15,000 to 20,000 Hippies to Infest Eastern Oregon July 1-7




Sometimes it's hard to know hippies from rednecks.
Tensions rising: Heated exchange erupts at Rainbow Gathering community meeting

Residents also asked why the group chose a forest near a community that had recently been ravaged by wildfire. Rainbow participants acknowledged the Canyon Creek Complex fire and said, because they mostly cooked with fires and wood stoves, they actually helped eliminate fire danger by removing downed wood.

Multiple attendees asserted it was their constitutional right to assemble on public land.

Resident Susan Church said a great part of the fear was due to xenophobia. She said the local community had problems with crime and substance abuse just like the Rainbow Gathering.

Gathering participant Eloisa Lewis said attendees rented the hall to communicate with locals and to try to get them involved. She said the meeting had been “lukewarm” and that both sides seemed afraid of each other.

Lewis extended an invitation to all unsure about the gathering to come see for themselves at the site off Forest Road 24 in the Malheur National Forest west of Seneca.

The Forest Service is hosting a public meeting from 5-6:30 p.m. Friday, June 23, at the Malheur National Forest Supervisor’s Office, 431 Patterson Bridge Road, John Day.

There is and has always been a strong fear of 'outsiders' in Grant County. But Grant County has only agriculture and tourism left for income. 7000 people in a very large county, 4529 square miles, and one large sawmill, little else but ranches and tourism. If the people in the county drive off the tourists, then there will be even less people in Grant County.
I am frankly appalled at your attacks and disparagement and unwillingness to embrace the dope-smoking hippy. I am here to defend and stand up for the hippy! Some of our greatest Americans have been hippies! The hippy movement produced at least one if not two of our highest leaders, two U.S. Presidents in fact!

President Bill Clinton and First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and Presidential Candidate, the Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton! Hippies Extraordinaire!!!

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Democrat. I will have you know that ol' Willie has smoked hash and snorted coke with the best of them, while fondling underaged girls and getting blow-jobs from unpaid volunteer workers at the capitol in the Oval Office! And Hillary is a fine example of your predatory lesbian. Of course, Hillary is the man, just as with her regular family.

View attachment 135898

Democrat. And Barry Santoro aka Barack H. Obama smoked choom with the best of them on the ol' gang at Columbia while fronting himself off as a constitutional scholar. HOLD YER TOKES, BARRY! HOLD YER TOKES! GIMME A STEAMBOAT!!!

View attachment 135899

This is the guy who not only came up with yer healthcare, but also bailed out Solyndra, paid for dead cars, transparency, LGBT rights, weaponized the IRS and CIA, tied up all the federal land, released dozens of top terrorists, froze the government, released thousands of hardened criminals back onto the streets to kill again, legalized marijuana, legalized cop hate, legalized rioting, invented ISIS, sent western Europe and the Middle East into mass chaos, gave Russia the green light to invade Crimea, made it profitable to get shot by police, wiretapped world leaders and journalists alike, gave Iran a deal they could not refuse, played baseball with Castro, and looked the other way when the Russians were tapping into the election.


So if you have a problem hippies, well, then maybe you have a problem with me, and if you like, we can take it out into the street! Because I simply cannot sit by and let some of our finest Americans, as only the Democratic party could possibly bring us, be disparaged to be picked apart on account of low integrity, low morale, body odor and lice, not to mention general scumminess. No sir. I will not stand for it.
If you are going to talk about Obama. At least don't lie.
Those who aren’t in office, that is.


Inhabitants have been told to stay indoors until the invasion is over.

Story @ Rainbow Family Naked Hippies Infest Eastern Oregon, Permits Not Required | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

That's called the Rainbow Gathering, and this just in, it's been going on for decades, and this also just in -- "duh".

I suspect you haven't heard of it because it hasn't produced gun slaughters or wars or famines or pestilences --- you know, all those things that comprise "news" in the predatory commercial news media to which you're addicted and follow like a puppy.

I was invited to one back in the 1980s. I didn't go, but that's an indication how long it's been going on.

And oh yeah nice link -- "John Hawkins, Right Wing News". I'm sure this is all a revelation to that kid too. Pimply faced little punk.

It sounds fascinating and probably fairly amusing to watch- but it isn't all a lovey dovey fun fest. There have been some issues-

The Dark Side of the Rainbow Gathering

I'm sure there must be, like everything else.
What I'm schooling there is the OP and his equally clueless article who seem to think this is some kind of new thing that just popped up. Quick search says it's been held since 1972, and that's 45 years.

and they're always a huge pain in the ass for everybody.

The problem with this particular location is that these people are smarting from the fact that the Hammonds and the Bundys and many others were arrested and imprisoned for a lot less.
The Hammond's received a much to severe sentence, but that was because of the minimum sentences that were proposed and voted in by Conservatives. The Bundys were and are criminals and should be jailed for life. They are also outsiders, and could not get the signature of one rancher in the Burns area supporting their freakout political ideas.

The people of the area support the Hammonds, while stating their own stupidity put them in prison. They do not support the Bundys, who are nothing but common criminals.
I am frankly appalled at your attacks and disparagement and unwillingness to embrace the dope-smoking hippy. I am here to defend and stand up for the hippy! Some of our greatest Americans have been hippies! The hippy movement produced at least one if not two of our highest leaders, two U.S. Presidents in fact!

President Bill Clinton and First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and Presidential Candidate, the Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton! Hippies Extraordinaire!!!

View attachment 135897

Democrat. I will have you know that ol' Willie has smoked hash and snorted coke with the best of them, while fondling underaged girls and getting blow-jobs from unpaid volunteer workers at the capitol in the Oval Office! And Hillary is a fine example of your predatory lesbian. Of course, Hillary is the man, just as with her regular family.

View attachment 135898

Democrat. And Barry Santoro aka Barack H. Obama smoked choom with the best of them on the ol' gang at Columbia while fronting himself off as a constitutional scholar. HOLD YER TOKES, BARRY! HOLD YER TOKES! GIMME A STEAMBOAT!!!

View attachment 135899

This is the guy who not only came up with yer healthcare, but also bailed out Solyndra, paid for dead cars, transparency, LGBT rights, weaponized the IRS and CIA, tied up all the federal land, released dozens of top terrorists, froze the government, released thousands of hardened criminals back onto the streets to kill again, legalized marijuana, legalized cop hate, legalized rioting, invented ISIS, sent western Europe and the Middle East into mass chaos, gave Russia the green light to invade Crimea, made it profitable to get shot by police, wiretapped world leaders and journalists alike, gave Iran a deal they could not refuse, played baseball with Castro, and looked the other way when the Russians were tapping into the election.


So if you have a problem hippies, well, then maybe you have a problem with me, and if you like, we can take it out into the street! Because I simply cannot sit by and let some of our finest Americans, as only the Democratic party could possibly bring us, be disparaged to be picked apart on account of low integrity, low morale, body odor and lice, not to mention general scumminess. No sir. I will not stand for it.
LOL! That is one dayum great post!!! :thup:
No, these scumbags have not been coming to the Malheur Forest for decades.
They do this yearly, or every few years. They always leave a huge mess.

The reason the locals are incredibly pissed is because this is happening after Lavoy Finicum was KILLED last year, and we have ranchers who are in PRISON for daring to use public lands in ways that the feds have told Grant county is perfectly fine for the rainbow pigs to use it. They are diverting a water source, shitting and pissing all over the place, destroying flora and fauna..there has been a stabbing, a lost kid, a medical emergency and 4 other criminal calls to the rainbow site, not to mention the uptick in panhandling, vandalism, and theft in the tiny rural town of John Day.

The county has one regular on duty law enforcement officer, the Sheriff.

So now this community, who already despises federal agents, is saddled with 25 ARMED USFS rangers dicking around, on top of the garbage they have to deal with from the nasty, drug addicted, mentally ill, and disease riddled homeless people who call themselves the rainbow tribes.

The feds encourage these idiots to flood our rural areas, then they use it as an excuse to ramp up armed fed agent presence, and further limit access to public lands by the people who live there.
Now Lavoy committed suicide by cop. And good riddance that.

And the rest of that bunch of sad sacks left shit, literally, all over the Refuge compound.

Really, the Rainbow bunch are starting backfires, when they were told not to do that, downhill from a fire camp?

Yes, the presence of the Rainbow Tribe can be aggravating. Kind of like a Sheriff that operates outside the law, and supports those that do.
Gypsies. Shhhh. Don't let Swagger know about this topic. He will bust a vein.:D
My problem with hippies (I'm a long-time Grateful Dead fan, so I know from experience) is that they're peace, love and granola thing is faker than a $6 bill. Hippies are some of the most mean-spirited, cold-blooded, self-absorbed, irresponsible, immature, intellectually retarded and have no sense of humor at all. Which I find remarkable in people who do the ultimate laughing-fit drug, LSD.
They're backwards, regressive moronic Marxist dupes. They have no clue that their leftover culture is a product of insidious Marxist cultural usurpation manifested mostly in the 1960's.

Rightwingers: They're backwards, regressive moronic fascist dupes. They have no clue that their culture is a product of insidious fascist mind numbing narrow mindedness, bigorty, fear and ignorance.
My problem with hippies (I'm a long-time Grateful Dead fan, so I know from experience) is that they're peace, love and granola thing is faker than a $6 bill. Hippies are some of the most mean-spirited, cold-blooded, self-absorbed, irresponsible, immature, intellectually retarded and have no sense of humor at all. Which I find remarkable in people who do the ultimate laughing-fit drug, LSD.
They're backwards, regressive moronic Marxist dupes. They have no clue that their leftover culture is a product of insidious Marxist cultural usurpation manifested mostly in the 1960's.

Rightwingers: They're backwards, regressive moronic fascist dupes. They have no clue that their culture is a product of insidious fascist mind numbing narrow mindedness, bigorty, fear and ignorance.
I won't necessarily disagree with that but it's a completely separate issue.
This sounds like a
South Park Episode.

15,000-20,000 hippies and only 1 porta potty in the whole county.
Those who aren’t in office, that is.


Inhabitants have been told to stay indoors until the invasion is over.

Story @ Rainbow Family Naked Hippies Infest Eastern Oregon, Permits Not Required | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Those who aren’t in office, that is.


Inhabitants have been told to stay indoors until the invasion is over.

Story @ Rainbow Family Naked Hippies Infest Eastern Oregon, Permits Not Required | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Will thrse folks be there?
If you are going to talk about Obama. At least don't lie.

Why you stupid, lying, idiot, jackass, I don't need to lie. Obama himself wrote about his being a hippy dope smoker himself in his own book you damned fool! At least try to have even a smattering of knowledge about the things you engage in! The worst thing in the world are fools like you who have opinions on things, don't even know the difference between opinion and fact, then are too lazy to even investigate them before drawing conclusions and telling others they are wrong about them! You can't argue with ABC News, after all, they are right about everything else about Trump now, aren't they?

Barack Obama and His Pot-Smoking 'Choom Gang'
If you are going to talk about Obama. At least don't lie.

Why you stupid, lying, idiot, jackass, I don't need to lie. Obama himself wrote about his being a hippy dope smoker himself in his own book you damned fool! At least try to have even a smattering of knowledge about the things you engage in! The worst thing in the world are fools like you who have opinions on things, don't even know the difference between opinion and fact, then are too lazy to even investigate them before drawing conclusions and telling others they are wrong about them! You can't argue with ABC News, after all, they are right about everything else about Trump now, aren't they?

Barack Obama and His Pot-Smoking 'Choom Gang'
Stop being such a smug, self righteous asshole.

"Yes, sometimes I would go to a party and drink too much." "I don't think I was clinically an alcoholic." ~G.W. Bush. And he did cocaine as a young man. And Trump bragged about grabbing women's genitals, not women he had a relationship with, just any woman he could get a hold of. Your 'heroes' are no better than anyone else's and often worse.
Stop being such a smug, self righteous asshole.

I will if you will.

"Yes, sometimes I would go to a party and drink too much." "I don't think I was clinically an alcoholic." ~G.W. Bush.
And Trump bragged about grabbing women's genitals, not women he had a relationship with, just any woman he could get a hold of. Your 'heroes' are no better than anyone else's and often worse.

Non-sequitur. Drinking a bit too much, or grabbing beauty contestants by the pussy who are offering it because they want to win a contest and are throwing themselves at you does not constitute being a Hippy.

Drinking a little over or (if you are lucky enough) having beautiful women throw themselves at you and say: "Take me! Take me!" does not even remotely rise to the level of being a child molester and rapist, pedophile and heavy drug user.
I used to bang those hippster bitches like a screen door in a tornado.
I am frankly appalled at your attacks and disparagement and unwillingness to embrace the dope-smoking hippy. I am here to defend and stand up for the hippy! Some of our greatest Americans have been hippies! The hippy movement produced at least one if not two of our highest leaders, two U.S. Presidents in fact!

President Bill Clinton and First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and Presidential Candidate, the Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton! Hippies Extraordinaire!!!

View attachment 135897

Democrat. I will have you know that ol' Willie has smoked hash and snorted coke with the best of them, while fondling underaged girls and getting blow-jobs from unpaid volunteer workers at the capitol in the Oval Office! And Hillary is a fine example of your predatory lesbian. Of course, Hillary is the man, just as with her regular family.

View attachment 135898

Democrat. And Barry Santoro aka Barack H. Obama smoked choom with the best of them on the ol' gang at Columbia while fronting himself off as a constitutional scholar. HOLD YER TOKES, BARRY! HOLD YER TOKES! GIMME A STEAMBOAT!!!

View attachment 135899

This is the guy who not only came up with yer healthcare, but also bailed out Solyndra, paid for dead cars, transparency, LGBT rights, weaponized the IRS and CIA, tied up all the federal land, released dozens of top terrorists, froze the government, released thousands of hardened criminals back onto the streets to kill again, legalized marijuana, legalized cop hate, legalized rioting, invented ISIS, sent western Europe and the Middle East into mass chaos, gave Russia the green light to invade Crimea, made it profitable to get shot by police, wiretapped world leaders and journalists alike, gave Iran a deal they could not refuse, played baseball with Castro, and looked the other way when the Russians were tapping into the election.


So if you have a problem hippies, well, then maybe you have a problem with me, and if you like, we can take it out into the street! Because I simply cannot sit by and let some of our finest Americans, as only the Democratic party could possibly bring us, be disparaged to be picked apart on account of low integrity, low morale, body odor and lice, not to mention general scumminess. No sir. I will not stand for it.
LOL! That is one dayum great post!!! :thup:

Damn Gracie --- you're easily impressed at 2:47 in the morning.... :eusa_shifty:
If you are going to talk about Obama. At least don't lie.

Why you stupid, lying, idiot, jackass, I don't need to lie. Obama himself wrote about his being a hippy dope smoker himself in his own book you damned fool! At least try to have even a smattering of knowledge about the things you engage in! The worst thing in the world are fools like you who have opinions on things, don't even know the difference between opinion and fact, then are too lazy to even investigate them before drawing conclusions and telling others they are wrong about them! You can't argue with ABC News, after all, they are right about everything else about Trump now, aren't they?

Barack Obama and His Pot-Smoking 'Choom Gang'

Really --- you think being a hippie (learn to spell) is about "choom"? :lmao:

Ah, Life in Duh Bubble....

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