15 year old student sucker punches teacher, Lamar HS Texas

.... If schools instead would simply ENFORCE DISCIPLINE none of this would be necessary.
Yes, but that is exactly the problem isn't it?

E.g. in Germany neither parents nor teachers are allowed to get physical towards kids or teens - those parents that do, are then crucified by libs/grees as being "inadequate", asocial parents.
It is IMO simply traceable back into the 70's - when libs/greens came up with this anti-authoritarian upbringing - and thus creating a generation that takes disrespect towards authority, and self-centered interest as being the social norm. In the meantime this generation has come up with the present generation - and they take the throwing of stones, disrespecting/ignoring/refuting other peoples property and personal rights, as being their only obligation and reason of existence towards society.

The good news is, the present libs/green kindergarten generation III - will then most likely show an even more worse attitude and total rejection towards any political system and party, and right out brutal defiance towards their own parents and grandparents - this will then most likely, automatically eliminate the problems caused by today's existing libs/greens. But it won't happen before 2050.

As long as there are no laws in place that help to guide and advocate a normal social behavior - a normal teacher or a normal person can't really do much, aside from ensuring a different cultural and social behavior via actual education amongst his/hers own family or friends. But he/she can't really prevent the influence coming from outside, unless one might move way into the mountains and resort towards homeschooling. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to divert this topic into a political issue USA contra China - but I can see a clearer future for my daughter growing up and being raised in Malaysia and China, rather then in Germany or any other Western country.

If one isn't fortunate enough to have such a choice or simply doesn't want to give up his own country - well according to Newtons law of motion
- a society will not change its motion unless a force acts on it - which is what libs/greens had recognized already in the 70's
Wow, Obama did that? I thought it was all these cops shooting unarmed black people and getting no punishment for it.

Incidentally, I lived in a darker neighborhood for years... so you really don't know what you are talking about.

He provided a video with no context.

And no context... that's the point.

Hey, man, I live off my phone, so, yeah, I'd probably kick someone's ass if they took it from me.

Then you would face civil and criminal charges and possibly prison time....just because you couldn't control yourself. Sad
Um, weren't you the one whining about the lack of civility a couple weeks ago.

Here's the thing. All we have is 12 seconds of video without any context, from a guy like Andy Ngo, who I wouldn't trust if he told me the sky was blue.

Now, it might well be that the teacher was completely in the right and the kid was completely in the wrong. Or it might be that he completely escalated a petty issue with an emotionally disturbed child.
Does it really matter why the phone was taken away. I'm sure the teacher has a reasonable "why". He's a teacher, a person in authority. Most schools set standards and rules around the use of phones, and can confiscate them. And even if the teacher may have over stepped his bounds, sucker punching another person, that is obviously older, and in authority over the student, is low class debased ghetto thuggery. You know it. I'm sure Joe you would have never done anything like that to anyone when you went to school. My guess is your parents raised you correctly and you respected those in position and the elderly.

What we have today is a low class of humans, who aren't held accountable for their actions. The sheriff in the below video says exactly what needs to be said, but is ignored by so many because we can't hold young people, and blacks accountable for their choices.

Do yYou ever wonder why so many high school grads have a hard time reading or doing math.

The schools today lack discipline.

Very possibly. Nothing irritates me more than a clerk who can't operate a cash register.

It might also be that a lot of people don't need to do math. Not everyone likes math. I love math, but it's not everyone's thing.

The real problem is, in past generations, you could still find plenty of manual labor jobs for the kids who sucked at reading and math. Today, most of those jobs have been replaced by automation, and the ones that do still exist don't pay shit because we got rid of unions. .

At one time I was an Air Force instructor in electronics. We had discipline. If a student acted up he would likely end up peeling potatoes with a kitchen knife. I am not exactly sure what would happen to the student as I can’t remember one student we had any reason to punish for being undisciplined in class.
My military experience was the guys who enjoyed being drill instructors usually were sadists.

A school isn't the military.
Does it really matter why the phone was taken away. I'm sure the teacher has a reasonable "why". He's a teacher, a person in authority. Most schools set standards and rules around the use of phones, and can confiscate them. And even if the teacher may have over stepped his bounds, sucker punching another person, that is obviously older, and in authority over the student, is low class debased ghetto thuggery. You know it. I'm sure Joe you would have never done anything like that to anyone when you went to school. My guess is your parents raised you correctly and you respected those in position and the elderly.

Um, yeah, my parents did all that, and I STILL got into fights, still did awful things to kids I didn't like, etc.

And I turned out kind of okay. Thanks to White Privilege.

Again, we don't know the context of this interaction. Was there a long standing animosity between this kid and this teacher?

What we have today is a low class of humans, who aren't held accountable for their actions. The sheriff in the below video says exactly what needs to be said, but is ignored by so many because we can't hold young people, and blacks accountable for their choices.

I am sure that there are some awful people out there.
And there are just as many otherwise okay people who just had a bad day. Like that idiot in KY Yesterday, who despite being white and privileged and having a master's degree, still lost his shit and killed five of his coworkers.

The problem with kids is that they lack maturity and empathy. I'm sure in 10 years this kid is going to really regret this.
Then you would face civil and criminal charges and possibly prison time....just because you couldn't control yourself. Sad
Actually, I would be defending my property, and would be well within my rights to use violence to protect it.

Isn't that what you nutters keep claiming every time a second amendment enthusiast shoots a black kid?
Very possibly. Nothing irritates me more than a clerk who can't operate a cash register.

It might also be that a lot of people don't need to do math. Not everyone likes math. I love math, but it's not everyone's thing.

The real problem is, in past generations, you could still find plenty of manual labor jobs for the kids who sucked at reading and math. Today, most of those jobs have been replaced by automation, and the ones that do still exist don't pay shit because we got rid of unions. .

My military experience was the guys who enjoyed being drill instructors usually were sadists.

A school isn't the military.
I was not a drill instructor. I was a technical instructor who taught how to maintain and repair airborne radio systems to members of the Air Force. We didn’t act like drill sergeants. I can’t remember ever raising my voice to a student.


The Air Force (at least when I was in it during the Vietnam Era)
was a lot like a civilian job when you were stateside and the schools were like trade schools in civilian life.

However learning electronics can be boring. Our biggest problem was keeping the students awake on a Monday, especially after a weekend off spent partying In Biloxi Mississippi or New Orleans.
The Air Force (at least when I was in it during the Vietnam Era)
was a lot like a civilian job when you were stateside and the schools were like trade schools in civilian life.

I was going to make a crack about the Air Force here, but I respect anyone who served.
Do yYou ever wonder why so many high school grads have a hard time reading or doing math.

The schools today lack discipline.

At one time I was an Air Force instructor in electronics. We had discipline. If a student acted up he would likely end up peeling potatoes with a kitchen knife. I am not exactly sure what would happen to the student as I can’t remember one student we had any reason to punish for being undisciplined in class.
In those days, just the thought of what the punishment could be was enough of a deterrent. That and the fact that if your parents found out you were misbehaving in school, you were likely to get more punishment (physical or otherwise) when you got home.
In those days, just the thought of what the punishment could be was enough of a deterrent. That and the fact that if your parents found out you were misbehaving in school, you were likely to get more punishment (physical or otherwise) when you got home.
I grew up in those days and you described things accurately.
Very possibly. Nothing irritates me more than a clerk who can't operate a cash register.

It might also be that a lot of people don't need to do math. Not everyone likes math. I love math, but it's not everyone's thing.

The real problem is, in past generations, you could still find plenty of manual labor jobs for the kids who sucked at reading and math. Today, most of those jobs have been replaced by automation, and the ones that do still exist don't pay shit because we got rid of unions. .

My military experience was the guys who enjoyed being drill instructors usually were sadists.

A school isn't the military.
You obviously had no contact with ex-DIs. I could have sworn my DI was a soulless sadist. I spent a month in my basic unit recovering from an injury after graduation and found him to be a great guy with a good sense of humor. DIs operate the way they do because they have to destroy the civilian identity of the trainees so they can be built back up with a military mindset. It’s a hard miserable job and a sadist couldn’t be consistent enough to perform it.
You obviously had no contact with ex-DIs. I could have sworn my DI was a soulless sadist. I spent a month in my basic unit recovering from an injury after graduation and found him to be a great guy with a good sense of humor. DIs operate the way they do because they have to destroy the civilian identity of the trainees so they can be built back up with a military mindset. It’s a hard miserable job and a sadist couldn’t be consistent enough to perform it.

Actually, my boss at a job two jobs back was an ex-DI. Should have been a big old warning flag during the interview process. The guy was not only a sadist but a complete snake in the grass.

I should point out my comment wasn't about all NCO's who served as Drill Instructors, just the ones who enjoyed it.

The highlight of my career was being a supply NCO for an infantry HHC. I enjoyed it because I liked the challenge of problem solving and taking care of the troops in my unit.
Where's the outrage from BLM ?

They ain't saying shit, which speaks volumes .

Why should they?

The problem BLM had wasn't "violence happens".
The problem BLM had was that police officers were using unjustified violence against black people and not being held to account.

This kid will probably be held do account. He'll be sent to Juvy and his first trip on the "School to Prison" pipeline too many young black men end up on.

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