15 year old student sucker punches teacher, Lamar HS Texas

Before Obama ... I didn't take issue with the black community. I mean ... I knew that they didn't like the color of my skin, but racial tensions seemed to be at a fairly low level. Then Obama and his husband Mike came along and started fanning the flames of racial hatred. They whipped the black community into a frenzy, and now we're seeing an exponential level of black on white crime across the nation. Would I step foot in a black neighborhood at night? Not if I value my life. But I bet you wouldn't either. I bet you're safe in a "lighter" neighborhood and feel perfectly comfortable virtue signalling from a safe distance.

Wow, Obama did that? I thought it was all these cops shooting unarmed black people and getting no punishment for it.

Incidentally, I lived in a darker neighborhood for years... so you really don't know what you are talking about.

Andy Ngo presented a clear video. Is the video "lying?"
He provided a video with no context.

Your knee jerked

Ngo posted the entire video

And no context... that's the point.

You would physically assault a teacher over something this petty? Wow.

Hey, man, I live off my phone, so, yeah, I'd probably kick someone's ass if they took it from me.
Might not be a bad idea, actually, at least dealing with teenagers.
I always thought that a teachers qualification is measured upon his pedagogic ability and subject knowledge - and not his physical and martial arts skills.
Or they could try something like "Not taking a kid's personal property"
I only respond in regards to the headline - and if e.g. a school does not permit Mobil Phones in class - then it has to be surrendered to a teacher requesting it
Actually, 50% of new teachers quit in five years... not everyone is cut out for it.
In my days it was somewhere near 0%
They actually think kids WANT to be locked in a building for six hours a day
So open-air schools and students relaxing in hammocks would be your solution?
listening to boring lessons about things they don't care about.
That is not really a teachers responsibility - but for those setting the curriculum's and education standards.
I'm glad you live there.
My family and me too.
I'm glad I live in a country with civil and human rights.
My family and me too. especially due to living in countries like Malaysia/China, where the rights and human rights of students and teachers are protected and assured via laws.
Well, no, we don't have enough mental health services in this country as it is. That's another topic.
No need, a slap in time is worth far more, then three pharmaceutical tablets a day and being subjected to psychologists who themselves in majority are deranged persons.
Again, since we have no context about this confrontation, we don't know what caused it, other than the teacher took his phone and wouldn't give it back.
Doesn't change the fact - that a teenage punk assaulted an adult.

Since you are always so concerned about human/personal rights - if I take away your baseball cap from your head, or scratch your car all the way from back to front, do you have a legal right to punch me? Imagine you might break my nose or my doctor will certify that I lately suffer from headaches and disorientation.
I might just be a pitiable person with a bad childhood and thus reoccurring mental lapses (you know, it's all my parents and society's fault) - I belief that according to law - you can only try to hold me and yell for help or the police. If you hit me my lawyer will sue your ass - especially in the USA. And every deplorable punk kid living in a Western society knows that.
I know there were a few teachers in my Catholic High School I would have loved to knock the fuck out.
Mate, I went to a Catholic Irish Brotherhood School in Singapore for 10 years - and that school had some real bad student buggers (including myself) If we hit a teacher (actually happened once or twice in those 10 years) - our Headmaster Brother McNelly would have given you a public caning in front of the entire school being assembled. And he would not have expelled you, but made sure that you would be parading your sore ass around - and become a laughing stock for the next couple of weeks. Public caning happened around once a month due to certain offenses, and even the toughest buggers went crying. Therefore WE all knew as to where the limits towards tolerance where set.

Our school had around 1400 students - of which approximately 35 were Europeans/Westerners - mostly Brits and Aussies - I German (me) and 1 American. (good friend of mine)
Now guess, who was the only Westerner that got a public caning? right you are, the American - kind off telling isn't it?

And yes we played a lot of pranks towards certain teachers. - but punching a teacher? only some lowly asocial piece of shit would have done that. One off those I remember, didn't know who his father was, and mum was a drunkard and junky entertain lots of men. So according to you and other leftist/libs - society needs to adapt towards the standards of those asocial piece of shits?
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He shouldn't have taken his phone.
What is it with you people and personal accountability and discipline? This video is going to do wonders for teacher recruitment. Does that student want to to learn given his education rights? Doesn’t look like it.
I always thought that a teachers qualification is measured upon his pedagogic ability and subject knowledge - and not his physical and martial arts skills.
Actually, it's his ability to command respect from his students. This one clearly couldn't.
In my days it was somewhere near 0%
What days were those? My mother was a teacher back in the 1970's in the Catholic system, and the attrition rate was pretty high then.
Doesn't change the fact - that a teenage punk assaulted an adult.

Since you are always so concerned about human/personal rights - if I take away your baseball cap from your head, or scratch your car all the way from back to front, do you have a legal right to punch me? Imagine you might break my nose or my doctor will certify that I lately suffer from headaches and disorientation.
I might just be a pitiable person with a bad childhood and thus reoccurring mental lapses (you know, it's all my parents and society's fault) - I belief that according to law - you can only try to hold me and yell for help or the police. If you hit me my lawyer will sue your ass - especially in the USA. And every deplorable punk kid living in a Western society knows that.

Actually, in the US, we've pretty much established you can murder people for messing with your stuff.

Mate, I went to a Catholic Irish Brotherhood School in Singapore for 10 years - and that school had some real bad student buggers (including myself) If we hit a teacher (actually happened once or twice in those 10 years) - our Headmaster Brother McNelly would have given you a public caning in front of the entire school being assembled. And he would not have expelled you, but made sure that you would be parading your sore ass around - and become a laughing stock for the next couple of weeks. Public caning happened around once a month due to certain offenses, and even the toughest buggers went crying. Therefore WE all knew as to where the limits towards tolerance where set.
Yes, and judging by the nastiness of your posts, it sounds like a good way to raise a generation of sociopaths.
Have yet to hear if the "student" was arrested and charged.

Sue his parents...

Oh wait - Democrats say your kids aren't yours anymore once you enroll them in school, that once that happens the kids are theirs. So sue the Democrats / govt.
Wow, Obama did that? I thought it was all these cops shooting unarmed black people and getting no punishment for it.

Incidentally, I lived in a darker neighborhood for years... so you really don't know what you are talking about.

He provided a video with no context.

And no context... that's the point.

Hey, man, I live off my phone, so, yeah, I'd probably kick someone's ass if they took it from me.
Well ... the Lame-stream Media would have their puppets believe that cops were just randomly shooting "unarmed" and totally innocent, poor black children, but in almost every case ... the black criminals had rap sheets longer than the summer solstice.

So you've been misled by your thought masters. I know ... it came as a shock to me as well. As it turns out ... it really was Hussein and his husband who fanned the flames.
Actually, it's his ability to command respect from his students. This one clearly couldn't.
No absolutely not. Because the majority of kids and youth in today's Western world - don't even know what respect is and that it is something that needs to go both ways.
What days were those? My mother was a teacher back in the 1970's in the Catholic system, and the attrition rate was pretty high then.
60's-80's And the only ones who dropped out, were women upon marriage or getting kids - either partially or for good, it's termed family orientation. None that I know or knew of resigned due to stress or disliking the job as such.
Actually, in the US, we've pretty much established you can murder people for messing with your stuff.
Only according to your personal interpretation - not in view of existing laws.
Yes, and judging by the nastiness of your posts, it sounds like a good way to raise a generation of sociopaths.
Typical lefty/lib reaction - once they get stuck within their own arguments and have to face their endless contributions towards destroying a society - they get personal.
Well ... the Lame-stream Media would have their puppets believe that cops were just randomly shooting "unarmed" and totally innocent, poor black children, but in almost every case ... the black criminals had rap sheets longer than the summer solstice.

Really, let's review.

Tamir Rice - 12 year old kid playing with a toy in the park.
Botham Jean - Sitting at home in his house, eating ice cream, shot because a cop thought she was on the wrong floor.
Laquan McDonald - 17 year shot 16 times (10 while he was on the ground) for trying to break into a truck to keep warm.
Eric Garner - Selling single cigarettes in a park.
Walter Scott - Shot in the back for trying to avoid a child support payment
Philandro Cruz - Shot in his car while his family watched in horror.
Stephon Clark - Shot on his grandmother's porch.
Duante Wright- shot for a traffic violation.
Wow, Obama did that? I thought it was all these cops shooting unarmed black people and getting no punishment for it.

Incidentally, I lived in a darker neighborhood for years... so you really don't know what you are talking about.

He provided a video with no context.

And no context... that's the point.

Hey, man, I live off my phone, so, yeah, I'd probably kick someone's ass if they took it from me.
You couldn’t kick a toddler’s ass. Of course you side with the criminal. The people YOU call “darkies”. Follow the rules. Or suffer the consequences. You’re in school. Follow the rules. The punk is probably lucky some other classmates didn’t beat the crap out of him for that garbage.
You couldn’t kick a toddler’s ass. Of course you side with the criminal. The people YOU call “darkies”. Follow the rules. Or suffer the consequences. You’re in school. Follow the rules. The punk is probably lucky some other classmates didn’t beat the crap out of him for that garbage.

Or they didn't care, because they all thought this teacher was an asshole.
Or they didn't care, because they all thought this teacher was an asshole.
No, this punk is an asshole. Who should be getting charged and sent to general population for a bit. Bet he wouldn’t think he’s too tough when he’s in tears in seconds.
You mean teachers in the USA must fulfill the basic requirement to be above 184cm and weigh no less then 85 kg, and must have at least a green belt in martial arts?

That teenager punk has the obligation to listen to a teachers request - he can later go and complain to the headmaster if he beliefs that the teachers request was not justified.
His parents actually have the obligation to teach their punk manners in the first place.
If I would be a teacher in a western country - with all these leftist/sick regulations, I would simply give up on teaching. Just as it is happening in e.g. Germany - with teachers quitting their jobs en mass in the past few years.

And the lefty/libs are now trying to ease immigration standards - so as to fill the gap with foreign teachers from Syria, India and Africa. Western countries are absolutely sick.
Thank God I live in Malaysia and China.

Did the student have a history of emotional disturbance? Is that the teachers or schools responsibility?? or that off his parents? And if the teacher or the school is aware about the punks history of emotional disturbance - do they have the legal means to override the punks, parent punks and order him to a mental institution or daily visits to see a psychiatrist?

No off course not - his parent punks will immediately request free legal-aid and get a lefty/lib lawyer - to defend their poor punks personal and human rights.

Lefties and libs are on a daily basis, factually more destructive towards a Western society than what a dozen A-Bombs could achieve in a week.

Make no mistake--teachers are quitting here too. In the middle of the school year, and in droves.
I always thought that a teachers qualification is measured upon his pedagogic ability and subject knowledge - and not his physical and martial arts skills.

I only respond in regards to the headline - and if e.g. a school does not permit Mobil Phones in class - then it has to be surrendered to a teacher requesting it

In my days it was somewhere near 0%

So open-air schools and students relaxing in hammocks would be your solution?

That is not really a teachers responsibility - but for those setting the curriculum's and education standards.

My family and me too.

My family and me too. especially due to living in countries like Malaysia/China, where the rights and human rights of students and teachers are protected and assured via laws.

No need, a slap in time is worth far more, then three pharmaceutical tablets a day and being subjected to psychologists who themselves in majority are deranged persons.

This is the truth in bold, and yet schools think to solve our "behavior crisis" with more psychologists/social workers. Their answer--I kid you not--is to have children identify their feelings in every class. Right, "what zone are you in today?". Of course, the vast majority of children do not need this clear intrusion into their privacy and it's a waste of time. If schools instead would simply ENFORCE DISCIPLINE none of this would be necessary.
Yes, I guess that if you are going to do that, you better be able to back it up.

Or they might do an investigation, and find out, you know, facts.

Did the student have a history of emotional disturbance.
Did the teacher escalate the situation?
Do yYou ever wonder why so many high school grads have a hard time reading or doing math.

The schools today lack discipline.

At one time I was an Air Force instructor in electronics. We had discipline. If a student acted up he would likely end up peeling potatoes with a kitchen knife. I am not exactly sure what would happen to the student as I can’t remember one student we had any reason to punish for being undisciplined in class.
This is the truth in bold, and yet schools think to solve our "behavior crisis" with more psychologists/social workers. Their answer--I kid you not--is to have children identify their feelings in every class. Right, "what zone are you in today?". Of course, the vast majority of children do not need this clear intrusion into their privacy and it's a waste of time. If schools instead would simply ENFORCE DISCIPLINE none of this would be necessary.
My feelings are that today’s students as a whole lack motivation, discipline, and respect. It does not help when Educators at all levels put a premium on social engineering outcomes over Math and Writing outcomes.

Watch how this student gets “punished”. Back in the day, a student that pulled this would be faced with two choices: prison or the military.

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