED them. Lets hear them.
Then you don't read too well. But the point was that people who wish to do harm are going to. Your silly desires to limit magazine capacity don't hinder them at all. All your controls would do is hinder the law abiding. Had you a brain, you could figure that one out.

Nobody needs a hi cap magazine for defense. Only people using them are criminals. Why don't you want to hinder them?

Well gosh, you mean these criminals are not paying heed to the laws already in place that prevent them from acquiring firearms? And you expect they will pay heed to laws that limits the size of a clip or magazine?

Use your brain...

Well laws have pretty much eliminate machine guns from being used in crimes. Use your brain.

Totally untrue. Machineguns were legal for everyone to buy prior to the NFA of 1934. That law was passed to prevent outlaws like Bonnie and Clyde from using them in the commission of a crime. Law didn't work. In fact illegal MG's are used more often today thanks to their use in the TV show Miami Vice back in the 1980's. Prior to that show their use was very rare. Now they are frequently seen in the commission of crimes.

The drug cartels use military rifles with select fire capabiltiy......didn't stop them....they get them from china, russia, and other parts of the world...

That's why I specified "illegal" machineguns. I own legal ones.
Bullshit. I did. Saved my ass so you are flat assed wrong. As usual.

Sure you did. And you must be a really bad shot.

Nope, I'm a very good shot. I was using an AK when we were attacked by bandits in Morocco back in the 1970's. We were able to scare them away without actually shooting any of them which was critical to our continued ability to do our work. You are simply stupid and wrong. You have no facts to back up your ignorant opinion, just silly emotions. Typical of your kind. Mental midgets.

Bandits in Morocco? Yes that is happening every day here.

That's not the point. You said high cap mags are never needed. I just demonstrated a case where they were. You're wrong. Wrong Wrong Wrong. How does it feel to be an imbecile?

We are talking about this country. I guess the military needs them too right?

Absolutely. And as the 2nd Amendment was written to give us the ability to remove an illegitimate government, they are the very weapons that are protected. Not hunting rifles. See, you lose on multiple angles.
I will have to check, but Milwaukee might be a city governed by democrats for decades.....and one of the most violent cities in the U.S.....I'll have to check....

I recall posting a Republican run city and a Democrat city and the Republican city had higher crime rates. Sorry.

The top 5 most violent cities in the US are Democrat controlled.

Political philosophies have nothing to do with running cities. Thanks for playin' and be sure to play the Happy Hacker game at Home.
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Brain...Milwaukee is the 25th most violent city in the U.S. and it has been controlled by democrats for decades....it is their policies that have caused the violence....

anyone with a gun can fire off 10 round magazines and change them when no one is shooting back...your theory is ...:bsflag:


Again, political philosophies don't lead to violence except the politically-motivated kind (like terrorism).
Common violent criminals are not by nature political. But your attempt at guilt by association does make you a rhetorical thug.
Sure you did. And you must be a really bad shot.

Nope, I'm a very good shot. I was using an AK when we were attacked by bandits in Morocco back in the 1970's. We were able to scare them away without actually shooting any of them which was critical to our continued ability to do our work. You are simply stupid and wrong. You have no facts to back up your ignorant opinion, just silly emotions. Typical of your kind. Mental midgets.

Bandits in Morocco? Yes that is happening every day here.

That's not the point. You said high cap mags are never needed. I just demonstrated a case where they were. You're wrong. Wrong Wrong Wrong. How does it feel to be an imbecile?

We are talking about this country. I guess the military needs them too right?

Absolutely. And as the 2nd Amendment was written to give us the ability to remove an illegitimate government, they are the very weapons that are protected. Not hunting rifles. See, you lose on multiple angles.

Then why can't you go out and buy a brand new 2014 machine gun?

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