15 year old student sucker punches teacher, Lamar HS Texas

No context here. First off this was not a classroom. No proof of teacher student relationship. If this person stole the phone you have a right to protect your property. Some one takes your property are you just going to let them do it? Not enough info from this video to tell who was right and who was wrong.
No context here. First off this was not a classroom. No proof of teacher student relationship. If this person stole the phone you have a right to protect your property. Some one takes your property are you just going to let them do it? Not enough info from this video to tell who was right and who was wrong.
Teachers confiscate phones all the time when students use them while not allowed to. He didn't steal it. The little pussy just didn't want to follow the rules.

But at least he wasn't pussy enough to attack a female teacher and send her to a hospital.
No context here. First off this was not a classroom. No proof of teacher student relationship. If this person stole the phone you have a right to protect your property. Some one takes your property are you just going to let them do it? Not enough info from this video to tell who was right and who was wrong.

Sweet Mother Christmas! There is stupid and there is flat out insane and/or mentally challenged. 🙄
No context here. First off this was not a classroom. No proof of teacher student relationship. If this person stole the phone you have a right to protect your property. Some one takes your property are you just going to let them do it? Not enough info from this video to tell who was right and who was wrong.
It happened at Lamar High School, and those who have seen the video are upset, saying it should have never happened. Now, school administrators are responding.

The incident apparently started over a phone.
In the video, a student gets in the teacher's face, demanding to get his phone back. Seconds later, he punched the teacher in the face.
The principal at Lamar sent a note to parents.

Lamar HS student punches teacher in face​

It happened at Lamar High School, and those who have seen the video are upset, saying it should have never happened. Now, school administrators are responding.

The incident apparently started over a phone.
In the video, a student gets in the teacher's face, demanding to get his phone back. Seconds later, he punched the teacher in the face.
The principal at Lamar sent a note to parents.

Lamar HS student punches teacher in face​

Now we have enough information. Why not lead with it? The first video was not enough information to make an informed decision. I live in a stand your ground state. The first video show a possibility of theft. We don't have to put up with theft in my state.
Lol, what ever retard. Was that a classroom they were in and of so where were the desks dumb fuck? Second you think you are gunna come take my phone with no repercussions? I will tell ya one then I will shoot you in the face.
I hope you get the help you need. Looks like a music class perhaps or looks like maybe they were in an auditorium. Not that that matters it was clearly a situation where an adult was in charge of some sort of a class or situation. There is absolutely no excuse for that black kid to punch that man in the face like that.

Just as we said earlier there’s no doubt there’s going to be some far left people either brainwashed or intentionally evil and racist who will justify an innocent white person getting clocked in the head. But if it was a white kid who call a black man a ****** and punched him all of the far left people would condemn it…

As always these words are not used lightly but there’s nothing else to be said frankly.
Lol, what ever retard. Was that a classroom they were in and of so where were the desks dumb fuck? Second you think you are gunna come take my phone with no repercussions? I will tell ya one then I will shoot you in the face.

OK, my apologies. I had ASSumed you would have known the story (even somewhat) by readig the thread or perhaps the story. I think the thread title was probably a clue also.
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OK, my apologies. I had ASSumed you would have known the story (even somewhat) by readig the thread or perhaps the story. I thonk the thread title was probably a clue also.
Lol, people on here lie. I like to see some support of statements before making decisions. In my own life pick things out of context I could look like a horrible person. Get the whole story though things become a little clearer. A good percentage of America these days want to appear right instead of caring about the truth.
I hope you get the help you need. Looks like a music class perhaps or looks like maybe they were in an auditorium. Not that that matters it was clearly a situation where an adult was in charge of some sort of a class or situation. There is absolutely no excuse for that black kid to punch that man in the face like that.

Just as we said earlier there’s no doubt there’s going to be some far left people either brainwashed or intentionally evil and racist who will justify an innocent white person getting clocked in the head. But if it was a white kid who call a black man a ****** and punched him all of the far left people would condemn it…

As always these words are not used lightly but there’s nothing else to be said frankly.
That was not at all clear with a video out of context. You wanna jump to conclusions with out the full picture you go right ahead. I am not doing it. Amart provided proof. He actually read what I said which was that is not enough information to make an informed decision. He did not get smart about it. He simply provided the information necessary. Maybe take a play out of his playbook.
Assault is assault. Everyone, except you race apologists, knows this.
Meh, if this was a convivence store owner shooting a black kid over stealing a bag of chips, you'd be praising him.
This kid smacked a teacher who took his property. Since you wingnuts have already established property is more important than human life, I'm just not seeing what you are whining about here.

Does worthless poster support assault and battery simply because of skin color?
Nope. I just don't think it's a national crisis.

And we all know if that was a white student hitting a black teacher it will be front story on CNN.

Why are far left US message board posters willingly brainwashed? why can’t they change their ways and accept that this country is not systematically racist but in fact Black Lives Matter and similar organizations are race baiter’s and are leading young black men and women astray

Yeah, because black people would be happy eating their watermelon if these uppity outside agitators weren't getting them upset.
Maybe you are from a time warp in the 1940's...

I can imagine that the left-wing US message board posters a number of whom I have on ignore because of their barbaric behavior …..are actually justifying this assault on the teacher that’s how brainwashed or intentionally Evil these people are. These words again as always are not used lightly ….I’m not here to hurt peoples feelings we all have a duty as responsible Americans to call out injustice.

Yeah, getting punched because you took someone's property isn't exactly an injustice.

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