14‭ ‬Year Old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬Developing A Potential Cure For trump’s COVID Plague


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
14‭ ‬Year Old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬Developing A Potential Cure For trump’s COVID Plague

During the past four years there have been few topics that have not been politicized.‭ ‬Sex and its increasing variations,‭ ‬always controversial,‭ ‬economics,‭ ‬infrastructure are also discussed, forests,‭ ‬scrublands,‭ ‬and drought‭ ‬and the unwillingness to admit humankind’s negative effects‭ ‬on them,‭ ‬and a gaggle of others.

Education has its advocates and its haters,‭ ‬but this young woman shows,‭ ‬regardless of our school system’s many built-in inadequacies,‭ ‬the truly intelligent can overcome the endless obstacles put in their way and become successful.

Scientists and researchers are working day and night to develop a vaccine or possible cure for the COVID-19‭ ‬plague the impeached president trump is permitting to go unchecked,‭ ‬infecting millions of Americans and killing hundreds-of-thousands.

But professional scientific minds are not alone in seeking a cure for the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬14-year-old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬a middle school student,‭ ‬just won an award of‭ ‬$25,000‭ ‬for research related to a potential cure for COVID-19.‭

Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬from Frisco,‭ ‬Texas,‭ ‬won the prestigious‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge for her efforts to develop a novel antiviral drug as a cure for the coronavirus pandemic.‭ ‬According to the‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge website,‭ ‬Chebrolu did this by using an in-silico methodology to develop a lead molecule that selectively binds to the Spike protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭

The challenge created by‭ ‬3M in partnership with Discovery Communications aspires to create a new generation of problem-solvers by encouraging students in grades‭ ‬5-8‭ ‬to share their discoveries.

Miss Chebrolu stated,‭ “‬I developed this molecule that can bind to a certain protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭ ‬This protein by binding to it will stop the function of the protein.‭” ‬Her hopes are to one day be a medical researcher and professor.‭ ‬She used a number of computer programs to identify how and where the molecule would bind to the virus.‭

While Chebrolu initially began her project to find a cure for winter influenza,‭ ‬she changed the direction amid the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.‭ “‬I was drawn towards finding effective cures for influenza disease after a severe bout of the infection last year,‭” ‬the teenager explained.‭ "‬I would like to learn more from‭ ‬3M scientists to pursue my drug development and with their help,‭ ‬would like to conduct in-vitro and in-vivo testing of my lead drug candidate.‭”

Under the guidance of‭ ‬3M Scientist Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬another woman of color,‭ ‬the young student was able to perfect her ideas through the scientific method.‭ ‬Chebrolu gained the opportunity to work with Dr.‭ ‬Ali after being awarded an exclusive mentorship for being one of the‭ ‬10‭ ‬finalists of the challenge.‭ "‬With the help of my mentor Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬I switched topics and targeted the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus because of the immense impact it's made in the world in less than a year,‭" ‬Chebrolu said.

Chebrolu’s drive and potential for finding a cure impressed not only Dr.‭ ‬Ali,‭ ‬who called her enthusiasm and tenacity‭ “‬amazing,‭” ‬but also Dr.‭ ‬Cindy Moss,‭ ‬a judge for the challenge.‭ ‬Chebrolu said she was inspired to find potential cures to viruses after learning about the‭ ‬1918‭ ‬flu pandemic and finding out how many people die every year in the United States despite annual vaccinations and anti-influenza drugs on the market.

The young scientist said that her research and discovered method‭ “‬reflects the collective hopes to end this pandemic‭” ‬as individuals like herself hope to go back to their normal lives and that while winning this award is an honor,‭ ‬her work is not done.‭ ‬Chebrolu shared that her next goal is to work alongside scientists and researchers to‭ "‬control the morbidity and mortality‭" ‬of the pandemic by developing her findings into an actual cure for the virus.‭ "‬My effort to find a lead compound to bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus this summer may appear to be a drop in the ocean,‭ ‬but still adds to all these efforts,‭" ‬she said.‭ "‬How I develop this molecule further with the help of virologists and drug development specialists will determine the success of these efforts.‭"

While the top prize of the challenge was won by Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬others winners included Laasya Acharya,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Ekansh Mittal,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Harsha Pillarisetti,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Samhita Pokkunuri,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Samvrit Rao,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Xavier Baquero-Iglesias,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Rithvik Ijju,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Kyle Tianshi,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬and Sophia Weiner,‭ ‬an eighth-grader.‭

It will be scientific minds like these that pull the impeached president trump’s fat a$$‭ ‬out of the fire for his continuing incompetence dealing with COVID-19.‭ ‬The many white supremacists posting on these message boards should note,‭ ‬only‭ ‬two of these brilliant students were not Asian-American,‭ ‬one is Hispanic,‭ ‬and the only white student among the winners,‭ ‬is a young lady.

The Republican-caused neglect of our nation’s public school system has,‭ ‬for decades,‭ ‬satisfied the contempt conservatives and many centrists hold for education and learned professionals.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if white people would actually open their eyes,‭ ‬they would realize it is people if color who refuse to allow an inferior system to interfere with their acquisition of knowledge.‭ ‬Most white kids think learning the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests is great,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬as the‭ ‬3M Challenge proves,‭ ‬nationwide,‭ ‬it is primarily Asian-American students who have the inner drive to tear knowledge from a system unwilling to give it freely.

The white supremacists are much too ignorant to understand how their hatred of the liberals‭’ ‬demands for better public schools,‭ ‬and their decades of Republican victories thwarting the liberals‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬will soon make the white race in the United States too stupid to compete with the students-of-color who,‭ ‬have the ambition and drive to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the high-paying jobs now and in the future.

That inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬which most white conservatives believe they possess,‭ ‬might make them so smart they can ignore the warnings given by doctors,‭ ‬scientists,‭ ‬economists,‭ ‬climate experts,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬but it will be young people like Anika Chebrolu and the other winners of the‭ ‬3M Challenge leading in the future.‭ ‬The white conservatives‭’ ‬children,‭ ‬with the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests,‭ ‬coupled with the white conservatives‭’ ‬inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬at best,‭ ‬they’ll be the janitors,‭ ‬do landscape maintenance,‭ ‬and other unskilled labor.‭ ‬At least,‭ ‬until other‭ ‬3M Challenge winners develop computer-controlled,‭ ‬autonomous machines to do those jobs.‭

After that,‭ ‬it’s anyone’s guess what the minimally educated,‭ ‬unskilled Americans will be doing.

I have no comments on the OP's pejorative views on the President or Euro Americans.

But I thank the OP for the informative post.

Of course, anyone who can find a way to stop this pandemic will deserve the Nobel Prize in Medicine and should be acclaimed throughout the world.

When one is ill, one does not care about the ethnicity or gender or sexuality or age of the person who can render effective aid.
14‭ ‬Year Old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬Developing A Potential Cure For trump’s COVID Plague

During the past four years there have been few topics that have not been politicized.‭ ‬Sex and its increasing variations,‭ ‬always controversial,‭ ‬economics,‭ ‬infrastructure are also discussed, forests,‭ ‬scrublands,‭ ‬and drought‭ ‬and the unwillingness to admit humankind’s negative effects‭ ‬on them,‭ ‬and a gaggle of others.

Education has its advocates and its haters,‭ ‬but this young woman shows,‭ ‬regardless of our school system’s many built-in inadequacies,‭ ‬the truly intelligent can overcome the endless obstacles put in their way and become successful.

Scientists and researchers are working day and night to develop a vaccine or possible cure for the COVID-19‭ ‬plague the impeached president trump is permitting to go unchecked,‭ ‬infecting millions of Americans and killing hundreds-of-thousands.

But professional scientific minds are not alone in seeking a cure for the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬14-year-old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬a middle school student,‭ ‬just won an award of‭ ‬$25,000‭ ‬for research related to a potential cure for COVID-19.‭

Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬from Frisco,‭ ‬Texas,‭ ‬won the prestigious‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge for her efforts to develop a novel antiviral drug as a cure for the coronavirus pandemic.‭ ‬According to the‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge website,‭ ‬Chebrolu did this by using an in-silico methodology to develop a lead molecule that selectively binds to the Spike protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭

The challenge created by‭ ‬3M in partnership with Discovery Communications aspires to create a new generation of problem-solvers by encouraging students in grades‭ ‬5-8‭ ‬to share their discoveries.

Miss Chebrolu stated,‭ “‬I developed this molecule that can bind to a certain protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭ ‬This protein by binding to it will stop the function of the protein.‭” ‬Her hopes are to one day be a medical researcher and professor.‭ ‬She used a number of computer programs to identify how and where the molecule would bind to the virus.‭

While Chebrolu initially began her project to find a cure for winter influenza,‭ ‬she changed the direction amid the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.‭ “‬I was drawn towards finding effective cures for influenza disease after a severe bout of the infection last year,‭” ‬the teenager explained.‭ "‬I would like to learn more from‭ ‬3M scientists to pursue my drug development and with their help,‭ ‬would like to conduct in-vitro and in-vivo testing of my lead drug candidate.‭”

Under the guidance of‭ ‬3M Scientist Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬another woman of color,‭ ‬the young student was able to perfect her ideas through the scientific method.‭ ‬Chebrolu gained the opportunity to work with Dr.‭ ‬Ali after being awarded an exclusive mentorship for being one of the‭ ‬10‭ ‬finalists of the challenge.‭ "‬With the help of my mentor Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬I switched topics and targeted the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus because of the immense impact it's made in the world in less than a year,‭" ‬Chebrolu said.

Chebrolu’s drive and potential for finding a cure impressed not only Dr.‭ ‬Ali,‭ ‬who called her enthusiasm and tenacity‭ “‬amazing,‭” ‬but also Dr.‭ ‬Cindy Moss,‭ ‬a judge for the challenge.‭ ‬Chebrolu said she was inspired to find potential cures to viruses after learning about the‭ ‬1918‭ ‬flu pandemic and finding out how many people die every year in the United States despite annual vaccinations and anti-influenza drugs on the market.

The young scientist said that her research and discovered method‭ “‬reflects the collective hopes to end this pandemic‭” ‬as individuals like herself hope to go back to their normal lives and that while winning this award is an honor,‭ ‬her work is not done.‭ ‬Chebrolu shared that her next goal is to work alongside scientists and researchers to‭ "‬control the morbidity and mortality‭" ‬of the pandemic by developing her findings into an actual cure for the virus.‭ "‬My effort to find a lead compound to bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus this summer may appear to be a drop in the ocean,‭ ‬but still adds to all these efforts,‭" ‬she said.‭ "‬How I develop this molecule further with the help of virologists and drug development specialists will determine the success of these efforts.‭"

While the top prize of the challenge was won by Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬others winners included Laasya Acharya,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Ekansh Mittal,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Harsha Pillarisetti,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Samhita Pokkunuri,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Samvrit Rao,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Xavier Baquero-Iglesias,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Rithvik Ijju,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Kyle Tianshi,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬and Sophia Weiner,‭ ‬an eighth-grader.‭

It will be scientific minds like these that pull the impeached president trump’s fat a$$‭ ‬out of the fire for his continuing incompetence dealing with COVID-19.‭ ‬The many white supremacists posting on these message boards should note,‭ ‬only‭ ‬two of these brilliant students were not Asian-American,‭ ‬one is Hispanic,‭ ‬and the only white student among the winners,‭ ‬is a young lady.

The Republican-caused neglect of our nation’s public school system has,‭ ‬for decades,‭ ‬satisfied the contempt conservatives and many centrists hold for education and learned professionals.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if white people would actually open their eyes,‭ ‬they would realize it is people if color who refuse to allow an inferior system to interfere with their acquisition of knowledge.‭ ‬Most white kids think learning the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests is great,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬as the‭ ‬3M Challenge proves,‭ ‬nationwide,‭ ‬it is primarily Asian-American students who have the inner drive to tear knowledge from a system unwilling to give it freely.

The white supremacists are much too ignorant to understand how their hatred of the liberals‭’ ‬demands for better public schools,‭ ‬and their decades of Republican victories thwarting the liberals‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬will soon make the white race in the United States too stupid to compete with the students-of-color who,‭ ‬have the ambition and drive to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the high-paying jobs now and in the future.

That inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬which most white conservatives believe they possess,‭ ‬might make them so smart they can ignore the warnings given by doctors,‭ ‬scientists,‭ ‬economists,‭ ‬climate experts,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬but it will be young people like Anika Chebrolu and the other winners of the‭ ‬3M Challenge leading in the future.‭ ‬The white conservatives‭’ ‬children,‭ ‬with the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests,‭ ‬coupled with the white conservatives‭’ ‬inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬at best,‭ ‬they’ll be the janitors,‭ ‬do landscape maintenance,‭ ‬and other unskilled labor.‭ ‬At least,‭ ‬until other‭ ‬3M Challenge winners develop computer-controlled,‭ ‬autonomous machines to do those jobs.‭

After that,‭ ‬it’s anyone’s guess what the minimally educated,‭ ‬unskilled Americans will be doing.


Do you realize how stupid you sound when you call it Trumps plague?
14‭ ‬Year Old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬Developing A Potential Cure For trump’s COVID Plague

During the past four years there have been few topics that have not been politicized.‭ ‬Sex and its increasing variations,‭ ‬always controversial,‭ ‬economics,‭ ‬infrastructure are also discussed, forests,‭ ‬scrublands,‭ ‬and drought‭ ‬and the unwillingness to admit humankind’s negative effects‭ ‬on them,‭ ‬and a gaggle of others.

Education has its advocates and its haters,‭ ‬but this young woman shows,‭ ‬regardless of our school system’s many built-in inadequacies,‭ ‬the truly intelligent can overcome the endless obstacles put in their way and become successful.

Scientists and researchers are working day and night to develop a vaccine or possible cure for the COVID-19‭ ‬plague the impeached president trump is permitting to go unchecked,‭ ‬infecting millions of Americans and killing hundreds-of-thousands.

But professional scientific minds are not alone in seeking a cure for the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬14-year-old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬a middle school student,‭ ‬just won an award of‭ ‬$25,000‭ ‬for research related to a potential cure for COVID-19.‭

Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬from Frisco,‭ ‬Texas,‭ ‬won the prestigious‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge for her efforts to develop a novel antiviral drug as a cure for the coronavirus pandemic.‭ ‬According to the‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge website,‭ ‬Chebrolu did this by using an in-silico methodology to develop a lead molecule that selectively binds to the Spike protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭

The challenge created by‭ ‬3M in partnership with Discovery Communications aspires to create a new generation of problem-solvers by encouraging students in grades‭ ‬5-8‭ ‬to share their discoveries.

Miss Chebrolu stated,‭ “‬I developed this molecule that can bind to a certain protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭ ‬This protein by binding to it will stop the function of the protein.‭” ‬Her hopes are to one day be a medical researcher and professor.‭ ‬She used a number of computer programs to identify how and where the molecule would bind to the virus.‭

While Chebrolu initially began her project to find a cure for winter influenza,‭ ‬she changed the direction amid the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.‭ “‬I was drawn towards finding effective cures for influenza disease after a severe bout of the infection last year,‭” ‬the teenager explained.‭ "‬I would like to learn more from‭ ‬3M scientists to pursue my drug development and with their help,‭ ‬would like to conduct in-vitro and in-vivo testing of my lead drug candidate.‭”

Under the guidance of‭ ‬3M Scientist Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬another woman of color,‭ ‬the young student was able to perfect her ideas through the scientific method.‭ ‬Chebrolu gained the opportunity to work with Dr.‭ ‬Ali after being awarded an exclusive mentorship for being one of the‭ ‬10‭ ‬finalists of the challenge.‭ "‬With the help of my mentor Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬I switched topics and targeted the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus because of the immense impact it's made in the world in less than a year,‭" ‬Chebrolu said.

Chebrolu’s drive and potential for finding a cure impressed not only Dr.‭ ‬Ali,‭ ‬who called her enthusiasm and tenacity‭ “‬amazing,‭” ‬but also Dr.‭ ‬Cindy Moss,‭ ‬a judge for the challenge.‭ ‬Chebrolu said she was inspired to find potential cures to viruses after learning about the‭ ‬1918‭ ‬flu pandemic and finding out how many people die every year in the United States despite annual vaccinations and anti-influenza drugs on the market.

The young scientist said that her research and discovered method‭ “‬reflects the collective hopes to end this pandemic‭” ‬as individuals like herself hope to go back to their normal lives and that while winning this award is an honor,‭ ‬her work is not done.‭ ‬Chebrolu shared that her next goal is to work alongside scientists and researchers to‭ "‬control the morbidity and mortality‭" ‬of the pandemic by developing her findings into an actual cure for the virus.‭ "‬My effort to find a lead compound to bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus this summer may appear to be a drop in the ocean,‭ ‬but still adds to all these efforts,‭" ‬she said.‭ "‬How I develop this molecule further with the help of virologists and drug development specialists will determine the success of these efforts.‭"

While the top prize of the challenge was won by Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬others winners included Laasya Acharya,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Ekansh Mittal,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Harsha Pillarisetti,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Samhita Pokkunuri,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Samvrit Rao,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Xavier Baquero-Iglesias,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Rithvik Ijju,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Kyle Tianshi,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬and Sophia Weiner,‭ ‬an eighth-grader.‭

It will be scientific minds like these that pull the impeached president trump’s fat a$$‭ ‬out of the fire for his continuing incompetence dealing with COVID-19.‭ ‬The many white supremacists posting on these message boards should note,‭ ‬only‭ ‬two of these brilliant students were not Asian-American,‭ ‬one is Hispanic,‭ ‬and the only white student among the winners,‭ ‬is a young lady.

The Republican-caused neglect of our nation’s public school system has,‭ ‬for decades,‭ ‬satisfied the contempt conservatives and many centrists hold for education and learned professionals.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if white people would actually open their eyes,‭ ‬they would realize it is people if color who refuse to allow an inferior system to interfere with their acquisition of knowledge.‭ ‬Most white kids think learning the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests is great,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬as the‭ ‬3M Challenge proves,‭ ‬nationwide,‭ ‬it is primarily Asian-American students who have the inner drive to tear knowledge from a system unwilling to give it freely.

The white supremacists are much too ignorant to understand how their hatred of the liberals‭’ ‬demands for better public schools,‭ ‬and their decades of Republican victories thwarting the liberals‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬will soon make the white race in the United States too stupid to compete with the students-of-color who,‭ ‬have the ambition and drive to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the high-paying jobs now and in the future.

That inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬which most white conservatives believe they possess,‭ ‬might make them so smart they can ignore the warnings given by doctors,‭ ‬scientists,‭ ‬economists,‭ ‬climate experts,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬but it will be young people like Anika Chebrolu and the other winners of the‭ ‬3M Challenge leading in the future.‭ ‬The white conservatives‭’ ‬children,‭ ‬with the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests,‭ ‬coupled with the white conservatives‭’ ‬inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬at best,‭ ‬they’ll be the janitors,‭ ‬do landscape maintenance,‭ ‬and other unskilled labor.‭ ‬At least,‭ ‬until other‭ ‬3M Challenge winners develop computer-controlled,‭ ‬autonomous machines to do those jobs.‭

After that,‭ ‬it’s anyone’s guess what the minimally educated,‭ ‬unskilled Americans will be doing.

Excellent news, your racist partisan blather aside.
And speaking of racism, isn't it interesting that these many
Asian Americans who excel in science and learning are doing so in a supposed racist nation that
keeps people of color down.

And of course that's why so many blacks fill out our prisons and shoot each other....
the racist hierarchy causes them to.
Because this is how this racist nation likes it. They like keeping
the black and brown man down...except of course for kids like the ones you cite who are undoubtedly
making their supportive parents proud.

Thanks for your schizophrenic false narrative that praises the splendid young minds in America on the one hand while accusing conservatives of keeping them down on the other.
Too bad you seem to have zero awareness of your own idiotic toxic bigotry. And I'm willing to bet every
single Asian-American youngster mentioned comes from families that have come into this nation the right
legal way and they all have a healthy respect for the law.
I'll keep an eye out for future posts from you. Sick dysfunctional minds fascinate me.
‬The white conservatives‭’ ‬children,‭ ‬with the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests,‭ ‬coupled with the white conservatives‭’ ‬inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬at best,‭ ‬they’ll be the janitors,‭ ‬do landscape maintenance,‭ ‬and other unskilled labor.‭ ‬At least,‭ ‬until other‭ ‬3M Challenge winners develop computer-controlled,‭ ‬autonomous machines to do those jobs.‭

Ironically, it won't really matter if us "white" folks are all doing unskilled labor. Liberal wealth redistribution will make us the economic equals of you brilliant educated folks. Maybe we are just smarter than you? ;)
14‭ ‬Year Old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬Developing A Potential Cure For trump’s COVID Plague

During the past four years there have been few topics that have not been politicized.‭ ‬Sex and its increasing variations,‭ ‬always controversial,‭ ‬economics,‭ ‬infrastructure are also discussed, forests,‭ ‬scrublands,‭ ‬and drought‭ ‬and the unwillingness to admit humankind’s negative effects‭ ‬on them,‭ ‬and a gaggle of others.

Education has its advocates and its haters,‭ ‬but this young woman shows,‭ ‬regardless of our school system’s many built-in inadequacies,‭ ‬the truly intelligent can overcome the endless obstacles put in their way and become successful.

Scientists and researchers are working day and night to develop a vaccine or possible cure for the COVID-19‭ ‬plague the impeached president trump is permitting to go unchecked,‭ ‬infecting millions of Americans and killing hundreds-of-thousands.

But professional scientific minds are not alone in seeking a cure for the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬14-year-old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬a middle school student,‭ ‬just won an award of‭ ‬$25,000‭ ‬for research related to a potential cure for COVID-19.‭

Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬from Frisco,‭ ‬Texas,‭ ‬won the prestigious‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge for her efforts to develop a novel antiviral drug as a cure for the coronavirus pandemic.‭ ‬According to the‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge website,‭ ‬Chebrolu did this by using an in-silico methodology to develop a lead molecule that selectively binds to the Spike protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭

The challenge created by‭ ‬3M in partnership with Discovery Communications aspires to create a new generation of problem-solvers by encouraging students in grades‭ ‬5-8‭ ‬to share their discoveries.

Miss Chebrolu stated,‭ “‬I developed this molecule that can bind to a certain protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭ ‬This protein by binding to it will stop the function of the protein.‭” ‬Her hopes are to one day be a medical researcher and professor.‭ ‬She used a number of computer programs to identify how and where the molecule would bind to the virus.‭

While Chebrolu initially began her project to find a cure for winter influenza,‭ ‬she changed the direction amid the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.‭ “‬I was drawn towards finding effective cures for influenza disease after a severe bout of the infection last year,‭” ‬the teenager explained.‭ "‬I would like to learn more from‭ ‬3M scientists to pursue my drug development and with their help,‭ ‬would like to conduct in-vitro and in-vivo testing of my lead drug candidate.‭”

Under the guidance of‭ ‬3M Scientist Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬another woman of color,‭ ‬the young student was able to perfect her ideas through the scientific method.‭ ‬Chebrolu gained the opportunity to work with Dr.‭ ‬Ali after being awarded an exclusive mentorship for being one of the‭ ‬10‭ ‬finalists of the challenge.‭ "‬With the help of my mentor Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬I switched topics and targeted the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus because of the immense impact it's made in the world in less than a year,‭" ‬Chebrolu said.

Chebrolu’s drive and potential for finding a cure impressed not only Dr.‭ ‬Ali,‭ ‬who called her enthusiasm and tenacity‭ “‬amazing,‭” ‬but also Dr.‭ ‬Cindy Moss,‭ ‬a judge for the challenge.‭ ‬Chebrolu said she was inspired to find potential cures to viruses after learning about the‭ ‬1918‭ ‬flu pandemic and finding out how many people die every year in the United States despite annual vaccinations and anti-influenza drugs on the market.

The young scientist said that her research and discovered method‭ “‬reflects the collective hopes to end this pandemic‭” ‬as individuals like herself hope to go back to their normal lives and that while winning this award is an honor,‭ ‬her work is not done.‭ ‬Chebrolu shared that her next goal is to work alongside scientists and researchers to‭ "‬control the morbidity and mortality‭" ‬of the pandemic by developing her findings into an actual cure for the virus.‭ "‬My effort to find a lead compound to bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus this summer may appear to be a drop in the ocean,‭ ‬but still adds to all these efforts,‭" ‬she said.‭ "‬How I develop this molecule further with the help of virologists and drug development specialists will determine the success of these efforts.‭"

While the top prize of the challenge was won by Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬others winners included Laasya Acharya,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Ekansh Mittal,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Harsha Pillarisetti,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Samhita Pokkunuri,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Samvrit Rao,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Xavier Baquero-Iglesias,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Rithvik Ijju,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Kyle Tianshi,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬and Sophia Weiner,‭ ‬an eighth-grader.‭

It will be scientific minds like these that pull the impeached president trump’s fat a$$‭ ‬out of the fire for his continuing incompetence dealing with COVID-19.‭ ‬The many white supremacists posting on these message boards should note,‭ ‬only‭ ‬two of these brilliant students were not Asian-American,‭ ‬one is Hispanic,‭ ‬and the only white student among the winners,‭ ‬is a young lady.

The Republican-caused neglect of our nation’s public school system has,‭ ‬for decades,‭ ‬satisfied the contempt conservatives and many centrists hold for education and learned professionals.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if white people would actually open their eyes,‭ ‬they would realize it is people if color who refuse to allow an inferior system to interfere with their acquisition of knowledge.‭ ‬Most white kids think learning the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests is great,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬as the‭ ‬3M Challenge proves,‭ ‬nationwide,‭ ‬it is primarily Asian-American students who have the inner drive to tear knowledge from a system unwilling to give it freely.

The white supremacists are much too ignorant to understand how their hatred of the liberals‭’ ‬demands for better public schools,‭ ‬and their decades of Republican victories thwarting the liberals‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬will soon make the white race in the United States too stupid to compete with the students-of-color who,‭ ‬have the ambition and drive to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the high-paying jobs now and in the future.

That inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬which most white conservatives believe they possess,‭ ‬might make them so smart they can ignore the warnings given by doctors,‭ ‬scientists,‭ ‬economists,‭ ‬climate experts,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬but it will be young people like Anika Chebrolu and the other winners of the‭ ‬3M Challenge leading in the future.‭ ‬The white conservatives‭’ ‬children,‭ ‬with the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests,‭ ‬coupled with the white conservatives‭’ ‬inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬at best,‭ ‬they’ll be the janitors,‭ ‬do landscape maintenance,‭ ‬and other unskilled labor.‭ ‬At least,‭ ‬until other‭ ‬3M Challenge winners develop computer-controlled,‭ ‬autonomous machines to do those jobs.‭

After that,‭ ‬it’s anyone’s guess what the minimally educated,‭ ‬unskilled Americans will be doing.

Yeah, I know that kid. My kids go to the same school. They live less than a mile from me.
14‭ ‬Year Old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬Developing A Potential Cure For trump’s COVID Plague

During the past four years there have been few topics that have not been politicized.‭ ‬Sex and its increasing variations,‭ ‬always controversial,‭ ‬economics,‭ ‬infrastructure are also discussed, forests,‭ ‬scrublands,‭ ‬and drought‭ ‬and the unwillingness to admit humankind’s negative effects‭ ‬on them,‭ ‬and a gaggle of others.

Education has its advocates and its haters,‭ ‬but this young woman shows,‭ ‬regardless of our school system’s many built-in inadequacies,‭ ‬the truly intelligent can overcome the endless obstacles put in their way and become successful.

Scientists and researchers are working day and night to develop a vaccine or possible cure for the COVID-19‭ ‬plague the impeached president trump is permitting to go unchecked,‭ ‬infecting millions of Americans and killing hundreds-of-thousands.

But professional scientific minds are not alone in seeking a cure for the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬14-year-old Indian American,‭ ‬Anika Chebrolu,‭ ‬a middle school student,‭ ‬just won an award of‭ ‬$25,000‭ ‬for research related to a potential cure for COVID-19.‭

Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬from Frisco,‭ ‬Texas,‭ ‬won the prestigious‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge for her efforts to develop a novel antiviral drug as a cure for the coronavirus pandemic.‭ ‬According to the‭ ‬3M Young Scientist Challenge website,‭ ‬Chebrolu did this by using an in-silico methodology to develop a lead molecule that selectively binds to the Spike protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭

The challenge created by‭ ‬3M in partnership with Discovery Communications aspires to create a new generation of problem-solvers by encouraging students in grades‭ ‬5-8‭ ‬to share their discoveries.

Miss Chebrolu stated,‭ “‬I developed this molecule that can bind to a certain protein on the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus.‭ ‬This protein by binding to it will stop the function of the protein.‭” ‬Her hopes are to one day be a medical researcher and professor.‭ ‬She used a number of computer programs to identify how and where the molecule would bind to the virus.‭

While Chebrolu initially began her project to find a cure for winter influenza,‭ ‬she changed the direction amid the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.‭ “‬I was drawn towards finding effective cures for influenza disease after a severe bout of the infection last year,‭” ‬the teenager explained.‭ "‬I would like to learn more from‭ ‬3M scientists to pursue my drug development and with their help,‭ ‬would like to conduct in-vitro and in-vivo testing of my lead drug candidate.‭”

Under the guidance of‭ ‬3M Scientist Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬another woman of color,‭ ‬the young student was able to perfect her ideas through the scientific method.‭ ‬Chebrolu gained the opportunity to work with Dr.‭ ‬Ali after being awarded an exclusive mentorship for being one of the‭ ‬10‭ ‬finalists of the challenge.‭ "‬With the help of my mentor Dr.‭ ‬Mahfuza Ali,‭ ‬I switched topics and targeted the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus because of the immense impact it's made in the world in less than a year,‭" ‬Chebrolu said.

Chebrolu’s drive and potential for finding a cure impressed not only Dr.‭ ‬Ali,‭ ‬who called her enthusiasm and tenacity‭ “‬amazing,‭” ‬but also Dr.‭ ‬Cindy Moss,‭ ‬a judge for the challenge.‭ ‬Chebrolu said she was inspired to find potential cures to viruses after learning about the‭ ‬1918‭ ‬flu pandemic and finding out how many people die every year in the United States despite annual vaccinations and anti-influenza drugs on the market.

The young scientist said that her research and discovered method‭ “‬reflects the collective hopes to end this pandemic‭” ‬as individuals like herself hope to go back to their normal lives and that while winning this award is an honor,‭ ‬her work is not done.‭ ‬Chebrolu shared that her next goal is to work alongside scientists and researchers to‭ "‬control the morbidity and mortality‭" ‬of the pandemic by developing her findings into an actual cure for the virus.‭ "‬My effort to find a lead compound to bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2‭ ‬virus this summer may appear to be a drop in the ocean,‭ ‬but still adds to all these efforts,‭" ‬she said.‭ "‬How I develop this molecule further with the help of virologists and drug development specialists will determine the success of these efforts.‭"

While the top prize of the challenge was won by Miss Chebrolu,‭ ‬others winners included Laasya Acharya,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Ekansh Mittal,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Harsha Pillarisetti,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Samhita Pokkunuri,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Samvrit Rao,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Xavier Baquero-Iglesias,‭ ‬a seventh-grader,‭ ‬Rithvik Ijju,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬Kyle Tianshi,‭ ‬an eighth-grader,‭ ‬and Sophia Weiner,‭ ‬an eighth-grader.‭

It will be scientific minds like these that pull the impeached president trump’s fat a$$‭ ‬out of the fire for his continuing incompetence dealing with COVID-19.‭ ‬The many white supremacists posting on these message boards should note,‭ ‬only‭ ‬two of these brilliant students were not Asian-American,‭ ‬one is Hispanic,‭ ‬and the only white student among the winners,‭ ‬is a young lady.

The Republican-caused neglect of our nation’s public school system has,‭ ‬for decades,‭ ‬satisfied the contempt conservatives and many centrists hold for education and learned professionals.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if white people would actually open their eyes,‭ ‬they would realize it is people if color who refuse to allow an inferior system to interfere with their acquisition of knowledge.‭ ‬Most white kids think learning the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests is great,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬as the‭ ‬3M Challenge proves,‭ ‬nationwide,‭ ‬it is primarily Asian-American students who have the inner drive to tear knowledge from a system unwilling to give it freely.

The white supremacists are much too ignorant to understand how their hatred of the liberals‭’ ‬demands for better public schools,‭ ‬and their decades of Republican victories thwarting the liberals‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬will soon make the white race in the United States too stupid to compete with the students-of-color who,‭ ‬have the ambition and drive to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the high-paying jobs now and in the future.

That inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬which most white conservatives believe they possess,‭ ‬might make them so smart they can ignore the warnings given by doctors,‭ ‬scientists,‭ ‬economists,‭ ‬climate experts,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬but it will be young people like Anika Chebrolu and the other winners of the‭ ‬3M Challenge leading in the future.‭ ‬The white conservatives‭’ ‬children,‭ ‬with the bare basics needed to pass the standard tests,‭ ‬coupled with the white conservatives‭’ ‬inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬at best,‭ ‬they’ll be the janitors,‭ ‬do landscape maintenance,‭ ‬and other unskilled labor.‭ ‬At least,‭ ‬until other‭ ‬3M Challenge winners develop computer-controlled,‭ ‬autonomous machines to do those jobs.‭

After that,‭ ‬it’s anyone’s guess what the minimally educated,‭ ‬unskilled Americans will be doing.

T.D.S. in the highest form. You got it bad.
Anika Chebrolu is the sort of immigrant we want and need.
Joe Biden has turned the illegal immigrant spigot on full blast as the sorts of immigrants we do NOT need
flood the country and we get stuck with their bills.

All because a senile old man with a forty year record of corruption and notably undistinguished service in the DC swamp is doing the bidding of Obama and his radical lackeys.

No need to steal future elections. Biden is growing the "right kind" of voters by the train load down
at the border right now.

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