15 y.o. kills himself - faced sex offender registry for streaking at football game

To hell with slow drivers who disrupt the flow of traffic, too. I hope you plan on handing in your license?

Slow drivers save lives while speeders and drunk drivers and red light runners and texting drivers like you murder 100 americans every day. Get help, whackdoodle psychopath.
Society has cracked down on streaking of late. Decades ago it was just "boys will be boys". No more and i agree with today's attitude. Streaking is stupid and hell with people who do stupid things.

So..how many stupid things did you do when you were younger?

Probably none, he sounds like he was a loner.

Did you even read the article? It is beyond me to understand how you came to this conclusion.

I have tried to grasp your POV--time after time and rarely can understand how you derive your opinions.

Family and friends think of him as an individual who cared about others and tried to find some joy in life.

Unlike some of the resident experts--I am not going to pretend I have the answers to why he did what he did. It sounds like he didn't think beyond 'this will be funny' --and then was afraid and ashamed. Many people are grieving.

and the remarks that have been made sicken me. Some indication of where the focus is for many.
I guess I grew up when streaking was a fad? We had streakers all over the place when I grew up....witnessed 5 episodes myself when I was in high school and these guys 30 years later are parents and grandparents, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs....ala mayors and Fire chiefs....

What an EXTREME over reaction.....he would not have just 'streaked'' if he were demented or a pedophile at 15....streakers don't really want to be seen naked, it's why the RUN like the dickens....

The labeling of ''sex offender'' is mind boggling and unjust....to the enth degree.
I guess I grew up when streaking was a fad? We had streakers all over the place when I grew up....witnessed 5 episodes myself when I was in high school and these guys 30 years later are parents and grandparents, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs....ala mayors and Fire chiefs....

What an EXTREME over reaction.....he would not have just 'streaked'' if he were demented or a pedophile at 15....streakers don't really want to be seen naked, it's why the RUN like the dickens....

The labeling of ''sex offender'' is mind boggling and unjust....to the enth degree.

Today's streaker is tomorrow's child rapist.
It's called progression.
Streaking is a gateway crime.

Progressives feel child rape is a good thing!
I guess I grew up when streaking was a fad? We had streakers all over the place when I grew up....witnessed 5 episodes myself when I was in high school and these guys 30 years later are parents and grandparents, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs....ala mayors and Fire chiefs....

What an EXTREME over reaction.....he would not have just 'streaked'' if he were demented or a pedophile at 15....streakers don't really want to be seen naked, it's why the RUN like the dickens....

The labeling of ''sex offender'' is mind boggling and unjust....to the enth degree.

Today's streaker is tomorrow's child rapist.
It's called progression.
Streaking is a gateway crime.

Progressives feel child rape is a good thing!
that's just bull crap if there ever was any....and if it were even close to being true you could back it up with REAL STATISTICS....and IF those real statistics and facts were supporting your ignorant position, I would 'cave' and side with you........but they DON'T.
These poor little kids....
The Democrat party is all for 11 year old girls having access to morning after birth control pills because they are sexually active....

Freshman girls in HS have been known to participate in blow job parties where the winner is the girl who gave the most blow jobs that night....

That's cool with Libs.

Now a guy kills himself over a stupid act and there is cause for celebration because some kids may have seen a bit too much...

Who and what do you think is promoting that stuff?
I guess I grew up when streaking was a fad? We had streakers all over the place when I grew up....witnessed 5 episodes myself when I was in high school and these guys 30 years later are parents and grandparents, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs....ala mayors and Fire chiefs....

What an EXTREME over reaction.....he would not have just 'streaked'' if he were demented or a pedophile at 15....streakers don't really want to be seen naked, it's why the RUN like the dickens....

The labeling of ''sex offender'' is mind boggling and unjust....to the enth degree.

Today's streaker is tomorrow's child rapist.
It's called progression.
Streaking is a gateway crime.

Progressives feel child rape is a good thing!

sad to know that anyone has such a narrow and limited attitude.
I assume that few IRL pay any attention to your opinions --and your only option is pollute a message board with them.
I guess I grew up when streaking was a fad? We had streakers all over the place when I grew up....witnessed 5 episodes myself when I was in high school and these guys 30 years later are parents and grandparents, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs....ala mayors and Fire chiefs....

And they're also child molesters and perverts.. Most perverts lead what appears to be a normal life. THINK

sad to know that anyone has such a narrow and limited attitude.
I assume that few IRL pay any attention to your opinions --and your only option is pollute a message board with them.

Again we see liberals making personal attacks on other posters. Why can't you see that that simply tells other posters that even you know you are in the wrong.
You are assuming this kid would.

I'm assuming he won't now!!

Because you conservatives were so outraged you wanted this kid hung, drawn and quartered.

stopping for a moment to try and think--

why do we now have such stringent laws and school policies relating to 'sexual offenses'

I know Nancy Grace et al--hardly conservatives keep hammering away at this issue.

This time the incident occurred in AL/red state and I posted a link about an incident that occurred in the NE/blue state, I assume. The laws are similar.

whatever--I don't know what 'others' are doing --but I live among people that make decisions about morality for themselves and apparently this is working for the majority.

Many have religious beliefs, fwiw.
I posted a link referencing an incident from 2012--different state but the legal consequences were similar.

Society has cracked down on streaking of late. Decades ago it was just "boys will be boys". No more and i agree with today's attitude. Streaking is stupid and hell with people who do stupid things.

So..how many stupid things did you do when you were younger?

Why do you assume he STOPPED doing stupid things? :confused:
Teens idenified as "troubled" should be dropped off at deserted Islands in the ocean and given survival books. There should be just enough stuff on the Island to survive. Leave em there for a year or more and check up on em to see if thier problems are resolved. If not leave em there longer until they have "matured" and figured it out...or not. If they decide to kill themselves on the Island I'll defer to Clint Eastwood in "Josie Wales"

Buzzards gotta eat same as worms.

Seek professional psychiatric help. Unless you are joking (and if so, your sense of humor is truly sick), you should probably be locked up.
I guess I grew up when streaking was a fad? We had streakers all over the place when I grew up....witnessed 5 episodes myself when I was in high school and these guys 30 years later are parents and grandparents, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs....ala mayors and Fire chiefs....

What an EXTREME over reaction.....he would not have just 'streaked'' if he were demented or a pedophile at 15....streakers don't really want to be seen naked, it's why the RUN like the dickens....

The labeling of ''sex offender'' is mind boggling and unjust....to the enth degree.

Today's streaker is tomorrow's child rapist.
It's called progression.
Streaking is a gateway crime.

Progressives feel child rape is a good thing!


sad to know that anyone has such a narrow and limited attitude.
I assume that few IRL pay any attention to your opinions --and your only option is pollute a message board with them.

Again we see liberals making personal attacks on other posters. Why can't you see that that simply tells other posters that even you know you are in the wrong.

there is no possible way that you can infer my political beliefs from this post. Even if you read every post I have made --I doubt that you could draw any conclusions.

The conclusion that should be drawn is that I am disgusted with both sides, frt.

And I am generally 'moderate'--whatever I may believe. Extreme ideology on either side seems to be getting the US nowhere.

The remark to which I was responded was extreme--I am certain of that--and probably 'insane'--most comments these days would fall into that category.

I found another link that states the student had a fight with father after meeting with school officials about the streaking incident. There is no discussion of that --only 'the little pervert' and 'anyone who does something stupid should die'. I guess that is all the rational thought that some can generate. worthless drivel.

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