13-Year-Old Girl apologizes for being "ugly & a loser", Commits Suicide After Years of Being Bullied

Can we offer a Darwin award to this suicide victim?
As soon as you collect yours, you soulless piece of trash. This person actually felt worthless and alone enough to kill themselves, and you feel like a snarky remark is warranted. How many pats on the back did you give yourself for coming up with this one?

I must admit it took me a lot of thinking to arrive at my answer. My best effort to correctness. Your take?

Apart from it, I think her psychology is super interesting. She feels worthless. I think you get that by thinking that you are not worthy of love. Everything can be bought with money, except love. So the real question about her suicide would probably be what made her unworthy of love.

And what is even more interesting, how does the only real challenge in life, the loneliness, become a suicide trigger?

My best guess is that her parents decided having a child was too much work and didn't want to help her with her problems. First step is dropping them off at skrewel every day, at which point you don't have to deal with them for several hours. Dealing with the same people every day, with none that like you, would likely give that impression to someone. If life is like this now, why would it stop here? Why bother?

Of course, some people would simply hate 'everyone' back and live life to spite them.

I think this is an excellent point. And maybe this points out the hope factor.

There are theories, including religions, that your survival instinct comes from your ability to hope.

I think that it is interesting, that bullies define the way of how to replace hope with fear.
Anyone that bullies someone should be charged with assault and either fined or jailed for it.

It shouldn't be fucking allowed.
Yes, you are right, and you should dictate what bullying is. Hey, your post is bullying my position, off to jail for you, by your rules.
When I was young, bullying necessarily involved actual violence, or at least credible threats of violence. My generation was taught that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”

So, how did we get to a generation that is so pathetic and weak that they are more harmed by mere words, than I was by the occasional act of genuine bullying when I was a child?
It's funny because they're trying to tell you that kids don't fight on the playground.
yeah, but a simple fight is one thing (and shouldn't be tolerated), but bullying is completely different. Like this poor girl, it destroys the soul until that person feels she has nothing to live for. At the other end of the spectrum, the victim has NOTHING to lose and goes postal on their tormentors. Then the people, like those justifying bullying, wonder "what the hell happened?"
Then you have to scan pictures out of your junior high yearbook that shows a guy that signed on your crack... or the DA of your county that tried to molest you, but wished you Merry Christmas.
You're really an idiot. You're trying to justify an unjustifiable position, and only making yourself look like a fool.

It was sarcasm... I would have thought you would have caught that by the mention of a DA signing Marry Christmas...
It's funny because they're trying to tell you that kids don't fight on the playground.
yeah, but a simple fight is one thing (and shouldn't be tolerated), but bullying is completely different. Like this poor girl, it destroys the soul until that person feels she has nothing to live for. At the other end of the spectrum, the victim has NOTHING to lose and goes postal on their tormentors. Then the people, like those justifying bullying, wonder "what the hell happened?"
I agree.

I think this video can apply here, too.

I also think abolishing public schools would make this issue far less frequent. Teachers who work for a competing business are far more likely to protect their students.
Then you have to scan pictures out of your junior high yearbook that shows a guy that signed on your crack... or the DA of your county that tried to molest you, but wished you Merry Christmas.
You're really an idiot. You're trying to justify an unjustifiable position, and only making yourself look like a fool.
It's funny because they're trying to tell you that kids don't fight on the playground.

My first week of Kindergarten I got into a fight on the playground and beat the living crap out of the kid for picking on me. After that day we became friends for the entire time I went to that school until Sophomore year.

Kids all across the country commit suicide after being bullied. It has nothing to do with the state. A kid just a few months ago in Ohio committed suicide after being beat up in school.

School: Cincinnati boy who killed himself never said he was bullied
They learn to bully early from their parents who talk politics and call the other side all manner of vile things.

But hey, don't agree with someone, or how they look, its okay to call them names....isn't that right?

It has nothing to do with what state they live in.

If you think that only Liberals call people names, you are crazy. :lmao:

I've seen people on this forum flat out say that Democrats and Liberals should be killed.
Really? Did I say liberals?


Thanks for making My case for Me.

You don't have to say it. We are talking about the OP blaming the incident on California. California is a well-known Liberal state. I'm sorry, does everything need to be spelled out like a paint by numbers book for you? Or are you just playing dumb because you got called out on your argument.

Bullies come from Conservative families and states just as much as they come from Liberal ones.
One group of statistics:

These Are The Most Bullied States in America

and another:

The 10 Worst States for Bullying

one more set:

2016’s States with the Biggest Bullying Problems

Here are stats, try hard, because no political "slant" appears...............................
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Anyone that bullies someone should be charged with assault and either fined or jailed for it.

It shouldn't be fucking allowed.

But there is even more bullying in jail. What about them? Actually, I've just remembered that in the olden days, bullying in jails was always prevented by castrating everybody who was going to jail.
It's funny because they're trying to tell you that kids don't fight on the playground.
yeah, but a simple fight is one thing (and shouldn't be tolerated), but bullying is completely different. Like this poor girl, it destroys the soul until that person feels she has nothing to live for. At the other end of the spectrum, the victim has NOTHING to lose and goes postal on their tormentors. Then the people, like those justifying bullying, wonder "what the hell happened?"
I agree.

I think this video can apply here, too.

I also think abolishing public schools would make this issue far less frequent. Teachers who work for a competing business are far more likely to protect their students.

So...bullying only happens in public schools?

Kids all across the country commit suicide after being bullied. It has nothing to do with the state. A kid just a few months ago in Ohio committed suicide after being beat up in school.

School: Cincinnati boy who killed himself never said he was bullied
Weakness kills itself, Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do

How classy, come to a thread about bullied kids who commit suicide to say they are cowards.

GTFO you dumbass.
Bullying, my kids get 12 weeks, going on more, of Bully classes in public school. It hardly changes the bullying. Sadly, there is too little information in this story. They don't tell us anything about the home life of this child. We do not know if she was abused at home. Why so little information. At best, the News story is meant to rally parents into calling for more money to be spent to teach kids not to bully. Like I said, it is at the minimum a 13 week class arleady.
Bullying, my kids get 12 weeks, going on more, of Bully classes in public school. It hardly changes the bullying. Sadly, there is too little information in this story. They don't tell us anything about the home life of this child. We do not know if she was abused at home. Why so little information. At best, the News story is meant to rally parents into calling for more money to be spent to teach kids not to bully. Like I said, it is at the minimum a 13 week class arleady.
Classes are pointless. Real punishment is required

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