15 y.o. kills himself - faced sex offender registry for streaking at football game

The problem as I see it is the term sex offender.

It's one thing to so label sexual predators, but a streaker?

This society is completely childish when it comes to all things sexual.
I'm a little dubious about this story, because usually there's more to them than we are told.

Such as the supposed case of the kid was expelled for shooting a bb gun in his backyard. Except this was something like his fifth offense, and he was shooting at people outside his yard.

I'm sure the actions of the adminstrators will be reviewed, and if they overreacted, they will be fired.

There's more to the story, agree. I think it is that this was a troubled kid before this event took place. I don't think streaking indicates being troubled, but, rather, looking for attention. But his response to the incident indicates he was deeply troubled. Being expelled, if it was a school event he streaked, doesn't seem out of order. Telling him he's going to be on a sexual deviant list the rest of his life is way out of order. I wonder who told him that? Maybe someone, like a parent, tried to scare him by telling him that would happen. Very poor parenting, which might explain why the kid was troubled, who knows? A sad story. The kid was definitely not a deviant or a sex offender and probably not a bad kid in any real way at all.
I'm a little dubious about this story, because usually there's more to them than we are told.

Such as the supposed case of the kid was expelled for shooting a bb gun in his backyard. Except this was something like his fifth offense, and he was shooting at people outside his yard.

I'm sure the actions of the adminstrators will be reviewed, and if they overreacted, they will be fired.

There's more to the story, agree. I think it is that this was a troubled kid before this event took place. I don't think streaking indicates being troubled, but, rather, looking for attention. But his response to the incident indicates he was deeply troubled. Being expelled, if it was a school event he streaked, doesn't seem out of order. Telling him he's going to be on a sexual deviant list the rest of his life is way out of order. I wonder who told him that? Maybe someone, like a parent, tried to scare him by telling him that would happen. Very poor parenting, which might explain why the kid was troubled, who knows? A sad story. The kid was definitely not a deviant or a sex offender and probably not a bad kid in any real way at all.

I disagree that he was 'deeply troubled'.


<Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service>

<Adamek's Boy Scout Troop master, David Silvernail said he will never forget the fun-loving leader who always had a smile on his face, the jokester who always had a joke to tell and the young man who had no trouble making friends.

Christian Adamek obit picture croppedChristian Adamek (Photo from Hughart and Beard Funeral Home's website)

"There are two kinds of people in the world; ones that brighten the room when they walk in and those that don't. He was one that brightened the room when he walked in. That's what I'll always remember about Christian," Silvernail said.>

For lack of a better theory--maybe he had gender identification issues? Some sort of self-esteem issues. His family chooses to remember him as someone who cared about others, etc. I think 'quirky' was a descriptor that was used.

If it was something like that--'we'/the public don't need to be provided more details. jmo.
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I'm a little dubious about this story, because usually there's more to them than we are told.

Such as the supposed case of the kid was expelled for shooting a bb gun in his backyard. Except this was something like his fifth offense, and he was shooting at people outside his yard.

I'm sure the actions of the adminstrators will be reviewed, and if they overreacted, they will be fired.

There's more to the story, agree. I think it is that this was a troubled kid before this event took place. I don't think streaking indicates being troubled, but, rather, looking for attention. But his response to the incident indicates he was deeply troubled. Being expelled, if it was a school event he streaked, doesn't seem out of order. Telling him he's going to be on a sexual deviant list the rest of his life is way out of order. I wonder who told him that? Maybe someone, like a parent, tried to scare him by telling him that would happen. Very poor parenting, which might explain why the kid was troubled, who knows? A sad story. The kid was definitely not a deviant or a sex offender and probably not a bad kid in any real way at all.

I disagree that he was 'deeply troubled'.

Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service | al.com

<Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service>

<Adamek's Boy Scout Troop master, David Silvernail said he will never forget the fun-loving leader who always had a smile on his face, the jokester who always had a joke to tell and the young man who had no trouble making friends.

Christian Adamek obit picture croppedChristian Adamek (Photo from Hughart and Beard Funeral Home's website)

"There are two kinds of people in the world; ones that brighten the room when they walk in and those that don't. He was one that brightened the room when he walked in. That's what I'll always remember about Christian," Silvernail said.>

For lack of a better theory--maybe he had gender identification issues? Some sort of self-esteem issues. His family chooses to remember him as someone who cared about others, etc. I think 'quirky' was a descriptor that was used.

If it was something like that--'we'/the public don't need to be provided more details. jmo.

Someone can be deeply troubled and hide it very well under an apparent cheerful disposition. Triple duh. Happens all the time. A person, young or old, does not commit suicide unless they are deeply troubled, not imo.
There's more to the story, agree. I think it is that this was a troubled kid before this event took place. I don't think streaking indicates being troubled, but, rather, looking for attention. But his response to the incident indicates he was deeply troubled. Being expelled, if it was a school event he streaked, doesn't seem out of order. Telling him he's going to be on a sexual deviant list the rest of his life is way out of order. I wonder who told him that? Maybe someone, like a parent, tried to scare him by telling him that would happen. Very poor parenting, which might explain why the kid was troubled, who knows? A sad story. The kid was definitely not a deviant or a sex offender and probably not a bad kid in any real way at all.

I disagree that he was 'deeply troubled'.

Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service | al.com

<Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service>

<Adamek's Boy Scout Troop master, David Silvernail said he will never forget the fun-loving leader who always had a smile on his face, the jokester who always had a joke to tell and the young man who had no trouble making friends.

Christian Adamek obit picture croppedChristian Adamek (Photo from Hughart and Beard Funeral Home's website)

"There are two kinds of people in the world; ones that brighten the room when they walk in and those that don't. He was one that brightened the room when he walked in. That's what I'll always remember about Christian," Silvernail said.>

For lack of a better theory--maybe he had gender identification issues? Some sort of self-esteem issues. His family chooses to remember him as someone who cared about others, etc. I think 'quirky' was a descriptor that was used.

If it was something like that--'we'/the public don't need to be provided more details. jmo.

Someone can be deeply troubled and hide it very well under an apparent cheerful disposition. Triple duh. Happens all the time. A person, young or old, does not commit suicide unless they are deeply troubled, not imo.

some can--what has been said about this student doesn't lead me to that conclusion.

Unless more fyi is provided I suppose we will never know. This school is located in north AL near TN. I have never been there--possibly extremely conservative?? If the student was told things like--'You have ruined your life' maybe that was too much for him to process. Some of my family members are fully capable of saying things that really cut to the bone---a type of morality that I don't support. That's all I've got.
I disagree that he was 'deeply troubled'.

Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service | al.com

<Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service>

<Adamek's Boy Scout Troop master, David Silvernail said he will never forget the fun-loving leader who always had a smile on his face, the jokester who always had a joke to tell and the young man who had no trouble making friends.

Christian Adamek obit picture croppedChristian Adamek (Photo from Hughart and Beard Funeral Home's website)

"There are two kinds of people in the world; ones that brighten the room when they walk in and those that don't. He was one that brightened the room when he walked in. That's what I'll always remember about Christian," Silvernail said.>

For lack of a better theory--maybe he had gender identification issues? Some sort of self-esteem issues. His family chooses to remember him as someone who cared about others, etc. I think 'quirky' was a descriptor that was used.

If it was something like that--'we'/the public don't need to be provided more details. jmo.

Someone can be deeply troubled and hide it very well under an apparent cheerful disposition. Triple duh. Happens all the time. A person, young or old, does not commit suicide unless they are deeply troubled, not imo.

some can--what has been said about this student doesn't lead me to that conclusion.

Unless more fyi is provided I suppose we will never know. This school is located in north AL near TN. I have never been there--possibly extremely conservative?? If the student was told things like--'You have ruined your life' maybe that was too much for him to process. Some of my family members are fully capable of saying things that really cut to the bone---a type of morality that I don't support. That's all I've got.

Yes, all we've got is speculation. I just don't think people, not even teens, commit suicide over a seemingly small thing. Any smart adult with common sense would have assured him he wasn't likely to carry the sex offender label around for long, if ever. Maybe he was completely surrounded by cruel adults? But I think there's more to the story.
Someone can be deeply troubled and hide it very well under an apparent cheerful disposition. Triple duh. Happens all the time. A person, young or old, does not commit suicide unless they are deeply troubled, not imo.

some can--what has been said about this student doesn't lead me to that conclusion.

Unless more fyi is provided I suppose we will never know. This school is located in north AL near TN. I have never been there--possibly extremely conservative?? If the student was told things like--'You have ruined your life' maybe that was too much for him to process. Some of my family members are fully capable of saying things that really cut to the bone---a type of morality that I don't support. That's all I've got.

Yes, all we've got is speculation. I just don't think people, not even teens, commit suicide over a seemingly small thing. Any smart adult with common sense would have assured him he wasn't likely to carry the sex offender label around for long, if ever. Maybe he was completely surrounded by cruel adults? But I think there's more to the story.

I can't guess. There is a member of my family that could and would say things that would upset most people beyond their limits. From the way he was described he might have been sensitive for lack of a better term. He wasn't a football player--who knows what sort of expectations might have been set for him that someone felt he had not met.

I tried to think of how the school system came up with its disciplinary code--and just can't imagine that either. This also makes me wonder what sort of disciplinary codes the local districts in my area have in place.
The problem as I see it is the term sex offender.

It's one thing to so label sexual predators, but a streaker?

This society is completely childish when it comes to all things sexual.

I work with a registered sex offender.

20 years ago, he was in college, he had too much Corona, and he took a whiz in someone's shrubbery. As a result, he was convicted of indecent exposure and will be a registered sex offender forever.
[ The kid was definitely not a deviant or a sex offender and probably not a bad kid in any real way at all.

Hey stupid. He exposed himself to kids!!!! How can sicko liberals defend that? Oh yeah - part of the democrat agenda is to legalize child molesting!!!
The problem as I see it is the term sex offender.

It's one thing to so label sexual predators, but a streaker?

This society is completely childish when it comes to all things sexual.

I work with a registered sex offender.

20 years ago, he was in college, he had too much Corona, and he took a whiz in someone's shrubbery. As a result, he was convicted of indecent exposure and will be a registered sex offender forever.

And thus the problem with Sex Offender Registries - they lump in the guys taking a whiz and the 18 year olds having sex with their 16 year old girlfriends in with the rapists and pedophiles.
I work with a registered sex offender.

20 years ago, he was in college, he had too much Corona, and he took a whiz in someone's shrubbery. As a result, he was convicted of indecent exposure and will be a registered sex offender forever.

I've read a number of stories like that. It doesn't take much to get that sex offender status. This creep who deliberately exposed himself to kids at a football game did somehting far worse than urinating on a shrub.
Hardly rates a death sentence or being labeled a sex offender for life.

Gawd. What is it with the nutter right that everything sexual terrifies them?

That is that rare occasion where I completely agree with you, except the "nutter right" - it is nutter left which would make any stupidity a criminal offense with mandatory life registry - governemnt intrusion in any aspect of life. :cuckoo:

Little kids? at football game? so WHAT? they have never seen a naked teenager running around?
so, maybe they should - it was very stupid, but hardly sexual.

This perversion of puritanism is as idiotic as is sexual education in kindergarten.
[ The kid was definitely not a deviant or a sex offender and probably not a bad kid in any real way at all.

Hey stupid. He exposed himself to kids!!!! How can sicko liberals defend that? Oh yeah - part of the democrat agenda is to legalize child molesting!!!

SO WHAT? do those kids have different parts of the body? maybe they have them green?
he did not imitate a sexual act and was not erected - he was running naked around - fucking big deal - in big families kids often wash together - nothing special.
stop being so idiotically puritan.

maybe it's time to have nudists beaches in the US - so people won't be so obsessed with simple naked body.

On the other hand if he would have been on a gay pride parade and standing on a podium and imitating a sex act with an erect penis - he won't be even prosecuted.
Fucking hypocrites.
I'm a little dubious about this story, because usually there's more to them than we are told.

Such as the supposed case of the kid was expelled for shooting a bb gun in his backyard. Except this was something like his fifth offense, and he was shooting at people outside his yard.

I'm sure the actions of the adminstrators will be reviewed, and if they overreacted, they will be fired.

There's more to the story, agree. I think it is that this was a troubled kid before this event took place. I don't think streaking indicates being troubled, but, rather, looking for attention. But his response to the incident indicates he was deeply troubled. Being expelled, if it was a school event he streaked, doesn't seem out of order. Telling him he's going to be on a sexual deviant list the rest of his life is way out of order. I wonder who told him that? Maybe someone, like a parent, tried to scare him by telling him that would happen. Very poor parenting, which might explain why the kid was troubled, who knows? A sad story. The kid was definitely not a deviant or a sex offender and probably not a bad kid in any real way at all.

I disagree that he was 'deeply troubled'.

Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service | al.com

<Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service>

<Adamek's Boy Scout Troop master, David Silvernail said he will never forget the fun-loving leader who always had a smile on his face, the jokester who always had a joke to tell and the young man who had no trouble making friends.

Christian Adamek obit picture croppedChristian Adamek (Photo from Hughart and Beard Funeral Home's website)

"There are two kinds of people in the world; ones that brighten the room when they walk in and those that don't. He was one that brightened the room when he walked in. That's what I'll always remember about Christian," Silvernail said.>

For lack of a better theory--maybe he had gender identification issues? Some sort of self-esteem issues. His family chooses to remember him as someone who cared about others, etc. I think 'quirky' was a descriptor that was used.

If it was something like that--'we'/the public don't need to be provided more details. jmo.

why keep inventing complicated theories, when the kid was, most probably, drunk or high on pot and being a playful spirit and still very young to quickly make prospective evaluation of his choices( 15 is very young) might have had a stupid bet or something of the kind - teenagers do stupid things.
to arrest him and threaten the life of a 15 yo with a sex offender registry for life - is incredibly cruel and very short-sighted.
Society which is on one side sexualized beyond any reasonable boundaries and on the other - so idiotically medieval ( though medieval weren't very strict times, btw) does not have a healthy future for its youth.

Those kids get extremely contradictory messages from the society and this is one of the results.
To hell with slow drivers who disrupt the flow of traffic, too. I hope you plan on handing in your license?

Slow drivers save lives while speeders and drunk drivers and red light runners and texting drivers like you murder 100 americans every day. Get help, whackdoodle psychopath.

Slow drivers hold up traffic and are a main cause of road rage.

No, ranting lunatic criminals are the cause of road rage.
Criminals are the cause of all crime.
Criminals prefer unarmed victims.

Look at how violent road rage is in shithole Australia.
A criminal and corrupt nation.
This is form the discussion in Huntsville, where everything happened:

This principal, the Madison Co. School Board and the few parents who complained about this good kid's harmless prank have his blood on their hands and should be run out of town on a rail. So called "Zero Tolerance" policies are just excuses used by cowards to ignore context and avoid making a judgement so it doesn't come back on them. Under these rules, the Eagle Scout who mistakenly left a butter knife in the bed of his pickup from last weekends campout is treated exactly as the kid who brought a switchblade to class hoping to stick someone with it. Idiotic.

And that is exactly what is happening all over the country - malicious adults who are too afraid to make distinction between a prank and a crime are ruining the lives of kids.
This is a result of a nazi-like "zero tolerance" idiocy which is abolishing rights and liberties - and everybody - right or left - is silent.
It is not happenening in DC - it is in your neighborhood.

And it does not matter - is it an idiotic overreaction over a toy gun ( which riles up the left) or absolutely the same idiocy over "sex crime" which has nothing to do with sex whatsoever - now the right is all up in arms.
When both the right and the left should unite to make that atrocity of "zero tolerance" thrown out from the schools and other regions - this gestapo-like policies ARE ruining the lives of OUR kids.
It does not matter what they did - if there was no harm and no malicious intent - it should be treated with common sense not like a terrorist attack.
There's more to the story, agree. I think it is that this was a troubled kid before this event took place. I don't think streaking indicates being troubled, but, rather, looking for attention. But his response to the incident indicates he was deeply troubled. Being expelled, if it was a school event he streaked, doesn't seem out of order. Telling him he's going to be on a sexual deviant list the rest of his life is way out of order. I wonder who told him that? Maybe someone, like a parent, tried to scare him by telling him that would happen. Very poor parenting, which might explain why the kid was troubled, who knows? A sad story. The kid was definitely not a deviant or a sex offender and probably not a bad kid in any real way at all.

I disagree that he was 'deeply troubled'.

Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service | al.com

<Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service>

<Adamek's Boy Scout Troop master, David Silvernail said he will never forget the fun-loving leader who always had a smile on his face, the jokester who always had a joke to tell and the young man who had no trouble making friends.

Christian Adamek obit picture croppedChristian Adamek (Photo from Hughart and Beard Funeral Home's website)

"There are two kinds of people in the world; ones that brighten the room when they walk in and those that don't. He was one that brightened the room when he walked in. That's what I'll always remember about Christian," Silvernail said.>

For lack of a better theory--maybe he had gender identification issues? Some sort of self-esteem issues. His family chooses to remember him as someone who cared about others, etc. I think 'quirky' was a descriptor that was used.

If it was something like that--'we'/the public don't need to be provided more details. jmo.

why keep inventing complicated theories, when the kid was, most probably, drunk or high on pot and being a playful spirit and still very young to quickly make prospective evaluation of his choices( 15 is very young) might have had a stupid bet or something of the kind - teenagers do stupid things.to arrest him and threaten the life of a 15 yo with a sex offender registry for life - is incredibly cruel and very short-sighted.
Society which is on one side sexualized beyond any reasonable boundaries and on the other - so idiotically medieval ( though medieval weren't very strict times, btw) does not have a healthy future for its youth.

Those kids get extremely contradictory messages from the society and this is one of the results.

whatever--I read the article, looked at the pictures, googled other articles and find nothing to support 'drunk or high on pot'. Nor do I think he was 'deeply troubled' and so on.

I don't know much about Huntsville--assume that there are a number of well-educated people living somewhere in the area because of the research center and it is conservative, Christian. I live in Ga and know that much.

No more to say.

How the laws relevant to these offenses are worded might be worth discussion. I assume the potential for being a registered sex offender would be charged because he 'exposed' himself. Who knows but I would think a competent attorney could have defended that.
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Slow drivers save lives while speeders and drunk drivers and red light runners and texting drivers like you murder 100 americans every day. Get help, whackdoodle psychopath.

Slow drivers hold up traffic and are a main cause of road rage.

No, ranting lunatic criminals are the cause of road rage.
Criminals are the cause of all crime.
Criminals prefer unarmed victims.

Look at how violent road rage is in shithole Australia.
A criminal and corrupt nation.

Um, yeah. About that.

Murders in Australia in 2012- 188, 25 with guns.

Murders in the USA in 2012 - 15953, 11,101 with guns.

Guns in the United States: Firearms, armed violence and gun law
I disagree that he was 'deeply troubled'.

Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service | al.com

<Christian Adamek remembered as inquisitive, playful spirit during memorial service>

<Adamek's Boy Scout Troop master, David Silvernail said he will never forget the fun-loving leader who always had a smile on his face, the jokester who always had a joke to tell and the young man who had no trouble making friends.

Christian Adamek obit picture croppedChristian Adamek (Photo from Hughart and Beard Funeral Home's website)

"There are two kinds of people in the world; ones that brighten the room when they walk in and those that don't. He was one that brightened the room when he walked in. That's what I'll always remember about Christian," Silvernail said.>

For lack of a better theory--maybe he had gender identification issues? Some sort of self-esteem issues. His family chooses to remember him as someone who cared about others, etc. I think 'quirky' was a descriptor that was used.

If it was something like that--'we'/the public don't need to be provided more details. jmo.

why keep inventing complicated theories, when the kid was, most probably, drunk or high on pot and being a playful spirit and still very young to quickly make prospective evaluation of his choices( 15 is very young) might have had a stupid bet or something of the kind - teenagers do stupid things.to arrest him and threaten the life of a 15 yo with a sex offender registry for life - is incredibly cruel and very short-sighted.
Society which is on one side sexualized beyond any reasonable boundaries and on the other - so idiotically medieval ( though medieval weren't very strict times, btw) does not have a healthy future for its youth.

Those kids get extremely contradictory messages from the society and this is one of the results.

whatever--I read the article, looked at the pictures, googled other articles and find nothing to support 'drunk or high on pot'. Nor do I think he was 'deeply troubled' and so on.

I don't know much about Huntsville--assume that there are a number of well-educated people living somewhere in the area because of the research center and it is conservative, Christian. I live in Ga and know that much.

No more to say.

How the laws relevant to these offenses are worded might be worth discussion. I assume the potential for being a registered sex offender would be charged because he 'exposed' himself. Who knows but I would think a competent attorney could have defended that.

it is not the laws, it is the idiotic policies in the school systems of "zero tolerance" - which means everybody is hammered no matter what is the offense - to make the life of school administrations easier.
To threaten a life label on a minor for a misdemeanor, at most, becasue somebody got "offended" - is an atrocity.The administration of the school and those parents, who got "offende" should be labeled as murderers in this case - because there is no excuse for their cruelty and criminal behavior. Yes, demanding somebody's life ruinee because you got "offended" - is criminal.
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