14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character

Take your prozac pills and get a good nights sleep.

You'll feel better in the morning. ....... :cool:
People like you are causing the problem, Sunni Man. You identify yourself as a Muslim first and foremost, by putting it in your name. I am a Catholic, but that's only part of who I am. I don't call myself Catholic Man.
Why a ninth-grader’s arrest over a home-built clock struck a chord across America

Guess what idiot liberals, you should not feel sorry for this 14-year-old Muslim boy.

There are terrorist bombers that are even younger.

He must have known that the school would see his "clock" as a threat.

The liberals are treating this boy as a victim.

But what if this is a deliberate covert action by a Muslim group, to deter people from reacting to bomb threats?

That is definite possibility and I think Homeland Security should investigate.

Dafuck does his religion have to do with it? :cuckoo:

Take your prozac pills and get a good nights sleep.

You'll feel better in the morning. ....... :cool:
People like you are causing the problem, Sunni Man. You identify yourself as a Muslim first and foremost, by putting it in your name. I am a Catholic, but that's only part of who I am. I don't call myself Catholic Man.

Maybe you should take your own advice starting threads...
People like you are causing the problem, Sunni Man. You identify yourself as a Muslim first and foremost, by putting it in your name. I am a Catholic, but that's only part of who I am. I don't call myself Catholic Man.
Sunni Man is carrying out jihad on this website. Jihad does not necessar
People like you are causing the problem, Sunni Man. You identify yourself as a Muslim first and foremost, by putting it in your name. I am a Catholic, but that's only part of who I am. I don't call myself Catholic Man.
Sunni Man, did you know the typical Muslim household has only one book, the Koran?
Really, it could have been a bomb. How is your typical high school teacher supposed to know what is a bomb, and what isn't. The police have experts who can tell the difference, but your typical cop would not be sent to disarm a bomb.

I guess my thirteen year old is a gotdamned genius then.

I asked him, "How do you tell the difference between a homemade alarm clock and a bomb?"

You know what he said? He said, one will have some sort of explosives, like C4, dynamite, a large amount of liquid or plastique wired into the clock, the other will just be electronics with no unidentified substance that is your explosive residue attached, which will look out of place.

Yeah, very good. Genius? I'm not too sure. Maybe. Perhaps they have just stopped teaching critical thinking. Who knows.
Really, it could have been a bomb. How is your typical high school teacher supposed to know what is a bomb, and what isn't. The police have experts who can tell the difference, but your typical cop would not be sent to disarm a bomb.

It looked like a suitcase bomb and the alarm went off if class.
Really, it could have been a bomb. How is your typical high school teacher supposed to know what is a bomb, and what isn't. The police have experts who can tell the difference, but your typical cop would not be sent to disarm a bomb.

I guess my thirteen year old is a gotdamned genius then.

I asked him, "How do you tell the difference between a homemade alarm clock and a bomb?"

You know what he said? He said, one will have some sort of explosives, like C4, dynamite, a large amount of liquid or plastique wired into the clock, the other will just be electronics with no unidentified substance that is your explosive residue attached, which will look out of place.

Yeah, very good. Genius? I'm not too sure. Maybe. Perhaps they have just stopped teaching critical thinking. Who knows.
Well, great that your son is a genius, but most teachers, principals, and police officers don't know the difference between a home made clock and a home made bomb.

I think this kid has accomplished great progress for jihad. From now on, teachers, principals, and police officers will be more reluctant to act if they're afraid of negative public reaction and a scolding by the President.
Really, it could have been a bomb. How is your typical high school teacher supposed to know what is a bomb, and what isn't. The police have experts who can tell the difference, but your typical cop would not be sent to disarm a bomb.

This kid - and he is a child - was treated like a criminal. He was handcuffed, "interviewed" by law enforcement - WITHOUT his parents being notified, without a lawyer and forbidden from calling anyone. This is an AMERICAN CITIZEN and a child!!!!!
Really, it could have been a bomb. How is your typical high school teacher supposed to know what is a bomb, and what isn't. The police have experts who can tell the difference, but your typical cop would not be sent to disarm a bomb.

This kid - and he is a child - was treated like a criminal. He was handcuffed, "interviewed" by law enforcement - WITHOUT his parents being notified, without a lawyer and forbidden from calling anyone. This is an AMERICAN CITIZEN and a child!!!!!
Yes, it's true that our civil liberties as citizens have become very degraded since the Muslims started this latest wave of terrorist attacks on America.

That is EXACTLY what the terrorists wanted.
Have you seen it? That doesn't look like any clock I've ever seen. Would you be comfortable getting on a plane with this kid and his contraption? Yes or No? And of course Obama again degrades the office of POTUS by wading into this nonsense. "If I had a son, he would makes clocks like Ahmed". What a Racist idiot.
Really, it could have been a bomb. How is your typical high school teacher supposed to know what is a bomb, and what isn't. The police have experts who can tell the difference, but your typical cop would not be sent to disarm a bomb.

I guess my thirteen year old is a gotdamned genius then.

I asked him, "How do you tell the difference between a homemade alarm clock and a bomb?"

You know what he said? He said, one will have some sort of explosives, like C4, dynamite, a large amount of liquid or plastique wired into the clock, the other will just be electronics with no unidentified substance that is your explosive residue attached, which will look out of place.

Yeah, very good. Genius? I'm not too sure. Maybe. Perhaps they have just stopped teaching critical thinking. Who knows.
Well, great that your son is a genius, but most teachers, principals, and police officers don't know the difference between a home made clock and a home made bomb.

I think this kid has accomplished great progress for jihad. From now on, teachers, principals, and police officers will be more reluctant to act if they're afraid of negative public reaction and a scolding by the President.

The kid's family are Sufis, idiot. WTF do Sufis have to do with "jihad"?
Really, it could have been a bomb. How is your typical high school teacher supposed to know what is a bomb, and what isn't. The police have experts who can tell the difference, but your typical cop would not be sent to disarm a bomb.

This kid - and he is a child - was treated like a criminal. He was handcuffed, "interviewed" by law enforcement - WITHOUT his parents being notified, without a lawyer and forbidden from calling anyone. This is an AMERICAN CITIZEN and a child!!!!!

If a kid walked into class with a pressure cooker, would you not be concerned?

You wait for it to go off?

Many schools have metal detectors, but a briefcase wired with electronics shouldn't make the school nervous?
I would not handcuff him. I would allow him to call his parents. I would allow his parents to be present. Seriously - this is a child. He does NOT lose his civil right because he brings in a clock!
Have you seen it? That doesn't look like any clock I've ever seen. Would you be comfortable getting on a plane with this kid and his contraption? Yes or No? And of course Obama again degrades the office of POTUS by wading into this nonsense. "If I had a son, he would makes clocks like Ahmed". What a Racist idiot.

So if he were blond and freckled and named Timmy do you suppose he would have been treated the same?
I think this kid has accomplished great progress for jihad. From now on, teachers, principals, and police officers will be more reluctant to act if they're afraid of negative public reaction and a scolding by the President.
OK, just for you I'm going tell you the truth...... but I might be beheaded for it.

The kid is a hard core jihadi and part of a teenage zombie sleeper cell.

He has an implant wired into his brain and gets his instructions directly from our muslim president.

There are thousands just like him in schools all over America just waiting to be activated by Obama.

True story........ :cool:

After taking a homemade clock to school, Irving MacArthur High student Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was taken in handcuffs to juvenile detention. Police say they may charge him with making a hoax bomb — though they acknowledge he told everyone who would listen that it’s a clock.


He showed it to his engineering teacher first thing Monday morning and didn’t get quite the reaction he’d hoped for.

“He was like, ‘That’s really nice,’” Ahmed said. “‘I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”

He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.

“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he said.

“I told her, ‘It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: “Yup. That’s who I thought it was.”

Ahmed felt suddenly conscious of his brown skin and his name — one of the most common in the Muslim religion. But the police kept him busy with questions.

The bell rang at least twice, he said, while the officers searched his belongings and questioned his intentions. The principal threatened to expel him if he didn’t make a written statement, he said.

“They were like, ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’” Ahmed said.

“I told them no, I was trying to make a clock.”

“He said, ‘It looks like a movie bomb to me.’”

Detective Dipshit!

I stand with Ahmed

Heres the best part.....They are STILL INVESTIGATING THE CLOCK!!
They should waterboarding him and get the truth. If that won't do it put him in solitary confinement until he admits it.
Really, it could have been a bomb. How is your typical high school teacher supposed to know what is a bomb, and what isn't. The police have experts who can tell the difference, but your typical cop would not be sent to disarm a bomb.

This kid - and he is a child - was treated like a criminal. He was handcuffed, "interviewed" by law enforcement - WITHOUT his parents being notified, without a lawyer and forbidden from calling anyone. This is an AMERICAN CITIZEN and a child!!!!!
Yes, it's true that our civil liberties as citizens have become very degraded since the Muslims started this latest wave of terrorist attacks on America.

That is EXACTLY what the terrorists wanted.

What "wave" are you talking about?

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