15 y.o. kills himself - faced sex offender registry for streaking at football game

To hell with slow drivers who disrupt the flow of traffic, too. I hope you plan on handing in your license?

Slow drivers save lives while speeders and drunk drivers and red light runners and texting drivers like you murder 100 americans every day. Get help, whackdoodle psychopath.

Your evidence that the poster texts, runs red lights and/or drives drunk is where again?

Oh that's right-- your pointy little head. :eusa_hand:
I think you're the one that needs "help". If there even is such a level.

I guess I grew up when streaking was a fad? We had streakers all over the place when I grew up....witnessed 5 episodes myself when I was in high school and these guys 30 years later are parents and grandparents, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs....ala mayors and Fire chiefs....

And they're also child molesters and perverts.. Most perverts lead what appears to be a normal life. THINK

You actually consider yourself "normal"?? :cuckoo:

Textbook delusionism right there.
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sad to know that anyone has such a narrow and limited attitude.
I assume that few IRL pay any attention to your opinions --and your only option is pollute a message board with them.

Again we see liberals making personal attacks on other posters. Why can't you see that that simply tells other posters that even you know you are in the wrong.

there is no possible way that you can infer my political beliefs from this post. Even if you read every post I have made --I doubt that you could draw any conclusions.

The conclusion that should be drawn is that I am disgusted with both sides, frt.

And I am generally 'moderate'--whatever I may believe. Extreme ideology on either side seems to be getting the US nowhere.

The remark to which I was responded was extreme--I am certain of that--and probably 'insane'--most comments these days would fall into that category.

I found another link that states the student had a fight with father after meeting with school officials about the streaking incident. There is no discussion of that --only 'the little pervert' and 'anyone who does something stupid should die'. I guess that is all the rational thought that some can generate. worthless drivel.

This story seems to draw them out like cockroaches.

Freshman girls in HS have been known to participate in blow job parties where the winner is the girl who gave the most blow jobs that night....

(we know this because the poster says so)

He exposed himself, he was a flasher, would grow to become a rapist, a paedophile , a child rapist .

(see above)

Prove it was an idiotic mistake and not acting out a perversion to show his todger to toddlers.
Which would later progress to sexually exploiting toddlers.
Progressive you see!!

(how's that for logic... not only drawing a specious conclusion but demanding proof to its negative :rofl: )

Trolls trying to score what they think are rhetorical points on the back of a 15-year-old's suicide.

Says a lot about values.
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I usually disagree with the democrat policy of making everything a crime, but i think the authorities were right here. There were undoubtedly little kids at the game and this stupid teenager should have thought of that. This exhibitionist pervert was prolly drunk and i say hell with him.

Christian Adamek: Boy, 15, kills himself after 'facing expulsion and being put on sex offender registry' for STREAKING at high school football game | Mail Online

10 October 2013 | UPDATED: 08:53 EST, 11 October 2013

A popular 15-year-old student has committed suicide after he reportedly faced expulsion and could have been placed on the sex offenders' register simply for streaking at a high school football game.

Christian Adamek, from Huntsville, Alabama, hanged himself on October 2, a week after he was arrested for running naked across the Sparkman High football field during a game.

The teenager died two days later from his injuries and on Wednesday, friends and family gathered at a memorial service as they struggled to comprehend the beloved student's death

Absurd. The kid was 15 Years old. What justifies laying that kind of shit on him? Nothing. He should, at the most been Cited, as a Minor. Utter Bullshit. Control Freaks 101.
Dear god, watching the bigotry from so many Republicans and Democrats in this thread is depressing. You sick people make up a portion of the voter base, so sad.
I guess I grew up when streaking was a fad? We had streakers all over the place when I grew up....witnessed 5 episodes myself when I was in high school and these guys 30 years later are parents and grandparents, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs....ala mayors and Fire chiefs....

What an EXTREME over reaction.....he would not have just 'streaked'' if he were demented or a pedophile at 15....streakers don't really want to be seen naked, it's why the RUN like the dickens....

The labeling of ''sex offender'' is mind boggling and unjust....to the enth degree.

Today's streaker is tomorrow's child rapist.It's called progression.
Streaking is a gateway crime.

Progressives feel child rape is a good thing!

That is nonsense. I don't believe you can find a shread of evidense to support that claim.

If you think you can ...BRING IT...or shut your stupid pie hole.

True sex offenders are not PUBLIC exhibitionists. They are secretive and try to appear normal with most people they come into contact with. Yes some of them expose themselves but almost always in a very controlled environment where they believe that they will not be caught or identified.

Streakers are usually just drunk or high and obviously don't think the whole thing out very well. I don't believe that they plan to exhibit thier naughty parts to kids or females.

I believe that you are an exhibitionist also. You say shocking and controversial statements just to get attention without thinking through all of the implications of your stupidity.
If the kid had never done anything before, what made these people think that a detention or a suspension wouldn't have been enough?

God bless you and his family and friends always!!!

I usually disagree with the democrat policy of making everything a crime, but i think the authorities were right here. There were undoubtedly little kids at the game and this stupid teenager should have thought of that. This exhibitionist pervert was prolly drunk and i say hell with him.

Christian Adamek: Boy, 15, kills himself after 'facing expulsion and being put on sex offender registry' for STREAKING at high school football game | Mail Online

10 October 2013 | UPDATED: 08:53 EST, 11 October 2013

A popular 15-year-old student has committed suicide after he reportedly faced expulsion and could have been placed on the sex offenders' register simply for streaking at a high school football game.

Christian Adamek, from Huntsville, Alabama, hanged himself on October 2, a week after he was arrested for running naked across the Sparkman High football field during a game.

The teenager died two days later from his injuries and on Wednesday, friends and family gathered at a memorial service as they struggled to comprehend the beloved student's death

Absurd. The kid was 15 Years old. What justifies laying that kind of shit on him? Nothing. He should, at the most been Cited, as a Minor. Utter Bullshit. Control Freaks 101.

Cite him for disorderly conduct...don't ruin his life forever.
These poor little kids....
The Democrat party is all for 11 year old girls having access to morning after birth control pills because they are sexually active....

Freshman girls in HS have been known to participate in blow job parties where the winner is the girl who gave the most blow jobs that night....

That's cool with Libs.

Now a guy kills himself over a stupid act and there is cause for celebration because some kids may have seen a bit too much...

Who is celebrating, nutjob?
These poor little kids....
The Democrat party is all for 11 year old girls having access to morning after birth control pills because they are sexually active....

Freshman girls in HS have been known to participate in blow job parties where the winner is the girl who gave the most blow jobs that night....

That's cool with Libs.

Now a guy kills himself over a stupid act and there is cause for celebration because some kids may have seen a bit too much...

Who is celebrating, nutjob?

That guy appears to be writing his posts according to whatever porn site is open in his next tab.
To hell with slow drivers who disrupt the flow of traffic, too. I hope you plan on handing in your license?

Slow drivers save lives while speeders and drunk drivers and red light runners and texting drivers like you murder 100 americans every day. Get help, whackdoodle psychopath.

Slow drivers hold up traffic and are a main cause of road rage.
I can't believe this thread made it to 5 pages. That reflects embarrassingly bad on ALL of us at USMB.

A shitspeeder thread? Really people??? :confused:
The boy was 15...10 + 5.

Not even an adult, just a schoolboy.
And a popular student.
This is another perfect example of why the minds of children should be treated gently.

Got drunk...all inhibitions gone, the boy broke free...did a streak, great tradition in some parts.

Are people at nude beaches "sex offenders"?
Are all the spring breakers who flash at all and sundry, "sex offenders"?
What about all the Mardi Gras beads people in New Orleans, flashing 24/7, are they sex offenders?
What about the nude cruise people in NYC? sex offenders?

Streaking at educational institutions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The boy probably read about it all and thought he'd try it....not realising the consequences.

So I guess nude rugby is out.

Google 'nude rugby NZ'.....public annual nude rugby game in Dunedin NZ.
I usually disagree with the democrat policy of making everything a crime, but i think the authorities were right here. There were undoubtedly little kids at the game and this stupid teenager should have thought of that. This exhibitionist pervert was prolly drunk and i say hell with him.
Christian Adamek: Boy, 15, kills himself after 'facing expulsion and being put on sex offender registry' for STREAKING at high school football game | Mail Online

10 October 2013 | UPDATED: 08:53 EST, 11 October 2013

A popular 15-year-old student has committed suicide after he reportedly faced expulsion and could have been placed on the sex offenders' register simply for streaking at a high school football game.

Christian Adamek, from Huntsville, Alabama, hanged himself on October 2, a week after he was arrested for running naked across the Sparkman High football field during a game.

The teenager died two days later from his injuries and on Wednesday, friends and family gathered at a memorial service as they struggled to comprehend the beloved student's death

How on Earth is it going to hurt a little kid to see a naked teenager run across the field at a football game? How ridiculous.

The streaker must have had some deep seated problems, however. Maybe he was drunk, maybe on drugs, maybe just fucked up in the head. To kill yourself over an event like this, being expelled from school, and 'possibly' facing being on the sex offender registry (he wouldn't have been put there, highly unlikely)...to commit suicide over this indicates someone with other mental and emotinal problems, serious ones.
I usually disagree with the democrat policy of making everything a crime, but i think the authorities were right here. There were undoubtedly little kids at the game and this stupid teenager should have thought of that. This exhibitionist pervert was prolly drunk and i say hell with him.
Christian Adamek: Boy, 15, kills himself after 'facing expulsion and being put on sex offender registry' for STREAKING at high school football game | Mail Online

10 October 2013 | UPDATED: 08:53 EST, 11 October 2013

A popular 15-year-old student has committed suicide after he reportedly faced expulsion and could have been placed on the sex offenders' register simply for streaking at a high school football game.

Christian Adamek, from Huntsville, Alabama, hanged himself on October 2, a week after he was arrested for running naked across the Sparkman High football field during a game.

The teenager died two days later from his injuries and on Wednesday, friends and family gathered at a memorial service as they struggled to comprehend the beloved student's death

How on Earth is it going to hurt a little kid to see a naked teenager run across the field at a football game? How ridiculous.

The streaker must have had some deep seated problems, however. Maybe he was drunk, maybe on drugs, maybe just fucked up in the head. To kill yourself over an event like this, being expelled from school, and 'possibly' facing being on the sex offender registry (he wouldn't have been put there, highly unlikely)...to commit suicide over this indicates someone with other mental and emotinal problems, serious ones.

My thought was somebody was trying to make him see how something so innocent could destroy your life - and he took that threat and ran with it.

So..how many stupid things did you do when you were younger?

Not many and i certainly never exposed myself to kids. Only pervert liberals do that.

The liberal movement, in hand with their Nambla collegues are trying to legalize the rape of children!

You are putting streaking and rape together in the same sentence? What idiocy!

There is nothing similar to streaking and rape. Streaking is not 'exposing' yourself. I've been through an experience where a man exposed himself to me. It was in a fairly isolated place, with no one around, a man with a full hard on. They don't do it in front of a crowd of hundreds of people and run past you as fast as they can. It is nothing like seeing a streaker. Nothing. Streaking is a joke. Exposing yourself is threatening and disgusting.
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I'm a little dubious about this story, because usually there's more to them than we are told.

Such as the supposed case of the kid was expelled for shooting a bb gun in his backyard. Except this was something like his fifth offense, and he was shooting at people outside his yard.

I'm sure the actions of the adminstrators will be reviewed, and if they overreacted, they will be fired.
I'm a little dubious about this story, because usually there's more to them than we are told.

Such as the supposed case of the kid was expelled for shooting a bb gun in his backyard. Except this was something like his fifth offense, and he was shooting at people outside his yard.

I'm sure the actions of the adminstrators will be reviewed, and if they overreacted, they will be fired.

School policies.

I would think that many kids see more flesh daily on TV and the internet than whatever could have been seen during a dash across a football field.
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