14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character


After taking a homemade clock to school, Irving MacArthur High student Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was taken in handcuffs to juvenile detention. Police say they may charge him with making a hoax bomb — though they acknowledge he told everyone who would listen that it’s a clock.


He showed it to his engineering teacher first thing Monday morning and didn’t get quite the reaction he’d hoped for.

“He was like, ‘That’s really nice,’” Ahmed said. “‘I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”

He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.

“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he said.

“I told her, ‘It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: “Yup. That’s who I thought it was.”

Ahmed felt suddenly conscious of his brown skin and his name — one of the most common in the Muslim religion. But the police kept him busy with questions.

The bell rang at least twice, he said, while the officers searched his belongings and questioned his intentions. The principal threatened to expel him if he didn’t make a written statement, he said.

“They were like, ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’” Ahmed said.

“I told them no, I was trying to make a clock.”

“He said, ‘It looks like a movie bomb to me.’”

Detective Dipshit!

I stand with Ahmed

Heres the best part.....They are STILL INVESTIGATING THE CLOCK!!

Who's to say there wouldn't have been the same reaction had the kid been white?
It's possible.
Um yeah dipshit, a good parent would also not let their child take a toy gun to school b/c guess what dipshit, schools have zero tolerance rules now and MUST investigate anything that even appears remotely dangerous . I don't really want my kids being suspended from school or arrested so guess what dipshit, I make sure they are taught to A) use common sense and B) don't take things to school that are against school rules, and or the law.

Dumb fuck.

School have zero tolerance for clocks?

Teacher: What is that?
Student: It is a clock sir, I made it myself
Teacher: Show me how it works
Student: Well, you plug it in and it tells time like this
Teacher: Interesting work

Teachers are NOT equipped to , nor asked to, make such determinations.

Child brings a toy gun into school, doesn't even matter if it's OBVIOUS that it's a toy gun. SUSPENDED.


It wasn't a toy gun...it was a clock


Exactly. A small circuit board, some wires....and a few LEDs. Its kinda hard to have a bomb....that doesn't a bomb or explosive apparatus of any kind.

If they kid had been white, they'd be entering his clock in a science fair rather than dragging him from school in cuffs.

Again, the school officials are NOT equipped to make that determination.

why can't you admit that simple fact?

Then confiscate it. Or maybe call in the engineering teacher Ahmed told them he talked to. The teacher clearly had the spare brain cells to rub together to know what it was.

But dragging the kid from school in HANDCUFFS and suspending him for 3 days for bringing a clock to school?

It takes generations to breed that kind of incompetence.

After taking a homemade clock to school, Irving MacArthur High student Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was taken in handcuffs to juvenile detention. Police say they may charge him with making a hoax bomb — though they acknowledge he told everyone who would listen that it’s a clock.


He showed it to his engineering teacher first thing Monday morning and didn’t get quite the reaction he’d hoped for.

“He was like, ‘That’s really nice,’” Ahmed said. “‘I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”

He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.

“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he said.

“I told her, ‘It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: “Yup. That’s who I thought it was.”

Ahmed felt suddenly conscious of his brown skin and his name — one of the most common in the Muslim religion. But the police kept him busy with questions.

The bell rang at least twice, he said, while the officers searched his belongings and questioned his intentions. The principal threatened to expel him if he didn’t make a written statement, he said.

“They were like, ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’” Ahmed said.

“I told them no, I was trying to make a clock.”

“He said, ‘It looks like a movie bomb to me.’”

Detective Dipshit!

I stand with Ahmed

Heres the best part.....They are STILL INVESTIGATING THE CLOCK!!

Who's to say there wouldn't have been the same reaction had the kid been white?

Common sense
I don't believe that the kid would've been so upfront and forward about what he made if it had been a bomb. When there is nothing to hide nobody minds and the kid may it as clear as crystal glass that he didn't mind a bit.

God bless you and him always!!!

School have zero tolerance for clocks?

Teacher: What is that?
Student: It is a clock sir, I made it myself
Teacher: Show me how it works
Student: Well, you plug it in and it tells time like this
Teacher: Interesting work

Teachers are NOT equipped to , nor asked to, make such determinations.

Child brings a toy gun into school, doesn't even matter if it's OBVIOUS that it's a toy gun. SUSPENDED.


It wasn't a toy gun...it was a clock


Exactly. A small circuit board, some wires....and a few LEDs. Its kinda hard to have a bomb....that doesn't a bomb or explosive apparatus of any kind.

If they kid had been white, they'd be entering his clock in a science fair rather than dragging him from school in cuffs.

Again, the school officials are NOT equipped to make that determination.

why can't you admit that simple fact?

Then confiscate it. Or maybe call in the engineering teacher Ahmed told them he talked to. The teacher clearly had the spare brain cells to rub together to know what it was.

But dragging the kid from school in HANDCUFFS and suspending him for 3 days for bringing a clock to school?

It takes generations to breed that kind of incompetence.

You obviously know nothing about standard police SOP's.
You morons that rail against Texas are simply jealous that our state is way better off than the shit hole you apparently live in.
Well, you are currently leading in crazies believing in a Jade Helm 15 conspiracy with the military and WalMart................oh, and currently leading in HS football player thugs attacking refs.

And delicious dry rub barbeque. Lets give credit where its deserved. That shit is amazing.

I plan on stuffing my heart full of brisket next time I visit Smitty's.
Memphis bbq is better.

True dat, even if Rendevouz is over rated.

I left my heart (and probably 2 years of my life on the back end) in Lockhart. The barbeque is so good you don't even mind the scent of raw crude in the air.


And some sweet tea with half a loaf of white bread to soak up the grease.

Sweet baby Jesus, Texas barbeque is good.
If someone dragged me back to Texas, I might stick around long enough for chicken-fried steak at the Black Diamond Oyster Bar.
Family adjusting to Ahmed Mohamed's sudden fame as police announce no charges for clock deemed 'hoax bomb'


OBAMA just invited him to bring his "cool clock" to a White House visit! Dead cops....Obama is silent. Muslim teen brings a homemade electronic device making beeping sounds and concealed in a backpack to a school? Bring it to the White House!!
"Hoax bomb" as if he intended to fool people into thinking it was a bomb................apparently not so hard to do there.

And apparently the DA down there decided the kid had no intention of fooling anyone into thinking he had a bomb and so no charges were filed. Good call , but still the school and the police HAD to investigate in order to reach that conclusion.

I have no problem with an investigation. I have no problem with confiscating the clock. But dragging the kid off in cuffs when there was absolutely NO indication of a crime, let alone criminal intent?


And suspending the kid for 3 days for bringing a clock to school?

Double idiot.

I post this all the time in these threads and rarely does anyone listen. Hopefully you will.

I was in law enforcement on the military side for 24 years.

Just because you put a person in cuffs does NOT mean they broke any laws, it does NOT mean you suspect them of any laws, it does NOT mean you are a mean racist.

It means you are taking them into custody and using cuffs to help ensure both your safety and theirs. Now it may SEEM silly to you that they placed a 14 year old in cuffs, BUT A) their training says place everyone in cuffs and B) their have been plenty of instances of 14 year olds committing acts of violence to necessitate the precaution.

Now, your next argument is going to be "well when the police got there they should have been able to tell it was a clock and let it go at that"

but again, that is not the procedure police use AND there is the matter of the "hoax bomb" law Texas had, police ARE required to investigate that to see if that was the kids intent. Him saying it wasn't does not make an investigation. And yes, OF COURSE you take the suspect into custody while you investigate.

The school did absolutely everything correct here as far as contacting the police. The police did everything correct here .

I won't speak to the 3 day suspension since we don't know WHY he was suspended, we only know that he WAS suspended.

Now that I outlined that for you, if you can't return with a "okay you made some good points" I'll just bow out of the conversation and you guys can keep screaming at each other. Makes no difference to me.
Whats called good parenting? Forseeing the future that someone might mistake a clock for a bomb without there being a bomb.

Um yeah dipshit, a good parent would also not let their child take a toy gun to school b/c guess what dipshit, schools have zero tolerance rules now and MUST investigate anything that even appears remotely dangerous . I don't really want my kids being suspended from school or arrested so guess what dipshit, I make sure they are taught to A) use common sense and B) don't take things to school that are against school rules, and or the law.

Dumb fuck.

School have zero tolerance for clocks?

Teacher: What is that?
Student: It is a clock sir, I made it myself
Teacher: Show me how it works
Student: Well, you plug it in and it tells time like this
Teacher: Interesting work

Teachers are NOT equipped to , nor asked to, make such determinations.

Child brings a toy gun into school, doesn't even matter if it's OBVIOUS that it's a toy gun. SUSPENDED.


It wasn't a toy gun...it was a clock


Let's be honest (well, I'll be honest, you are incapable due to partisan stupidity), it was a HOMEMADE clock that had wires and shit sticking out of it and it fucking started beeping in the middle of class.

And more to the point moron, STORE BOUGHT CLOCKS can be used as timers for bombs. So that is irrelevant.

But back to your post. I would bet good money that if I looked I could find a post of yours somewhere on this board where you have celebrated a child being suspended for bringing an obviously toy gun to school. Further, my bet is that the child in question was a white middle class child, probably Christian.

Get your partisan head out of your ass for one second and realize that white,brown,black,yellow, male,female. In today's climate schools aren't taking any chances.

All student electronic science projects have wires and electronic stuff
The way you tell its not a bomb is there are no explosives attached

I don't think a child should be suspended for bringing a toy gun to school. Take it away, explain why the school has a toy gun policy and suspend him if he does it again

I think this is a case where the school overreacted. They needed to just ask some simple questions and the issue could be quickly resolved
Um yeah dipshit, a good parent would also not let their child take a toy gun to school b/c guess what dipshit, schools have zero tolerance rules now and MUST investigate anything that even appears remotely dangerous . I don't really want my kids being suspended from school or arrested so guess what dipshit, I make sure they are taught to A) use common sense and B) don't take things to school that are against school rules, and or the law.

Dumb fuck.

School have zero tolerance for clocks?

Teacher: What is that?
Student: It is a clock sir, I made it myself
Teacher: Show me how it works
Student: Well, you plug it in and it tells time like this
Teacher: Interesting work

Teachers are NOT equipped to , nor asked to, make such determinations.

Child brings a toy gun into school, doesn't even matter if it's OBVIOUS that it's a toy gun. SUSPENDED.


It wasn't a toy gun...it was a clock


Let's be honest (well, I'll be honest, you are incapable due to partisan stupidity), it was a HOMEMADE clock that had wires and shit sticking out of it and it fucking started beeping in the middle of class.

And more to the point moron, STORE BOUGHT CLOCKS can be used as timers for bombs. So that is irrelevant.

But back to your post. I would bet good money that if I looked I could find a post of yours somewhere on this board where you have celebrated a child being suspended for bringing an obviously toy gun to school. Further, my bet is that the child in question was a white middle class child, probably Christian.

Get your partisan head out of your ass for one second and realize that white,brown,black,yellow, male,female. In today's climate schools aren't taking any chances.

All student electronic science projects have wires and electronic stuff
The way you tell its not a bomb is there are no explosives attached

I don't think a child should be suspended for bringing a toy gun to school. Take it away, explain why the school has a toy gun policy and suspend him if he does it again

I think this is a case where the school overreacted. They needed to just ask some simple questions and the issue could be quickly resolved

Very true, but ALL science projects aren't stuffed in backpacks where they can't be seen and start beeping in the middle of class.

And you don't understand much about IEDs if you think a lay person can just look at a clock, for example, and tell that there is no explosives in it.

Also, you are forgetting about the Texas hoax bomb law, which makes a lack of explosives irrelevant.
School have zero tolerance for clocks?

Teacher: What is that?
Student: It is a clock sir, I made it myself
Teacher: Show me how it works
Student: Well, you plug it in and it tells time like this
Teacher: Interesting work

Teachers are NOT equipped to , nor asked to, make such determinations.

Child brings a toy gun into school, doesn't even matter if it's OBVIOUS that it's a toy gun. SUSPENDED.


It wasn't a toy gun...it was a clock


Let's be honest (well, I'll be honest, you are incapable due to partisan stupidity), it was a HOMEMADE clock that had wires and shit sticking out of it and it fucking started beeping in the middle of class.

And more to the point moron, STORE BOUGHT CLOCKS can be used as timers for bombs. So that is irrelevant.

But back to your post. I would bet good money that if I looked I could find a post of yours somewhere on this board where you have celebrated a child being suspended for bringing an obviously toy gun to school. Further, my bet is that the child in question was a white middle class child, probably Christian.

Get your partisan head out of your ass for one second and realize that white,brown,black,yellow, male,female. In today's climate schools aren't taking any chances.

All student electronic science projects have wires and electronic stuff
The way you tell its not a bomb is there are no explosives attached

I don't think a child should be suspended for bringing a toy gun to school. Take it away, explain why the school has a toy gun policy and suspend him if he does it again

I think this is a case where the school overreacted. They needed to just ask some simple questions and the issue could be quickly resolved

Very true, but ALL science projects aren't stuffed in backpacks where they can't be seen and start beeping in the middle of class.

And you don't understand much about IEDs if you think a lay person can just look at a clock, for example, and tell that there is no explosives in it.

Also, you are forgetting about the Texas hoax bomb law, which makes a lack of explosives irrelevant.

Stand back!

This potato could blow at any moment
The kid has a Muslim name and brown skin. He should have been strip searched and all his belongings x-rayed or examined by a gypsy fortune teller before he was ever allowed to enter that school.
I post this all the time in these threads and rarely does anyone listen. Hopefully you will.

I was in law enforcement on the military side for 24 years.

Just because you put a person in cuffs does NOT mean they broke any laws, it does NOT mean you suspect them of any laws, it does NOT mean you are a mean racist.

It means you are taking them into custody and using cuffs to help ensure both your safety and theirs. Now it may SEEM silly to you that they placed a 14 year old in cuffs, BUT A) their training says place everyone in cuffs and B) their have been plenty of instances of 14 year olds committing acts of violence to necessitate the precaution.

If you're putting them in cuffs you're detaining them. If you're detaining them, you're arresting them. If you're arresting them, yes....you do need reasonable suspicion that they've commited some crime. And there was jack shit in this case. There was no bomb. Worse, no one accused him of making a bomb. The teacher who brought Ahmed to the principal said it was the 'infrastructure' for a bomb.

There were no explosives. Its impossible for it have been a bomb. No one that called the cops even *alleged* it was a bomb. If the cops were unsure what it was, investigate. Confiscate it. I have no problem with any of it.

But arresting the kid? Dragging him from the school in cuffs? That was simply unjustified.
Teachers are NOT equipped to , nor asked to, make such determinations.

Child brings a toy gun into school, doesn't even matter if it's OBVIOUS that it's a toy gun. SUSPENDED.


It wasn't a toy gun...it was a clock


Let's be honest (well, I'll be honest, you are incapable due to partisan stupidity), it was a HOMEMADE clock that had wires and shit sticking out of it and it fucking started beeping in the middle of class.

And more to the point moron, STORE BOUGHT CLOCKS can be used as timers for bombs. So that is irrelevant.

But back to your post. I would bet good money that if I looked I could find a post of yours somewhere on this board where you have celebrated a child being suspended for bringing an obviously toy gun to school. Further, my bet is that the child in question was a white middle class child, probably Christian.

Get your partisan head out of your ass for one second and realize that white,brown,black,yellow, male,female. In today's climate schools aren't taking any chances.

All student electronic science projects have wires and electronic stuff
The way you tell its not a bomb is there are no explosives attached

I don't think a child should be suspended for bringing a toy gun to school. Take it away, explain why the school has a toy gun policy and suspend him if he does it again

I think this is a case where the school overreacted. They needed to just ask some simple questions and the issue could be quickly resolved

Very true, but ALL science projects aren't stuffed in backpacks where they can't be seen and start beeping in the middle of class.

And you don't understand much about IEDs if you think a lay person can just look at a clock, for example, and tell that there is no explosives in it.

Also, you are forgetting about the Texas hoax bomb law, which makes a lack of explosives irrelevant.

Stand back!

This potato could blow at any moment

They'll put the potato in evidence locker until they can determine what it really is?
I post this all the time in these threads and rarely does anyone listen. Hopefully you will.

I was in law enforcement on the military side for 24 years.

Just because you put a person in cuffs does NOT mean they broke any laws, it does NOT mean you suspect them of any laws, it does NOT mean you are a mean racist.

It means you are taking them into custody and using cuffs to help ensure both your safety and theirs. Now it may SEEM silly to you that they placed a 14 year old in cuffs, BUT A) their training says place everyone in cuffs and B) their have been plenty of instances of 14 year olds committing acts of violence to necessitate the precaution.

If you're putting them in cuffs you're detaining them. If you're detaining them, you're arresting them. If you're arresting them, yes....you do need reasonable suspicion that they've commited some crime. And there was jack shit in this case. There was no bomb. Worse, no one accused him of making a bomb. The teacher who brought Ahmed to the principal said it was the 'infrastructure' for a bomb.

There were no explosives. Its impossible for it have been a bomb. No one that called the cops even *alleged* it was a bomb. If the cops were unsure what it was, investigate. Confiscate it. I have no problem with any of it.

But arresting the kid? Dragging him from the school in cuffs? That was simply unjustified.

You are wrong, PLAIN AND SIMPLE . being put in cuffs does NOT mean being arrested.

You're just flat wrong on that simple point and incapable of admitting it, so have fun in this thread.
Kid sounds like a full-on liar and attention whore. I bet he's had plenty of run-ins with the cop he claims to have never seen.
Yeah...I'm sure you are right. Based on......................what exactly?

Based on my experience. There is an epidemic of lying among many youth cultures. Just listening to his story, he tells it in the pattern of many lies I've heard before.

Or do you really think a police officer is going to be motivated to say "I knew it was you" about a kid he's never seen before? I'm no fan of cops; but that doesn't even make a shred of sense.

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