1300 Dead From Covid In Florida THIS WEEK

No no no. The vaccine could, it doesn't prevent, it could prevent. That's the first thing you need to get into your thick skull.

The vaccine dies not stop vaccinated people transmitting the virus, that's the second bit you need to get into your thick skull.

Accurate my fucking arse.
Wouldn't an asymptomatic person (usually vaccinated) passing covid to another asymptomatic person (also usually vaccinated) actually have a positive effect? It would increase the herd immunity, at least to the "covid varient."

The danger of severe illness, and death, is largely to the unvaccinated. There's the econ cost, and the strain on healthcare workers. But aside from that ... who cares.
No no no. The vaccine could, it doesn't prevent, it could prevent. That's the first thing you need to get into your thick skull.

The vaccine dies not stop vaccinated people transmitting the virus, that's the second bit you need to get into your thick skull.

Accurate my fucking arse.
You're splitting hairs. I don't mean that it prevents 100% of cases. I don't think there's anything that could. But the fact that it prevents 60-80% of cases means it's effective at preventing COVID infection.

If someone is prevented from getting an infection, they can't spread it.
1300 deaths?.jpg
No. Covid cases are up 300% over where they were under Trump last year. Bloody Joe is letting the nation die while he eats ice cream.
Not here. We are doing great. You guys are doing a great job owning the libs with your massive widespread disease.
It would a wonderful situation if it was only the vaccinated dying. That means we would be at 100% vaccinated and the death numbers would be incredibly low. As it stands now we only have about half vaccinated and 90% of those dying are unvaxxed. We are a nation of idiots. Just look at this thread. People can’t understand basic stats
Babe, have you not noticed that as people get vaccinated that the virus spreads more and more?
I don't know where "here" is, but the blue shithole cities are still the epicenters of this disease (and always will be, because you people live like rats).
They’re not. The epicenter of the disease the Deep South. My city is highly vaccinated and we have very few COVID hospitalizations.
Babe, have you not noticed that as people get vaccinated that the virus spreads more and more?
Well honeybear I am aware that the Delta variant is far more contagious than the original strain vs Delta the vaccine efficacy rate dropped from the mid 90%s to about 50%... so I am grateful that it is slowing the spread down by 2x and preventing people from going to the hospital. Are you grateful?
We don't know which vaccines or if any vaccines prevent infection. There's no way to know yet...

Real scientific studies requires teams of scientists and mathematicians and tens of thousands of patients to complete one study....just to be parallel to another group doing the same thing....all of which calls for lots of money and data... and especially time....fast tracked it takes two years. We haven't had C-19 around that long yet.

So claims of a-symptomatic carriers being limited to those who are vaccinated are bunk. We do know quite well that those who are incubating the virus while unvaccinated are asymptomatic carriers. There's no doubt about that. They just don't have the symptoms yet.

We do know that those who get vaccinated are mostly immune to getting sick with a very small percentage getting sick.

And "herd immunity" is a myth. It doesn't happen especially with the domestic animal population being carriers for the virus.
They’re not. The epicenter of the disease the Deep South. My city is highly vaccinated and we have very few COVID hospitalizations.

You're correct that states with high black populations (the deep south) have seen the most vaccine hesitancy, but that applies to cities with large black and hispanic populations as well.
You're correct that states with high black populations (the deep south) have seen the most vaccine hesitancy, but that applies to cities with large black and hispanic populations as well.
States with the highest Trump supporting populations have the most vaccine hesitancy.

Alabama and New York have roughly the same black population. New York haz vaccinated about 20% more of their population.
We don't know which vaccines or if any vaccines prevent infection. There's no way to know yet...

Real scientific studies requires teams of scientists and mathematicians and tens of thousands of patients to complete one study....just to be parallel to another group doing the same thing....all of which calls for lots of money and data... and especially time....fast tracked it takes two years. We haven't had C-19 around that long yet.

So claims of a-symptomatic carriers being limited to those who are vaccinated are bunk. We do know quite well that those who are incubating the virus while unvaccinated are asymptomatic carriers. There's no doubt about that. They just don't have the symptoms yet.

We do know that those who get vaccinated are mostly immune to getting sick with a very small percentage getting sick.

And "herd immunity" is a myth. It doesn't happen especially with the domestic animal population being carriers for the virus.
actually we do, and the link is in this thread.

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