13 year old arrested for attempted murder

In NYC last weekend a 14 year old was killed by the police for trying to kill people, which wasn't his first accusation of trying to shoot other people. That you have two of these incidents in a week , where 13-14 year olds are normally considered kids, you've got a SERIOUS problem.. And nguess what limp wristed liberals are going to do? Nothing. They will pretend this isn't happening.
I don't think libs teach them to be this way. they just set up the policies that leads to this result. the destruction of the family unit. when you are used to be handed everything rather than working for it you get a sense of entitlment that becomes sociopathic.
Le Genius?
What's in a name!!!

If Obama had sons...........

Le Genius Wisdom is his name.

There is a serious problem with children at ever younger ages becoming ever more violent. The driving force behind the escalation of this kind of violence is a social phenomenon that has made it acceptable.

Trayvon Martin was doing nothing wrong when he was beating up George Zimmerman. The three 15 year old boys beating up the white kid on the bus were good boys who weren't doing anything wrong. The mother of the 14 year old in New York said that having a gun and shooting at the police wasn't wrong.

We are training these children to be violent. It starts in the home, it continues in the schools and in the media. They learn that doing these things aren't wrong, it's what's expected of them.
Can they even try a 13 year old as an adult?
I think that its possible, especially if the boy knew exactly what it was that he was doing and I believe that he did.

God bless you and his victim always!!!


P.S. If the shooter isn't sorry, the Lord will take care of him.
I don't believe minors should be treated like adults because they simply aren't adults. Punish the kid, lock him in the play school kiddie prison, and hopefully save his is dumb ass.
Someone needs to study the brain of the parent that named that kid.

And, for the kid himself? Try him as an adult. He is old enough to know better. Then lock his ass up forever.
Liberals are teaching these little savages to behave this way.
It's the hate they preach.
It's public schools.
In nazi germany they called it the Hitler Youth.
Teach em young!!
It's an epidemic.

Geez, do you have to make everything political. You really have a twisted mind.
I could say it's conservatives and their love for guns, and wanting to close schools so many can't get educated and turn to the streets instead and do crimes, but I won't, because there are probably many more factors involved and I don't have my head up my rear like you.
There was a 14-year-old who was convicted of murder in my town. She and her boyfriend went to some people's house, knocked on the door and then forced their way in.. Then they executed the three people in the house. The 14-year-old girl did the actual shooting of two women, execution-style after the people were tied up. Begging for their lives. Her 19-year-old boyfriend told her she had to shoot the people because they could identify them. She didn't resist the notion at all, she shot the two women in cold blood , her boyfriend shot the man. 14 years old. She was tried as an adult. For some reason, she did not get life, she will be getting out of prison when she's 60 years old. But she's been trying to get out sooner. The little bitch. Actually, she's not so little anymore, she's obese.

Her name is Winona Fletcher. The people she killed were Ann Faccio, 70, and her 76-year old sister, Emilia Elliot. Her boyfriend, Cordell Boyd, shot and killed Ann's husband Tom Faccio, 69 years old.

Here's what she looked like at the time when she killed the people.


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Apparently Winona fletcher has had several kids since she has been in jail

Killer pregnant in local prison | Juneau Empire - Alaska's Capital City Online Newspaper

Yes, she's been pregnant twice. I didn't realize she "only" killed the two women and her boyfriend killed the man. I revised my post to reflect this. That's why she was convicted of two counts of first degree murder and one count of second degree murder.

They have a program in the prison here where they train dogs. She is involved in that. That kind of made me like her a little more, but she still deserves to stay in prison and not get paroled early. Here's a picture of her now, working with a dog. I don't know, wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't hit the dogs when no one is looking. I mean, I can't even imagine putting a gun to innocent people's heads and shooting them. Whatever it was in her that allowed her to do that...well, I believe it's still there.

Yeah, look at the dog's body language. Look at the leash. He's leaning/pulling away from her. He can tell she's capable of great evil. Just my opinion.

When my dogs sit like that, the leash is slack.


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It is incidents like these teenagers killing those people that have contributed to my survivalist instincts. Well, that, and being knocked around by a boyfriend when I was young, put in the emergency room twice, having a gun held to my head and a knife held to my throat.

When my doorbell rings, we are on code red. My dobermans start barking and I immediately creep upstairs to the window where I'll be able to see who it is when they walk away from the door or see if a car is parked out there that I recognize. I also take stock of my repository of weapons and begin mental preparation to do the unimaginable, if necessary.

I have a camera outside my door and an intercom so I can talk to the people out there. I rarely bother doing that, though, the dogs are making too much of a ruckus and I usually can't hear.

But the last thing I do is answer the door when I don't know who it is...and even if I do know who it is, but don't feel that I know them very well.

God help them if they actually broke in. It would not be easy to do and by then I would most certainly be...ready.
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I don't think libs teach them to be this way. they just set up the policies that leads to this result. the destruction of the family unit. when you are used to be handed everything rather than working for it you get a sense of entitlment that becomes sociopathic.

What about these kids? They are from an ultra conservative community north of here. Were they taught the destruction of the family unit in their conservative small town?

Liberals are teaching these little savages to behave this way.
It's the hate they preach.
It's public schools.
In nazi germany they called it the Hitler Youth.
Teach em young!!
It's an epidemic.

Geez, do you have to make everything political. You really have a twisted mind.
I could say it's conservatives and their love for guns, and wanting to close schools so many can't get educated and turn to the streets instead and do crimes, but I won't, because there are probably many more factors involved and I don't have my head up my rear like you.
Kids cant legally get firearms. And cite for me evidence that Conservatives are trying to shut down schools.
It's liberals that are closing schools. Chicago just closed a bunch. Conservatives don't close schools. They just take their children out of public school and vote against giving school districts more money.
In NYC last weekend a 14 year old was killed by the police for trying to kill people, which wasn't his first accusation of trying to shoot other people. That you have two of these incidents in a week , where 13-14 year olds are normally considered kids, you've got a SERIOUS problem.. And nguess what limp wristed liberals are going to do? Nothing. They will pretend this isn't happening.

No they won't. They will just call the victim a racist and blame him. Just another li'l Trayvon. Wait and see.

Le'Genius Wisdom Williams. Sounds like he needs a Skittle or two.

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