14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character

I post this all the time in these threads and rarely does anyone listen. Hopefully you will.

I was in law enforcement on the military side for 24 years.

Just because you put a person in cuffs does NOT mean they broke any laws, it does NOT mean you suspect them of any laws, it does NOT mean you are a mean racist.

It means you are taking them into custody and using cuffs to help ensure both your safety and theirs. Now it may SEEM silly to you that they placed a 14 year old in cuffs, BUT A) their training says place everyone in cuffs and B) their have been plenty of instances of 14 year olds committing acts of violence to necessitate the precaution.

If you're putting them in cuffs you're detaining them. If you're detaining them, you're arresting them. If you're arresting them, yes....you do need reasonable suspicion that they've commited some crime. And there was jack shit in this case. There was no bomb. Worse, no one accused him of making a bomb. The teacher who brought Ahmed to the principal said it was the 'infrastructure' for a bomb.

There were no explosives. Its impossible for it have been a bomb. No one that called the cops even *alleged* it was a bomb. If the cops were unsure what it was, investigate. Confiscate it. I have no problem with any of it.

But arresting the kid? Dragging him from the school in cuffs? That was simply unjustified.

Holy fuck you're stupid. Detained is NOT the same as arrested.

Reasonable suspicion is NOT the same as probable cause.

I can't tolerate stupidity at this level much longer.
Who's to say there wouldn't have been the same reaction had the kid been white?

The reaction is based upon this kid being a well known trouble maker. Let's review:

- We know from the cop's reaction that this kid is a perpetual offender of sorts (according to the kid).
- The shop teacher advised him not to show this "clock" to other teachers, and he still went out of his way to do so (according to the kid).
- The teacher confiscated the "clock" because it looked like a bomb (according to the kid). There was enough merit to this to then involve the principal and four policemen (according to the kid).
- The kid says he "feels conscious about his brown skin" after the fact and never bothers to feel conscious about it before the fact? He can't have it both ways.
- The detective said it looked like a bomb (according to the kid).

You can leave brown/white out of this. The kid was looking to get a rise out of some people. Getting his story into the press is just a bonus.
Kid sounds like a full-on liar and attention whore. I bet he's had plenty of run-ins with the cop he claims to have never seen.
Yeah...I'm sure you are right. Based on......................what exactly?

Based on my experience. There is an epidemic of lying among many youth cultures. Just listening to his story, he tells it in the pattern of many lies I've heard before.

Or do you really think a police officer is going to be motivated to say "I knew it was you" about a kid he's never seen before? I'm no fan of cops; but that doesn't even make a shred of sense.

But it makes a GREAT click bait news story about mean racist Texas cops! How about the NY Times final paragraph....where they describe him as being on his bed tinkering with science projects and for.the first time learning the word "ethnicity". That's how they descrihed it.

Hockmed: "Mommy....what is eff eff eff....effnicity?"
Who's to say there wouldn't have been the same reaction had the kid been white?

The reaction is based upon this kid being a well known trouble maker. Let's review:

- We know from the cop's reaction that this kid is a perpetual offender of sorts (according to the kid).

Huh? When was that said?

- The shop teacher advised him not to show this "clock" to other teachers, and he still went out of his way to do so (according to the kid).

No, he didnt, you just made that up :rofl:

- The teacher confiscated the "clock" because it looked like a bomb (according to the kid). There was enough merit to this to then involve the principal and four policemen (according to the kid).

Something else you just made up...The teacher didnt say that. And you are taking their actions as being warranted after the fact. You sound like a girl who goes through her mans phone and blames him for it
Who's to say there wouldn't have been the same reaction had the kid been white?

The reaction is based upon this kid being a well known trouble maker. Let's review:

- We know from the cop's reaction that this kid is a perpetual offender of sorts (according to the kid).

Huh? When was that said?

- The shop teacher advised him not to show this "clock" to other teachers, and he still went out of his way to do so (according to the kid).

No, he didnt, you just made that up :rofl:

- The teacher confiscated the "clock" because it looked like a bomb (according to the kid). There was enough merit to this to then involve the principal and four policemen (according to the kid).

Something else you just made up...The teacher didnt say that. And you are taking their actions as being warranted after the fact. You sound like a girl who goes through her mans phone and blames him for it
It wasn't made up. It was in 2 links already provided. He showed it to his engineering teacher...who cautioned him not to let any other teachers see it. Incident should've ended RIGHT THERE. Either leave it with that teacher until he goes home...or the teacher notifies staff of the device and says it's harmless. He did neither. And Hockmed took it to class and plugged it in where it started making noises.


Know WTF you're talking about.
So ClosedCaption. .....why don't you post a photon of Hockmeds "clock". I'll give you $10000 if you can tell me what time the clock is displaying.
A white girl was tossed out of school for wearing a T that said "lesbian" and a Black kid was arrested for taking a thing to school that looked and sounded like a bomb. Why do clown faces have to turn everything into a rant about race?
Have you seen the clock? It wasn't a bedside alarm clock.

Yes, I've seen the clock and it did not look like a bomb either.

As for asking the science teacher....how do you know they didnt?

Because he had already showed it to the science teacher and he had no problem with it.

And....is he an EOD tech? Do you know how little explosives you need to make a functional explosive?

Well, he is a science teacher and clearly is smarter than the dumb fuck who said, "It looks like a Hollywood bomb to me."

As usual we can expect you to defend the over zealous actions of the authoritarian police state because "Murica!" "MOOOOOOOOSLIMS!" and he's black!
Show it to the science teacher? Hey dumbass....the first person to see it was the ENGINEERING teacher. Who became alarmed.

You obviously didn't read the article.

Yes, I did read the article and no, he was not alarmed.
Show it to the science teacher? Hey dumbass....the first person to see it was the ENGINEERING teacher. Who became alarmed.

You obviously didn't read the article.

Yes, I did read the article and no, he was not alarmed.

He said "you better not let any of the other teachers see it". Now...he wouldn't say that about an apple. Or a pencil. Or notebook. Why would he caution Hockmed to not let other teacher see it?? Because HE KNEW what it looked like.

God you liberals are getting dumber by the day.
Show it to the science teacher? Hey dumbass....the first person to see it was the ENGINEERING teacher. Who became alarmed.

You obviously didn't read the article.

Yes, I did read the article and no, he was not alarmed.

He said "you better not let any of the other teachers see it". Now...he wouldn't say that about an apple. Or a pencil. Or notebook. Why would he caution Hockmed to not let other teacher see it?? Because HE KNEW what it looked like.

God you liberals are getting dumber by the day.

And clearly didn't see it as a major issue or he probably would have told him to leave it with him the remainder of the day or put it in his locker or something. Obviously, it wasn't something to call the government backed street gang over.
Show it to the science teacher? Hey dumbass....the first person to see it was the ENGINEERING teacher. Who became alarmed.

You obviously didn't read the article.

Yes, I did read the article and no, he was not alarmed.

He said "you better not let any of the other teachers see it". Now...he wouldn't say that about an apple. Or a pencil. Or notebook. Why would he caution Hockmed to not let other teacher see it?? Because HE KNEW what it looked like.

God you liberals are getting dumber by the day.

And clearly didn't see it as a major issue or he probably would have told him to leave it with him the remainder of the day or put it in his locker or something. Obviously, it wasn't something to call the government backed street gang over.

He warned him not to let other see it. So what does Mohammed do? Plug it in during class and starts making noises. The device that an engineering teacher said "better not let anyone see that".
Who's to say there wouldn't have been the same reaction had the kid been white?

The reaction is based upon this kid being a well known trouble maker. Let's review:

- We know from the cop's reaction that this kid is a perpetual offender of sorts (according to the kid).
- The shop teacher advised him not to show this "clock" to other teachers, and he still went out of his way to do so (according to the kid).
- The teacher confiscated the "clock" because it looked like a bomb (according to the kid). There was enough merit to this to then involve the principal and four policemen (according to the kid).
- The kid says he "feels conscious about his brown skin" after the fact and never bothers to feel conscious about it before the fact? He can't have it both ways.
- The detective said it looked like a bomb (according to the kid).

You can leave brown/white out of this. The kid was looking to get a rise out of some people. Getting his story into the press is just a bonus.
Where is your evidence that this student was a well-known trouble-maker?
Show it to the science teacher? Hey dumbass....the first person to see it was the ENGINEERING teacher. Who became alarmed.

You obviously didn't read the article.

Yes, I did read the article and no, he was not alarmed.

He said "you better not let any of the other teachers see it". Now...he wouldn't say that about an apple. Or a pencil. Or notebook. Why would he caution Hockmed to not let other teacher see it?? Because HE KNEW what it looked like.

God you liberals are getting dumber by the day.

And clearly didn't see it as a major issue or he probably would have told him to leave it with him the remainder of the day or put it in his locker or something. Obviously, it wasn't something to call the government backed street gang over.

He warned him not to let other see it. So what does Mohammed do? Plug it in during class and starts making noises. The device that an engineering teacher said "better not let anyone see that".
You're the guy who said that it was "small suitcase" sized.....how did he fit it in his back pack? And where does it say anywhere he went to plug it in?
Well he's gotten offers to hang out with the President and Mark Zuckerberg, to intern at Twitter, and to check out NASA, so it sounds like this 14 year old has a lot more interesting stuff to do in the near future than some sad sack on a message board who gets off on calling an innocent teenager "Hockmed" because it's just the height of wit.

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