15 year old student sucker punches teacher, Lamar HS Texas

No context here. First off this was not a classroom. No proof of teacher student relationship. If this person stole the phone you have a right to protect your property. Some one takes your property are you just going to let them do it? Not enough info from this video to tell who was right and who was wrong.

Ummmm, sucker punching someone is a crime.


Unless you are a democrat it seems.
There are fairly simple solutions to this kind of behavior. First, you expel the student from the school district permanently. Second, you charge him and throw him in juvie for a few months. Once this becomes the norm you'll start seeing student behavior, but school administrators and board members, etc. for some reason have no desire to do this. It really doesn't make any sense to me. Although, I never saw it used, we still had corporal punishment when I was in school in the 90s.
In your dreams or in reality?
The headmaster, teachers and parents council, not to mention if the media gets involved - who will eventually back up this teacher - towards expelling the poor "disoriented" lovely kid - with his punk parents behind him in tears?
Because the School to prison pipeline has worked out so well in this country.

Maybe the black students are more disruptive in class.
Have yet to hear if the "student" was arrested and charged.

Some peoples' chillun'. :confused:

If only the government let parents and the schools discipline their children properly. It was that way in America up until..

sometime after I was a kid it changed. Oh! It changed before my best friend had kids, but he still had a paddle with a crying face drawn on it.

He told the kids: "Go on and turn me in if you wanna, say bye-bye to everything you have here if you do."

(which was the truth)

He only had to use it a few times.

Seriously, when I was a kid, you did whatever the adult in charge at the moment said; And that changed frequently, but it definitely was a better society.

Sure, there was a white trash family down the street, the rest of us just all felt sorry for them and tried to be nice to the ones that hung around us.

They were innocent kids, but the older ones and the parents were dickheads.
We're "blessed" to have millions of these disgusting animals in our country. God help us...
This is a lack of discipline and structural upbringing that knows no color, brah.

Hoo-wee! My black friend never got caught doing much, but if he did, his mama was serious business.

At one point he couldn't come out for 2 weeks. She laid the smackdown on his ass.
Ummmm, sucker punching someone is a crime.


Unless you are a democrat it seems.
The mindless proles sure have been conditioned well, haven't they? "See black person; defend black person".

Their lives are so much easier when all they need to know is what to say rather than knowing why they say it.
Because the School to prison pipeline has worked out so well in this country.

And your point?
You mean teachers in the USA must fulfill the basic requirement to be above 184cm and weigh no less then 85 kg, and must have at least a green belt in martial arts?
Might not be a bad idea, actually, at least dealing with teenagers.

Or they could try something like "Not taking a kid's personal property"

If I would be a teacher in a western country - with all these leftist/sick regulations, I would simply give up on teaching. Just as it is happening in e.g. Germany - with teachers quitting their jobs en mass in the past few years.

Actually, 50% of new teachers quit in five years... not everyone is cut out for it. They actually think kids WANT to be locked in a building for six hours a day listening to boring lessons about things they don't care about.

Thank God I live in Malaysia and China.
I'm glad you live there. I'm glad I live in a country with civil and human rights.
Is that the teachers or schools responsibility?? or that off his parents? And if the teacher or the school is aware about the punks history of emotional disturbance - do they have the legal means to override the punks, parent punks and order him to a mental institution or daily visits to see a psychiatrist?

Well, no, we don't have enough mental health services in this country as it is. That's another topic.

Again, since we have no context about this confrontation, we don't know what caused it, other than the teacher took his phone and wouldn't give it back.

I know there were a few teachers in my Catholic High School I would have loved to knock the fuck out.
So now the requirements for being a teacher are similar to those for being a bouncer? Got it
For HS Teachers that might be a requirement.

Or teach them de-escalation skills..

Maybe the black students are more disruptive in class.
Or maybe our education system, like everything else in this country, is racist.

The student is black and he attacked a white teacher

This is another example of the hate and violence spawned by obama

Or it's a kid who didn't want his phone taken, and a teacher who escalated a situation that shouldn't have been escalated.

What I'm not hearing is WHY the teacher took this kid's personal property to start with.

And your point?
Went over your head, clearly.
Or do you think it's acceptable that black children are more likely to be punished than white kids?
Yet he was... and he thought he could intimidate a kid who was a lot bigger than he was.

Incidently, that doesn't look like a classroom, so I would like to know what circumstances the phone was taken under.
I would also like to know who the person who videotaped this was. If it was a kid, why wasn't their phone taken?
If it was an adult, why did they let the situation escalate like that.

This is the leftist mindset that has been making decisions for our schools for the past sixty years. The results are predictable. The video is just proof.
For HS Teachers that might be a requirement.

Or teach them de-escalation skills..

Or maybe our education system, like everything else in this country, is racist.

Or it's a kid who didn't want his phone taken, and a teacher who escalated a situation that shouldn't have been escalated.

What I'm not hearing is WHY the teacher took this kid's personal property to start with.

Went over your head, clearly.
Or do you think it's acceptable that black children are more likely to be punished than white kids?

Your mindset is the cause for the vast majority of the problems with our school system.
This is a lack of discipline and structural upbringing that knows no color, brah.

Hoo-wee! My black friend never got caught doing much, but if he did, his mama was serious business.

At one point he couldn't come out for 2 weeks. She laid the smackdown on his ass.
I lived for decades in an area that was 50 percent black. They caused, easily, 90 percent of the problems and commited the highest numbers of crimes.

They destroyed neighborhoods and schools. Then cried about how "badly" they were treated. There are precious few positive things I ever saw about the black community.

Total, enforced, segregation would be a blessing in this country.
Or maybe our education system, like everything else in this country, is racist.

Or it's a kid who didn't want his phone taken, and a teacher who escalated a situation that shouldn't have been escalated.

What I'm not hearing is WHY the teacher took this kid's personal property to start with.

Went over your head, clearly.
Or do you think it's acceptable that black children are more likely to be punished than white kids?
You are blaming the teacher?

Thats sick

The kid is a punk

And I bet his family is trash too
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