14 things Gun Grabbing Idiots should know about guns ...but don't.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I've heard the loons on this site get it wrong up and down this issue...they seem to think that despite the fact they don't know what they're talking about (and despite the fact that their ignorance is obvious to all)...we should still take them seriously when they say stupid things like "You shouldn't shoot at your rapist because you might hit an innocent bystander". Yes, we've heard that. I've heard it more than once. Apparently there are lots of innocent bystanders watching rapists commit rape.


1) Don’t Lecture Anyone On Gun Safety Until You Understand The Basic Rules
2) Guns Are Inanimate Objects
3) Modern Guns Do Not Accidentally “Go Off”
4) “Semi-Automatic” And “Automatic” Are Not Synonyms
5) “Clip” And “Magazine” Are Not Synonyms
6) Gun Safeties Can And Will Fail
7) So-Called “Smart Gun” Technology Is Not Reliable
8) Handing Someone A Badge Doesn’t Make Him A Good Shooter
9) The “AR” In “AR-15″ Doesn’t Stand For “Assault Rifle”
10) High Capacity Magazine Bans Are Completely Counterproductive
11) “Shoot To Wound” Is Absurd And Dangerous
12) Hollow Point Bullets Are Actually Safer Than Standard Full Metal Jacket Ammunition
13) Most Gun Owners Understand Gun Laws A Lot Better Than Gun Controllers Do
14) “Universal Background Checks” Are Already The Law In Many States

14 Things You Should Understand About Guns Before Writing About Them
Yo, the Commies want this and support it:

Another one, since 1994 the rate of murders have gone DOWN as has all crime in the US, yet the number of firearms in private hands as gone up as as concealed carry and open carry. The left keeps claim those three things lead to a blood bath and yet in 20 years the opposite has happened.

And the level of violence against average people in Britain is 2x that we have in the U.S......and keep in mind.....your criminals didn't use guns before you banned them.....European criminals don't use guns for crime because they decide not to.....they have as much access to guns as they want....you still have gun crime in Britain....and that is with strict gun control....

Again...in France...without gun stores, and with incredible gun control laws...3 men, 1 a convicted criminal and he and his brother on French government terrorist watch lists spent 5,000 dollars and crossed an international border and picked up fully automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, 30 round magazines, and a rocket propelled grenade.....dittos the 10 French men with fully automatic rifles who shot up the neihborhood the french minister was going to give a speech about their success against crime.....and dittos the shooter in Belgium.....another gun control paradise and Copenhagen.....and Canada, and Australia....

Your criminals don't choose to use guns....but they can get guns whenever they want and need them.....And again.....more Americans are buying and carrying guns for self defense and our crime rate is going down, not up....and our gun accident rate is going down, not up.........

And Europe has a wonderful illegal gun smuggling culture.......and you are going to feel that market more and more as muslim terrorists step up their attacks.....and not one of your citizens will be able to defend themselves.....
That most other gun-grabbers and hoplophobes are completely unhinged.

I present exhibit A from this afternoon:


*The names have been redacted to conform to board policy in regards to threatening posts. This screen cap is intended only as an example of the completely deranged and unbalanced mental state of hoplophobes and not a threat or threatening to anyone.
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That most other gun-grabbers and hoplophobes are completely unhinged.

I present exhibit A from this afternoon:


*The names have been redacted to conform to board policy in regards to threatening posts. This screen cap is intended only as an example of the completely deranged and unbalanced mental state of hoplophobes and not a threat or threatening to anyone.

Yeah, they're scarier than any of the people I've ever known who are sane people who are part of a hunting and gun culture.
The problem is not in people and not in guns... The problem is in IDIOTS WITH GUNS, in those persons who always shout "i'm proud that mah nation have 2nd amendment, My gun is my right and freedom", shame on them!
If you haven't got weapons, but have high cultural level and all country have high live level - there will be no crimes!
The problem is not in people and not in guns... The problem is in IDIOTS WITH GUNS, in those persons who always shout "i'm proud that mah nation have 2nd amendment, My gun is my right and freedom", shame on them!
If you haven't got weapons, but have high cultural level and all country have high live level - there will be no crimes!

You mean a high APPROVED cultural level.

You are exhibiting bigotry in your post, when you portray people as you have above.
The problem is not in people and not in guns... The problem is in IDIOTS WITH GUNS, in those persons who always shout "i'm proud that mah nation have 2nd amendment, My gun is my right and freedom", shame on them!
If you haven't got weapons, but have high cultural level and all country have high live level - there will be no crimes!

So you're going to bring culture to the ghetto?
Good luck with that.
Trouble is their is ALWAYS a High Cultural Level SCUM BAG with a gun .. Hitler Comes to mind ... Knowing what you know about Hitler would you give his government your Gun..? ? Would you give the Obama Government your Gun...? ? ? ... STUPID ...

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